ome years ago one Christmas eve, I was invited to attend a 70th
birthday celebration held at a Masonic lodge for intelligence
and allied personnel.
An amusing senior policeman telling filthy jokes to the guests,
introduced me to an inebriated old chap dozing in front of a
blazing fire, who had been at guard at Spandau prison where Hess
was held.
Almost word for word I remember what he said to me and I repeat
it here.
history books say that Hess, the second most powerful man in Germany,
had bodyguards 24 hours a day, he could not even go to the toilet on his
own, yet we are told he slipped away from them, went to an airfield which
was guarded in time of war, got in without being recognised, bolted on extra
large fuel tanks without being challenged, gave a signature for fuel, and
warmed up the engine for the statutory 20 minutes without being stopped.
Britain was at war with Germany and anyone stealing an aeroplane was shot
down instantly, yet although there were no maps, he knew exactly where to
fly to in Scotland. British interception fighters were told keep away.”
asked him what it was he was telling me ?
this, he said, that luring Hess to Britain was an M.I.6 “sting
to embarrass Hitler. We then
said, you do as we tell you, but Hitler said: “keep him.”
Hess told us that the Katyn Forest murders were the work of the
N.K.V.D (Stalinist intell forces), which we already knew, but
blamed Germany.
Hess said again the Hitler wanted peace with us, and that
Germany, Britain and the U.S were all part of the Anglo Saxon
brotherhood, and he did not want war among them.
Remember that at Dunkirk Hitler allowed the British army to
escape, he could have annihilated our forces who were largely
defenceless in the water, but he wanted our forces strong,
because all through the war, we were negotiating with Germany
over the seriousness of the Soviet threat.
guard at Spandau, said Hess, was fitted up at the Nuremberg
trials and given a life sentence". He was also given mind
altering drugs, which made him appear mad before the trial, and
all Germans were beaten and serially kicked in the groin, on
Churchill’s orders. Hess desperately wanted to discuss the
“Jewish question”,
Britain was refused to consider help, by the international
financiers themselves.
leader Rothschild is on record as saying, and I quote:
“There will be no room in the new land for
schorrers” ( beggars or poor
Jews )
Some years later I discussed this with a senior wartime M.I.6
officer who said:
“No one in the prison is allowed to
speak to Hess, he has not been allowed to speak for 25 years.
The whisper is, that the man in prison is not Hess at all
because the prison doctor claims he does not have Hess’s chest
or leg wounds from W.W.1”

Sir Anthony Blunt
(1907-1989) |
Sir Anthony Blunt added to this by saying Britain knew it was
the Soviet forces who liquidated thousands of the polish
intelligentsia at Katyn forest. The concern in the Cambridge
Universities was that when Russia conquered Britain, the talk
was that our intelligentsia would go the same way..
He did manage to get me Hess’s handprint on a sheet of paper;
this can be compared to Hess’s son for similarities between
father and son, and identity proof.
also managed to get a statement after long bargaining from one
of Hess’s arresting officers, who confirmed what I had heard,
but added that Hess was expected in his aircraft. This shows our
government knew of his planned arrival.
He knew of him being drugged for long periods to make him appear