"The truth is, there is no
Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed
intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make
the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the
'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified
international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind
this propaganda is the US ..."
-- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
- - -
' ... every war when it comes, or before it comes, is
represented not as a war but as an act of self-defence against a homicidal
maniac ... The essential job is to get people to recognise war propaganda
when they see it, especially when it is disguised as peace propaganda.'
-- George Orwell
- - -
"A very good friend of the
Bush family, a very close friend of the Bush family, (and I'm working with
at lest one or two friends or advisors to every living president right now.)
Now this man told me in February of '03, listen very carefully - in February
of '03 -- that we would find no weapons of mass destruction, that we had to
go in there and free up the second largest proven oil reserve in the world
because with China industrializing at ten to fifteen percent a year, and
with India industrializing at close to that, there was simply not enough
fossil fuel to go around and we were headed toward a catastrophic shortage
within the next two to ten years if we didn't maximize the output of these
oil producing areas and that this is totally what we were going into Iraq
Now, I almost laughed out loud
because here's a guy who's a close associate of the Bush family telling me
this personally. And it has turned out to be the case. There are no weapons
of mass destruction, there was no Al Qaeda presence in Iraq. This was
totally about, and I don't care how anyone wants to spin it, we have got to
- and from their point of view, if you want to keep these other technologies
secret, and you're looking at a world industrializing as rapidly as China
and other countries are, you have got to find other sources of fossil fuel,
and that's what this was about. Yet it's so tragic because we're sitting in
another parallel program in these black boxes, the means to take us
completely off the fossil fuel economy, and this is one of the greatest
crimes against humanity in the history of the human race.
Dr. Steven Greer on Coast to Coast with Art Bell, on August 8/9 - 2004
"Military men are just dumb stupid
animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy"
- Henry Kissinger, quoted in
“Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW’s in
Vietnam” -
Updates On the Iraq War
* * *
A salute
to those U.S. soldiers who deserted and found their way to Canada. Those
young men, who refused combat in the Iraq War, not because of cowardice
but from conscience, were a pleasure to hear out on "60 Minutes" on
December 9, 2004. They are the future of our Nation and a model for a
new, peaceful world; they who realized that they could not blindly
follow order in an illegal war.
Shame on
those citizens of America, who in their blindness and ignorance demand
that the Canadian government sends the deserters back to US so they can
be shot under American law!
* * *

Please Be Aware Of the Illuminati
Agenda Before You Lose Faith In Your Country!
- by Wes Penre, May 10, 2004 -
19 Interesting Notes on the History
of Iraq
- by K.D. -
(Posted here: October 3, 2004)
Robbing the Cradle of Civilization
- The following paper is only a short synopses of the historical events
that led to the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. A
much larger and more expansive manuscript is being considered. Enough
evidence is presented to substantiate the theory of this paper. -
Scarlett.org -
(Posted here: October 5, 2004)

The Invasion of Iraq: Dollar vs.
Re-denominating Iraqi oil in U. S. dollars, instead of the Euro
[Before the U.S. invasion of Iraq Saddam Hussein changed the oil purchase
currency from Dollars to Euro. This seriously threatened the U.S. oil
industry, and was a major reason to attack Iraq at that point. Thus,
thousands and thousands of innocent people and lots of soldiers have died.]
- If OPEC oil could be sold in other currencies, e.g. the euro, then U.S.
economic dominance-dollar imperialism or hegemony-would be seriously
challenged. More and more oil importing countries would acquire the euro as
their "reserve," its value would increase, and a larger amount of trade
would be transacted and denominated in euros. In such circumstances, the
value of the dollar would most likely go down, some speculate between 20-40
percent. -
- by Sohan Sharma, Sue Tracy, and Surinder Kumar, February, 2004 -
(Posted here: Saturday, May 06, 2006)
Gulf News
- This website keeps you updated on what is happening in the Gulf War -
- Gulfnews.com -
(Posted here: June 7, 2005)
Waxman Report Reveals 237 Misleading
Statements by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice Leading Up To The
Invasion of Iraq!
- And We Thought VIETNAM Was a Useless War!!!
Fortunately THIS Administration Is More Stupid And Easier to
Reveal -
- Prepared for Rep. Henry A Waxman (Acrobat Reader Required) -
(Posted here: March 18, 2004)
Former Treasure Secretary Paul O'Neill:
"Bush Planned Iraq Invasion Before 9/11"
- from CNN
Januray 10, 2004) -
(Posted here: January 11, 2004)
Americans Are Rothschild Proxies in
- by Henry Makow, Ph Dr. -
(Posted here: March 16, 2004)
Rumsfeld Urged Iraqi Invasion A Day
After 9/11(!)
- from Associated Press, March 20, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 21,
Jimmy Carter Savages Blair and Bush:
'Their War Was Based on Lies'
- by Andrew Buncombe for The Independent UK -
(Posted here: March 23, 2004)
Powell Admits Iraq
Evidence Was False
BBC, April 3, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 3, 2004)
Pilger Claims White
House Knew Saddam Was No Threat
- Smh.com.au, September 23, 2003 -
(Posted here: April 9, 2004)
Revisited - The Real
Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq:
- A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the
Unspoken Truth -
- by William Clark, January 2004 -
(Posted here: April 9, 2004)
Military Intelligence & CIA Ordered
Abuses At Abu Gharib Prison
- Aftermath News Service, May 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 4, 2004)
Why Are Our Soldiers Torturing
People in Iraq?
- Wes Penre, May 4, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 4, 2004)
Pictures That Bush Does Not Want You
To See
einswine.com -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
Rumsfeld Reports on Iraqi Prisoners:
Full Testimony (Video)
- PrisonPlanet.com, May 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
Memorandum On US War Crimes
Sender, Berl & Sons, Inc. -
(Posted here: May 10, 2004)
Rumsfeld Authorized Prisoner Abuse
- I guess it's time for Mr. Rumsfeld to get the Nobel's Peace Prize
soon(!) -
- The New Yorker, May 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 18, 2004)
Atrocities in Iraq: 'I Killed
Innocent People For Our Government'
- by Paul Rockwell, May 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 19, 2004)
The Long Shadow of CIA Torture
- The photos from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison are snapshots, not of simple
brutality or a breakdown in discipline, but of CIA torture techniques
that have metastasized, over the past 50 years, like an undetected
cancer inside the US intelligence community. -
- CounterPunch.org, May 29/31, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 31, 2004)
Who is John Negroponte?
- The White House has appointed Mr. John Dimitris Negroponte to be
United States ambassador to Iraq. He will preside over the largest
embassy in the world, and housed in the Republic Palace (misleadingly
named Saddam's Palace by the U.S. occupation). -
(Posted here: June 5, 2004)
Iraq Abuse 'Ordered From the Top'
- The US commander at the centre of the Iraqi prisoner scandal says she
was told to treat detainees like dogs.-
- BBC News, June 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 16, 2004)
Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the
Iraq War (Video)
- The fig leaf of the possibility of an honest mistake on the
matter of WMDs is stripped away; what is left is the stark and
disturbing anatomy of deliberate deceit. -
The Insider News Bulletin -
(Posted here: July 4, 2004)
The Psychology of Abu Ghraib
- Thus, a meme (a contagious idea) is implanted and the status quo is
born. The military establishment, with its hierarchical configuration
and Pavlovian system of behavioral control, is the ideal transmission
belt for memes. -
- by Paul David Collins for Paranoia Magazine -
(Posted here: July 16, 2004)
Kerry Still Would Have Approved
Force For Iraq

Masters of War
- Bob Dylan, 1963 -
- Another time, another war. Still, the same Masters of War -
- Democratic
presidential nominee John Kerry said on Monday he would have voted for
the congressional resolution authorizing force against Iraq even if he
had known then no weapons of mass destruction would be found. -
- by Patricia Wilson, August 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 11, 2004)
Reincarnating Mengele - The
[Illuminati] Torture Doctors of Abu Ghraib
- The Pentagon now provides cover for dilettantes in the ancient art of
prisoner abuse; a security umbrella for aspiring "interrogation
specialists". -
- Counterpunch, August 21, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 24, 2004)
Message From the People of Fallujah
- This letter was
sent by representatives of the people of Fallujah to the UN secretary
general Kofi Annan:
" IT IS more than evident that US forces are committing daily acts of
genocide in Iraq. As we write, these crimes are being perpetrated
against the city of Fallujah. US war planes are launching their most
powerful bombs against the civilian population, killing and wounding
hundreds of innocent people. Their tanks are pounding the city with
heavy artillery. -
- Bristol-stop-the-war-coalition -
(Posted here: November 2, 2004)
Memo Reveals Bush OKd Torture
- Gonzales asserted Bushs [sic]
right to order the torture of
detainees, a position that violates U.S. treaty obligations under the
Convention Against Torture and other international agreements, PHR said.
- PrisonPlanet.com, Jan 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 8, 2005)
Come To Make Peace, Pal...
- Please allow me to introduce myself - I am a Scottish soldier with the
Black Watch Regiment. I speak for my fellow countrymen when I say that
the Scots will not take the slaughter of their soldiers lightly, because
we have no empathy with Westminster’s Imperialist designs on the Middle
East. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay -
(Posted here: November 8, 2004)
Front Company in Top 10 Profiteers from Iraq War
- A company which acts as a cover for the British secret service has
been named as one of the top ten companies sharing in the huge profits
from the war on Iraq. The company is run by Colonel Tim Spicer who has a
long history of promoting war and instability, and of course making
money, by selling arms and terrorists (aka "mercenaries") to dangerous
regimes. -
- The Insider, Jan 5, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 5, 2005)

My Gosh! Cheerleaders of
the world, please step forward!
Is this the way you are treated???
Iraqi Prisoners 'Treated No Worse than Cheerleaders'
- "Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times
a year? Is that torture?" Guy Womack asked a 10-member military jury in
Fort Hood, Texas. -
- Telegraph.co.uk, Jan 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 13, 2005)
Say Brutality of US Regime Worse than Saddam Hussein
- The people in Iraq say the US regime is worse than Saddam Hussein ever
was. Describing the horrors of torture inflicted with glee by American
personnel, an Iraqi who was tortured by the deposed regime said "Saddam
didn't do this to us." -
- The Insider, Jan 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 13, 2005)

Images from Abu
[This is the activity our US soldiers are involved in "down there". This
is what people support with their car-stickers: "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!"
Disgusting! Those people with the car stickers are just as guilty as those
mentally disturbed U.S. soldiers in the pictures and our horribly insane
leaders - no kidding...]
- The Memory Hole, Feb 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 07, 2006)
U.S. Veteran: “We’re Committing Genocide in Iraq”
- The list of critics of the U.S.'s presence in Iraq is growing each
day. Former Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey is a 12-year Marine veteran
who's returned from Iraq, airing some very disparaging views on his
country's role in the Middle Eastern nation. -
- Aljazeera.com. Jan 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 16, 2005)
Abu Ghraib Abuse Firms are Rewarded
- Two US defence contractors being sued over allegations of abuse at Abu
Ghraib prison have been awarded valuable new contracts by the Pentagon,
despite demands that they should be barred from any new government work.
- Observer Guardian, Jan 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: January 16, 2005)
Top US Marine General: 'It's Fun To Shoot People'
(Watch the Video)
- "You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for 5
years because they didn't wear a veil," Mattis continued. "You know,
guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot
of fun to shoot them." -
- NBC, San Diego, Jan 3, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 4, 2005)
Prisoners at Abu Ghraib Said Included Kids
[A part of the liberation of Iraq, I guess? Tell me, where do we
differ from Saddam? Wes Penre]
- A boy no older than 11 was among the children held by the Army at
Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, the former U.S. commander of the facility told
a general investigating abuses at the prison. -
- Associated Press -
(Posted here: March 13, 2005)
Eighty-Eight Members of Congress Call on Bush for Answers on Secret Iraq
- The Times reports, based on a newly discovered document, that in 2002
British Prime Minister Tony Blair chaired a meeting in which he
expressed his support for "regime change" through the use of force in
Iraq and was warned by the nation's top lawyer that such an action would
be illegal," he adds. "Blair also discussed the need for America to
"create" conditions to justify the war." -
- The Raw Story -
(Posted here: May 11, 2005)

Remember Jessica Lynch, the "Darling of
- Just a Coincidence? Four of Jessica Lynch's Rescuers Have Died
Mysteriously -
- We The People Scoop -
(Posted here: June 2, 2005)
American Media No Longer Accept Bush's War Lies
- A strange phenomenon is occurring in national American papers, with many
editors beginning to condemn the war in Iraq, when previously many of them
"accepted" it. -
- Aljazeera.com, June 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 12, 2005)
Ministers Were Told of Need for Gulf War ‘Excuse’
- MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to
taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no
choice but to find a way of making it legal. -
- Times online, June 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War : Updates on the Iraq War]
(Posted here: June 13, 2005)
Ex-Mossad Chief: U.S. Presence in ME [Middle East] to Last Decades
- Ephraim Halevy, the former chief of Israel's Mossad intelligence
service and the current national security adviser to Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, says plans have been made for a substantial
U.S. military presence in the Middle East lasting decades.
- Aljazeera.com, June 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 13, 2005)
The Path of War Timeline
- January 26, 1998 The Project for a New American Century urges President
Clinton to oust Saddam Hussein. Among the eighteen signers are Donald
Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton. (New American Century) -
- Therawstory.com -
(Posted here: June 15, 2005)
Bombshell As Six More British Documents Leaked
- Proof is in the memo: Soldiers died for a lie -
- InfoWars.com, June 14, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 16, 2005)
Street Memo Leaked
- Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Maxine Waters, Cindy Sheehan, and others, lash out
President George W. Bush, and his lies, that got the country involved in the
Iraqi War. Rally was held on June 16, 2005, at Lafayette Park, in
Washington, D.C. (36.4 MB) -
- MovieTheater 138 -
(Posted here: June 19, 2005)
Palast for Conyers: The OTHER
'Memos' from Downing Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
- The memo, which contains the ill-making admission that "the
intelligence and facts were being fixed" to match the Iraq-crazed
fantasies of our President, is sufficient basis for a hearing toward
impeachment of the Chief Executive. But to that we must add the
other evidence and secret memos and documents still hidden from the
American public. -
- by Greg Palast -
(Posted here: June 16, 2005)
The Growing
Case for a Resolution of Inquiry
- Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: "The
President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States
shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of,
treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." -
- DemocracyRising.US, June 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 20, 2005)
How Much Proof Needed Before the Truth Comes Out?
Now seven leaked British documents raise Iraq war questions -
- 'The Downing Street Memo—minutes of a meeting with Prime Minister Tony
Blair and his advisors that said the US was "fixing" the intelligence to
support the Iraq War—was not enough to get the mainstream US media or
members of Congress to take the issue seriously. Now there is Downing
II, III, IV, V, VI and VII!
As the evidence mounts, the failure of the media to seriously
investigate the issues is baffling. Why aren't they interviewing current
and former US military intelligence officials about these reports from
the highest levels of British government? Isn't the media supposed to
investigate and get the truth for their readers and viewers?'
ER, NO. -
- OnlineJournal, June 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 20, 2005)
Classic Bait And Switch Enacted As Downing Street Memos Called Possible
- The Murdoch papers release the Downing Street Memo story worldwide.
Despite the fact that the British government have already admitted that
the information in the documents is true (and many more which
essentially say the same thing were later released), this one document
was photocopied, allowing the mainstream to raise questions about its
authenticity and kill the story. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, June 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 21, 2005)
'The Lies of War Can No Longer be
Ignored by the Press'
- Americans are now starting to learn what was in the Downing Street
Memos. The memos provide confirmation for what those who opposed the
war against Iraq knew from the start: the Bush administration wanted
to invade Iraq even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and the
White House was simply looking for enough rhetorical fig leaves to
cover their naked aggression. -
- by Randolph T. Holhut, June 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 24, 2005)
US Caused More Deaths in Iraq Than Saddam, Says Anti-War Tribunal
[It's called "Liberation"]
- "With two wars and 13 years of criminal sanctions, the United
States have been responsible for more deaths in Iraq than Saddam
Hussein," Larry Everest, a journalist, told hundreds of anti-war
activists gathered in Istanbul. -
- Channel NewsAsia Int., June 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 27, 2005)
U.S. Soldiers Plant Weapons on Fake Rebels
- A U.S. citizen working in Iraq sent several photographs he
obtained from a soldier in Iraq to writer Mark Kraft. Apparently,
they had been passed along between several sources before reaching
their intended target. -
- Aljazeera.com, June 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 28, 2005)
Washington in Crisis over Opposition to Iraq War
- President George W. Bush has been forced to renew his efforts at selling
the war in Iraq to the American people under conditions in which
Washington’s military adventure has turned into a quagmire and popular
support for a withdrawal of US troops has reached an all-time high. -
- Wsws.org, June 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 1, 2005)
Revealed: Grim World of New Iraqi Torture Camps
- Secret torture chambers, the brutal interrogation of prisoners,
murders by paramilitaries with links to powerful ministries...
Foreign affairs editor Peter Beaumont in Baghdad uncovers a grim
trail of abuse carried out by forces loyal to the new Iraqi
government -
- The Observer, July 3, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 3, 2005)
Mom, Who Lost Son In Iraq, Talks About 'Disgusting' White House
Private Meeting With Bush; Claims He Was Arrogant, 'Totally Detached
From Humanity' And Didn't Even Know Her Name
- Instead of a kind gesture or a warm handshake, Sheehan said she
immediately got a taste of Bush arrogance when he entered the room
and "in a condescending tone and with a disgusting loud Texas
accent," said: "Who we’all honorin’ here today?" -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 5, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)
Iraq in the Name of Freedom
- Warning! Video contains images
depicting the reality and horror of war and should be viewed by a
mature audience -
- Information Clearinghouse -
(Posted here: July 26, 2005)
Iraq: The
Unwinnable War
- The war in Iraq is now joining the Boer War in 1899 and the Suez
crisis in 1956 as ill-considered ventures that have done Britain
more harm than good. It has demonstrably strengthened al-Qa'ida by
providing it with a large pool of activists and sympathisers across
the Muslim world it did not possess before the invasion of 2003. -
- by Patrick Cockburn, July 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 28, 2005)

Myers: Release Of Abu Ghraib Prison Photos Could Cause Riots
- The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warns that releasing
photos and videotapes of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison
could have serious consequences. -
- NewsNet5, Aug 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 15, 2005)
The Secret
of Iraq
- The secret of our involvement in Iraq is no secret. This area has been
known from 600,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. as a Paleolithic era country. We
cowered in terror before the threat of Iraq's weapons of mass delusion, a la
Harry Boudini and its threat of imminent nuclear annihilation, only to find,
on inventing Iraq in a desperate attempt to stave off destruction, that its
present leader, Saddam Hussein, had been a CIA asset for the past forty
years, with his handlers numbering both Bush pere at fils, and that his
nuclear capability had been destroyed years ago by Israeli assaults using
American planes AND BOMBS, etc. -
- by Eustace Mullins, EustaceMullins.com, Dec 30, 2004 -
(Posted here: Aug 20, 2005)
Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction
- A former U.S. Marine who participated in capturing ousted Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein said the public version of his capture was
fabricated. -
- 13WHAM.com, Aug 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 22, 2005)

Energy Beam Weapon May Lower Iraq Civilian Deaths
[Related article:
Pentagon Deploys Array of Non-Lethal Weapons]
- The ADS follows more than a decade and $50 million of research
into millimeter-wave radiation weapons. The Army plans a version for
its Stryker vehicles, and the Air Force is developing an airborne
variant. One major concern is public acceptance of the weapon. -
- by Steven Komarow, USA Today, July 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 23, 2005)
'What They
Died For' in Iraq is a Mystery
- "What they died for" is a complete mystery. As one grieving mother
of a son killed in Iraq said, Bush is asserting that "more people
should die because these have died," which makes no sense. -
- by Ken Lessley, Common Dreams News Center, Aug 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 30, 2005)
Bush Gives New
Reason for Iraq War
[With oil prices rising sky-high due to Hurricane Katrina, Bush can
safely reveal ONE of the many REAL reasons for the Iraq war, and lots of
people will support him and his criminal war, hoping this will stop gas/oil prices
from increasing here at home.
Wes Penre]
- [Bush] says US must prevent oil fields from falling into hands of
terrorists -
- Jennifer Loven, Associated Press, Sep 1, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 2, 2005)
Complete Timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: Key Events Related to Issues
Raised in Downing Street Memo
- After the First Gulf War, the British Defense Ministry's Defense
Intelligence Staff creates a secret intelligence office known as Operation
Rockingham. The purpose of the top secret cell is to collect intelligence
that can be used by the US and British to support the case for maintaining
UN sanctions on Iraq. -
- Center for Cooperative Research -
(Posted here: Sep 9, 2005)

Mahathir Mohamad
Former Malaysian PM calls Britain 'State Terrorist'
- Malaysia's former leader, Mahathir Mohamad, launched the scathing attack
on both countries for invading Iraq, blaming them for thousands of Iraqi
civilian deaths. -
- Guardian, Sep 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 12, 2005)

A Debate on the Invasion of Iraq in 2003
- Journalist Christopher Hitchens takes on MP George Galloway in a
ferocious encounter over the rights and wrongs of the Iraq War.
Hitchens thinks deposing Saddam Hussein was a noble act. Galloway
retorts that an illegal occupation will only create more Jihadist
terrorism. -
- BBC, Sep 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 18, 2005)

Blair Relished ‘First Blooding’ in Iraq, Claims No 10 Diary
- DOWNING Street was embarrassed last night after a frank account of
the tantrums and cynicism of Tony Blair’s inner circle were
published in the diaries of a former No 10 aide.
The prime minister’s office censored parts of the diaries, the first
memoirs from a No 10 spin doctor. -
- by David Cracknell, The Sunday Times, Sep 18, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 19, 2005)

British Special Forces Caught Pretending to be Iraqi 'Insurgents'
- The Iraqi police were patrolling the area looking for suspected
"terrorists" or "insurgents", and they noticed that the men were
acting suspiciously. Suddenly, without warning, the suspicious men
started shooting at people, but the new Iraqi security forces
managed to capture some of them before they could escape. Obviously,
if these men had not been caught, the mass media would now be
reporting the incident as just another attempt by evil "terrorists"
to create civil war in Iraq. -
- The Insider, Sep 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 21, 2005)

SAS weapons
British Bombers - The Most Outrageous Iraq War Story Since Abu
- The two commandoes -- alternately identified as members of
Britian's notorious SAS or a newer offshoot, the SRR -- were driving
around a demonstration in Basra when their suspicious behavior
attracted the attention of Basra police. -
- Sploid.com, Sep 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)
Special Terrorists
- Disguised as Musab al-Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, when its not
even Halloween, the suspects turned out to be British elite special
forces. Their arsenal included machine guns, anti-tank missiles,
explosives and a remote control detonator, not the regular kit of
SAS as reported by the BBC, but the weapons of terrorists! Sheikh
Hassan said, “We believe these soldiers were planning an attack on a
market or other civilian targets and thanks be to god they were
stopped and countless lives were saved.” Amen! -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)

Whistleblowers' Stomach-Curdling Story: Halliburton Serves
Contaminated Water to Troops
- Outrage overflowed on Capitol Hill this summer when members of
Congress learned that Halliburton's dining halls in Iraq had
repeatedly served spoiled food to unsuspecting troops. "This
happened quite a bit," testified Rory Mayberry, a former food
manager with Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. -
- HalliburtonWatch.org, Sep 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)
Pressure Mounts for Bush to Curtail Iraq War After Katrina Disaster
- President George W. Bush says he can wage war in Iraq and still
pay most of the huge bill for rebuilding the hurricane-lashed Gulf
Coast. Most Americans don't agree with him. And for the first time,
Bush is facing a serious revolt in his own party over how to pay for
hurricane relief. -
- by Beth Gorham, CBC.ca, Sep 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 23, 2005)
The War in Iraq Was Based On a Lie - and Policing Basra Is an
- What a shambles. What chaos. And how quickly it all seems to be
getting worse. Looking at those pictures of a Basra jail, pulverised
by the British Army, it seems hard to believe that it was only six
months ago that the very same British Army took me to see a jail in
the very same city. -
- by Boris Johnson, Telegraph UK, Sep 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 24, 2005)
War Pornography
[WARNING! There are links here that
lead to extremely disturbing pictures]
- US soldiers trade grisly photos of dead and mutilated Iraqis for
access to amateur porn. The press is strangely silent. -
- East Bay Express, Sep 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 28, 2005)

Jews and Freemasons Controlled War on Iraq, Says No 10 Adviser
- Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the
influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim
barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed. -
- by Toby Helm, The Telegraph, UK, Sep 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 1, 2005)
Who Did
You Torture During The War, Daddy?
(or, we are all torturers now)
- Never miss the Saturday paper. Because it's the skimpiest and
least-circulated edition of the week, it's the venue of choice for
lowballing the stories the government can't completely cover up. September
24's New York Times, for example, contained the bombshell revelation that
the U.S. government continues to torture innocent men, women and children in
Iraq. -
- by Ted Rall, via Information Clearing House, Sep 29, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 2, 2005)

Withdrawal Symptoms - Last One To Leave, Please Turn On the Lights
- Before Congress, however, Casey painted a rather different picture
of the Iraqi national-army-that-isn't. In fact, on a crucial point,
his testimony bore little relation to the assessments that either
George Bush or Donald Rumsfeld claimed they had heard. -
- by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com -
(Posted here: Oct 3, 2005)
Torture of Iraqis Was
for ‘Stress Relief’, Say US Soldiers
- Many prisoners were completely innocent and had no part in the
insurgency, he said – but intelligence officers had told soldiers to
exhaust the prisoners to make them co-operate. He said he now knew
their behaviour was “wrong”, but added “this was the norm”. “Trends
were accepted. -
- by Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald, Oct 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 4, 2005)

God Told
Me To Invade Iraq, Bush Tells Palestinian Ministers
- Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven
with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight
those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell
me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now,
again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians
their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in
the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'" -
- BBC, Oct 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 07, 2005)
Ex-Marine Says He Committed Atrocities
- He alleges that over a period of a month and a half in 2003, his
platoon killed more than 30 civilians in Iraq. "We in fact, I feel,
escalated the violence," he told The Associated Press in an
interview. -
- Joelle Diderich, AP, Oct 07, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 11, 2005)

Bush Teleconference With Soldiers STAGED!
- NoBelief.com website comment: What else would you expect
from a fake president? This lying "commander-and-chief," spoke to
eleven hand picked troops (5 were officers) who were coached to give
what the president wanted. I guess Bozo thinks the American people
can't see though his propaganda. Why in the world do Americans put
up with this vainglorious idiot? -
- by Deb Reichmann, Associated Press, Oct 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 15, 2005)

The Media Are Wrong Again - The Emperor Has No Clothes!
- This time, there was no way to spin the story. The entire nation
had witnessed the staging of an ‘impromptu’ conversation between the
President and a group of soldiers in Iraq. Under ordinary
circumstances, it might have been an embarrassing exchange at best
or an outrageous misuse of our troops at worst. But in this case,
the careful orchestration had been caught on film, and the
proverbial cat was out of the bag. The Emperor was stark naked and
he had nowhere to run. -
- TvNewsLies.org, Oct 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 16, 2005)
Britain "Apologizes" for Terrorist Act in Basra
- The British government has officially apologized to Iraq over the
recent Basra events. A statement issued by the British consulate in
Basra has said that London apologizes to the Iraqi people and
government, Basra residents, city and province councils and the
police force over mistakes made by the British. -
- Global Research, Canada, Oct 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 17, 2005)

US troops 'Starve Iraqi Citizens'
- A senior United Nations official has accused US-led coalition
troops of depriving Iraqi civilians of food and water in breach of
humanitarian law. -
- BBC News, Oct 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 18, 2005)
Senior Military Investigator Found Dead in Iraq
- A senior British military police officer in Iraq involved in the
investigation of alleged abuse of Iraqi civilians by soldiers has
been found dead at a camp in Basra... Defence sources said the death
was "not due to hostile action and also not due to natural causes".
- By Kim Sengupta in Basra, Independent Online, Oct 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 18, 2005)
Bush Told Blair of 'Going Beyond Iraq'
- Mr Bush said he "wanted to go beyond Iraq in dealing with WMD
proliferation, mentioning in particular Saudi Arabia, Iran, North
Korea, and Pakistan," according to a note of a telephone
conversation between the two men on January 30 2003. -
- by Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, Oct 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 19, 2005)
A "Flash" Presentation With Pictures of the Soldiers Killed in Iraq
- Did You Ever Wonder What 2000 Looks Like? -
[Flash Presentation - 7.5 MB]
- TheUnitedAmerican.blogs.com -
(Posted here: Oct 24, 2005)
The Spoils of War
- Halliburton subsidiary KBR got $12 billion worth of exclusive
contracts for work in Iraq. But even more shocking is how KBR spent
some of the money. Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official
Bunnatine Greenhouse is blowing the whistle on the Dick
Cheney–linked company's profits of war. -
- by Michael Shnayerson, The Vanity Fair -
(Posted here: Oct 25, 2005)

OPEC and
the Economic Conquest of Iraq
- According to Morse, the switch to an OPEC-friendly policy for Iraq
was driven by Dick Cheney himself. "The person who is most
influential in running American energy policy is the Vice
President," who, says Morse, "thinks that security begins by . . .
letting prices follow wherever they may." -
- by Greg Palast, Oct 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 25, 2005)

Former Abu Ghraib General: Torture Is Continuing; Order Came From
Very Top
[Related article:
- The General commanding troops in Iraq whose career was ruined in
the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, Janis Karpinski, appeared on the
Alex Jones Show yesterday and made some amazing revelations. -
- Steve Watson, Paul Watson & Alex Jones, Oct 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 27, 2005)
PBS Film Documents Rumsfeld’s Role in Authorizing Torture
- The Public Broadcasting Service’s October 18 edition of
“Frontline” aired a documentary on US torture of detainees held in
American prison camps in Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq. Entitled “The
Torture Question,” the report makes clear that Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld bears direct responsibility for the brutal methods
of interrogation used against US prisoners. -
- Joanne Laurier, Wsws.org, Oct 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 28, 2005)
U.S.: License to Abuse Would Put CIA Above the Law
- The Bush administration is now the only government in the world to
claim a legal justification for mistreating prisoners during
interrogations, Human Rights Watch said today. The administration
recently approached members of the U.S. Congress to seek a waiver
that would allow the CIA to use cruel, inhumane, or degrading
treatment on detainees in U.S. custody outside the United States. -
- REUTERS, Oct 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 28, 2005)
Prisoner Abuse Witnesses 'Disappear' in US Custody
- The star witness in the trial of US troops for prisoner
abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan has mysteriously disappeared. Omar al-Farouq
would have been the first detainee to testify against an American
soldier. -
- The Insider, Nov 05, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 05, 2005)

Italian Film About American Slaughter and the 'Battle' of Fallujah
[Video, 27 min. The U.S. Government is lecturing the world NOT to use
WMD. So why then is the U.S. using WMD against Iraqi soldiers and IRAQI
CIVILIANS??? Here is the PROOF how our government intentionally lies right
into your face!]
- Rainews24 -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)
Satellite TV to Broadcast Evidence of US Use of Chemical Weapons on
- Italian media going full-bore on the Bush Administration. After its
revelations on the subterfuge behind the Nigergate forgeries, documentary
evidence of the use by US troops of phosphorus and a new formulaton of
napalm [MK77] on the Sunni civilian population will be broadcast tomorrow on
international satellite TV. Global coverage of the atrocity, folks. -
- Dailykos.com, Nov 07, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)
Did the U.S. Use 'Illegal' Weapons in Fallujah?
[From the Government's own site where they are supposed to spot
misinformation. Here is PROOF that they are lying to their teeth!
- "The United States categorically denies the use of chemical weapons at
anytime in Iraq, which includes the ongoing Fallujah operation. Furthermore,
the United States does not under any circumstance support or condone the
development, production, acquisition, transfer or use of chemical weapons by
any country [my emphasis]. All chemical weapons currently possessed by
the United States have been declared to the Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and are being destroyed in the United States in
accordance with our obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention." -
- Us.Info.State.Gov -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)
US Forces 'Used Chemical Weapons' During Assault on City of Fallujah
- Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped
massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during
the attack on the city in November 2004, killing insurgents and civilians
with the appalling burns that are the signature of this weapon. -
- The Independent, Nov 08, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)

Lie Factory
[This is from 2004, but well worth reviewing, especially with the above
video in mind. We are currently experiencing probably the most criminal and
corrupt administration in the U.S. history. It's pure Mafia on a high level.]
- In one telling incident, Rhode accosted and harangued a visiting senior
Arab diplomat, telling him that there would be no "bartering in the bazaar
anymore. You're going to have to sit up and pay attention when we say so."
Rhode refused to be interviewed for this story, saying cryptically, "Those
who speak, pay." -
- MotherJones.com, Feb 2004 -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)
The US Used Chemical Weapons in Iraq - and Then Lied About It
- Now we know napalm and phosphorus bombs have been dropped on Iraqis, why
have the hawks failed to speak out? -
- The Guardian, Nov 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 16, 2005)
US Forces Used 'Chemical Weapon' in Iraq
[Related articles from Illuminati News:
Italian Film About American Slaughter and the 'Battle' of Fallujah;
Satellite TV to Broadcast Evidence of US Use of Chemical Weapons on
Civilians; Did the U.S. Use 'Illegal' Weapons in Fallujah?;
US Forces 'Used Chemical Weapons' During Assault on City of Fallujah;
Lie Factory -
- The Pentagon has admitted [my emphasis] US forces
used white phosphorus as "an incendiary weapon" during the assault last year
on Fallujah. -
- The Independent, Nov 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 16, 2005)
US Military
Admits That White Phosphorus is a War Crime
- The debate over the use of white phosphorus in the battle of Fallujah took
a new twist when it emerged the US Army teaches senior officers it is
against the "laws of war" to fire the incendiary weapon at human targets. -
- The Insider, Nov 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 21, 2005)

Fallujah, A Holocaust
- Holocausts are not determined by the quantity of dead,
it’s not a competition, it is the gruesome methods of
calculated mass-murder which mark these events in
history. Will Fallujah be remembered in future, like the
crimes of the Third Reich, as an example of man’s
inhumanity to man, lest we forget? -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Nov 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 25, 2005)

Heads roll at Veterans Administration
- Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed -
- San Francisco Bay View, Dec 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 23, 2005)

173 Prisoners Found Beaten and Starved in Iraq Government Bunker
- The Iraqi government has begun an investigation into the alleged abuse of
more than 170 prisoners who were found locked in an interior ministry bunker
in Baghdad, many of them beaten and malnourished and some apparently
brutally tortured. -
- The Guardian, Nov 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 16, 2005)
US Sweep of Arrests After Iraq Invasion Leads to few Convictions
- More than 35,000 Iraqis have been detained by American troops since the
invasion of the country but only a tiny fraction have been convicted of
wrongdoing, the Guardian has learned. About 21,000 have been released
without ever being charged or tried. Of the 1,300 who have been charged,
only half have been found guilty.
- The Guardian, Nov 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 16, 2005)
U.S. Army Interrogator Describes the Harsh Techniques He Used in Iraq,
Detainee Abuse by Marines and Navy Seals and Why “Torture is the Worst
Possible Thing We Could Do”
- With deep remorse, former U.S. Army interrogator Specialist Tony
Lagouranis talks about his own involvement with abusing detainees in Iraq
and torture carried out by the Navy Seals. He apologizes to the Iraqi people
and urges U.S. soldiers to follow their conscience. -
- DemocracyNow.org, Nov 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 17, 2005)
Shocking Pictures Released of 'Tortured' Iraqi Prisoners
- The series of pictures show prisoners, both men and teenagers,
with injuries which appear to have been caused by beatings. One
man's leg appears to have been beaten to such an extent that his
upper leg is just a mass of black and blue. -
- by Miriam Karouny & Michael Georgy, The Scotsman, Nov 17, 2005
(Posted here: Nov 20, 2005)

The March for
[Very shocking pictures. Nothing for sensitive persons!]
- "The coalition operations over the last 24 hours remain focused
and effective. The coalition attacked regime command and control
targets, surface-to-surface missiles,
air defenses, and any identified military aircraft." - U.S. Brig.
General Vincent Brooks, U.S. Central Command Daily Press Briefing,
April 4, 2003 -
- Marchforjustice.com -
(Posted here: Nov 20, 2005)
Iraqi Says He Was Held With Hundreds in Secret Jail
- BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Iraqi man told on Thursday how he was
tortured along with hundreds of other detainees in an Interior
Ministry building similar to a secret bunker at the center of a
prisoner abuse scandal. -
- REUTERS, Nov 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 20, 2005)
Deep Background On
Saddam's Money Mover
- How the U.S. stole $30 million from Saddam's chief money mover and
then beat him to death. In one of the worst intelligence fiascoes
carried out by the neo-con administration of Iraq under Paul "Jerry'
Bremer, Saddam Hussein's chief money mover and financial adviser was
beaten to death by US interrogators in Tikrit after the U.S.
invasion. Sa'ad Hassan Ali, also known as Abu Seger, was the
spitting image of Robert Young, the late white-haired actor who
played Dr. Marcus Welby. -
- by Wayne Madsen, Nov 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 23, 2005)
Iraqi Detainees Tell of Torture
- One man said he had been whipped with a cable and then had
salt rubbed in the wound, while another said his captors had
tried to pull out his toenails. -
- BBC News, Baghdad, Nov 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 25, 2005)

Latest US Scandals in Iraq
-It’s amazing how the U.S. government keeps lying about
promoting and defending democracy and human rights, when it’s
the world’s leading human rights violator. The series of
uncovered scandals about the actions of the U.S. military in
Iraq challenge every lie the Bush admin told in the run up to
war ... The Iraqi nation’s suffering has absolutely increased
under the merciless occupation and a prove for that is the
scandals and crimes committed by the occupation troops we hear
about everyday. -
- Aljazeera.com, Dec 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 11, 2005)
How Many Iraqis Have Died Since the US Invasion in 2003?
- 30,000? No. 100,000? No. -
- Information Clearinghouse, Jan 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 13, 2006)
Iraq Is Not
Vietnam, Part II
- Last year I published a
15-item list of comparisons between the US experience in
Vietnam, 1965–1966 and that of the current war in Iraq,
2003–2004. With another year behind us, here is Part II of
that comparison for Iraq, 2003–2005 and Vietnam, 1965–1967:
- by Jim Cox -
(Posted here: Feb 03, 2006)

Bush/Blair Memo Discussed Painting Spy Plane In UN Colors To
Goad Saddam
- Channel 4 News tonight reveals extraordinary details of
George Bush and Tony Blair's pre-war meeting in January 2003 at
which they discussed plans to begin military action on March
10th 2003, irrespective of whether the United Nations had passed
a new resolution authorising the use of force. -
- Channel4.com, Feb 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 04, 2006)

Mission Accomplished?
- Samarra is the new Fallujah. Resistance from Sunni Arabs over
the last year has been fierce and the US 1st infantry division
are bogged down in a bloody guerrilla war which is destroying
the city. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Feb 24, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 25, 2006)

Support the Troops? Start by Listening to Them
- According to the military newspaper Stars and Stripes, a new poll shows
that 72 percent of U.S. troops serving in Iraq favor complete withdrawal
from that country within a year. -
- by John Nichols, OpEdNews.com, March 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 09, 2006)

SAS Soldier Quits Army in Disgust at 'Illegal' American Tactics
in Iraq
- He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US
troops, claiming they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the
Nazi term for races regarded as sub-human. -
- The Telegraph, March 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 15, 2006)

- Three years ago, after having totally fabricated a crisis over
Iraq, the Bush regime, with the support of the British
government, most of the Congress, and a majority of U.S.
citizens launched an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. US
military forces destroyed the Iraqi state, wrecked its civilian
infrastructure, mistreated its Sunni population, and set ethnic
groups against one another, thus preparing the ground for the
civil war that now threatens to become full-scale. -
- Uruknet.info, March 21, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 26, 2006)

Months Later, Better Than Never, New York Times Covers White
House Memo
- We began making noise about the White House Memo almost two
months ago. I don't know if the NY Times finally got mad at Bush
blatantly lying or if their lawyers finally gave them the OK to
publish without fear of being Dan Rathered, but for one reason
or another, two months after citizens began clamoring for
coverage, The New York Times has written about the White House
Memo and recognized it as evidence that Bush was lying when he
recently claimed he had wanted to avoid war (though, of course,
the New York Times can't print the word "lying" and the word
"President" in the same article). -
- AfterDowningstreet.org, March 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 01, 2006)
the White House Memo into the Media
- Last year, your efforts forced the Downing Street Memos into
the U.S. media. Let's do the same with the new "White House
Memo". This memo - reported by British scholar Phillipe Sands in
his book "Lawless World" - is a smoking gun exposing pre-war
lies. It reveals that Bush and Blair agreed on war in January
2003 - not March 2003, as they insist. It also reveals they knew
there was no legitimate case for war, that Bush was hoping to
assassinate Saddam Hussein, and that Bush was so desperate to
provoke a war that he even proposed painting US planes to look
like UN planes and flying them low over Iraq in hopes of getting
shot at - which he thought would be grounds for war. -
- AfterDowningstreet.org, March 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 01, 2006)

Neocons Admit Slaughtering
Shia Worshippers
- According to U.S. News & World Report, the slaughter of
worshippers at a mosque in the Ur neighborhood of Baghdad was
intended to serve as a message “to radical Shiite cleric Moqtada
al-Sadr,” an influential force in post-Saddam politics. -
- Another Day in the Empire, March 31, 2006 -
(Posted here: Apr 01, 2006)
Happy Little Birds in Happy Little Iraq
- Last night (4/13) as I was watching "Special Report with Brit
Hume", I was a bit startled by how Hume attempted to portray
Iraq as tranquil and serene, even claiming that most provinces
are secure and calm (so calm that 65,000 people have had to flee
their homes). Yet, what startled me even more was what was
happening in the background of the desperately upbeat Iraq
story. -
- Newshounds.us, Apr 14, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Apr 16, 2006)
Involved In Selling Illegal Weapons To Iran And Iraq, As 55
Million Pounds Traced to Government Coffers
- Both the White House and 10 Downing Street trying to cover
financial tracks in the illegal arms trade, showing governments
on both sides of the Atlantic are facilitating the sale of
weapons in the Middle East, weapons used to kill American and
British soldiers. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Apr 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Apr 17, 2006)

Soldiers to Get Life in
Jail for Refusing to Act as Occupiers
- Soldiers who object to taking part in a military occupation of
a foreign country will face life in prison under measures due to
be rubber-stamped in the House of Commons on Monday. -
- by Gerri Peev, The Scotsman, May 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, May 20, 2006)

U.S. Invasion
Responsible Deaths of Over 250,000 Civilians in Iraq
- The most common cause of death is as a direct result of a
worsening 'culture of violence', mostly caused by indiscriminate
U.S. co-ordinated air strikes, and related military
interventions, reveals the study of almost 1000 households
scattered across Iraq. And the risk of violent death just after
the invasion was 58 times greater than before the war. The
overall risk of death was 1.5 times more after the invasion than
before. -
- by John Stokes, AgoraCosmopolitan.com, May 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, May 26, 2006)

Unreported: The Zarqawi Invitation
- If you prefer your fairy tales unsoiled by facts, read no
further. If you want the uncomfortable truth, begin with this:
A phone call to Baghdad to Saddam's Palace on the night of April
21, 2003. It was Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on a
secure line from Washington to General Jay Garner.
The General had arrives in Baghdad just hours before to take
charge of the newly occupied nation. The message from Rumsfeld
was not a heartwarming welcome. Rummy told Garner, Don't
unpack, Jack -- you're fired. -
- by Greg Palast, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 08, 2006)

Propaganda Found in
Zarqawi's Lair
- Now, tell me this.... How could two 500 Pound bombs land on
Zarqawi's Concrete Hideout, and completely destroy the building
-- are you guys looking at the photos?...why does nothing seems
"burnt" in the immediate area? How could the skin on the corpses
remain so intact without melting like a grilled cheese
Now they say Zarqawi was actually alive when the Iraqi military
got there! -- but just had enough strength to mumble, and make
an effort to jump off the stretcher and run away on his wooden
leg... -
- Rense.com, June 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 11, 2006)

New “al-Qaeda in Iraq”
Boogieman: Abu al-Masri
- According to Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, “If you had to pick
somebody” as the probable new boogieman, it would be Abu al-Masri.
Caldwell did not bother to tell us who would do the picking but
this is of course a no-brainer—the picking was accomplished in
the PSYOP unit at the Pentagon. -
- by Kurt Nimmo, 'Another Day in the Empire', June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)

Iraq and Democracy?
- The latest excuse we were told, for the attack on Iraq, was to
bring about democratic change.
But let us be sure we were NOT told the facts and never are.
Tony Blair has now said ”he is sorry for the war, the
intelligence was wrong”. -
- by T. Stokes, Lecturer in Paranormal Studies -
(Posted here: Tuesday, July 05, 2006)

The Best Thing in the
World for Big Oil
- "This war in Iraq has been the best thing in the world for Big
Oil and OPEC. They've made the largest profits in the history of
the world. The interesting thing about your book is you show how
it was all planned from the beginning. The story is like a spy
thriller." -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -
- … Bobby Kennedy and [Greg] Palast on why Saddam had to go,
Aug 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Aug 03, 2006)
Jews and Freemasons Controlled War on
Iraq, Says No 10 Adviser
- Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the
influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim
barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed. -
- by Toby Helm, Telegraph, Sept 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)

A Young Marine Speaks Out
- I'm sick and tired of this patriotic,
nationalistic and fascist crap. I stood through a memorial
service today for a young Marine that was killed in Iraq back in
April. During this memorial a number of people spoke about the
guy and about his sacrifice for the country. How do you justify
'sacrificing' your life for a war which is not only illegal, but
is being prosecuted to the extent where the only thing keeping
us there is one man's power, and his ego. -
- by Marine Philip Martin, Dec 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, December 10, 2006)

Bush admits that Iraq Had
Nothing To Do With 9/11
[Video: 2min 5sec]
- OK, let's get this straight. The U.S do have WMD
and we ARE a threat to the world peace. If Iran or some other foreign
country would invade the U.S. for the same reasons Bush is invading
Iraq, we would be furious and do anything in our power to defend
ourselves, and even call the invaders terrorists(?). So what's the
difference, somebody? -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 05, 2007 -
(Posted here: Sunday, August 05, 2007)

Blackwater: Knights of Malta in Iraq
- Backwater is more than just a “private army”, much more than
just another capitalist war-profiteering business operation. It
is an army operating outside all laws, outside and above the US
Constitution and yet is controlled by people within and outside
our government whose allegiance is primarily to the foreign
Vatican state. In other words, Blackwater is a religious army
serving the Pope in Rome through the Order of Malta, which is
itself considered under international law, as a sovereign entity
with special diplomatic powers and privileges. Like Blackwater,
the Order of Malta is “untouchable” because it is at the heart
of the elite aristocracy.
- Aftermath News, Oct 01, 2007 -
(Posted here: Sunday, October 14, 2007)

Biological Warfare Against US Troops
Courtesy of Halliburton
- Bush and company have brought in
private contractors to provide the water supply to troops and
the private contractor, Halliburton, Dick Cheney's former
employer, has deemed it unnecessary to provide uncontaminated
water to US troops serving in Iraq. Take the money? Sure. The
actual safety of the water? Not our concern -
(Posted here: Friday, July 18, 2008)


Dick Cheney Admits to War Crimes

- America used to hang people for
waterboarding. We hanged people for waterboarding in Dick Cheney’s
lifetime. Cheney: "I was aware of the [torture] program,
certainly, and involved in helping get the process cleared…that is
the Agency [The CIA] in effect came in and wanted to know what they
could and couldn’t do. And they talked to me, as well as others, to
explain what they wanted to do. And I supported it.” -
- Writechic.wordpress.com and MSNBC, Dec
17, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, December 19,
The Resistance

Cindy Sheehan
Mother Of Fallen Soldier To Camp Out In Tent At Bush Ranch Until She
Gets Answers About What She Calls "The Illegal Iraq War"
- Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son last year in Baghdad, was angered
by Bush's comments last week that "the fallen soldiers died for a
noble cause." Sheehan claims this is a lie, contending the reason
her son died was so Bush's friends could profit from the war and
"line their greedy pockets with dirty oil money." Sheehan, founder
of the peace group called Gold Star Families for Peace, says she
staying in a tent until she either gets "arrested or gets Bush to
answer questions." -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 6, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 8, 2005)
Authorities Getting Ready To Throw Anti-War Protestors From Bush Ranch For
[Related article:
Mother Of Fallen Soldier To Camp Out In Tent At Bush Ranch Until She Gets
Answers About What She Calls "The Illegal Iraq War"]
- Law enforcement authorities are taking steps to remove a group of about 50
peace activists camped near President Bush’s Crawford, TX, ranch, mounting
an effort to accuse the Iraqi War protestors of trespassing. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 11, 2005)
Families to Join Cindy Sheehan in Crawford; Gold Star and Military Families
from Across Country on Their Way to Texas
- More members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) and Military Families
Speak Out (MFSO) are traveling to Texas to join the protest outside of
President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, where he is vacationing for the
month of August. -
- U.S. Newswire, Aug 9, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 11, 2005)
War Foes Intensify Tex. Vigil
- President Bush got his first look yesterday at the anti-war
protest growing outside his Texas ranch when, on his way to a
fund-raiser, he drove by the vigil staged by a slain soldier's
mother. As Bush went to party with fat cats who gave $2 million to
the GOP, his motorcade didn't slow as it went by Cindy Sheehan and
her sign: "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?" -
- New York Daily News, Aug 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 15, 2005)
It Takes a Village to Smear Cindy Sheehan
- The right wing attacks on Cindy Sheehan -- desperate, pathetic,
and grasping at straws -- expose much less about their target than
about the attackers. I mean, trying to slime a grieving Gold Star
mom because she is inconveniently questioning the reasons her son
was sent off to die in Iraq? Why that would be like trashing a
much-decorated war hero or outing an undercover CIA agent… -
- by Arianna Huffingon, Aug 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 15, 2005)
Bedlam at
Bush's Ranch
- But in all of my years I have never seen more mindless frothing than what
I saw by these kool-aid drinking neo-con sycophants. And I’ve got video of
it all, which, in the next week, will be posted on infowars.com and
prisonplanet.com. -
- by Alex Jones, Aug 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 17, 2005)

Bush Shown Kissing Cindy in Family Pix
- [Cindy Sheehan]: "And the other thing I want him to tell me is
'just what was the noble cause Casey died for?' Was it freedom and
democracy? Bullsh--! He died for oil. He died to make your friends
richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East.
We're not freer here, thanks to your Patriot Act. Iraq is not free.
You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll
stop the terrorism," she said. -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 18, 2005)
Cindy's Husband Seeks Divorce
- According to the Smoking Gun, Patrick Sheehan, who has been
married to Cindy for more than 28 years, filed documents in Solano
County, Calif., on Friday to split with Cindy, citing
"irreconcilable differences." -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 18, 2005)
- Cindy Sheehan and her ever-growing band of supporters intend to
stay in those ditches outside Bush's Crawford "ranch" until he comes
out to talk or until August 31st, whichever comes first. If he does
not come out by the end of the month, she intends to follow him to
Washington and camp out in front of the White House. She and the
others have been there for more than a week now, garnering more and
more attention from the national and international press. Yes, they
are tired. Yes, they are uncomfortable. Yes, they have already won.
- by William Rivers Pitt, TruthOut.com, Aug 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 18, 2005)
and Liars
- I have never said anything wishy-washy like he uses "Patriotic
Rhetoric." I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he
knew he was LYING. The Downing Street Memos dated 23 July, 2002
prove that he knew that Saddam didn't have WMD's or any ties to Al
Qaeda. -
- by Cindy Sheehan, Aug 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 21, 2005)

Complaint Filed After Driver Crushes Crosses At Anti-War Protest
- Larry Northern, 59, of McLennan County, was charged Tuesday with
Criminal Mischief Over $1,500 and under $20,000 after a pickup truck
tore through a row of white crosses erected by anti-war protesters
gathered near the President’s ranch in Crawford. -
- KWTX10.com, Aug 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 18, 2005)
Joan Baez
Folk Singer And Peace Activist, Joan Baez, Joins Cindy Sheehan's War
Protest In Crawford
- Iraqi War protest takes on flavor of the 1960's when folk singers
and activists united to bring the Vietnam War to an end. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 24, 2005)

Armstrong Bikes With President Over Sheehan Grave
- Armstrong, fresh from his victory in the Tour De France, is seen
here with Mr. Bush riding across the symbolic gravesite of Casey
Sheehan, deceased Army specialist, son of the bereaved Mrs. Sheehan.
- by Greg Palast, Aug 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 24, 2005)

Bushites Launch Propaganda Blitz Against Sheehan & the Anti-War Protesters
- Facing sagging public opinion polls and an increasingly spirited antiwar
movement, the Bush administration and its allies this week launched a broad
public relations offensive, with a presidential defense of the war --
including an acknowledgment of the conflict's mounting death toll -- and a
caravan of supportive military families carrying their message to the Bush
ranch in Texas. -
- By Nina J. Easton and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, The Boston Globe,
Aug 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 25, 2005)

Joan Baez and Cindy Sheehan at Crawford, TX
One Mother's Stand - Cindy Speaks to Roaring Crowd
- "How many more," Cindy asked, "have to die for lies? For giving
those who have too much power more power?" -
- by David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org, Aug 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 29, 2005)
Cindy Sheehan
Tomgram: A
Worldview Repeated Once Too Often?
- ...Under these circumstances, it's worth taking a close look at his recent
speeches and comparing his linguistic landscape with that of Cindy Sheehan,
at the moment a stand-in for the mute (and previously somewhat hidden)
American dead from his war as well as an encroaching Iraqi catastrophe. -
- by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com -
(Posted here: Aug
31, 2005)
Counteroffensive: Bush Launches 'Operation Cindy Sheehan'
- So far, Bush has evaded Cindy’s attempts to interrogate him on his motives
for launching this disastrous venture. In his estimate – Sheehan deserves no
meeting and no response. The president has made an executive decision that
his job description does not oblige him to divulge the real reasons for
invading Iraq. -
- Global Research, Aug 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 31, 2005)
Is "Stormfront"
a Hoax?
- As Cindy Sheehan renews her vigil outside the Bush ranch, a group of
"White Supremacists" have shown up just in time for the mainstream media to
proclaim that the peace movement harbors racists and (shudder) anti-Semites!
The timing is just too cute to be believed, and in an age where Karl Rove
has redefined political dirty tricks to a degree that even Dick Nixon would
admire, one has good reason to be skeptical who the "White Supremacists" are
and more to the point, who they work for. -
- What Really Happened -
(Posted here: Aug 31, 2005)
Police Fortify Numbers for War Protests
- D.C. police have canceled days off and are planning to deploy
several hundred officers during an antiwar demonstration next
weekend that will include a march near the White House, but
officials said they expect no trouble. -
- The Washington Post, Sep 18, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 23, 2005)
Soldier's Chilling Testimony Fuels Demonstrations Against Iraq War
- A former American soldier who served in Iraq and filed for
conscientious objector status has given an extraordinary insight
into the war's dehumanising effects an insight that helps explain
why the British and American public has turned sharply against the
occupation. -
- The Independent UK, Sep 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 25, 2005)
Thousands Protest Iraq war, Globalization
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100,000 protesters flooded
Washington on Saturday to stage dual demonstrations against the
U.S.-led war in Iraq and economic globalization, before coming
together to demand President George W. Bush bring troops home. -
- Reuters, Sep 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 25, 2005)

Cindy Sheehan
Two Georges
- As we stand here on the grounds of a monument that is dedicated to
the Father of our Country, George Washington, we are reminded that
he was well known for the apocryphal stories of never being able to
tell a lie. I find it ironic that there is another man here named
George who stays in this town between vacations and seems to never
be able to tell the truth. -
- by Cindy Sheehan, Sep 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 27, 2005)
Sheehan Arrested During Antiwar Protest
- Cindy Sheehan, whose protest camp outside President Bush's vacation home
in Texas became a focal point of the antiwar movement this summer, was
arrested today outside the White House at the head of a civil disobedience
campaign intended to dramatize the opposition to the war in Iraq. -
- Los Angeles Times, Sep 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 28, 2005)

How Stupid Can You Be, Arresting Cindy Sheehan While the Whole World
is Watching?
- Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to
be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya?
Is this payback for Cindy's Camp Casey in Crawford? -
- by Bev Conover, Online Journal, Sep 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 29, 2005)

Police Showed Solidarity With Protesters as They Were Arrested
- Elliot Adams of Veterans For Peace appeared on The Alex Jones Show
today and passed on some positive news in the light of today's
attack on the First Amendment where peaceful protesters were
arrested in Crawford Texas ... Adams said that as the protesters
were being taken away many police officers gave them the peace sign
as a show of solidarity. -
- Prison Planet, Nov 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 26, 2005)
What Really
- As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State
of the Union address last night. / I am speechless with fury at what
happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country. / There have
been lies from the police and distortions by the press (shocker). So this is
what really happened: -
- by Cindy Sheehan, Feb 01, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 03, 2006)
Police Apologize To Sheehan
[Related Article:
Really Happened]
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The US Capitol Police dropped charges against
activist Cindy Sheehan on Wednesday and apologized for arresting her in the
House of Representatives chamber shortly before President Bush's State of
the Union address. -
- Reuters, Feb 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 04, 2006)
* * *

The Epic Crime That Dares Not Speak Its Name
- A Royal Air Force officer is about to be tried before a military
court for refusing to return to Iraq because the war is illegal.
Malcolm Kendall-Smith is the first British officer to face criminal
charges for challenging the legality of the invasion and occupation.
He is not a conscientious objector; he has completed two tours in
Iraq... -
- by John Pilger, Oct 27, 2005
(Posted here: Oct 29, 2005)
Pentagon Propaganda Program Orders Soldiers to Promote Iraq War
While Home On Leave
- Good soldiers follow orders and hundreds of American military
men and women returned to the United States on holiday leave
this month with orders to sell the Iraq war to a skeptical
public. -
- by Doug Thompson, Capitol Blue Hill, Dec 29, 2005 -
(Posted here: Jan 02, 2006)
Sign the Petition to Tell Your Senators to Bring the Troops Home
From Iraq
- It's time for America to get out of Iraq.
The troops who are there agree, the American public agrees, and
a growing number of Congress members (including veterans) agree.
There's a piece of legislation on Capitol Hill right now which
could bring us close to ending this nightmare -- but we need to
push every senator in Congress to get with the program. -
- TrueMajority.org -
(Posted here: Saturday, Apr 29, 2006)

Hollywood Star Robbins
Blasts US Media Ignorance of 'High Crimes' in Iraq
- We have right now a media that is willfully ignoring the high crimes and
misdemeanours of the president of the United States," the star of Hollywood
hits including "Mystic River" and "The Player" told reporters. -
- Breitbart.com, May 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, May 04, 2006)

No Bravery
- James Blunt is a singer and songwriter from the north Norfolk cost in
England. He is 28 years old and is now gaining international recognition for
his music. He's got a very sensitive and emotional voice, which grabs the
listener immediately. He scooped two Brit awards for best pop act and best
British male. Here you have the opportunity to listen to his very powerful
song, "No Bravery" for free online, as background music to a video about the
devastating Iraq war and Bush's genocide program. -
- by James Blunt (Introduction by Wes Penre) -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 29, 2006)

Iraqi Women Delegation
- Ms. Khamas regularly publishes articles on women's conditions in Iraq
since the March 2003 invasion, and has documented human rights violations
committed by US and Iraqi forces. She is also involved in mobilizing
emergency relief (medicines, food and clothing) for victims of the war,
especially women and children living in refugee camps. -
- by Ms Eman Ahmad Khamas -
(Posted here: Tuesday, July 11, 2006)

Adam Kokesh's Amazing Speech on the Iraq War at Ron
Paul's Rally
- Don't miss this video of his impinging
speech at Rep. Ron Paul's Rally for the Republicans in St. Paul, Minnesota,
September 2, 2008. The most powerful speech I've heard in a very long time,
and one of the reasons why it's so powerful is because this young man is
100% honest. He was willing to die for his country in Iraq, thinking he
protected the Constitution of America. Now, when he knows he was deceived,
he is not giving up, but still working for the same purpose - this time
against the oppressive imperialistic U.S. Government which illegally sent
him to war... -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 18, 2009 -
(Posted here: Sunday, January 18,
The Beheading of
Nick Berg
Saddam Hussein On Trial

The Reincarnation of Saddam Hussein
- In spite of the Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal’s mandate of
public hearings, no one save the two dozen or so people present in the
courtroom were supposed to hear Saddam’s words. But an audiotape of the
proceedings was smuggled out to the media and listeners throughout the
world ... Saddam added: "You know that this is all a theater by Bush the
criminal, to help him win his election." -
- truthout.org., July 4, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 5, 2004)
The Hallabja Massacre: Saddam Could
Call CIA in His Defence
- Evidence offered by a top CIA man could confirm the testimony
given by Saddam Hussein at the opening of his trial in Baghdad Thursday
that he knew of the Halabja massacre only from the newspapers. -
- Globalresearch.ca., July 3, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 5, 2004)
"I Got My Kills. I'm Coming Down. I Just Love My Job.": Iraq War as
Video Game
- "He watched horrified as a family of five was shot dead [by a US
helicopter gunship crew] as they tried to cross [the river to escape
from Falluja]."
But that first-hand on-the-spot description was from a terrified AP
photographer on the river bank. It wasn't from an embedded reporter
whose every word is scrutinized by army censors (not because he or she
might betray vital military secrets, but because they might get the
truth out to the world - although sometimes the truth does emerge). -
Prison Planet, Nov. 18, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 21, 2004)
Baghdad Coup D'etat for Big Oil
- Some conspiracy nuts believe the Bush Administration had a secret plan
to control Iraq's oil. In fact, there were TWO plans. In a joint
investigation with BBC Television Newsnight, Harper's Magazine has
uncovered a hidden battle over Iraq's oil. It began right after Mr. Bush
took office - with a previously unreported plot to invade Iraq. -
from the April's Issue of Harper's Magazine via Greg Palast, March
25, 2005 -
(Posted here: March 28, 2005)
Saddam Trial 'Within Two Months'
- Saddam Hussein is expected to go on trial in Iraq within two
months, new President Jalal Talabani said on Tuesday. -
- Gulf News.com, May 31, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 2, 2005)

Saddam Hussein
Saddam Could Be Executed After
First Trial
- BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein could be executed after his first trial if
he is convicted and sentenced to death for his alleged role in a 1982 Shiite
massacre, even though he faces other charges, an official close to the
proceedings said Thursday. -
- by Bassem Mroue, Associated Press Writer, Aug 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 19, 2005)
Legal Lynching of Saddam Hussein Begins in Iraq
- The trial of Saddam Hussein that begins today in Baghdad, under
the auspices of the US-created Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (SICT)
and the US-sponsored Iraqi government, is a legal travesty. No
credibility can be given to the prosecution of the former Iraqi head
of state by a puppet court and client administration that exist only
due to the illegal and predatory invasion of Iraq by US imperialism
and the continued presence of more than 150,000 American and other
foreign troops. -
- by James Cogan, Oct 19, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 20, 2005)

Abducted Saddam Trial
Lawyer Found Dead
- BAGHDAD, Iraq - A defense lawyer in Saddam Hussein's mass murder
trial who was kidnapped has been found dead, his body dumped near a
Baghdad mosque, a top official in Iraq's lawyers' union said after
talking to the man's family. -
- Associated Press, Oct 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 23, 2005)
Another Lawyer in
Saddam Trial Shot Dead
- Three gunmen in a speeding car killed a lawyer for a co-defendant
in Saddam Hussein’s trial and wounded another Tuesday in Baghdad, a
member of the defense team and police said. -
- Associated Press, Nov 08, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 09, 2005)
Why Saddam is
- The trial of Saddam Hussein is the straw that will break the back
of America in Iraq, whichever way it goes. A conviction on the basis
of what we are seeing will make a martyr of Saddam, reveal the
entire process as a foregone conclusion, and steel the national
popular resistance for years. -
- Al-Ahram Weekly, Dec 15-21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 20, 2005)
Saddam To Hang 'Within Months'
- SADDAM Hussein could be executed within months if he is found guilty of
ordering the massacre of 140 people from the town of Dujail, the chief
prosecutor in the former Iraqi dictator's trial has said. -
- The Australian, Feb 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 23, 2006)
Saddam Silenced For Fingering US In Iraq Bombings
- After the murder of Slobo Milosevic prevented the true Butchers of Serbia,
Wes Clark and Bill Clinton, from being brought to justice, on the very first
day of Saddam Hussein's testimony the judge turned off his microphone and
ordered all media to leave following Saddam's comments that the civil war in
Iraq is being deliberately fueled by the US. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, March 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 17, 2006)
Saddam Hopes To Drag US Through The Mire
- But now that the defence is about to have a free rein it is the turn of
the White House to be afraid. The defence intends to call more than 60
witnesses, and is expected to try to drag the top level of US and other
western governments into the case. -
- by Ian Mather, The Scotsman, May 14, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, May 15, 2006)
Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death by Hanging
- The Iraqi High Tribunal on Sunday sentenced a combative Saddam Hussein and
two other defendants to death by hanging for a brutal crackdown in 1982 in
the Shiite town of Dujail. -
- CNN, Nov 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, November 05, 2006)

The Capture, Trial and Conviction of Saddam Hussein -
Another US Intelligence Farce
- It is one thing to present a few seconds of specifically chosen footage of
a possibly drugged or mind programmed Saddam lookalike on television and
thereby half-convince Iraqis that knew Saddam that the person in court is
the real deal. It is a much more difficult task however to make an
impostor's voice sound like the real Saddam's. There is also the danger that
the impostor might suddenly and unexpectedly reveal his true identity. It
seems likely that it was for this reason that the US military had to limit
and edit the audio coverage and then "clear" it for broadcast. -
- by Joe Quinn, Nov 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, November 08, 2006)

How to Execute Saddam? A Recent Tour Around Iraq
Will Be Enough
- No argue…Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was "a dictator." …Well …
What then? He never claimed that he is a "democratic", the man did not
deceive anyone whatsoever, he is a decider. It was sufficiently clear,
during his trial, when all accusations addressed to he said: "I decided, and
I assume responsibility.", this is what it is. It was his right, by virtue
of his office, to decide. -
- by Ali Al-Saraf -
(Posted here: Wednesday, December 27, 2006)

Hussein Executed With 'Fear In His Face'
- The execution took place
shortly after 6 a.m. (10 p.m. Friday ET), Iraq's national security adviser,
Mowaffak al-Rubaie, told Iraqi television.
"This dark page has been turned over," Rubaie said. "Saddam is gone. Today
Iraq is an Iraq for all the Iraqis, and all the Iraqis are looking forward.
... The [Hussein] era has gone forever. -
- CNN, Dec 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, December 30, 2006)

Puppet Kills Puppet
- As long as Saddam obediently protected and
facilitated the economic and territorial interests of the American (and
European) colonialists who backed him, his ruthlessness was their profit,
and clearly tolerable. When Saddam said he needed assistance to quell
internal resistance, he got all the help he needed in the form of cash and
training for his security forces. If that meant 143 Shiites received "red
cards," that was no problem for his backers.
- by Marc Ash, Truthout.com, Jan 01, 2007 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, January 02, 2007)

Leading Academic: Neo-Nazis Have Signed Us Onto
- "The Death Penalty for him came down just before
the November elections, the execution itself, the hanging, lynching, I don't
know what else you'd call it, was designed for political reasons. His
execution under these circumstances violated the third Geneva convention of
1949. We had originally designated him as a prisoner of war, which the
convention prohibited, setting up this kangaroo court proceeding that was
run out of the White House." -
- by Steve Watson & Alex Jones, Jan 05, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 06, 2007)
The New Iraq

Iraqi With MI6 Links Is New Prime
- A former Iraqi opposition
leader believed to have close links with MI6 and other
Western intelligence agencies was yesterday named as Iraq's new interim
Prime Minister. -
- Independent.co.uk, May 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 31, 2004)
America's Fake Transfer of Power in
The US government claim to have handed Iraq
back to the Iraqi people. In reality Iraq remains an occupied country
and the US government retains supreme power. -
- The Insider, June 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 30, 2004)
So This is What They Call the New,
'Free' Iraq
- Americans hold Saddam Hussein. Americans ran the court in which he
appeared. Americans censored the tapes of the hearing. Who do you think
is running the country? -
- Truthout.com, July 4, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2004)
US Occupation "Hands Over" Iraq to
Lethal Puppet Regime, Assuring Deeper US Entrenchment and Terror
- In a secret ceremony on June 28,
Iraq's "sovereignty," which was taken by force in 2003, was "handed
over" to an Iraqi interim puppet government ... -
- Online
Journal, July 6, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 10, 2004)
The interim Prime Minister of Iraq
- A biographical timeline of Mr. Allawi, former Baathist, former
agent for MI6 and CIA, former terrorist. This is an improvement? -
Portland Independent Media Center, July 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 19, 2004)
Saddam Replacement Personally
Executes Prisoners - Allawi Shot Inmates In Cold Blood, Say Witnesses
- Iyad Allawi, the new Prime Minister of Iraq, pulled a pistol and
executed as many as six suspected insurgents at a Baghdad police
station, just days before Washington handed control of the country to
his interim government, according to two people who allege they
witnessed the killings. Be happy, Iraqi people! As
you can see, liberty is near! -
- Truthout.org, July 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 19, 2004)
Saddam Hussein's Trial Led By Wanted
Murderer and Fraudster
- The man chosen by the US government to manage the trial of Saddam
Hussein is wanted in Iraq on charges of corruption and murder. -
- The Insider, August 9, 2004 -
Iraq Reimposes Death Penalty
- Moving towards a civilized society??? -
TruthOut.org, August 8, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 10, 2004)
The Failed Occupation of Iraq
- 160,000 foreign troops, bans on TV stations and newspapers when they
report news that the government dislikes, vast concentration camps,
executions, and dissatisfied Iraqis waging war in the streets: is this
the free society Iraqis were promised? -
- The Insider, August 11, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 11, 2004)
The Case
Against John Negroponte
- According to The New York Times, Negroponte was responsible for
"carrying out the covert strategy of the Reagan administration to crush
the Sandinistas government in Nicaragua." Critics say that during his
ambassadorship, human rights violations in Honduras became systematic. -
BushWar.com -
(Posted here: February 20, 2005)
in Iraq. Where?
- It has never been a goal of George W. Bush, his administration, or
their Masters, the Illuminati, to "save" the misfortunate Iraqi people
from evil and create democracy in their country. The American people (or
people elsewhere in the world as well, if you will), don't have to read
"Conspiracy sites" to get enlightened in this matter. -
by Wes Penre, April 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 2, 2005)
Rumsfeld’s Mission to Baghdad: Keeping Saddam’s Secret Police in Power
- The Pentagon envisions a gradual reduction in US troop levels until
American forces are able to withdraw to fortified bases and allow Iraqi
puppet forces to carry out day-to-day repression. -
- by Bill van Auken, Apr 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: April 15, 2005)
U.S. Is Its Own Worst Enemy in Iraq
- So far this month, more than 450 Iraqis and dozens of U.S. troops have
been killed by an Iraqi insurgency that, even after two years, shows
signs of intensifying. Yet the Bush administration, which originally
expected U.S. troops to be greeted as liberators and then promised that
elections would fatally undermine the rebel cause, remains clueless as
to the composition of this virulent enemy. -
- LA Times, May 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 20, 2005)
In the Name of Democracy
and Freedom:
US Offers to Turn on Water, Electricity, If Residents Inform On Resistance
To US Occupation Forces
- US occupation forces announced on their propaganda radio beamed at local
residents of ar-Ramadi that the US military would stop raiding houses and
mosques, would open roads to local people and turn the electricity and
drinking water supply in the city back on if local residents would cooperate
by informing the American occupation troops of the locations and bases of
Iraqi Resistance fighters operating in the city against the Americans. -
- LibertyForum.org, June 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 4, 2005)
Forces Issue Hi-Tech ID Cards for Insurgent Suspects
- The cards allow American intelligence services to keep track of people
taken into custody even if they are released because they are found to have
done nothing wrong. -
- Gulfnews.com, May 31, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 7, 2005)

West Turns Blind Eye as Police Put Saddam's Torturers Back to Work
- IRAQI security forces, set up by American and British troops,
torture detainees by pulling out their fingernails, burning them
with hot irons or giving them electric shocks, Iraqi officials say.
Cases have also been recorded of bound prisoners being beaten to
death by police. -
- Times Online, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 8, 2005)
So, Mr
Bremer, Where Did All the Money Go?
- At the end of the Iraq war, vast sums of money were made available to the
US-led provisional authorities, headed by Paul Bremer, to spend on
rebuilding the country. By the time Bremer left the post eight months later,
$8.8bn of that money had disappeared. Ed Harriman on the extraordinary
scandal of Iraq's missing billions. -
- Guardian Unlimited, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 10, 2005)
The Iraqi Constitution: A Referendum for Disaster
- The constitutional process culminating in Saturday's referendum is
not a sign of Iraqi sovereignty and democracy taking hold, but
rather a consolidation of U.S. influence and control. Whether Iraq's
draft constitution is approved or rejected, the decision is likely
to make the current situation worse. -
- by Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, Oct 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 17, 2005)
Order Out Of Chaos In Iraq
- It is now clearer than ever before that the blueprint for Iraq from the
very start was to deliberately allow the country to descend into chaos and
encourage Muslim to kill Muslim as the Neo-Con juggernaut of ethnic
cleansing roars on to steamroll its next victim. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, March 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 12, 2006)

Bush Didn't Bungle Iraq, You Fools - THE MISSION WAS INDEED
- Get off it. All the carping, belly-aching and complaining
about George Bush's incompetence in Iraq, from both the Left and
now the Right, is just dead wrong. / / On the third anniversary
of the tanks rolling over Iraq's border, most of the 59 million
Homer Simpsons who voted for Bush are beginning to doubt if his
mission was accomplished. -
- by Greg Palast, for the Guardian, March 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 23, 2006)

[And here is more "good" news from the
American liberation of Iraq. Aren't we doing a great job over
Americans Played Football With Money for Iraq Hospital Children
- 'Iraq was awash in cash. We played football with bricks of
$100 bills'
At the beginning of the Iraq war, the UN entrusted $23bn of
Iraqi money to the US-led coalition to redevelop the country.
With the infrastructure of the country still in ruins, where has
all that money gone? Callum Macrae and Ali Fadhil on one of the
greatest financial scandals of all time -
- The Insider, March 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 27, 2006)

U.S. Retreat from Iraq? The Secret Story
- According to credible Iraqi sources in London and Amman, a
secret story of America’s diplomatic exit strategy from Iraq is
rapidly unfolding. The key events include: -
- by Tom Heyden, Special to the Huffington Post, N0v 22, 2006 -
here: Thursday, November 23, 2006)

U.S. Occupation Forces Bring Clean Water
to The Children Of Iraq
- Humiliation As a Weapon of War -
[Video: 1 minute]
- Why do they hate us??? We only want to bring democracy
to the Iraqi people! -
- Information Clearing House, Nov 24, 2006 -
here: Friday, November 24, 2006)