Articles That Are
Updated Occasionally:
* *
The Avian Flu Database
- My very good friend,
Wayne Morin
Jr., and I decided to create a database with articles on the
Avian Flu, in chronological order as the events happen. We hope
this will be helpful for you in your own research. -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Oct 16, 2005 -
* *
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
- A Reference Database -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 -
* *
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? And even more important is: how long
will it take before the invisible people in top positions of the society,
those who are behind all this, can be put on trial? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 -
* *

Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
- I researched psychiatry long before I started researching the New
World Order; before I even knew what the New World Order was. What
came out of that research was mind-boggling. I thought that
psychiatry, this so-called "science", must be the most vicious
practice on Earth... -
- by Wes Penre, Apr 27, 2005 -
Biography of Wes
Spiritual Solution to the New World Order
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