it just me, or does anyone else feel the vise grip tightening?
Thursday’s news read as follows: “Airline passengers around
the country stood in line for hours and airport trash bins bulged
with everything from mouthwash and shaving cream to maple syrup and
fine wine Thursday in a security crackdown prompted by the discovery
of a terror plot in Britain.”
Imagine this. In
“the land of the free and the home of the brave” there is a
“security crackdown.” Crackdown on whom, may I ask?
United Airlines
updated TSA regulations – including a ban on all liquids or
gels in carry-on baggage -- on its web site on August 10, in
response to the discovery of the terror plot. Hmm. Perhaps I am
naïve, but I thought that things like this had to be passed by
legislators and signed by the president before I could be arrested
for violating them.
We have a War on Terror. The executive branch has
to act and act fast! It is for your protection. I mean they have
to do something.
We are told that
we are fighting a war against terrorists who “hate our freedom” and
seek to “undermine our very way of life.”
If America
succumbs to full-blown tyranny it will not be because of crazed,
diabolical “Islamo-Fascists.” It will be because the American people
willingly relinquished their freedom in the name of security.
America has two
constitutions. One was ordained and established in Philadelphia in
1787. The other exists in the hearts and minds of the American
people and far more important. If “we the people” are ignorant,
apathetic and downright unwilling to defend their God-given rights,
the written Constitution
becomes just a piece of paper.
Ever since
September 11, the American people have been all too happy to let the
FEDGOV do whatever it pleases. We applaud the USA PATRIOT Act. We
submit to the TSA grope-and-grab at airports. We have no objection
to warrantless searches. We could care less if Uncle Sam monitors
our e-mails and phone calls. After all, “if you have nothing to
hide, you have nothing to fear” and “your civil liberties don’t
matter if you’re dead.”
My response to
this is: “Just how do you know
you have nothing to hide?”
Consider the
Americans have
already accepted all ten policy planks of the Communist Manifesto as the
law of the land.
Millions of
Americans don’t mind one bit that we have the world’s highest
incarceration rate.
The Federal Register
– Uncle Sam’s compendium of laws and regulations with which you and I
are required to comply – runs 70,000 pages. Do you know what is in
there? Do you? If you violate it, prepare to don an orange jumpsuit.
The Internal Revenue
code runs 11,000,000 words. Again: do you know what is in there?
The worst part
of the post-9/11 agenda is Uncle Sam’s assumption of power to
terror suspects arbitrarily and indefinitely without formal
charges, without the right to face their accuser, without a jury
trial or without any semblance of due process whatsoever.
What was that
about “threatening our very way of life”? This is not the doing of
some psychopath in Afghanistan. It is the doing of our own
government. And it is all in the name of freedom, of course.
As one observer
put it: “On September 11, 2001 a horrible crime was committed. On
September 12, 2001 the American people became suspects.” Of far
greater danger than terrorists abroad is how unquestioningly so many
Americans have accepted their new status.
First it was
9/11 and the growth of the surveillance state. Then it was
Thursday's unveiling of a terrorist plot in Britain and new
restrictions on what we can carry on planes. What will come after
the next terrorist episode, be it an attack or an arrest? And how
calmly will the American people accept whatever laws or regulations
Uncle Sam hands down? As an old German proverb says, freedom dies in
little pieces.