can't be said enough:
Please be aware of the whole picture of what is
going on before you lose faith in your country
and fill your mind with anger and disgust. This
needs to be said, especially now after have seen
the horrifying pictures from Iraq, where US and
British soldiers are torturing Iraqi prisoners.
The main reason why the media have shown those
pictures and exposed what is going on in Iraq is
not to enlighten us via a free press. Everything
was planned and ordered from the US and British
Intelligence (Illuminati). This was not
accidentally leaked to the media, but the
intention was to expose it world-wide, to put
the U.S.A. and Great Britain in an embarrassing
focus to the world. The most important thing for
the Illuminati at this point is to have us lose
faith in sovereignty, and to think globally. By
orchestrating the torture scenes in Iraq, this
is what they hope to accomplish. We all know how
Saddam tortured his prisoners, and now when we
see that the American troops are doing the same,
to the same abused people, most of us are
disgusted, shocked, and disillusioned. What has
happened to our country? Where is the pride?
Where is the honor?
Well, I can tell that this is just the
beginning. More wars are ahead, and more abuses
will be exposed by the Illuminati incorporated
media. With this ongoing process, we are
watching the Illuminati axiom being executed
this we will be exposed to, the more we want a
solution, and the solution to the problem the
Illuminati themselves intentionally created, is
a Global society with them as the rulers, in a
Global dictatorship. By having us lose faith in
our countries, the United Nations and other
Global organizations will do the rest. They will
come in with mediators, peace bringing forces,
and a Global solution. And we, if we don't know
the Agenda, will welcome this solution. We have
to remember that the Illuminati and their
puppets (like the Bush administration) couldn't
care less what is happening to America, just as
little as Tony Blair cares about the U.K. They
are not Nationalists or Patriots, no matter what
they say. They are GLOBALISTS, and their Agenda
has nothing to do with protecting your interests
or mine.
So be aware that the solution to the problem is
not to erase the borders and create a One World
Government with the intention to bring peace and
order to the world. The solution is for us (yes,
the responsibility lies on us, the people) to
say "NO" to Globalism and the New World Order,
have the Illuminati puppets replaced, and the
Illuminati self-declared kings thrown out from
High Places and turned to justice for their
crimes against humanity.
Albert Einstein once said: "The pioneers of a
warless world are the youth who refuse military
service". It is
wrong with defending one's country from evil
intruders, but the soldiers who go to war,
whether they go to Iraq or any other place, are
NOT fighting for their country, but for a Global
society where they themselves will be slaves,
therefore creating their own horrific future, by
participating in the wars of the Globalists. The
soldiers who go to war are unknowingly the
Soldiers of the Illuminati. Bush and the other
puppets couldn't care less if you live or if you
die. As a matter of fact, they prefer that you
die; a dead soldier is a good soldier and one
more worthless mouth to feed ('useless eaters',
as Henry Kissinger once called us). By refusing
to support our own misery, we have to refuse
military service as long as the Illuminati still
pull the strings. And when they are not pulling
the strings anymore, eventually we need no
soldiers anyway. A Utopia? Maybe, but we have no
other choice than to work towards it. We create
our own reality, and together we can accomplish
almost anything. The worst mistake we can make
is to do nothing, because we can only do a
little. If many people do a little, a lot will
be accomplished.
And lastly, an important thing to remember:
violence feeds violence, ends do NOT justify the
means, so when protesting and acting, it MUST be
done peacefully.
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Last Updated:
Friday, September 23, 2005 05:08:38 AM