Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) |
uch has been
written on this subject:
* Third Reich
* Witchcraft
* Churchill
Perhaps the most believable book is the classic by J K Brennan,
published some 30 years ago.
Several articles have appeared on the web on this subject, which
makes several claims, we have heard before- that just do not stand

Gerald Gardner
(1884-1964) |
British witches possibly did meet during W.W.II to discourage
Hitler is quite possible, but most unlikely. Accounts by
Gardner were plagiarised from Anthropologist Dr.
Margaret Murray’ landmark folklore book published in 1949, which
scholars say instigated the present witchcraft revival. And
suggestions from informed sources say Gardner originated his own
version of a Witchcraft type organisation in 1951-52, not
Gardner's principle intellectual opponent, the self styled “king
of the Witches” Alex Sanders, and his wife Maxine both
separately admitted to me that Alex had been to research
libraries such as the British museum and the Bodliean library at
Oxford among others, and had torn out pages, so that no source
would exist that could disagree with his re-written histories of
witchcraft. And to bolster several other claims, but mainly to
prove that witchcraft existed in an unbroken line from Saxon
times to the present, and claimed an initiation lineage,
directly down to himself.
This same claim has been made by others too, and both the
Gardnerian and Alexandrian covens of a few decades ago, have
argued over which has this lineage.
Those who knew Alex Sanders will perhaps agree that he was a
great showman with excellent knowledge, but his opinions over
the years were “ changeable.”
Colleagues of Gerald Gardner, who did a lot of good making the
movement fashionable, do not dispute his belief that “truth was
a movable feast”.
The term “Witch” occurs 13 times in the bible and on each
occasion means something different; it was as different to the
witchcraft of the Middle Ages, as that is from today’s.
I do not seek to decry it at all, for they all have my respect
for their spiritual nutriment, but my motive is to shine in the
light of truth.
Hitler was not deterred from attacking Britain because this was
not ever his intention. In 1935 he asked permission from the
British government that for every 100 warships we had, could he
build 35. This was refused. Would he ask this if he planned a
war with us?
Churchill had the king's brother and would be peacemaker the
Duke of Kent, and general Sikorsky murdered, and the other
peacemaker Edward VIII squeezed out under the “Wallace Simpson
fiasco, because exactly as Sir Anthony Blunt claimed during the
Mayfair de-briefings, - “Churchill and his backers wanted the
war no matter what”.
Hitler had a “thing” about the Arian race; these “Anglo-Saxon”
nations are Britain, Germany, and the U.S. which is partly why
he constantly proposed peace to us even sending his deputy,
Rudolph Hess to stop the war.
From 1942 Hitler knew he could not win a war on two fronts,
exactly as his astrologer predicted, and asked repeatedly for an
honourable surrender. Churchill’s financial backers would not
allow this, insisting on total destruction.

Victor Rothschild,
(1910-1990) |
Believe this,
Churchill on orders from
Victor Rothschild, forbad intelligence gathering on Russia
through the war, archive material in Washington (particularly
document, FO 383-7 14-1), details war crimes by Churchill, the
British in retaliation documented the barbarity and revenge on
German civilians of the Jewish Gen. Eisenhower, and his starving to
death of German prisoners at the wars end.
Churchill’s incompetence was so great, that at wars end we had to
guarantee safety to the likes of Claus Barbie and others, because
the Germans were the only people with an intelligence infrastructure
into Russia.
We went back on our word to those who had given us information, and
prosecuted many up until the present day, yet Japanese and allied
war crimes were largely ignored.
Sir Anthony
Blunt had deep knowledge of both Britain, German and Russian theatre
tactics, and was horrified that Churchill backed Stalin’s rape
squads sent in to defile German women and children, after we had
mass fire