he heart-thumping moment came when
when passengers on board one of the hijacked 9/11 jets
fought back against the ruthless fanatics hellbent on
crashing the plane into the heart of America.
Jumping out of their seats to a
rallying cry of ‘Let’s roll!’, they charged towards the
front of the Boeing 757 and began smashing down the
cockpit door to reach the hijackers at the controls.
Amid the desperate commotion, the
plane rolled violently from right to left and pitched up
and down as the rogue pilots tried to throw the
passengers beyond the door off balance. As the struggle
continued, the cockpit voice recorder captured the
hijackers urgently discussing whether to ditch the
plane. ‘Is that it? Shall we finish it off?’ asked one
of the fanatics.
‘No, not yet. When they all come, we
finish it off,’ was the reply. Minutes later, at10.03am,
with the same voices shouting in Arabic, ‘Allah is the
greatest, Allah is the greatest,’ the plane headed down,
banked hard right and rolled on to its back. It smashed
into an empty field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at
its top speed of 580mph and exploded into a massive
Evidence suggests a sinister
The flames set nearby woods on fire
as the impact sprayed body parts and other debris into
the trees and up into the sky, to float to earth as far
as eight miles away.
This, then, is the legend of United
Airways Flight 93, one that has been vigorously promoted
in a stream of books and films, most recently in the
£9.6 million Hollywood movie United 93. It is the story
of how 33 innocent passengers and seven crew gave their
lives to save countless others as their plane flew
kamikaze-style towards the White House or the Capitol in
To a nation still reeling from the
attacks on New York’s World Trade Centre and the
Pentagon that same September morning, these were men and
women every bit as heroic as those who had fought at the
Yet my own exhaustive investigations
have led me to conclude that the story of Flight 93 is
far from being the straightforward account of supreme
courage that the authorities would have us believe.
Instead, the real story is mired in
cynical manipulation and warmongering propaganda. I am
convinced there is evidence to suggest a wholly sinister
twist to the tale that already holds pride of place in
American folklore. For I believe that Flight 93 may well
have been deliberately shot down as a means of stopping
it from reaching its ultimate target — even at the
expense of the 40 blameless people on board. It is a
suspicion that was held even by the FBI, but was swept
aside as a shaken America clung on to the official
version of selfless sacrifice and raw patriotism.
Today, with the approach of the fifth
anniversary of 9/11, some will still say that such
speculation only serves to lend comfort to terrorists
and does a disservice to the dead.
Others, however, will feel there are
too many disquieting circumstances and unanswered
questions to simply ignore.
But let us examine the evidence — so
that you can come to your own conclusion. The massive
impact caused the entire plane to disappear 30ft deep
into the earth, telescoping down on itself and crushing
everyone and everything inside the fuselage beyond
Why did the engines go
However, the absence of any
significant debris — including tailplane and wings —
bewildered witnesses, relatives and, more importantly,
some crash experts.
They found it hard to believe that an
airliner up to 155ft long, with two engines each
weighing more than six tons, could have penetrated the
ground so completely as to utterly disappear. Had it, in
reality, been blown to pieces in mid-air?
Certainly it is unclear how a single
piece of fuselage the size of a dining room table could
have been recovered from a marina in Indian Lake, a
couple of miles away from the crash site — unless it
fell from the sky during an aerial break-up.