he BBC’s Middle East
correspondent, Frank Gardner described the horror in Qana as
a “diplomatic setback” while most people call it what it
was, another massacre of innocents. Further delays in
diplomacy grant Israel extra killing time, which George Bush
said is “American policy to strengthen democracy in
Lebanon.” In reality it is strengthening Hizbollah.
Condoleezza Rice wants to “finish the job” and Ehud Olmert
needs two more weeks to eradicate infant ‘terrorists,’ the
youngest being one day old.
Sky News reporter, David Bowden,
who looked traumatised by what he witnessed in Southern
Lebanon, more accurately described the devastation as
“Armageddon” which will please Christian Zionist zealots,
who are rejoicing at the genocide, because they believe it
will herald the second coming of Christ. All thanks to
Israel, who is doing God’s work! I doubt if Jesus would be
impressed but Moloch will approve, when the new Middle East
is built on the mass graves of sacrificed children.
Dan Gillerman said Hizbollah is
responsible for Israel’s crimes against humanity because if
they did not exist, there would be no war, but it was not
Hizbollah who shelled UN convoys travelling south to
evacuate refugees, forcing them to turn back. Henry Makow
stated in his latest article that poor Jews are merely pawns
being diminished by the Illuminati. So who is to blame,
Eskimos? It is not them, who will grab the depopulated lands
to extend Eretz Yisrael, from the
Nile to the Euphrates.
The UN is demanding that Hizbollah
disarms and Lebanon becomes defenceless, while the US is
rushing bunker buster bombs to the region, arming Israel to
the hilt with weapons of mass destruction. The Lebanese must
not resist, as the bodies of their babies rot amidst the
rubble, with their family members buried beside them. Israel
is using tried and tested tactics first honed by
agentur of Meyer
Rothschild during the French Revolution,
the most effective way to subjugate the people.
Arabs are being coaxed into a
conflict which they neither started nor desired, but you
can’t have a World War without opponents. So their
sensibilities will be enraged until a violent response is
guaranteed. This will be interpreted by the
Zionist-controlled media as ‘anti-Semitism’ an unjustified
and irrational hatred of Jews, based solely on their alleged
genealogy and nothing to do with their appalling actions.
Israel will take the gloves off and the Gates of Hell will
be opened, to immerse mankind in madness.

‘Suffer the little children
to come unto Me’