he global elite, through the direct
operations of President George Bush and his Administration, are
creating a North American Union that will combine Canada, Mexico
and the U.S. into a superstate called the North American Union (NAU).
The NAU is roughly patterned after the European Union (EU).
There is no political or economic mandate for creating the NAU,
and unofficial polls of a cross-section of Americans indicate
that they are overwhelmingly against this end-run around
national sovereignty.
To answer Lou Dobbs, "No, the political
elites have not gone mad", they just want you to think
that they have.
The reality over appearance is easily cleared
up with a proper historical perspective of the last 35 years of
political and economic manipulation by the same elite who now
bring us the NAU.
This paper will explore this history in order
to give the reader a complete picture of the NAU, how it is made
possible, who are the instigators of it, and where it is headed.
It is important to first understand that the
impending birth of the NAU is a gestation of the Executive
Branch of the U.S. government, not the Congress. This is
the topic of the first discussion below.
The next topic will examine the global
elite's strategy of subverting the power to negotiate trade
treaties and international law with foreign countries from the
Congress to the President. Without this power, NAFTA and the NAU
would never have been possible.
After this, we will show that the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the immediate genetic
and necessary ancestor of the NAU.
Lastly, throughout this report the NAU
perpetrators and their tactics will be brought into the
limelight so as to affix blame where it properly belongs. The
reader will be struck with the fact that the same people
are at the center of each of these subjects.
The Best Government that Money Can Buy
Modern day globalization was launched with
the creation of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 by David
Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Its membership consisted of
just over 300 powerful elitists from north America, Europe and
Japan. The clearly stated goal of the Trilateral Commission was
to foster a "New International Economic Order" that would
supplant the historical economic order.
In spite of its non-political rhetoric, The
Trilateral Commission nonetheless established a headlock on the
Executive Branch of the U.S. government with the election of
James Earl Carter in 1976. Hand-picked as a presidential
candidate by Brzezinski, Carter was personally tutored in
globalist philosophy and foreign policy by Brzezinski himself.
Subsequently, when Carter was sworn in as President, he
appointed no less than one-third of the U.S. members of the
Commission to his Cabinet and other high-level posts in his
Administration. Such was the genesis of the Trilateral
Commission's domination of the Executive Branch that continues
to the present day.
With the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980,
Trilateral Commission member George H.W. Bush was introduced to
the White House as vice-president. Through Bush's influence,
Reagan continued to select key appointments from the ranks of
the Trilateral Commission.
In 1988, George H.W. Bush began his four-year
term as President. He was followed by fellow Trilateral
Commission member William Jefferson Clinton, who served for 8
years as President and appointed fourteen fellow Trilateral
members to his Administration.
The election of George W. Bush in 2000 should
be no surprise. Although Bush was not a member of the Trilateral
Commission, his vice-president Dick Cheney is. In
addition, Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne, is also a member of the
Commission in her own right.
The hegemony of the Trilateral Commission
over the Executive Branch of the U.S. government is
unmistakable. Critics argue that this scenario is merely
circumstantial, that the most qualified political "talent" quite
naturally tends to belong to groups like the Trilateral
Commission in the first place. Under examination, such
explanations are quite hollow.
Why would the Trilateral Commission seek to
dominate the Executive Branch? Quite simply - Power! That is,
power to get things done directly which would have been
impossible to accomplish through the only moderately successful
lobbying efforts of the past; power to use the government as a
bully platform to modify political behavior throughout the
Of course, the obvious corollary to this
hegemony is that the influence and impact of the citizenry is
virtually eliminated.
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