ony Blair has again and again made
statements condemning terrorism, and along with George Bush
and Ariel Sharon, has declared terrorist war on the Muslim
world. Palestine, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq and soon Iran
and Syria, have received the treatment.
Double standards again here as the
huge vocal outcry over Germany marching into the low
countries after 1939, is a totally different reaction to
Israel’s terrorism in Palestine. And Lebanon, where are the
voices here?
Every needless death by “peace
keeping forces” brings new recruits against US world wide.
Muslim disapproval in the large
communities of Britain and France is growing to danger
point, with dismay over Tony Blair's endorsement of Israeli
terrorist tactics in the Middle East, with more and more
British voices speaking in anger.
Here in Britain we have long had
Israeli funded and owned politicians, but the Muslims learn
fast and are already buying their own politicians to speak
for them.
Why is it too much to ask that the
politicians in Britain and the U.S work for the British and
U.S voters?
We prosecuted Slobadan Milosevic
and Saddham Hussein for their murders, why not our own
terrorists, Bush Blair and Sharon?