* * *
* * *
* * *
America - The Fascist State

9-11 Investigative Journalist
Harassed And Beaten By Undercover Cops
- As I rode my bike to the store, I became
increasingly troubled about the dark car with armed
agents I had seen passing in front of my house.
Because my neighborhood does not have any crime or
gang problems, I found it very odd that the
undercover quasi-military squad should be patrolling
around my house day after day. -
- by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, Aug
19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 31, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
War on

Behind the Plan to Bomb Iran
- There is strong evidence that the US
administration's recent public statements that it is
now willing to negotiate with Iran are highly
disingenuous: they are designed not to reach a
diplomatic solution to the so-called "Iran crisis",
but to remove diplomatic hurdles toward a military
"solution". -
- by Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, Asian Times, Aug 31,
2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 31, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
War on Iran]
Multimedia: Mind Control

Mind Control : America's
Secret War
[Video, 50 min]
- U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on
top-secret mind control projects with a goal of
creating totally dependable, programmable human
The projects involved brutal, often terminal
experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in
direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the
most basic human rights. We talk to author John
Marks, who broke the story of the CIA's experiments
known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased
by a brainwashing experiment. -
- The History Channel -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Different Mind Control Programs
| Multimedia: Mind Control]
New World Order

The One World Order: Weapons
OF Mass Inhumanity
[Part 8]
- David Rockefeller said: “We are on the verge of a
global transformation. All we need is the right
major crisis and the nations will accept the New
World Order.” So David was 9-11 the “right” major
crisis or are there others planned that might be
more right? Should we avoid tall outdated,
well-insured buildings? -
- by Deanna Spingola, NewsWithViews, Aug 27, 2006
- The History Channel -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union

Toward a North American Union
- The global elite, through the direct operations of
President George Bush and his Administration, are
creating a North American Union that will combine
Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a superstate called
the North American Union (NAU). The NAU is roughly
patterned after the European Union (EU). There is no
political or economic mandate for creating the NAU,
and unofficial polls of a cross-section of Americans
indicate that they are overwhelmingly against this
end-run around national sovereignty. -
- by Patrick M. Wood, NewsWithViews, Aug 27, 2006
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
NAFTA Superhighway

The NAFTA Super Highway
- The beneficiaries of this NAFTA Super Highway
project would be the contractors who build it and
the importers and outlet stores for the
Chinese-manufactured goods that would come flooding
in. The losers would be U.S. longshoremen, truckers,
manufacturers and taxpayers.
The latter would pay the cost of building the
highway in Mexico and the United States, both in
dollars and in the lost sovereignty of our
once-independent American republic. -
- by Patrick J. Buchanan, Aug 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
Hurricane Katrina and a Criminal Government

Hurricane Expert Threatened
For Pre-Katrina Warnings
- Back at LSU, van Heerden astonished me with the
most serious charge of all. While showing me huge
maps of the flooding, he told me the White House had
withheld the information that, in fact, the levees
were about to burst and by Tuesday at dawn the city,
and more than a thousand people, would drown. -
- by Greg Palast, Aug 28, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Aug 28, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Hurricane Katrina]

Online Book: The Controversy
of Zion
- In Europe during the years immediately before and
after World War II, the name of Douglas Reed was on
everyone's lips. His books were being sold by the
tens of thousands. He was known with intimate
familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by
a vast army of fans. And then he was banished. Was
it this book? Take a look at these chapters and
judge for yourself... -
- by Douglas Reed -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 27, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Zionism (The core of the Illuminati)]
Banking Fraud

The Banks Lend 70 Times Their
- The goldsmith soon realized that he could thus
issue, without risk, ten times more receipts than he
had actual gold in his vault. As long as the same
ratio of people did not show up at his place and ask
for their gold, the goldsmith could go on with his
confidence trick, but if all of his customers show
up and want their gold back, the whole system
collapses, and the fraud is unveiled: the goldsmith
cannot repay them all, since there is ten times less
gold than he pretended to have in his vault! -
- by Alain Pilote -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 27, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Introduction To Banking and Paper Money]

Bush and Saddam Should Both
Stand Trial, Says Nuremberg Prosecutor
- A chief prosecutor of Nazi war crimes at Nuremberg
has said George W. Bush should be tried for war
crimes along with Saddam Hussein. Benjamin Ferencz,
who secured convictions for 22 Nazi officers for
their work in orchestrating the death squads that
killed more than 1 million people, told OneWorld
both Bush and Saddam should be tried for starting
"aggressive" wars--Saddam for his 1990 attack on
Kuwait and Bush for his 2003 invasion of Iraq. -
- by Aaron Glantz, OneWorldUS, Aug 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 26, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

Just What Is So Christian
About Bush?
- It is not for me to judge whether or not Bush is a
Christian. That is between him and his Maker. It is
my duty, however, to evaluate the fruit on his tree
against the yardstick of Scripture. -
- by Doug Newman, Aug 22, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 26, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]
Lies, Lies .......... TRUTH!?

Bush Finally Admits Saddam Had
Nothing To To With 9/11
- But Bush also admitted, for the first time, that
Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the terrorist
attacks on September 11, 2001, reversing claims made
previously by himself and Vice President Dick
Cheney. -
- Associated Press & Capitol Hill Blue, Aug 21,
2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

Aztecs Butchered, Ate Spanish
- Skulls and bones from the Tecuaque archeological
site near Mexico City show about 550 victims had
their hearts ripped out by Aztec priests in ritual
offerings, and were dismembered or had their bones
boiled or scraped clean, experts say. -
- CNN, Aug 23, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Human Sacrifice & Children Sacrificed
to Satan]

The Horrible Truth About
- Religion is designed to focus the people's
attention and energy on a single, unchanging,
uncompromising and invisible supreme being who
allegedly created an inferior human race just for
some extra companionship and love for himself and
then supposedly foisted a set of oppressive and in
some cases arbitrary rules on them, which if broken
would be met with unimaginable punishment. -
- by Andrew Werner -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Introduction to Religion and Religious

Pornography - A Deadly Poison
- Is pornography a problem? According to Family Safe
Media the size of the Industry could be as high as
$12.0 billion US and it is growing bigger everyday.
The evil elite has allowed us access to the internet
so it can corrupt our society within. Sure, because
of the internet we know more about conspiracies of
the world, but at what cost! -
- by Richard Vizzutti, July 8, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Science - The Illuminati Religion

Computer Addiction and the
- We take these computers for granted, but do you
know their history? -
- by T. Stokes, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: T. Stokes
| Science - The Illuminati Religion]
Occult Rock Music Industry

Who Wrote the Songs
That Make the Whole World Sing?
- I am going to suggest that the creation of certain
music lyrics can also be created through a spiritual
'possession' of the body and mind of an individual
music/lyric writer by other dimensional entities. -
- by Matthew Delooze -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 22, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Art and Mind Control]

Mind Control
in the Field of Art
- "Since the launching of the Beatles as an
international project via TV in 1963, "rock" has
been the most influential recruiter to Satanism.
Rock was created, and is still coordinated by
Crowley’s followers and by the OTO network, in
cooperation with WICCA. It is, not so incidentally,
also the Satanist’s biggest money-maker, and
believed to provide the chief logistical support for
deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA
efforts world-wide. -
- by Wes Penre, June 15, 2000 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 22, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Art and Mind Control]
Staged War on Terror

The Orwellian Nightmare
- It is against the edicts of Islam, which means
peace, to murder innocents, but Home Secretary John
Reid, hoping for promotion, told EU officials that
this religion is subverted and faces the world with
“a form of intolerant and violent totalitarianism.”
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Aug 17, 2006 -
(Updated: Tuesday, Aug 22, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
American Politics
Head Of AIPAC Boasted About
His Control Of Politicians In 1992
- The following is a transcript of the Oct. 22, 1992
conversation with President David Steiner of the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
recorded without his knowledge by New York
businessman Haim (Harry) Katz. Its existence was
first revealed to the Washington Times and its
release triggered Steiner's resignation. -
- WhatReallyHappened.com -
(Posted here: Monday, Aug 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Politics: Miscellaneous]
Lies, Lies

The Latest Neocon Frame
- The only problem with the Sunday Times story is
that the Shinkolobwe mine is no longer in operation.
"The Congo mine has been closed for decades,"
according to a very knowledgeable U.S. government
who has dealt extensively with African uranium
production. Congo's government claims the ore
concentrator for Shinkolobwe has been shut down
since 1961 and, therefore, cannot be concentrated
into refined yellowcake uranium. -
- by Wayne Madsen, Aug 18, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Aug 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

Akhenaton, The Cult of Aton &
The Dark Side of the Sun
- Few people are aware of the lack of success
enjoyed by historians and scholars when it comes to
historically placing the significant places, events
and characters mentioned throughout the Old and New
Testaments. Indeed, it is not in the interests of
Jewish or Christian propagandists to let it be
commonly known how few and far between are the
historical proofs concerning the physical existence
of the dramatis personae of the Bible. The dearth of
evidence has not, and does not, prevent people from
believing that the characters moved abroad in the
world, or from believing that the events portrayed
took place. Mulling over the problem of
corroboration, the Jewish historian, Joseph Meleze
Jewski, summarized the dilemma thusly:... -
- by Michael Tsarion -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Cult of Aton]

Daily Mail: Flight 93 'Was
Shot Down' Claims Book
- They found it hard to believe that an airliner up
to 155ft long, with two engines each weighing more
than six tons, could have penetrated the ground so
completely as to utterly disappear. Had it, in
reality, been blown to pieces in mid-air? -
- by Rowland Morgan, Aug 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Israel - A State Built On Lies
- Israel has a history not only of trying to cover
up its massacres of harmless civilians but of
downright lying to camouflage every one of its dark
designs. It goes back to the beginning of political
Zionism and its "spiritual father", Theodore Herzl
(1860-1904), Hungarian-born journalist, who was
fascinated by the French proverb: Qui veut la fin,
veut les moyens (he who desires the end, desires the
means). -
- by Punyapriya Dasgupta -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Israel and Palestine]
Human Mind and Consciousness

The Michael Tsarion Videos on
Human Consciousness
- These videos, presented by the excellent
researcher, Michael Tsarion, are must-sees! They are
long lectures, but there is no way to understand the
whole concept of the situation mankind is in, if we
don't listen to this guy and what he has to tell us.
He is also a pretty charismatic lecturer, which
gives you even more pleasure when watching them. -
- by Michael Tsarion -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Multimedia: Spirituality]
and the New World Order

Head of Gestapo Became Top
Truman Advisor
- Mueller, who was as guilty of war crimes as
Eichmann, was soon on a first-name basis with
President Harry S. Truman.. Wearing his Nazi medals,
Mueller entertained Truman at home, played Bach, and
gave him a case of fine whiskey. Truman may even be
his son's godfather. -
- by Dr. Henry Makow, Aug 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Nazism Today And In the Past]
Staged War on Terror

The Orwellian Nightmare
- It is against the edicts of Islam, which means
peace, to murder innocents, but Home Secretary John
Reid, hoping for promotion, told EU officials that
this religion is subverted and faces the world with
“a form of intolerant and violent totalitarianism.”
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Aug 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
War on
- There are two distinct methods used, the most
professional is to take them alive for questioning,
but if they need to be silenced because of what they
know or to send a message to others, they will be
killed in situ. -
- by T. Stokes -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
Murder of Dr. David Kelly

Is Gilligan Afraid of the
- You would think a journalist whose BBC career was
ruined by the death of Dr Kelly would be
terrier-like in his determination to get at the
truth. Not so Andrew Gilligan. Baker and the
conspiracy theories are wrong' he states in his 24
July 'Evening Standard' article ‘Those who say Kelly
was murdered are so wrong‘. But as no one has put up
any 'theories', how can they be 'wrong?' -
- by Rowena Thursby, Aug 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
- Real and Attempted]
Staged War on Terror

"Self Defense" : Are Bush,
Israel Involved in 9-11?
- If you believe Israel and the West are under
attack by Islamic extremism, you are being fooled.
There is growing evidence that Israel was involved
in the 9-11 attack and is plotting new terror scares
to keep the GOP in power. -
- by Dr. Henry Makow, Aug 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 17, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]

Scientists' Data Thrown Out
- News around the world today Aug.16 2006 is that
another 3 planets were acknowledged and added to the
current nine now known.
Astrologers have suggested this very discovery for
millinenia. -
- by T. Stokes -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 17, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Astronomy, Astrology and Quantum Physics
| Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
Murder of Dr. David Kelly

Response to Andrew Gilligan
- You would think a journalist who lost his BBC
career over the death of Dr Kelly, would be
fascinated by medical evidence suggesting the
government scientist’s death was not suicide. Not so
Andrew Gilligan. Rather than study the medical
doubts in depth, he focuses on the dismissive
comments of one forensic scientist with no
involvement in the case. (‘Evening Standard’ 24/7).
- by Rowena Thursby, Aug 14, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 17, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
- Real and Attempted]
Staged War on Terror

Former British Ambassador Says
Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
- Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig
Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb
plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush
and Blair - who yearn for a "new 9/11" to absolve
them of domestic political trouble. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, August 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous On War On Terrorism]
Fascist State

Our Presidents New Best Friend
Boils People Alive
[PLEASE BE WARNED! This article includes some
extremely disturbing pictures!]
- Now I would like to introduce you to Muzafar
Avazov, a 35-year old father of four. Mr Avazov had
a visit from our presidents friends security force (SNB),
the photographs below detail the brutality and
inhuman treatment our tax dollars subsidize, with
the full knowledge of our president [BUSH] and his
administration. -
- Information Clearinghouse, June 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Murder of Dr. David Kelly

Kelly and Dark Media Games
- Dr Kelly’s email to a journalist only hours before
his death, with its chilling warning of ‘dark actors
playing dark games’, is clearly indicative not of
suicide but of murder, and reveals that Kelly was
well aware of the danger he was in. -
- by Joseph Dormer -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Assassinations
- Real and Attempted]
Muslims Learn Fast
- Many people have asked why if the Irish terrorists
were allowed to kill and bomb and maim willy-nilly,
while the government did nothing.
Yet on the basis of an Alistair Campbell’s cooked up
“dodgy dossier”, we went into needless war on Iraq.
- by T Stokes, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
and Spirituality

Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice
- Readers should be aware that Anna Hayes mentions
in her books that taking mono atomic gold is
ultimately harmful. She claims that the initial
growth of psychic awareness is not permanent, but
rather levels off and later declines. Further, she
says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an
Illuminati deception. -
- by Ken Adachi, EducateYourself.org, Aug 15,
2005 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:

Stop Belittling the Theories
About September 11
[A Senior official of the CIA speaks out]
- Why is it important that we not let the so-called
conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 be drowned out?
After spending the better part of the last five
years treating these theories with utmost
skepticism, I have devoted serious time to actually
studying them in recent months, and have also
carefully watched several videos that are available
on the subject. I have come to believe that
significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and
that therefore significant parts of the “official
story” put out by the U.S. government and the 9/11
Commission are false. -
- by Bill Christison, Aug 14, 2006 - -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Government and Politics

The Nature of Government
- I've often asked, "If freedom is so good, and so
many great minds have praised and promoted it, then
why is freedom in danger of being wiped out?" One of
my answers to this question is that "government" is
the main enemy of freedom, but nobody I know of has
come even close to accurately describing
"government" and communicating such an accurate
description widely. -
- by Frederick Mann, Version #2, Oct 1988 -
(Posted here: Monday, Aug 14, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
to Politics]
War on Terror

A Terrible Thought Occurs To
Me - That There Will Be Another 9/11
- Indeed, as the Lebanon war continues to destroy
innocent lives - most of them Lebanese - the
conflict seems to be increasingly aimless. The
Israeli air force has succeeded in killing perhaps
50 Hizbollah members and 600 civilians and has
destroyed bridges, milk factories, gas stations,
fuel storage depots, airport runways and thousands
of homes. But to what purpose? -
- by Robert Fisk, The Independent, Aug 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Potential Future Terror Attacks]
9/11 Cover-Up

The Government's 9/11 Façade
is Crumbling
- Any time two or more people are knowingly involved
in the commission of a crime, there is, by
definition, a conspiracy. This is not a theory,
folks. It's a stone-cold, undeniable fact. So the
real question about 9/11 is not whether there was a
conspiracy, but indeed exactly who the conspirators
It really is this simple:... -
- by John Perry, Aug 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
War on Terror

We Have Met the Enemy in the
War on Terror … and He is Us
- We are told that we are fighting a war against
terrorists who “hate our freedom” and seek to
“undermine our very way of life.”
If America succumbs to full-blown tyranny it will
not be because of crazed, diabolical “Islamo-Fascists.”
It will be because the American people willingly
relinquished their freedom in the name of security.
- by Doug Newman, Aug 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous On War On Terrorism]
David Kelly Story

The David Kelly Story:
The Murder of Dr. David Kelly
[Part 1 - 10]
- When the slant put on the reporting of a case
almost guarantees a suicide "verdict", it is
important to focus on the players who seed this
interpretation. -
- by Rowena Thursby, Sept 28, 2003 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Assassinations
- Real and Attempted]
Lou Dobbs
Wakes Up to 9/11 Lies
- Comment: This is classic limited hang out to
reinforce the 'incompetence' whitewash.
Dobbs mention that the situation suggests a full
9/11 investigation and says, "This government
doesn't deserve much credibility." -
- YouTube, Aug 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11 | Multimedia: War on Terrorism]
Staged War on Terror

Red Alert For Staged
Government Terror Attack
- Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with
escalation of conflict in the Middle East is the
trial balloon for a massive staged false flag terror
attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will
light the blue touch paper for World War Three. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Aug 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: World War III]

The Fake War on Terrorism
- Double standards again here as the huge vocal
outcry over Germany marching into the low countries
after 1939, is a totally different reaction to
Israel’s terrorism in Palestine. And Lebanon, where
are the voices here?
Every needless death by “peace keeping forces”
brings new recruits against US world wide. -
- by T. Stokes, Lecturer in Paranormal Studies,
Aug 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
History Books Won't Tell You

Hitler, Churchill and the
- Gardner's principle intellectual opponent, the
self styled “king of the Witches” Alex Sanders, and
his wife Maxine both separately admitted to me that
Alex had been to research libraries such as the
British museum and the Bodliean library at Oxford
among others, and had torn out pages, so that no
source would exist that could disagree with his
re-written histories of witchcraft. And to bolster
several other claims, but mainly to prove that
witchcraft existed in an unbroken line from Saxon
times to the present, and claimed an initiation
lineage, directly down to himself. -
- by T Stokes -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: World War II
| Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
and the Verichip

IBM, Verichip and the Fourth
- This is a video to awaken the sheeple who believe
microchipping the human population is a good thing.
So now are you going to do your homework and
understand these words and terms below?: Human
Chipping, Verichip, IBM , Nazi Germany , Hollerith
Machine, George Orwell, 1984 , Mark of the beast,
DNA chip, Forced chipping, identity protection,
world database, cyborg, biometrics ... -
- Google.Video, July 22, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
| Multimedia: The New World Order]

Oh Rapture!
- One of the major problems America faces is a large
population of religious fundamentalists who have
become as fanatical in their own way as any Middle
Eastern Ayatollah. At present, they are caught up in
their own version of the myth of the end of the
world, and hope that by working to bring it about,
they'll get to sit at the right hand of their diety
and to hell with everyone else. No doubt fistfights
will break out over who gets to sit closest, but
that is a subject for another article. -
- WhatReallyHappened.com -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Christianity]
the New World Order
Wondering How To Defeat The New World Order? Read
This Short Article
- Fighting the New World Order and its American
minions, deceptively destroying this country, is a
daunting task. But it is a task all free-minded
people must accept willingly. It must be accepted
since it is the right thing to do. -
- by Greg Szymanski, May 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, August 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Spiritual Solutions:
by Other Writers]
War II

Rudolph Hess - The Truth Is
- “The history books say that Hess, the second most
powerful man in Germany, who had bodyguards 24 hours
a day, he could not even go to the toilet on his
own, yet we are told he slipped away from them, went
to an airfield which was guarded in time of war, got
in without being recognised, bolted on extra large
fuel tanks without being challenged, gave a
signature for fuel, and warmed up the engine for the
statutory 20 minutes without being stopped..." -
- by T. Stokes -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past
| T. Stokes]
Israeli Terror Attack on Lebanon

Galloway Wipes the Floor with
Sky News Anchor
[Video, 9min 18 sec]
- To say that he wiped the floor with her actually
minimizes the damage he inflicted on this woman’s
ego. By the end of this interview, she was either
suicidal or homicidal.
Serves her right for selling her soul for a paltry
price. -
- WakeUpFromYourSlumber.blogspot.com, Aug 07,
2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Terrorist Attack on Lebanon
| Multimedia: Religions & Religious
Murder of Dr. David Kelly

The David Kelly Story:
Dark Actors at the Scene of Dr. Kelly's Death
[Part 2]
- Entering the witness box at the Hutton Inquiry
on 16th September 2003, one key figure stands out in
the events surrounding Dr David Kelly's death. The
fact that his testimony contradicts that of five
previous witnesses has received no attention in the
mainstream press and has failed to be brought out in
the Inquiry itself. Moreover, the position of David
Kelly's body prior to his arrival is different from
its position when he leaves. This man is a British
policeman: his name, Detective Constable Coe. -
- by Rowena Thursby -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Assassinations
- Real and Attempted]

Why Are Americans Ignorant of
'Agenda 21'?
- The United Nations Agenda 21 was signed by the
United States in 1992 and 14 years later, people are
still in the dark. If you were to ask at random the
question, "Have you heard of Agenda 21?" the answer
would be an over-whelming "No," although it is being
implemented in every local community. -
- by Joyce Morrison, NewsWithViews, Aug 06, 2006
(Posted here: Monday, Aug 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Globalization]

Opus Dei in America
- What the Jesuit Order is for the left wing of the
Roman Catholic Church, Opus Dei is for its right
wing. (Hegelian politics at its finest, for the
Roman Catholic Church cannot lose if it has strong
ties with both ends of the political spectrum! Of
course, to work it requires Protestants to be duped
into political alliances with heretics.) Many
Protestants are not familiar with Opus Dei though,
so a bit of education is necessary. -
- by J. Parnell McCarter, May 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Opus Dei]
Armageddon and the End of the World

Lobbying for Armageddon
- Some influential evangelical leaders are lobbying
for an attack on Iran. But it's not about
geopolitics -- it's about bringing about the End
Times. -
- by Sarah Posner, AlterNet. Posted August 03,
2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Battle of
Leo Wanta Series

The Leo Wanta Series
- The New Underworld Order's bank accounts are used
for bribery, murder and corruption world wide as
private Illuminati-controlled bankers make money out
of thin air. European investigators trying to trace
the illegal funds, say the Illuminati's Global
Security Fund needs to be stopped and is the
difference between freedom and slavery in America. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Mar 23. 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Aug 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Politics: General Corruption]
New World Order

Official Dictatorship in
- Evidence that western governments are staging
terror attacks in Iraq to incite civil unrest as a
pretext for building permanent military bases in
Iraq. Also: Are we now living under an official
dictatorship in the United States? -
- RINF.com, Aug 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 04, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Multimedia: The New World Order]

Bush Seeks Retroactive
Immunity From US War Crimes Prosecution
- ow that the Bush team faces possible prosecution
for war crimes under US law, the team is quietly
changing the law to provide a "legal escape hatch."
- by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse, Aug 03,
2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Aug 04, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes
- The story of what happened in that room, and when,
has never been fully told, but is arguably more
important in terms of understanding America's
military capabilities that day than anything
happening simultaneously on Air Force One or in the
Pentagon, the White House, or NORAD's impregnable
headquarters, deep within Cheyenne Mountain, in
Colorado. It's a story that was intentionally
obscured, some members of the 9/11 commission
believe, by military higher-ups and members of the
Bush administration who spoke to the press, and
later the commission itself, in order to downplay
the extent of the confusion and miscommunication
flying through the ranks of the government.
The truth, however, is all on tape. -
- by Michael Bronner, Vanity Fair, Aug 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
War on Iraq

The Best
Thing in the World for Big Oil
- "This war in Iraq has been the best thing in the
world for Big Oil and OPEC. They've made the largest
profits in the history of the world. The interesting
thing about your book is you show how it was all
planned from the beginning. The story is like a spy
thriller." -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -
- … Bobby Kennedy and [Greg] Palast on why Saddam
had to go, Aug 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Updates On the Iraq War]
Police State

Las Vegas Marshals Ticket 7,
Arrest 3 Amid Homeless Protests
- City marshals blocked a radio personality from
feeding homeless people at a City Hall park Monday,
and issued summonses to a television news crew
covering a publicity protest against a ban on
"mobile soup kitchens." -
- by Ken Ritter, Associated Press, July 31, 2006
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Siege Heil:
The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the
Destabilization of California
- George W. Bush's grandfather helped finance the
Nazi Party. Karl Rove's grandfather allegedly helped
run the Nazi Party, and helped build the Birkenau
Death Camp. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian father
volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a
ranking officer. -
- by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, Oct 06,
2003 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 02, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past]
Terrorist Attack on Lebanon
Is Lebanon Israel's Iraq?
- The Illuminist chess masters use war to destroy
all nations and cull millions of people. The Iraq
and Lebanon wars are designed to diminish US and
Israel and promote the bogus "war of civilizations."
- by Dr. Henry Makow, July 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 02, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Terrorist Attack on Lebanon]
U.S - Nazi Co-Relation

Declassified Archives Document
Ties Between CIA and Nazis
- On June 6, the US national archives released some
27,000 pages of secret records documenting the CIA’s
Cold War relations with former German Nazi Party
members and officials. -
- by Andre Damon, July 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past]
Terrorist Attack on Lebanon

The War
on Children
- Sky News reporter, David Bowden, who looked
traumatised by what he witnessed in Southern
Lebanon, more accurately described the devastation
as “Armageddon” which will please Christian Zionist
zealots, who are rejoicing at the genocide, because
they believe it will herald the second coming of
Christ. All thanks to Israel, who is doing God’s
work! I doubt if Jesus would be impressed but Moloch
will approve, when the new Middle East is built on
the mass graves of sacrificed children. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, July 31, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Terrorist Attack on Lebanon
| Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]

'How Can We
Stand By and Allow This To Go On?'
- In all, there were 56 corpses brought to the Tyre government hospital and other surgeries, and 34 of them
were children. When they ran out of plastic bags, they wrapped the
small corpses in carpets. Their hair was matted with dust, most had
blood running from their noses. -
- by Robert Fisk, Independent.co.uk, July 31,
2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Terrorist Attack on Lebanon]

Death of
the Scientist Who Put the Paranormal on the Academic
- Beloff had already been conducting experiments
since 1961, in particular the use of will power over
radio active random waves, which was a big step up
from the falling dice and coins of previous tests,
and is still used today and is still called, “Mind
over Matter testing” ( M & M ). -
- by T. Stokes -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Aug 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Supernatural and
Paranormal | Guest Writers: T. Stokes]