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Last Updated:
Monday, February 18, 2008 04:25:11 AM
Illuminati News Mission Statement
[Make a donation and collect the BONUSES!]
- I have noticed that I have had to neglect some things in life
that are very important to me and others, while working hour
after hour on my website. Therefore I ask you, kind visitor, for
a donation, so I can spend the same amount of time, and more, on
research, and less time trying to manage my finances. -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 01, 2006 -
Find on this
web site.
Illuminati News Search Engine:
Advice on how to search
(Illuminati News Search Engine only):
If you for example search for Wes Penre
and the result says No Matches, then start over and type in
Penre instead, no first name. Sometimes the search engine is
not recognizing more than one word at the time, so please be creative.
Once you get the hang of it, it should work just fine.
Also, if you do a search, the result will open in
a new window. When you're done with that particular search, and
you go back to do another search, you may find it doesn't do anything.
Then just close the window from the previous search and try again. Now
it should work.
Thank you,
Wes Penre
Free Find Search
Advice on how to search
(Free Find Search Engine only):
Sometimes the result will be no matches when you click Find! or
ENTER. On the new page that shows up, type in your query again in THAT
search engine, and it should work.
Sorry about the inconvenience.
Wes Penre
The Illuminati News
Mission Statement
Articles That Are
Updated Occasionally:
* *
The Avian Flu Database
- My very good friend,
Wayne Morin
Jr., and I decided to create a database with articles on the
Avian Flu, in chronological order as the events happen. We hope
this will be helpful for you in your own research. -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Oct 16, 2005 -
* *
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
- A Reference Database -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 -
* *
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? And even more important is: how long
will it take before the invisible people in top positions of the society,
those who are behind all this, can be put on trial? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 -
* *

Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
- I researched psychiatry long before I started researching the New
World Order; before I even knew what the New World Order was. What
came out of that research was mind-boggling. I thought that
psychiatry, this so-called "science", must be the most vicious
practice on Earth... -
- by Wes Penre, Apr 27, 2005 -
Biography of Wes
Spiritual Solution to the New World Order
Still Believe the
New World Order Is Just A Conspiracy Theory?
Please Be Aware Of the Illuminati Agenda
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