What's interesting is that
there is a hardcore center of it that are eschatologists. Okay? These are
people who fantasize about how the world is going to end. So if that is your
belief system, and you think, oh well, you know, the world's going come to
an end and there's going to be this big event, you don't worry if you're
melting both polar ice caps. Now, of course, this becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy based on misinterpretation of many things, including most of the
My point is, is that if
that is what is causing people to create policy - and I remind people that
this is historical fact that James Watt who was the Interior Secretary
during the Reagan years was an eschatologist, and he stated to the public
that we didn't need to - well, he said it when the mike was open, he didn't
mean it to be recorded - but he said, "You know, we don't need to worry
about the environment and all this, because the world's going to come to an
end, and then there's going to be the return of Christ, and since the
world's going to be destroyed anyway, we might as well just go ahead and let
it be destroyed." So there's this bizarre sort of - not spirituality, but a
weird religiosity that informs this stuff.
Dr. Steven Greer on Coast to Coast with Art Bell, on August 8/9 - 2004
"War paralyzes your courage and deadens the spirit
of true manhood.
It degrades and stupefies with the sense that you are not responsible,
that 'tis not yours to think and reason why, but to do and die,'
like the hundred thousand others doomed like yourself.
War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness,
wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder."
- Alexander Berkman -
"When the Missionaries Came to Africa, They Had the Bible & We Had the Land.
They Said "Let Us Pray." We Closed Our Eyes. When We Opened Them, We Had the
Bible & They Had the Land."
- Bishop Desmond Tutu -
Introduction to Religion and Religious Wars

- The general idea behind a religion, is for the founder to say what
will subdue everyone to himself, then claim it comes from a power
higher than himself so it will be more readily believed by the
unsuspecting, often with promises of paradise and threats of agony.
- by Frater RAH, Oct 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 27, 2005)

The Horrible Truth About Religion
- Religion is designed to focus the people's attention and energy on
a single, unchanging, uncompromising and invisible supreme being who
allegedly created an inferior human race just for some extra
companionship and love for himself and then supposedly foisted a set
of oppressive and in some cases arbitrary rules on them, which if
broken would be met with unimaginable punishment. -
- by Andrew Werner -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006)

The Truth About the Jesus Myth
- These videos will beyond
any doubt show that Jesus is just a myth and just a
symbol for the sun - sun worship. Don't take my
words for it, just watch this set of movies; each of
them about 10 minutes long. It's time to wake up! -
1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
- lecture by Jordan Maxwell -
(Posted here: Monday, January 01, 2007)

Astro-Theology: Retelling an Ancient Story
- Modern-day Christianity has
often belittled our ancient ancestors who are not here to defend
They falsely accuse that they were nothing more than ignorant
worshippers of the sun. Therefore we can, with assurance, summarily
dismiss thousands of years of human spirituality as ignominious
myth, believed by well-meaning, but gullible primitives. Too much of
this kind of spiritual arrogance and religious pride has continued
without challenge. The time has come to set matters straight. -
- by Jordan Maxwell -
(Posted here: Monday, January 01, 2007)
What is the Purpose of Religion
and Society?
- The purpose of religion and society is to wedge a wall between man
and God, to cut him off from himself and cut him off from God.
Religion aims at making a person spiritually ill. How do they do
this? By turning individuals against themselves and souring their
energies. -
- by Frater RAH -
(Posted here: Oct 28, 2005)
God-Given Rights
- For thousands of years men have asserted that the rights of man
derive from god. When we ask such a man to explain how he came to
that conclusion, we are usually left more confused than before we
asked. -
- by Anthony Hargis, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 15, 2006)

Origins of the Gods
- Evidence suggests that the earliest legends of mythology were
preceded by a belief in "the God" (Yahweh to the Hebrews) as the
creator of all things and the "ruler of heaven." Later, Satan was
described as "the god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4), and the prince of
the "air" (Eph. 2:2). A fascinating struggle between the "ruler of
the heavens" versus the "power of the air" occured in early Sumerian
mythology after Enki, the god of wisdom and water, created the human
race out of clay. -
- by Donald C. Jones, PhD -
(Posted here: March 20, 2006)
Why Are We Internally Fighting Each Other Because Of Belief Systems When The
Enemy Is Still The Same?
- If we all could join together, no matter belief systems or political
systems to fight the REAL enemy, we would stand a chance. This works, only
because it doesn't matter what we believe in - the Enemy is still the same.
- by Wes Penre, July 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 2, 2004)
How Is It Even Possible to
Fight a War with "God On Our Side"?
- Please tell me when all this blindness will stop and people will sit
down for just ONE second and start thinking. PLEASE! Before we in our
ignorance will help people like Bush kill 80% of the world population
and put the rest in slavery. -
- by Wes Penre, May 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 29, 2005)
Societies Worse Off 'When They Have God on Their Side'
- According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only
unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to
social problems. The study counters the view of believers that
religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations
of a healthy society. -
- by Ruth Gledhill, The Times, Sep 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 30, 2005)
One Nation, Under Dogma
- Like it or not, the above excerpt from the decision in the 1947
Everson v. Board of Education Supreme Court case pretty much sums up
the whole “under God” debate about the Pledge of Allegiance that’s
once again front and center on the public stage. If nothing else,
the presence of that two-word phrase unequivocally equates to
professing a belief in God. There’s simply no other way to interpret
it, is there? -
- by Jim Amrhein, WhiskeyAndGunpowder.com, Oct 06, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 25, 2005)
One World
Global Religion for Global Governance
- This issue will answer the question, "Do the global elite promote
a religion that is complimentary and integral in purpose to their
New World Economic Order and the World Governance?" -
- The August Review - Global Elite Research Center, Vol. 5,
Issue 8 -
(Posted here: Dec 27, 2005)

Rockefeller and the New World Religion
-It comes as little surprise, given
their long term goal of world government, that the Rockefeller
family would approve of and support a societal outlook favorable to
globalism. The use of religion is one method that, in Rockefeller's
eyes, looked to be a promising means of accomplishing this goal.
Early programs such as the Interchurch World Movement focused on the
maintenance of harmonious relations between people in America's
growing industrial society. -
- by Daniel Taylor, Dec 02, 2007 -
(Posted here:
Wednesday, December 05, 2007)

World Religion and Alice Bailey
- World Goodwill is an organization that
claims to be preparing the way for a one-world religion and a
one-world government. World Goodwill works closely with the United
Nations. It maintains headquarters in the cities of New York, London
and Geneva. The group publishes literature as well as conducts
symposiums related to its goals, which are consistent with those of
Lucis Trust. Much of its public literature shows no signs of its
occultic background nature, making it the perfect vehicle for
attracting into its New Age influence people who would reject
overtly religious or occult philosophy.
by Reba Parker and Timothy Oliver, 1996
(Posted here:
Tuesday, December 25, 2007)

Calls for 'UN of Religions'
- At the opening ceremony Rabbi Yona Metzger said his idea of a
"United Nations of religious groups" could "bring a bridge between
religions to help the bridge of the diplomatic way". -
- BBC News, March 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 21, 2006)

Divine or Dangerous, He's Got Disciples
- Followers say he's Jesus. Detractors call him a cult leader. And
José Luis De Jesús Miranda -- a paunchy, middle-aged man from Puerto
Rico who favors $10,000 Rolexes and claims millions of disciples
worldwide -- believes many people would like to see him dead. -
- by Alexandra Alter, Miami Herald, July 22, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, July 24, 2006)
New Age

Sai Baba
Sai Baba Exposed: Fraud, Fakery & Molestation
- Evidence has been gathering for many years that Sai Baba is not quite the
saintly Indian guru whom his devotees believe him to be. -
- Nexus -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

‘Amma the Hugging Saint’: Mother-Cult
Leader, U.N. Globalist
- Amma’s devotees talk to dolls made in
her image that are sold on Amma retreats. They tell the doll their
problems, seek its comfort, and listen in their minds for its
advice. Amma calls the devotees her children, and clucks syllables
like baby talk into their ear in her trademark ritual of lining
people up, watching them kneel before her, then embracing them. -
- BY BRONTE BAXTER, AUG 25, 2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, August 25, 2008)

This is the character of
the man who authorized "King James Bible". He was an occultist,
believing in the "Divine Right of Kings", because the Kings were/are
of the Illuminati Bloodlines and see themselves as rulers, being
cross-breeds between homo sapiens and the Anunnaki "Gods". Still
believe the King James Bible is the true words of God? Wes
"The state of monarchy is the most supreme thing upon
earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit
upon God's throne, but even by God himself are called gods...and so
their power after a certain relation compared to divine power...for
if you will consider the attributes to God, you shall se how they
agree in the person of a king...to dispute what God does is
blasphemy...so it is sedition in subjects to dispute what a king may
do in the height of his power. I would not have you meddle with such
ancient rights of mine as I have received from my predecessors...
I, King of Scotland and England, known for "King James' Bible"
* * *
Origin of Christianity
- It is generally believed and taught that Christianity was founded by
the Savior from Nazareth, when He was on earth. But a question
immediately arises, which particular sect was the one He originated? -
by A.B. Traina -
(Posted here: December 18, 2004)
The Occult Roots of Christianity
- If you were to tell a stranger that you belong to a religious movement
whose adherents believed in demons, the raising of the dead, or the
invoking of entities to alter worldly events in accordance with their
own will, they might logically suspect that you were a member of a
Satanic cult.
- by Boyd Rice, Oct 21, 2004 -
(Posted here: December 29, 2004)

Religion, 'Education', War and Westernisation
- The Jesuit Order is a fascist
operation that hides behind the cover of 'Christianity' while
actually being an elite secret society within the Illuminati web.
There are two hierarchies in all Illuminati organisations - the one
the public sees and the one in the shadows with the real power. -
- by David Icke, Feb 17, 2008 -
(Posted here:
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008)

The Story of King
[.pdf - download acrobat reader for free:
- The irony goes further. King James did not
encourage a translation of the Bible in order to enlighten the
common people: his sole intent was to deny them the marginal notes
of the Geneva Bible. The marginal notes of the Geneva version were
what made it so popular with the common people. The King James Bible
was, and is for all practical purposes, a government publication.
- from Jordan Maxwell's Website, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, December 31, 2006)
The Forged Origins of The
New Testament
- It was British-born Flavius Constantinus
(Constantine, originally Custennyn or Custennin) (272-337) who
authorised the compilation of the writings now called the New
Testament. After the death of his father in 306, Constantine became
King of Britain, Gaul and Spain, and then, after a series of
victorious battles, Emperor of the Roman Empire. Christian
historians give little or no hint of the turmoil of the times and
suspend Constantine in the air, free of all human events happening
around him. In truth, one of Constantine's main problems was the
uncontrollable disorder amongst presbyters and their belief in
numerous gods. -
- by Tony Bushby, March, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, August 04, 2007)

Jesus Won't
Save You. It's Just Another Masonic Mind Game
- This video shows again that the Jesus
myth is a pagan invention. If Christians could only look into this a
little deeper and be able to free themselves from dogma and mind
control that comes with any and every religious organization or
teaching you subscribe to, they would see it. It is pretty obvious.
The whole Bible, and the New Testament in particular, is overcrowded
with pagan symbolism and references to the Sun and the
Babylonian/Sumerian Sun God. -
- Presented by Wes Penre, May 16, 2008
(Posted here: Friday, May 16, 2008)

The Origins of Christianity and the
Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
- The assertion that Jesus Christ is a
myth can be proved not only through the works of dissenters and
"pagans" who knew the truth - and who were viciously refuted or
murdered for their battle against the Christian priests and "Church
Fathers" fooling the masses with their fictions - but also through
the very statements of the Christians themselves, who continuously
disclose that they knew Jesus Christ was a myth founded upon more
ancient deities located throughout the known ancient world. -
- by Archaya S. -
(Posted here: Friday, May 16, 2008)

"ZEITGEIST, Part 1" Refuted? Not!
- The intriguing internet movie
"ZEITGEIST" has been an astounding hit, with millions of views
worldwide in English and several other languages. In the past
several months, there have been many claims on websites and in
forums and videos all over the internet that the first part of
ZEITGEIST has been "refuted" and "debunked." Contrary to these
claims, the facts continue to demonstrate otherwise. -
- by Acharya S aka D.M. Murdock, Apr 08, 2008 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Apr 10, 2008)

The Gospel According to
- Why have the facts on the revisionist activities
of the American Baptists been suppressed? Perhaps because the
current well-known King James-Only defenders are all Baptists? And
why have the Rothschild, Rhodes and Rockefeller connections to Bible
revision been omitted from the standard histories, as well as the
occult affiliations of the famous Bible revisers? -
- by Mr. X, Mar 19, 2007 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, March 21, 2007)

LUCIFER - Where Did the
Word Come From and What is its True Meaning?
- The first problem is that Lucifer is a Latin name.
So how did it find its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written before
there was a Roman language? To find the answer, I consulted a
scholar at the library of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.
What Hebrew name, I asked, was Satan given in this chapter of
Isaiah, which describes the angel who fell to become the ruler of
The answer was a surprise... -
- by Henrik Palmgren, RedIceCreations.com, Sep
29, 2005 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, January 16, 2007)

Astro-Theology: Retelling an Ancient Story
- Modern-day Christianity has
often belittled our ancient ancestors who are not here to defend
They falsely accuse that they were nothing more than ignorant
worshippers of the sun. Therefore we can, with assurance, summarily
dismiss thousands of years of human spirituality as ignominious
myth, believed by well-meaning, but gullible primitives. Too much of
this kind of spiritual arrogance and religious pride has continued
without challenge. The time has come to set matters straight. -
- by Jordan Maxwell -
(Posted here: Monday, January 01, 2007)
Fraud in
the Bible
- Pious fraud was a common technique employed by early Christian writers
to make a point. Their intention was to convert anyone and everyone by
any means available. One of the more persuasive methods was to write a
text and falsely tell others that it was written in first person. -
mksmith.org -
(Posted here: December 18, 2004)

Freemasonry in the Bible
- The facts that Joseph, Jesus` father was a master of the `craft`,
implies he was a freemason, not a carpenter, and that his `craft`
was `witch` craft! Jesus would have followed this tradition, as goes
on today, and became a `master` of the `craft` too, (master being a
position on the freemasonic `structure`!) and we know of the
Legendary `miracles`(spells) Jesus carried out, but look at these
FACTS stated below, from the `HOLY BIBLE`... -
- HonestJohn's TruthSite, July 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, July 21, 2006)
Who Really Was King James?
- The King James Bible was, and is for all practical purposes, a
government publication. There were several reasons for the King James
Bible being a government publication. First, King James I of England was
a devout believer in the "divine right of kings," a philosophy ingrained
in him by his mother, Mary Stuart. -
- Author Unknown -
(Posted here: December 18, 2004)
The Masonic Connection between King
James I and the KJV
- Proof that King James I was a Freemason -
from Webarchives, originally Giant Skulls Website,
which is unfortunately gone -
(Posted here: June 30, 2004)

Francis Bacon and the James 1st Bible
- The 1611 King James Bible is ornamented with Bacon's symbols and
in my own special copy of the record edition, also dated 1611, these
symbols are Rosicrucianly marked to call the attention of the
initiated to them and to tell them that the 1611 Bible is without
possibility of doubt, one of Bacon's books. -
- HiddenMysteries.org -
(Posted here: Oct 20, 2005)
Who is Jehovah/Yahweh?
- The god of the Old Testament is described as jealous, vengeful god, a
war-monger. He said "Thou shalt not kill", then proceeded to help the
Israelites to brutally kill tens of thousands of Arabs in order to take
their land. -
- 2012.com.au -
(Posted here: January 6, 2005)
Teenage Jesus
- Where was Jesus when he was a teenager? Was he doing what most
young people do or was his path a little different? There are 18
unrecorded, unknown and crucial years in the development of the
great man known as` Jesus Christ. Western sources are missing these
important years. The following is the beginning quote of a rare
documentary by Richard Bock called: THE LOST YEARS: -
- by Doug Yurchey -
(Posted here: June 18, 2005)

David Icke on Christianity - Lecture from
Mt. Shasta, California
[Video-clip, 45 min]
- This is quite an interesting piece of information,
presented by the British researcher, author and lecturer David Icke.
He is convinced that Christianity is a man-made religion, and that
Jesus Christ is just a symbol for the Sun (occult sun worship), and
the Holy Trinity of the Bible is just a rerun of earlier pagan
mythology. Icke is getting to the point that when Christians are
praying to Jesus, the Son of God, they are actually praying to
Jesus, the Sun God, i.e. pagan entities.
- by Hassan Hassan Abu Kamal, Dec 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, December 18, 2006)

Word from the Old Testament
- This is a few years old and has
circulated on the Internet, but although it is pretty funny, it is
also very telling. Christians and Jews are supposed to follow the
Bible literally, so therefore this person's comments make all
sense...Wes Penre -
- by Unknown -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 08, 2008)
Pharmacratic Inquisition
- These two lecturers, Jan Irvin and Andre Rutajit,
show beyond any doubt that Jesus is just another myth and most
probably never existed. How can we know? Well, watch this 3 hrs and
23 minutes video and you will never be the same again. If you don't
have the time to watch it all, it is enough to watch the first 30
minutes to understand what I am trying to say here.
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, December 19, 2006)
Monarchy - The
Primordial Form of Government
- What shocked them was that [King] James used his coronation speech to
remind them of the ancient, traditional belief that a monarch is chosen by
God to be His emissary and representative on Earth, and ought therefore to
be responsible to no one but God. In other words, James was asserting what
has become known to history as ‘The Divine Right of Kings’, and they didn’t
like it one bit. -
- by Tracy Twyman, 2003 -
(Posted here: December 29, 2004)
Many Christians Say You Should Support Your
Government And Pray For Your Leaders, but:
Should Christians Always Obey Their Government?
by Doug Newman, Strike-the-Root -
(Posted here: May 11, 2004)
No Christianity In New E.U. Constitution
- The European Union has rejected the requests of some member nations to
recognize Christianity in its new constitution. -
- InterestAlert.com, June 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 17, 2004)
The Cult of Human Sacrifice
- Although many profess to be believers, relatively few people actually read
the Bible and are thus ignorant of the blood and gore in the "Good Book,"
which contains endless accounts of genocide, including against the
Canaanites, Hittites, Moabites and others. -
- Gnostic Liberation Front -
(Posted here: July 2, 2004)
The Mark of Jesus
- Whether or not this is proof of the Christ’s existence remains to be seen,
but if these findings are not to be considered for religious use, please do
not overlook its scientific values -
- Science and Religion Unified -
(Posted here: October 2, 2004)
Illuminati/Masonic Symbolism in the Presbyterian Church
- The All-Seeing Eye and other Masonic symbols openly displayed in the
Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, Virginia. -
- Hour of the Time Website -
(Posted here: December 20, 2004)
Where The
Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages
- The Baptists were sure they were the only one’s who had religion and God
right, everyone else was wrong. The Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics,
Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Messianic temples and everyone
else were and are the same. With over 27,000 different sects and branches of
religion today, exactly which one has it all right? None of them. -
- by Sherry Shriner -
(Posted here: December 23, 2004)
Prophecy or Profits-See?
- Being a Biblical student for far too many years there are certain aspects
presented within that alleged infallible 'Word of God' ignored by
Christianity and its so-called leaders. Precepts within that book bring
things to mind to ponder over; especially minds that can think for
themselves and refuse to allow the preachers to mind control them. -
- Hidden Mysteries Org -
(Posted here: January 5, 2005)
Propaganda Machine are Alive and Well
- Naysayer, don't tell me to read the Bible. I have. Most agnostics have
read the Bible. That's why they are agnostics. Our question is 'when' are
Christians going to bother to read it.........? -
- Hidden Mysteries Org -
(Posted here: January 5, 2005)
Sun Worship and the
Sun God
- Christians never think it strange that the birth date of Jesus is also the
birth date of many of the incarnated gods of antiquity. They never think it
curious that it was for ancient astronomers the last day of the year—when
the year was re-born and a new sun began to climb again in the heavens. That
Pagans venerated the birthday of Christ as the birthday of their gods is
beyond coincidence . -
- smithbrad.nventure.com -
(Posted here: January 9, 2005)
Are We Doomed? Insanity Now Mainstream
There Is No Tomorrow
- Remember James Watt, President Ronald Reagan's first Secretary of the
Interior? My favorite online environmental journal, the ever-engaging Grist,
reminded us recently of how James Watt told the U.S. Congress that
protecting natural resources was unimportant in light of the imminent return
of Jesus Christ. In public testimony, he said, "after the last tree is
felled, Christ will come back." -
- by Bill Moyers -
(Posted here: February 3, 2005)
Pope's Last
Words Were Not Amen
- Christians say Amen at the end of every prayer, but few of them understand
why. Moses was raised in ancient Egypt, and Amen (also called Ra or Amen-Ra)
is the name of the highest ancient Egyptian deity -- God himself. Moses
prayed to Amen and his successors have addressed their prayers to Him ever
since. -
- The Insider, Apr 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 8, 2005)
Fraud in the Bible (or "It Sucks That You Don't Know Hebrew, Greek
or Aramaic)
- Pious fraud was a common technique employed by early Christian
writers to make a point. Their intention was to convert anyone and
everyone by any means available. One of the more persuasive methods
was to write a text and falsely tell others that it was written in
first person. -
- HiddenMysteries.org -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)
The Real History of Christianity
- What is it that blocks otherwise intelligent people from looking
objectively or critically at Christianity? Is it like overlooking
the defects of a loved one? Is it denial, like refusing to see the
signs of drug abuse in a loved one? -
- by Bill Zebub -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)
Behind The Bible Fraud - What Was The Church Trying To Hide?
- If we examine the oldest known Bible to date, the "Sinai Bible"
housed in the British Museum (I believe that, during his many years
of research, Tony had a private viewing of this priceless book), we
find a staggering 14,800 differences from today's Bible and yet it
still remains the word of God? -
- by Robert Adams -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)
Promote the Worst Forms of Tyranny
- Let me distinguish between Christianity – i.e. what the Bible teaches –
and churchianity – i.e. what happens in all too many contemporary churches.
Churchianity will respond to this decision in two ways: silence and
endorsement. -
- by Doug Newman, June 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 14, 2005)

The Billy Graham Deception
- B'nai B'rith is an anti-christian jewish masonic
lodge. They have a high rank in the Illuminati structure and they
operate under several fronts. Not all the work they do is bad. They
hunt nazis and usually fight again racism but being a form of
Freemasonry, it operates as a secret society within a secret
society, a circle within a circle etc, so that only the elite of
this organization knows the real agenda and the normal jewish person
working for them is doing the best they can. I will present as much
documentation later on in this article to show the Masonic structure
within this group, but first I will mention their link to Billy
- Endtimesdeception.com -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 26, 2007)

Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Another Christian Charlatan
- Wittenburgdoor.com -
(Posted here: July 10, 2005)
Minutes of Excerpts from Dateline's Benny Hinn Investigation
- Wittenburgdoor.com -
(Posted here: Sep 28, 2005)
Benny Hinn - Agent of the Knights Templar
- It seems that Benny Hinn's assignment in the Templars’ current Crusade is
"to get the US Evangelical leaders to be in favour of the Middle East Peace
Process." The ICR Middle East Update from Knight Templar Andrew White dated
13th February 2004 stated: "Benny had phoned me whilst in the US last week
stating that he wanted to meet me soon. -
- SherryShriner.com -
(Posted here: March 13, 2006)
TBN's Paul Crouch a Queer?
[Here is some good info on a "Christian" charlatan making big
bucks on peoples' faith. These preachers are Illuminists and many of
them are pedophiles and sex abusers.]
- Televangelist Paul Crouch, founder of the world's largest
Christian broadcasting network, has waged a fierce legal battle to
prevent a former employee from publicizing allegations that he and
Crouch had a sexual encounter eight years ago. -
- ConspiracyWorld.com -
(Posted here: Aug 22, 2005)
Charlatans, Fake Faith Healers, Snake Oil Salesmen and False
Prophets in the Religious World of Business
[Contributed by
Wayne Morin Jr.]
- This week we visit the first couple of Pray-TV, Jan and Paul
Crouch: she the Tammy Faye Antoinette cum Barbie Doll and he the
Thurston P. Howell style TV magnate. Brother Paul dances with "the
little black people… the pygmies"... -
- Door TV -
(Posted here: Aug 22, 2005)
Paul Crouch and TBN Exposed
- On the evening of November 29th, Emmy-winning investigative reporter
Richard Ray, of Fox Television Dallas (KDFW-TV) presented a searing expose
on Brother Paul Crouch and his buddies at TBN. It's yet another chapter in a
tawdry tale of gay sex, hush money and a cover-up that was first broken
nationally by reporter Bill Lobdell at The Los Angeles Times. This is a
story that may well rock the Trinity Broadcasting empire to it's core. -
- Wittenburgdoor.com -
(Posted here: Sep 28, 2005)
The WittenburgDoor Insider
- Revealing and exposing religious frauds -
- TheDoorMagazine.com -
(Posted here: Oct 2, 2005)
* * *
Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson Calls for Assassination of Hugo Chavez
[Another Illuminati "Christian" Charlatan]
- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American
operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his
country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim
extremism." -
- USA Today, Aug 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 25, 2005)
[Now read this]:
Pat Robertson's Statements Help Hugo Chavez
- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has a new best friend this morning:
television evangelist Pat Robertson. With his astonishing call for the
left-wing leader's assassination last night—"I think that we really ought to
go ahead and do it...We have the ability to take him out"—Robertson will
have surely made Chavez an even more popular anti-yanqui icon in Venezuela,
Latin America and around the world. -
- by Tim Padgett, Time Online, Aug 23, 2005 -
Robertson Apologizes for Assassination Call
- After two days of criticism, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson
apologized for his controversial suggestion that the United States
should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. -
- CNN, Aug 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 25, 2005)
Why Pat
Robertson is Not Treated Like a Terrorist
- Why won't Pat Robertson be treated as a terrorist? Believe me, if
you said what he said about any of America's current leaders, you
would be arrested quickly under the Patriot Act and locked away. -
- by John Chuckman, Aug 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 26, 2005)
Pat Robertson
CIA, Military Men Agree with Pat Robertson
- While televangelist Pat Robertson has apologized for suggesting that
Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez be assassinated, a former military man and
an ex-CIA operative have stepped forward to say that his concerns about
Chavez aren't exactly unwarranted. -
- NewsMax, Aug 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 27, 2005)
Pat Robertson
A Christian Fascist Lies
- The American Voice, Aug 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 1, 2005)
One of Pat Robertson's Latest Frauds
- In April, 1997 two pilots who worked for Operation Blessing
charged that planes linked to Robertson and his ministry flew mostly
to haul equipment for ADC's private diamond operation. -
- SkeptikTank.org -
(Posted here: Sep 26, 2005)
Pat Robertson's Katrina Cash
- Dozens of media outlets, including the New York Times, CNN and the
Associated Press, duly reprinted FEMA's list, unwittingly acting as
agents soliciting cash for Robertson. "How in the heck did that
happen?" Richard Walden, president of the disaster-relief group
Operation USA, asked of Operation Blessing's inclusion on FEMA's
list. "That gives Pat Robertson millions of extra dollars." -
- The Nation, Sep 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 26, 2005)
Robertson Advocates 'Stoning' for UFO Enthusiasts
- According to Robertson, the threat is so serious that people who
believe in space aliens should be put to death by stoning --
according to "God's word." -
- by Skipp Porteus, Freedom Writers Press Release -
(Posted here: Oct 11, 2005)

Pat Robertson Displays Satanic 'El Diablo' Sign During 700 Club Show
- Pat Robertson, the so-called voice of Christian America, has again
been caught 'El Diablo red handed' flashing occult and satanic hand
signals during his show. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson, Nov 18, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 20, 2005)
Charles Colson
Born Again, Again
- A new biography of Charles Colson is yet another cover-up. -
- by Max Blumenthal, July/Aug 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 26, 2005)
Christianity and the Demise of America
- Let me state at the outset that the following observations and
criticisms do not apply to real Christians, or to all churches. The
Riverside Church in New York, for instance, has a long history of
radical activism on the side of social justice. Unfortunately, these
churches comprise, I believe, a small minority of the whole. -
- by Charles Sullivan via Information Clearing House, Oct 1, 2005
(Posted here: Oct 4, 2005)
Tele-Evangelist Lifestyles or Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous
- "Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to
Rome, it became an organization. When it went to Europe, it became a
culture. When it came to America, it became a business." -
- InPlainSite.com -
(Posted here: Oct 20, 2005)

American Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls For Global War
- If Christian fundamentalists are to be believed, America's
invasion of Iraq and the consequent brutal slaughter of thousands of
innocent civilians in that country are all part of a grand divine
plan that will finally culminate in the 'second coming' of Jesus
Christ. -
- by Yoginder Sikand, Countercurrents.org, Nov 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 21, 2005)
By Silence: How Churches Aid and Abet Tyranny
- The Bible mentions the word “king” – as well as variations on it
such as “kings” and “kingdoms” – almost 2000 times. Yet for some
reason, the CAC would have you think that we should never discuss
politics in church. // In the twentieth century alone, governments
killed 170 million of their own subjects. But we cannot talk about
government in the CAC. -
- by Doug Newman, Feb 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 09, 2006)
The Jesus Papers
- What if everything you think you know about Jesus is wrong? In The
Jesus Papers, Michael Baigent reveals the truth about Jesus's life
and crucifixion. Despite -- or rather because of -- all the
celebration and veneration that have surrounded the figure of Jesus
for centuries, Baigent asserts that Jesus and the circumstances
leading to his death have been heavily mythologized. -
- Book by Michael Baigent, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Apr 14, 2006)

Da Vinci Code Decoded
[Video, 1h 35 min]
- This is a very interesting video, where scholars discuss the codes
in the work of Leonardo da Vinci. Is there any truth in Dan Brown's
book "The da Vinci Code?" -
- Google Video, 2004 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Apr 20, 2006)

Silencing the Da Vinci Code
- Christian groups want The Da Vinci Code banned. A pliant Censor
Board of India insists on a disclaimer at the beginning and end
saying the film is “a work of pure fiction and has no correspondence
to historical facts of the Christian religion.” -
- by Kalavai Venkat, India-Forum, May 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 07, 2006)

The Awful Truth About Billy
- Repeatedly, I have been warned that if I dare to expose Billy
Graham and his gigantic organization, the powers that be will
utterly destroy Texe Marrs and Living Truth Ministries. -
- by Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 25, 2006)

Team Believes It Found
Noah's Ark
- A 14-man crew that included evangelical apologist Josh McDowell
says it returned from a trek to a mountain in Iran with possible
evidence of the remains of Noah's Ark. -
- WorldNetDaily, June 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, July 02, 2006)

What is
- Hermenuetics is the translation of the word of
scripture, that is the law of religious ethics, into
a form understood by the masses, and with any
external imposed religion, it is subject to abuse,
it can of course be turned to spout the exact
opposite of the meaning intended, proof of this is
the fact that over 200 Christian sects all claim
their biblical interpretation is the correct one. -
- by T Stokes, Lecturer in Paranormal Studies,
©2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, July 06, 2006)

Voodoo in Britain 2006
- Most witchcraft occurs within the Christian Church itself, and the
appointment on 17 June 2005 of John Sentamu Britain’s first black
archbishop of York, was actually not a religious appointment but a
political one. -
- by T Stokes, Lecturer in Paranormal Studies -
(Posted here: Monday, July 24, 2006)

Oh Rapture!
- One of the major problems America faces is a large population of
religious fundamentalists who have become as fanatical in their own
way as any Middle Eastern Ayatollah. At present, they are caught up
in their own version of the myth of the end of the world, and hope
that by working to bring it about, they'll get to sit at the right
hand of their diety and to hell with everyone else. No doubt
fistfights will break out over who gets to sit closest, but that is
a subject for another article. -
- WhatReallyHappened.com -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006)
Brotherhood of the Sun
- A Modern Story About An Ancient Order
- Just as the Brahman priesthood created the
Chrishna legend, the Roman aristocracy concocted the Christ myth –
to consolidate power, unify the Empire, save the Republic. Both
solar caricatures’ birthdays happen to fall on December 25th – right
around the winter solstice. Christ is coincidentally made to return
from the dead around Easter, around the spring equinox, when life
returns from its dormant state. -
- An Interview with Patrick Cain -
(Posted here: Monday, December 25, 2006)

Freemasonry, Jesus, and Constantine the
Pagan Worshipper
- Many of the Christian preachers and leaders of
today have been initiated into the so called secrets of Freemasonry.
And they know that the story of Jesus Christ, as it is understood by
the masses of the people, has it's origin in mythology and paganism;
yet they will not educate their following to this truth. -
- by Leo Zagami, Jan 10, 2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 11, 2007)

"Masters of Truth Fathers of Lies"
- hen, why and where did Freemasonry originate?
There is one answer to these questions: We do not know --." This we
may not know nor have any proof of - but why then do the Royal Arch
Rituals make such play about the Temple of King Solomon and claim
three original Grand Lodges and Three original Grand Masters. I hope
that as we proceed, the origins will become revealed. The Antients
Grand Lodge, formally constituted in l751 coincided with the
apparent disappearance of the Great Sanhedrin, the International
government of the Jews.
- Fame 97 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 09, 2007)

The Luciferian Deception
[An Essay On Christianity vs Freemasonry/Baalism]
- In 1992, I'd learned of a
pre-Inquisition scripture in the Oxford Bodellian Library, titled "Junius
2", but no copies available. Thru my law firm handlers, I asked the
anti-pope singer Sinead O'Connor to try to read it and report to me
what it says. She did, but the law firm refused to allow me to read
her report to me about it... I'm uninitiated. -
- by James Dierbeck -
(Posted here:
Thursday, Feb 21, 2008)
* * *

Did Jesus
Really Exist? The Evidence
- I want to post this video as a source
opposed to the "Jesus Myth", which is presented elsewhere on this
website, to show both sides of the story. I encourage you to watch
this video presentation, which is intending to present evidence of
Jesus' existence, and then make up your own mind. Wes Penre,
Illuminati News. -
(Posted here: Monday, July 28, 2008)
* * *

Are Roman
Catholics Christians?
- Chick.com -
(Posted here: March 13, 2006)
Satanism In the Catholic Church
(February 6, 2004)
The Satanic Catholic Church:
Priest Charged With Killing Put on Leave
Toledoblade.com, April 28, 2004
(Posted here: April 30, 2004)
More Satanic Worshipping in Vatican Verified
- former high level member of the influential Monte Carlo P2 Lodge
verified that satanic worshipping goes on in the catacombs of the
Vatican. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Oct 31, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, November 01, 2006)

The Jesuit Order - Pictures of Papal Infiltration
- First of all I want to show several close Jesuit
affiliations to powerful people.
For example Jesuits as family members or close friendships, associations
between Jesuits and U.S. Presidents, Governors, Senators, Hollywood
stars and other well known people.
I will do this with pictures and a short description of who the people
are and what was going on at the time. I expect you to research
these things on your own as well. I almost always need more than one
source to be convinced of something myself. Except of course when
there are pictures involved. It's said a picture is worth a thousand
words so I'll let the images do most of the talking. -
- by Thomas Richards -
(Posted here: Friday, August 24, 2007)
The Illuminati Mind Control Series
by Greg Szymanski
* *
Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within the Bowels Of
the Vatican Series
Part 1
Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican
- All roads lead to Piazza San Pietro when it comes to power,
leadership and initiation into the devious and diabolical
Illuminati. In the 1980's, the Vatican Bank Scandal brought to light
the connections between the Freemasons/Illuminati, the Vatican and
the mafia. Secret initiations are said to take place in the
catacombs of the Vatican and was Pope John Paul I killed after 39
days in office for wanting to expose the truth about Vatican
finances and the Illuminati? -
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 17, 2006)
Part 2
Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved
In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To
Topple America
- Born into the Illuminati, Svali says her Vatican initiation
ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrificing and a promise
to serve "The Family or Order" for life.
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 17, 2006)
Part 3
Fed Up With Lies And Deceit, Svali Turns Tail And Runs From The
Feared Illuminati
- After being brainwashed and heavily schooled in the "!2
Disciplines" of the Illuminati, Svali is now trying to base her life
on a foundation of truth not lies. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 18, 2006)
Part 4
Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican And Illuminati: The Small
Public Chapter of Svali's Life Coming To An End
- On the talk shows, Svali gasped for breadth several times and was
emotionally shaken when recalling how she was brainwashed as a young
child and then how she was subjected to watching a young child being
sacrificed at her Illuminati induction ceremony at the Vatican at
age 12. Her graphic description of the evil Vatican ceremony is
contained in Part II of this series. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 19, 2006)
* * *
Dungeon Vatican Rituals At Satan's Altar Was How Joanna, Born Into
The Illuminati, Spent Her Childhood
- Now free from the cult's chains, Joanna is warning America about
the "deadly intentions" of the cult she once called her family.
- by Greg Szymanski, Feb 04, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 04, 2006) |
The Vatican's
- A sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of
the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass
murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures
of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented
with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony. -
- by Avro Manhattan (1914-1990) -
(Posted here: June 28, 2005)
A Nun's Testimony
- In our emaciated condition because of the constant torture and
systematic starvation we were driven and kept in a state of chronic
fatigue and exhaustion. We were property of the Pope and the system, to
be worked to death for their pleasure. -
- Anonymous -
(Posted here: September 28, 2004)

The Two
Babylons (or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod
and His Wife)
- By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop -
(Posted here: Oct 26, 2005)
'Safe' Catholic School That Let Killer Deal Drugs, Have Sex and Worship
the Devil
- The police investigation into the killing exposed a culture of drug
taking, violence and Satanism among some pupils which raised disturbing
questions for the authorities that run the Roman Catholic secondary
school - one of 59 such schools in Scotland. -
- Scotland on Sunday, Jan 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 23, 2005)
Secret Archives of the Vatican
- You would think that the Vatican's Secret Archives would be some dumb
conspiracy theory. I mean, it sounds ridiculous. The Vatican's Secret
Archives. Let it roll off your tongue. Surely, we're into serious
conspiracy weirdness here. -
www.rotten.com -
(Posted here: April 14, 2005)

Oakland, Calif., Diocese Settles Church Abuse Suits for $56 Million
- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland has agreed to pay $56
million to settle lawsuits filed by 56 alleged victims of priest
sexual abuse, the diocese said Friday. -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 7, 2005)
Some Major
Settlements in Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Cases
- Sexual abuse by U.S. Roman Catholic priests has cost the church
more than $1 billion. Some of the largest known payouts to victims
in the past three years: -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 7, 2005)
The Roman Catholic Church of Corruption
- Dante reserved the lowest circle of hell—the circle of
treachery—for those who violated trust. He placed quite a few
priests, church leaders, and popes there. They’ll be getting lots of
company ... -
- by Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D, Online Journal, Sep 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 1, 2005)
The Statue of Liberty and Statue of Freedom - Plus Other Icons That
Are Actually "American Babylonianism" -
- The information in this article will come as a shock to many
readers. It came as a shock to the author while doing 10 years of
research for "America, The Babylon." Therefore this warning to those
who are convinced that anything but America is Babylon… Read at your
own peril. -
- by R.A. Coombes -
(Posted here: Oct 10, 2005)

Ex-Nun Exposes Satanic Rituals Within the Roman Catholic Church
- RoxineEvans.com -
(Posted here: Nov 14, 2005)

Catholic Monsignor Arrested, Charged With Fondling Boys
- Monsignor Dale Fushek, 53, becomes one of the highest-ranking
priests to be charged in the sex scandal that has engulfed the
church. The vicar general is the highest-ranking administrator of a
diocese next to the bishop. -
- Fox News, Nov 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 23, 2005)

The Vatican's
- The Sensational Account of the Most Horrifying Religious Massacre
of the 20th Century -
- by Avro Manhattan (1914-1990) -
(Posted here: Dec 21, 2005)

Role of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia's Holocaust
- The Nazi collaborator Archbishop Stepinac (right) and the Vatican
representative to fascist Croatia, Abbot Marcone (left). Croatia has
recently renamed a village in Krajina after Stepinac. Marcone was Pavelic's
confessor and Stepinac was convicted of war crimes after the war. Several
members of his clergy were involved in the genocide at Jasenovac - notably
the Franciscan priest, Pater Miroslav Filipovic, who was one of the
commandants of the camp. -
- Fantompowa.net -
(Posted here: Feb 01, 2006)
How the
Vatican Created Islam
- The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was
told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican. -
- AmericanHolocaust.50megs.com, Dec 11, 2001 -
(Posted here: Feb 01, 2006)

Where Does the Catholic Ash Wednesday Originate From?
- The question is; how many devoted Catholics know the REAL
story behind Ash Wednesday? How many know that this tradition has
clear pagan roots? -
- by Wes Penre, March 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 04, 2006)

Wealth "Truly Astonishing" As Simple Beggar Asking For Help
Reveals World Problems
- In one quick, desperate moment a poor man spoke the true words
of God in his own house, exposing the criminals who have
infiltrated the Catholic Church for what they really are -
common thieves and thugs who hide behind the cloth, using their
collected wealth for evil not good, while millions die around
the world from war and starvation. -
- by Greg Szymanski, March 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 17, 2006)
'Satanic' Art in Catholic Church Exposed
- Could the Roman Catholic Church's sex abuse crisis be tied to
embedded Satanic and occultic imagery in its artwork – some of
it hundreds of years old?
That is the seemingly incredible thesis of a new documentary, "Rape
of the Soul," made not by anti-Catholic bigots, but by
devout followers of the Church. -
- WorldNetDaily, March 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 29, 2006)

'How the
Vatican Created Islam'
- This information came from Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest
after his conversion to Protestant Christianity. It is excerpted
from "The Prophet," published by Chick Publications, PO Box 662,
Chino CA 91708. Since its publication, after several unsuccessful
attempts on his life, he died suddenly from food poisoning. His
testimony should not be silenced. Dr. Rivera speaks to us still ...
- DavidIcke.com, Apr 13, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 13, 2006)
The Vatican
Is A Cesspool of Satanism With Masonic Lodge Connections, According
To List Of Bishops, Archbishops And Cardinals Affiliated With Secret
- It's time Americans realize all roads lead back to the Vatican
when it comes to stopping the Illuminati's take over of the United
States. The list below of high ranking Church members involved in
Masonic Lodges is shocking, as it is a direct violation of Canon Law
2335, leading to direct expulsion from the Church. -
-by Greg Szymanski, Apr 21, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Apr 22, 2006)
According to Researcher Jared Israel, Vatican
And Hitler Worked Together
- Although the Vatican openly claims Nazism was the antithesis of
the Catholic Church, strong evidence claims it was nothing but
double talk. Most Italians are wise to the Vatican's lying ways,
saying La vita e' una fregatura. But sadly most Americans remain in
the dark due to infiltrated media. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 08, 2006)

Mother Teresa, John Paul
II, and the Fast-Track Saints
- What usually went unreported were the vast sums
she received from wealthy contributors, including a million dollars
from convicted savings & loan swindler Charles Keating, on whose
behalf she sent a personal plea for clemency to the presiding judge.
She was asked by the prosecutor in that case to return Keating’s
gift because it was money he had stolen. She never did. She also
accepted substantial sums given by the brutal Duvalier dictatorship
that regularly stole from the Haitian public treasury. -
- by Michael Parenti, Oct 22, 2007 -
(Posted here: Sunday, October 28, 2007)
Popes Under
Is the Pope a Catholic?
by Henry Makow, Ph Dr.
(February 24, 2004)
A Balanced View of
Popes Part 1
- Before he became Pope, he was Papal Nuncio in Berlin. Some contend he
was supportive of the rise of Adolf Hitler. For some years before,
during, and after World War Two, he was Pope Pius 12th. -
- by Sherman H. Skolnick -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)
[Nazi Popes] - A
Balanced View of Popes - Part 2
- A well-informed author on the topic of the Vatican, is reportedly
coming out with a well put together book, showing that the late Pope
John Paul 2nd worked for the Nazi Gestapo in Poland during World War
Two. He rounded up Polish Resistance Fighters and turned them over to
the Nazis who had them shot, so the book contends. Some. however,
survived. -
- by Sherman H. Skolnick -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)
Catholic Church No Longer Swears by Truth of the Bible
- THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a
teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the
Bible are not actually true.
- by Ruth Gledhill, The Times, Oct 05, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 05, 2005)
Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI
Papal Hopeful is a Former Hitler Youth
- Unknown to many members of the church, however, Ratzinger’s past
includes brief membership of the Hitler Youth movement and wartime
service with a German army anti- aircraft unit. -
- The Sunday Times, Apr 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 20, 2005)
and Pedophilia in the Church
- Ratzinger is also the author of a May 2001 letter to bishops stating
that the "Crimine solicitationies" law (regarding strict secrecy in sex
abuse cases) is still in effect. -
- Dailycos.com -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)

Priestly Sin, Cover-Up
[NOTE: This is from 2002]
- [Regarding sexual abuse in the Catholic Church] The accusers say
Vatican-based Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who heads the Vatican
office to safeguard the faith and the morals of the church, quietly made
the lawsuit go away and shelved it. There was no investigation and the
accusers weren't asked a single question or asked for a statement. -
ABC News, May 3, 2002 -
(Posted here: April 22, 2005)
Pope 'Obstructed' Sex Abuse Inquiry
Pope Benedict XVI faced claims last night he had 'obstructed
justice' after it emerged he issued an order ensuring the church's
investigations into child sex abuse claims be carried out in secret. The
order was made in a confidential letter, obtained by The Observer, which
was sent to every Catholic bishop in May 2001. -
- The Observer Int., Apr 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 27, 2005)

Pope Benedict XVI
Seeks Immunity in Texas Abuse Case
- Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the
pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to
cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court
records show. -
- BellaCiao.org, Aug 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 21, 2005)
Lawyer: Immunity
Request Won’t Stop Pope Suit
- A U.S. lawyer said Wednesday he will press ahead with a lawsuit
alleging Pope Benedict XIV conspired to cover up the abuse of three
boys by a seminary student in Texas, despite the pontiff's request
for diplomatic immunity. -
- Reuters, Aug 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 21, 2005)

The Pope urges obedience to oil imperialism
Pope Benedict Urges Muslims to Give Up Their Oil to Christian
Corporations Like Exxon Mobil
- He said an improvement in relations with Islam "is a vital
necessity on which a large measure of our future oil needs depends."
He warned that if Islam doesn’t than it is "the darkness of a new
barbarism." -
- Reuters, Aug 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 29, 2005)
Ruling: Texas Court Dismisses Pope From Sex Abuse Case
- VATICAN CITY -- A U.S. judge in Texas dismissed Pope Benedict XVI
from a civil lawsuit accusing him of conspiracy to cover up the
sexual abuse of minors by a seminarian, ruling Thursday that the
pontiff has immunity as a head of state. -
- Napa Register, Dec 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 26, 2005)

ZENIT - The World Seen from Rome
- [The Pope]: "Men and women of today, humanity
come of age yet often still so frail in mind and will, let the
Child of Bethlehem take you by the hand! Do not fear; put your
trust in him! The life-giving power of his light is an incentive
for building a new world order based on just ethical and
economic relationships."
- Zenit.org, Dec 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 30, 2005)
Giovanni Battista Montini, Pope Paul VI

Tied up in
the Rat Lines
- ...It links Giovanni Battista Montini, who later became Pope Paul
VI, to the theft of property of Jewish, Serb, Russian, Ukrainian and
Roma victims during World War II in Yugoslavia. -
- Haaretz.com, Jan 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 04, 2006)
The Godmen
- from Livingstonemusic.net
Pagan Worship and Catholicism
from aloha.net - (February 20, 2004)
Saturnalia - A Little History on the Holidays
- So what has all this got to do with Jesus and holy lights? Nothing
much, really. Dec. 24th wasn't a Christian holiday until the year 350,
when Pope Julius I (or Emperor Constantine) finally thought that if you
can't beat them, join them, and tacked Christ's birthday onto the date
that everyone was celebrating anyway. -
- Eugene Weekly, Dec 23, 2004 -
(Posted here: December 26, 2004)
Sun Worship and the
Sun God
- Christians never think it strange that the birth date of Jesus is also the
birth date of many of the incarnated gods of antiquity. They never think it
curious that it was for ancient astronomers the last day of the year—when
the year was re-born and a new sun began to climb again in the heavens. That
Pagans venerated the birthday of Christ as the birthday of their gods is
beyond coincidence . -
- smithbrad.nventure.com -
(Posted here: January 9, 2005)

- Satan began to take on the familiar qualities of horns and tail in
the Dark Ages, modeled on several predecessor pagan gods such as Pan
or the Green Man, fertility-style gods who represented everything
the Catholics were out to eradicate, such as sex and generally
having a good time. -
- Rotten.com -
(Posted here: July 12, 2005)
The Church of Satan
- "We're looking for a few outstanding individuals..." -
(Posted here: December 28, 2004)
Satanism: The World of
the Occult
- Anton LaVey of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, California,
says that "Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal religion. It is based
on the belief that man is inherently a selfish, violent creature... that
the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win" -
- by Russ Wise -
(Posted here: December 28, 2004)
Know Thy Enemy - Vatican University Offers Course on Satan
- ROME- “The Beasts of Satan”, a gang of misguided youths from Milan,
dance in a forest, their feet treading heavily on the makeshift grave of
two friends they have just brutally murdered. -
- Khaleej Times, Jan 1, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 5, 2005)
of Goths for Lonely and Disaffected
- Mitchell’s interest in Satanism probably developed out of his passion
for Gothic culture. A knife pouch with the numbers 666, Jodi’s initials
and the years of her birth and death was described in court as a memento
of her killing. -
- Times Online, Jan 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 22, 2005)
Satanic Group Jailed for Slayings
- Two members of a heavy metal group called the "Beasts of Satan" who
confessed to taking part in three ritual Satanic slayings were sentenced
to prison Tuesday, and a third defendant was acquitted, Italian media
reported. -
- CNN, Feb 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 23, 2005)
Judaism & Zionism Is Not the Same Thing
- from Jews United Against Zionism
Judaism vs. Zionism
- from Jews United Against Zionism

The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism
- For over 60 years I have fought Zionism, as did my father before
me, and I am therefore quite familiar with it. For those who have
been in this fight for only the last ten or twenty years, what I
have to say may be surprising or even shocking. -
- by G. Neuburger -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 06, 2006)
The Great Gulf
Between Zionism and Judaism
- Paper delivered by G. J. Neuberger a member of Neturei Karta at the
Tripoli Conference on Zionism and Racism -
- by G.J. Neuberger -
(Posted here: February 13, 2005)
America's Jews Tired of Being Used by Their Own
- by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, February 14, 2004 -
(Posted here: February 16, 2004)
Jews Against Zionism
- Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis
and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also many who are
totally unaware of the history of Zionism and its contradiction to the
beliefs of Torah-True Jews. -
- JewsAgainstZionism -
(Posted here: January 19, 2005)

British Jewry
Tried to Stop Zionism
- When the British Cabinet issued the Balfour Declaration in
1917, it was over the strenuous objections of its only Jewish
member, Edwin Montagu, who represented British Jewry. But
non-Jews, many of whom were anti-Semites, had the final say.
They saw Zionism as a way to advance British imperialism and the
New World Order. -
- by Henry Makow, March 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 11,
Understanding Islam
- by Leo Zagami, Jan 07, 2007 -
(Posted here: Sunday, January 07, 2007)
Ex-National Security Chief Zbigniew Brzezinski Admits: Afghan Islamism
Was Made in Washington
- by Nouvel Observateur -

'How the
Vatican Created Islam'
- This information came from Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest
after his conversion to Protestant Christianity. It is excerpted
from "The Prophet," published by Chick Publications, PO Box 662,
Chino CA 91708. Since its publication, after several unsuccessful
attempts on his life, he died suddenly from food poisoning. His
testimony should not be silenced. Dr. Rivera speaks to us still ...
- DavidIcke.com, Apr 13, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 13, 2006)

From London - This is Beyond Scary
- After all their efforts to divide and
conquer, the Illuminati LOVE to see results in pictures like these.
When such demonstrations take place and the world becomes a little
more filled with hatred and terror, spread by stupid, ignorant
people stuck in dogma their Illuminati Masters has indoctrinated
them with, it is a great time for the same Puppet Masters to bring
on the Champagne and celebrate...
- by Wes Penre, March 02, 2008 -
(Posted here:
Sunday, March 02, 2008)

Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China
[or Dalai Lama's odd friends]
- Leaving aside at this point the claim
of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has
been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight
into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence
services and their gaggle of NGOs. It is the agenda of the
Washington friends of the Dalai Lama that is relevant here. -
- by F. William Engdahl, Apr 10, 2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, Apr 21, 2008)
- The fables of finding the golden plates parallels with the story about the
Rosicrucian manifestos. In the early 1600s, a manuscript was said to have
been discovered at the tomb of a man named Christian Rosencrutz. -
- TheResistancesManifesto.com -
(Posted here: May 30, 2005)
Mormonism: Anatomy of a Colossal Fraud
- As the book of Mormon was being finished, Smith realized that
someone else besides him had to see the plates or there would be a
credibility problem. He had a "revelation" in which God said he
would grant a vision of the plates to three and no more. Smith told
Martin Harris that the Lord had said, "Martin Harris shall say, 'I
have seen them, shown unto me by the power of God"', and if he
doesn't, "he is condemned." -
- by Stephen van Eck -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)
The Black Israelites

Angela Yahweh & Prophet Yahweh
Brothers & Sisters for Polygamy
- My name is Angela Yahweh, and it means: "Angel Of YAHWEH" I am the
current Director and broadcast host of Brothers And Sisters For
Polygamy. -
- prophetyahweh.com -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to
summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually
is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space
traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The
purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says
the aliens are benevolent (at least to the Israelites and their followers). -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)
Yahweh is the "Creator" and
God is Satan
- This is from Prophet Yahweh's News Group at Yahoo.com. Here he claims he
has proof that everything mentioned in the name of God is actually mentioned
in the name of Satan. The Devil and God (Gad) is the same thing. Yahweh is
not God, according to him, but the "Creator". Well, read for yourself. The
following is directly from the Prophet, copied and pasted with no changes.
Wes Penre -
- by Prophet Yahweh, July 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)
Prophet Yahweh "Study Guide"
The Black Jew Hebrew Israelite Study Guide
- Below is a very controversial study guide that the Luciferian
forces hope you never find out about! It has some very valuable
insights into the secrets of biblical scriptures that YAHWEH wants
you to know. -
- by Prophet Yahweh, June 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 27, 2005)
Zion School of Computer Training
- A Prophet Yahweh Company -
- Prophetyahweh.com -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)
Kamakazi - Tribe of Judah
- Virgin Island Roots + Puerto Rican Power = "THE RUDE BOY OF
- Prophetyahweh.com -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)
Nation of Israel TV
- Our site is dedicated to proving that Black people of slave
descent are the original and true nation of Israel - the Israelites.
We are a pyah.net site that's powered by Abacast technology. To view
our broadcasts, you'll need the free Abacast plugin and Windows
Media player. If you have any problems, please go to the Abacast
Help Page -
- Prophetyahweh.com -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)
Religious Wars
The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem
- The Golden Report
Terrorism & the Origins of Israel Part 1
- by Jean Shaoul
Terrorism & the Origins of Israel Part 2
- by Jean Shaoul
The Denmark Cartoons

Cartoon Capers in the Papers
- Nick Griffin of the BNP was exonerated of ‘Incitement to
Racial Hatred’ at the Crown Court for describing Muslims as
cockroaches who should be driven from our shores, but when the
radical cleric Abu Hamza called on the followers of Islam to
defend themselves against such vicious attacks, he too was
charged with inciting violence and hate speech. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Feb 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 06, 2006)
Denmark Cartoons
- Has it all happened innocuously and accidentally or is it a
deliberate attempt towards an ulterior motive?//To answer this
question let us go back in time to May 2005. -
- by Anwaar Hussain, Fountainhead, Feb 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 08, 2006)
The Road to
the Muslim Holocaust
- Tolerance is a falsehood often pronounced with difficulty in all
of Western societies. Small countries such as Denmark, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Austria, and Norway are leading the pack in the war on
Muslims at home, and may be on the road to encouraging a new
Holocaust against humanity. -
- by Ghali Hassan, GlobalResearch.ca, Feb 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 08, 2006)
European Media
Provokes Muslims To Inflame Zionist 'Clash Of Civilizations'
- Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper
published a dozen provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed
to offend Muslims. The predictable result has greatly increased the
possibility of violence and left Denmark in a costly and dangerous
predicament. -
- by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, Feb 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 08, 2006)

- Abu Hamza had a cozy relationship with MI5
agents who assured him he did not “have anything to worry about
as long as we don’t see blood on the streets” but Flemming Rose
has done more to recruit jihadis with offensive cartoons than
Hamza ever could with his free speech. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Feb 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 10, 2006)
The Mohammed
Cartoons - Recruiting Europe For Bush's War On Iran
- The NATO intelligence provocation appearing in the guise of
the scurrilous Mohammed cartoons published by the reactionary
newspaper Jyllands Posten of Denmark, and then by a series of
other European publications, has already done much to mobilize
the armies, bases, and treasuries of Europe in support of the
lunatic plan to the Bush-neocon clique for a nuclear sneak
attack and punitive expedition against Iran over the coming
weeks or months. -
- by Webster Griffin Tarpley, Feb 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 10, 2006)
Illuminati Up To Its "Dirty Tricks" and Deception
Campaign With Nerve Gas Scare And Outrageous Mohammad
- Don't fall for the tricks by the 'masters of
deception' who also may be behind the nine church fires
in Alabama. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Feb 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 10, 2006)
* * *
Battle of Armageddon

Lobbying for Armageddon
- Some influential evangelical leaders are lobbying for an
attack on Iran. But it's not about geopolitics -- it's about
bringing about the End Times. -
- by Sarah Posner, AlterNet. Posted August 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 06, 2006)
Miscellaneous on Religion
and Religious Wars
Lord Hutton's Famous Church
by Rev. C.D. Thomson -
(Posted here: February 28, 2004
'The Beast' Movie: Jesus Didn't Exist
- Former Christian director's secretive film scheduled to open on 06-06-06
- Worldnet Dialy.com, Oct. 12, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 15, 2004)
Save Us From the Politicians Who Have God on Their Side
- These American hijackers have made the world a more dangerous place -
Guardian Unlimited, Dec. 6, 2004 -
(Posted here: December 8, 2004)
A Wake-Up Call for the Sane Majority
- Are you surprised to learn that people called conservatives would quote
Joseph Stalin? Yes, that Joseph Stalin, the former Soviet dictator and mass
murderer. And no, I am not making this up. It happened recently at a
Washington conclave held by something called the Judeo-Christian Council for
Constitutional Restoration. -
- NWAnews.com, Apr 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 17, 2005)
Religious Scholars to Translate Old Texts
- Ancient quasi-biblical texts written by Jews, Christians and pagans are to
be translated for the first time by scholars of divinity. The tales date
from between 300BC and AD600. They include stories about biblical
characters, wise sayings, poetry and prophecies. -
- News Telegraph, July 31, 2005 -
(Posted here: August 1, 2005)

Hypocrisy of Canada's "Tolerance"
- Newly minted Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday that
while he regrets the [Muslim] cartoons' publication, he
defends the right of free speech. / / Obviously "tolerance" and
"free speech" are whatever the New World Order or Zionists determine
them to be. Blasphemy is free speech if they say so. -
- by Dr. Henry Makow, PhD, Feb 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 22, 2006)

William Cooper & the Mystery of Rennes-le-Château
- “I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the
information that they have unearthed. Most of all I am amazed at
their inability to put the puzzle together. The treasure hidden in
France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is the
Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of
the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone’s
bones. I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the
world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth. The
relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the
authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they
know – or do they?” -
- Societe Perillos -
(Posted here: March 08, 2006)

Jewish Supremacist Organization Lites Menorah in front of White
While the Cross is outlawed on public ground – huge Jewish
Menorahs are erected!
- Every year a huge Menorah is erected
and lit on public land front of the America’s White House. The
picture shows the Menorah lit by the radical Jewish supremacist
organization called Chabad Lubavitch. It was lit by the prominent
Jewish extremist and torture advocate, the new U.S. Attorney General
Michael Mukasey. In America it has become illegal to put a Christian
cross on public ground; no symbol representing any aspect of the
Christian religion is allowed. But while crosses are banned from the
White House and any public place, huge Jewish Menorahs are going up
by the thousands all over the United States as well as in many
European countries. -
- by Representative David Duke, PhD, Dec
21, 2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, December 28,
The Illuminati News
Mission Statement
Articles That Are
Updated Occasionally:
* *
The Avian Flu Database
- My very good friend,
Wayne Morin
Jr., and I decided to create a database with articles on the
Avian Flu, in chronological order as the events happen. We hope
this will be helpful for you in your own research. -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Oct 16, 2005 -
* *
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
- A Reference Database -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 -
* *
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? And even more important is: how long
will it take before the invisible people in top positions of the society,
those who are behind all this, can be put on trial? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 -
* *

Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
- I researched psychiatry long before I started researching the New
World Order; before I even knew what the New World Order was. What
came out of that research was mind-boggling. I thought that
psychiatry, this so-called "science", must be the most vicious
practice on Earth... -
- by Wes Penre, Apr 27, 2005 -
Biography of Wes
Spiritual Solution to the New World Order
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New World Order Is Just A Conspiracy Theory?
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