Electronic Surveillance System Follows
Millions of People
- Welcome to the World of Biotelemetry -
- by Dr. Charles L. Kyte, III -
(March 2, 2004)
Cloak & Dagger Operation: Kidnapping,
Torture & Electronic Surveillance
- by Dr. Charles Kyte, III -
(Posted here: March 16, 2004)
Brain/Neural Implants
(Kidnapping, Covert/Illegal Operations, Mental Torture)
- To Wes Penre,
Illuminati News, From Charles
L. Kyte, III -
(Posted here: April 1, 2004)
Prisoners Getting Neural Implants?
by Dr. Charles L. Kyte, III -
(Posted here: April 6, 2004)
Overall Surveillance

Us Heading for High Tech Spy Tools
by Michael J. Sniffen, The Associated Press, February 22, 2004 -
(Posted here: February 23, 2004)

Spy Machine of DARPA's Dreams
- The Pentagon is about to embark on a
stunningly ambitious research project designed to gather every
conceivable bit of information about a person's life, index all the
information and make it searchable... The embryonic LifeLog program
would dump everything an individual does into a giant database: every
e-mail sent or received, every picture taken, every Web page surfed,
every phone call made, every TV show watched, every magazine read. -
- by Noah Shachtman, Wired,com, May 20,
2003 -
(Posted here:
Thursday, December 13, 2007)
- Perhaps the Most Powerful Intelligence Gathering Organization in the World
- from EchelonWatch.org -
(Posted here: March 30, 2004)
Project Echelon
- This global network of wiretaps, data-sniffing and general eavesdropping
systems enables the U.S. government (and probably the U.K.) to intercept
digital communications. In effect this means that , amongst other
activities, ECHELON is capable of recording all email messages and all
telephone conversations - regardless of who is making them. -
- by Geoff Richardson, www.thewhyfiles.net -
(Posted here: June 4, 2005)
ECHELON - Someone Is Listening
Attacking the 4th Amendment!
- Every phone call you make, every email or fax you send may be
monitored - and probably is. Surprise! It's our own government. -
- Gurusinc.com -
(Posted here: Sep 25, 2005)

Why, Even If You Have
Nothing To Hide, Government Surveillance Threatens Your Freedom:
The Case Against Expanding Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
- "I've got nothing to hide, so electronic
surveillance doesn't bother me. To the contrary, I'm delighted that the
Bush Administration is monitoring calls and electronic traffic on a
massive scale, because catching terrorists is far more important that
worrying about the government's listening to my phone calls, or reading
my emails." So the argument goes. It is a powerful one that has seduced
too many people.
Millions of Americans buy this logic, and in accepting it, believe
they are doing the right thing for themselves, their family, and their
friends, neighbors, community and country. They are sadly wrong. If you
accept this argument, you have been badly fooled. -
- by John W. Dean, FindLaw, Legal News &
Commentary, Oct. 19, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, October 20, 2007)
Exposing the Global Surveillance System
- It is, of course, not a new idea that intelligence organizations tap into
e-mail and other public telecommunications networks. What was new in the
material leaked by the New Zealand intelligence staff was precise
information on where the spying is done, how the system works, its
capabilities and shortcomings, and many details such as the codenames. -
Mediafilter.org -
(Posted here: October 6, 2004)
Somebody's listening (and they don't
give a damn about your personal privacy)
- by New
Statesman -
(January 2, 2004)
Exposing the Global Surveillance
- by Nicky Hager -
(January 2, 2004)
Smile, You're on Security Camera
- Boston's Main Streets are Filled with Hidden
Eyes -
- by John McElhenny for Bostom.com News, March 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 29, 2004)
"Big Brother" Brings Peace of Mind
- by Malcolm Brown, January 27, 2004 -
Problem - Reaction - Solution.
The Illuminati create a problem, get a reaction from the public to do
something about it. Then they present the solution to the problem they
themselves created, a solution that suits them, and voila!
One step closer to a Totalitarian Superstate!
(Posted here: January 31, 2004)
Court to FBI: No Spying on In-Car
- from C|Net News.com -
(January 2, 2004)
More Spy Cameras Are on Their Way
from The Washington Times, March 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 31, 2004)
FBI Now Has Power to Read Bank Accounts
Without Court Order
- from Free Internet Press, January 7,
2004 -
(Posted here: January 12, 2004)
U.S. Wants to Tap Internet Phone
- from C|Net News.com (January 8, 2004) -
(Posted here: January 13, 2004)
All In The Name of "War
on Terrorism":
Universities Spy for MI5 (British
Intelligence) on Foreign Students
- from news.telegraph.co.uk., March 22, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 23, 2004)
Futuristic Security for Today's
Driver's Licenses
- Toronto Star, January 15, 2004
(Posted here: January 18, 2004)
Total Surveillance Becoming Reality
- from Prison Planet
(February 1, 2004)
Us Heading for High Tech Spy Tools
by Michael J. Sniffen, The Associated Press -
(Posted here: February 23, 2004)
Cameras Put Sneaky Peaks Onto Internet
- from Orlando Sentinel, February 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: February 18, 2004)
Kids Fingerprinted for Florida School
Bus Rides
- Fox News Channel, March 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 14, 2004)
Blair Eyes Identity Cards After UK
- Isn't their agenda obvious by now? -
- Reuters, April 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 2, 2004)
HHS Announces Program to Implant RFID
Tags in Homeless
- Washington (UPI) -
(Posted here: April 2, 2004)
The Ultimate Implant Promotion
- You NEED to watch this! (Requires Microsoft Powerpoint) -
(Posted here: April 2, 2004)

Carlyle Group Subsidiary Named "MATRICS"
is Brimming with NSA and CIA Operatives and pushing a Swastika-Shaped
Tracker Chip
- InfoWars.com, April 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 8, 2004)
Spy Agency Launches Recruiting Campaign
- The highly secretive National Security Agency is
looking to hire 7,500 workers over the next five years in the spy agency's
largest recruiting campaign since the 1980s -
- CNN.com., April 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 11, 2004)
DARPA Fingerprints:
FDA Approves Human Brain Implant Devices
- InfoWars.com -
(Posted here: April 17, 2004)
Paying For Drinks With
Wave of the Hand
Club-goers in Spain get implanted chips for ID,
payment purposes
- by Sherrie Gosssett, World Net Daily, April 14, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 17, 2004)
Humps Out, Cameras In!
UK Government Wants Cameras In Every Residential Neighborhood
This Is London, April 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 17, 2004)
Stop ID Cards Now!
- stop.id.cards.org -
(Posted here: April 29, 2004)
Did You Know?
- Some Facts About Your Privacy (or lack thereof) -
Dan Brown's Official Website -
(Posted here: May 5, 2004)
National ID Card: Has the Time Come?
MSN.com.au, May 26, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 27, 2004)
Government Computer Surveillance
Rings Alarm Bells
Nine months after
Congress shut down a controversial Pentagon computer-surveillance
program, the U.S. government continues to comb private records to sniff
out suspicious activity, according to a congressional report obtained by
Reuters. -
- ComputerWorld.com, May 27, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 28, 2004)
iSECUREtrac Lands 10 New GPS
Tracking Contracts; GPS Tracking Systems Now Implemented With Agencies
in 33 States
- Marion
County Oregon Sheriff's Office Parole & Probation Deputies recently
launched a new Electronic Monitoring (EM) program which utilizes
iSECUREtrac's Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology.
- Business Wire, June 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 19, 2004)
Homeland Security 'Highway Watch'
Stasi Program Trains Americans to Spy on Each Other
Comment: And you
thought TIPS was dead! As was the case with Total Information Awareness,
they just changed the name and doubled the funding. -
(Posted here: July 3, 2004)
Biometrics Tracks Street Kids
A Western Cape biometrics project
aims to register and track street children as part of a social services
project. -
- T Web, July 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 3, 2004)
Kerry and Edwards Will Use Campaign
to Push Domestic Spy Agency
- The selection of Sen. John Edwards [Bilderberger]
as John Kerry’s [Skull
& Bones] running mate has raised concerns inside the FBI and
among civil-liberties groups that the North Carolina senator will use
the campaign to promote his controversial proposal to create a new
domestic spy agency. -
- MSNBC, July 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 8, 2004)
Plan Floated for North American ID
- Such a card would require the creation of the largest database
of biometric data in the world potentially to include digital images of
a person's face or eye, or electronic fingerprints. -
- CanWest Services, July 8, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2004)
They've Got Your Number
- Cutting-edge technologies work as tattle-tales for a
surveillance-minded state, Canadian privacy advocates warn. -
www.canada.com -
(Posted here: July 24, 2004)
New High-Tech Passports Not Always
- Smart card chip is going into passports by spring time. -
The Seattle Times, August 6, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 10, 2004)
Unprecedented Electronic Net for
- If you're planning on attending this month's Olympic Games, you'd best
be careful what you say and do in public. Software will be watching and
listening. -
- Associated Press -
(Posted here: August 11, 2004)
Problems with AOL
- AOL is not a real internet provider. They are a giant network that
happens to allow internet access. You are actually a user on their
private network. They do all kinds of weird things to the data that
passes through them. Also, because their browser is proprietary, they
have access to everything on your hard disk. -
- Relfe.com -
(Posted here: September 7, 2004)
M$ Windows XP
Professional Bugging Device?
- Each and every time a search is conducted using the search option under the
start button on Windows XP, the system automatically checks if your online and
transmits information directly to Microsoft. This is done, without informing the
end-user in any fashion, nor providing a clear method to disable. It has been
hidden by design. In technical terms, a form of Trojan. -
- IndyMedia.UK, July 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: January 2, 2004)
Brzezinski's Nephew Pens Books On
Police State
- "The technological and legal foundations for blanket surveillance had
already been laid in 2003," Brzezinski writes. "All that was lacking was
the political and social will to bring all this technological wizardry
to bear in the war on terror. -
- USA Today, Sept. 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: September 29, 2004)
CASPIAN Has Uncovered Evidence of Industry Plans to Deploy RFID Tracking
Devices in Consumer Clothing Items
- A $600 million company called Checkpoint has developed prototype
labels containing RFID spychips for Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein,
and Champion sportswear. These tags contain tiny computer chips with
unique ID numbers that can be read remotely by anyone with the right
equipment. -
- from Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering
(Posted here: October 3, 2004)
U.S. Spies on Chat Rooms
- Amid the torrent of jabber in internet chat rooms -- flirting by QTpie
and BoogieBoy, arguments about politics and horror flicks -- are
terrorists plotting their next move? The government certainly isn't
discounting the possibility. It's taking the idea seriously enough to
fund a yearlong study on chat room surveillance under an anti-terrorism
program. -
- Associated Press, Oct. 11, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 13, 2004)
Spy in the Classroom
- A REVOLUTIONARY class-room is giving teachers and their pupils nowhere
to hide. -
- The Cumberland News,
Oct. 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 16, 2004)
X-ray Sees Through Clothes
[When is the majority of the population going to connect the dots?]
- Another passenger, Maria Love, said: "It's all about being safe, and I really
have no problem with it." A spokeswoman for BAA Heathrow said 98 percent
[my emphasis] of participants gave positive feedback. -
CNN, Nov. 9, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 14, 2004)
G8 Crackdown for
[Something wrong with this picture???]
- Police will issue ID cards to eight-year-olds as part of security
measures at next year's Gleneagles G8 summit. -
- BBC News, Dec 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: December 29, 2004)
Caught on Tape:
You're Being Watched
- Cameras are certainly in a lot of places these days. They're on the beat with
cops. They're in supermarkets, office buildings and on some city streets. Some
parents are installing cameras to keep an eye on their kids. -
- ABC News, Feb 4, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 6, 2005)
Human Tracking: Big Brother Goes Mainstream
- SCHOOL OFFICIALS in Sutter, Calif., and Osaka, Japan, track students with
radio frequency identification tags worn around their necks or tucked in their
belongings. The government of Mexico tracks court officials with RFID tags
implanted in their shoulders. Finland changes national laws to allow cellphone
tracking of children. A woman in Kenosha, Wisconsin, discovers her estranged
husband has hidden a global positioning system tracker in her car. All are
current news items. -
- Bergen.com, Feb 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 25, 2005)
Surveillance Cameras Sprouting Up Everywhere
- Watch yourself in public places in Central Texas. New electronic eyes are
popping up in spots you haven't even considered. -
- Kxan36, May 5, 2005 -
(Posted here; May 7, 2005)
Time to Buy a New Shirt, Dave
- The companies are trying to appease consumer and privacy advocates, who worry
that the data gathered from radio-frequency identification tags -- item
descriptions and unique ID codes -- will be married with shoppers' personal
data, making the tags into tracking devices for marketers, thieves and,
possibly, the government. -
- Wired.com, Apr 18, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 10, 2005)
Spotlight on
- President Bush's proposed $2.57 trillion federal budget for Fiscal Year 2006
greatly increases the amount of money spent on surveillance technology and
programs while cutting about 150 programs—most of them from the Department
of Education [my emphasis]. EPIC's "Spotlight on Surveillance" project
scrutinizes these surveillance programs. -
- Electronic Privacy Information Center -
(Posted here: May 12, 2005)
Brother Tracks Staff
- A JAPANESE security company has begun offering corporate customers the
ultimate Big Brother service: a system that tracks employees both inside and
outside the office, knows every door you have passed through, every drawer you
have opened and can tell every piece of paper you have touched. -
- Times Online, May 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: May 26, 2005)
- RFID stands for Radio
Frequency IDentification,
a technology that uses tiny computer chips smaller than a grain of sand
to track items at a distance. RFID "spy chips" have been hidden in the
packaging of Gillette razor products and in other products you might buy
at a local Wal-Mart, Target, or Tesco - and they are already being used
to spy on people. -
- spychips.com -
(Posted here: May 31, 2005)
Is Big Brother in Your Grocery Cart?
- RFID chips, tiny tracking devices the size of a grain of dust, can be
used to secretly identify you and the things you're carrying - right
through your clothes, wallet, backpack, or purse. Have you already taken
one home with you?
- nocards.org -
(Posted here: May 31, 2005)
Forget-Me-Not Panties
- This amazing device will answer all of your questions! These panties
can give you her location, and even her temperature and heart rate, and
she will never even know it's there! Unlike the cumbersome and
uncomfortable chastity belts of the past, these panties are 100% cotton,
and use cutting-edge technology to help you protect what matters most. -
- forgetmenotpanties.contagiousmedia.org -
(Posted here: May 31, 2005)
Forget-Me-Not Panties Use the Latest Technologies! -
- forgetmenotpanties.contagiousmedia.org -
(Posted here: May 31, 2005)
Boycott Gillette
- Hidden cameras in GILLETTE spy shelves take mug shots of people who
pick up their products! Consumers have asked Gillette to stop putting
RFID "spy chips" in their products, but Gillette has ignored our
concerns. -
- boycottgillette.com -
(Posted here: May 31, 2005)
The List Of Carnivore
And Eschelon Keywords
- The list below contains many of the keywords the Government Spooks
search YOUR email and chat for. -
- from Rense.com, June 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 30, 2005)
Bush Sets Up
Domestic Spy Service
- US President George W Bush has ordered the creation of a domestic
intelligence service within the FBI, as part of a package of 70 new security
measures. -
- BBC News, June 30, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 1, 2005)
RFID Tags Along to Track Your Vehicle
- Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, so far confined to
warehouse tracking and other small-area applications, is now put in
conjunction with VSATs to track vehicles. This new system, developed by
Core Projects and Technologies Ltd, is the latest to hit the Indian
vehicle tracking market, where card- swiping and GSM-based equipment are
the norm. -
- Financial Express, July 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 27, 2005)

Cellphone Calls Blew Their Cover
- It wasn't their lavish spending in luxury hotels, their use of
credit cards or even frequent-flier miles that drew attention. Instead
it was a trail of casual cellphone use that tripped up the 19 purported
CIA operatives wanted by Italian authorities in the alleged kidnapping
of a radical Muslim cleric. -
- CNN, July 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 29, 2005)
Locate Your Child the Same Way They Locate Terrorists
- The same technology that enabled Italian police track down the
whereabouts of one of the suspects in the recent London bombings is
being used by increasing numbers of parents as a way to check the
location of their children. -
- Net4Now, Aug 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 15, 2005)

The State Of Surveillance
- Artificial noses that sniff explosives, cameras that I.D. you by your
ears, chips that analyze the halo of heat you emit. More scrutiny lies
- Businessweek.com, Aug 8, 2005 Edition -
(Posted here: Aug 4, 2005)
Cameras Back in Demand
- After London bomb attacks, several US cities draw up plans to increase
surveillance, despite potential downsides. -
- Christian Science Monitor, Aug
3, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)
Security Cameras Multiply in Manhattan
- Six surveillance cameras could be seen peering out from a chain drug
store on Broadway. One protruded awkwardly from the awning of a
fast-food restaurant. A supersized, domed version hovered like a flying
saucer outside Columbia University. To the dismay of civil libertarians
and with the approval of law enforcement, they've been multiplying at a
dizzying rate all over Manhattan. -
- by Tom Hays, Associated Press, Aug 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 16, 2005)

Council Listens in to Soho Crowds
- Westminster Council is piloting a scheme to install microphones on
lampposts to augment CCTV coverage with audio snooping. -
- Vnunet.com, May 4, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 20, 2005)
Cards Could Be Used For Mass Surveillance System
- The Government is creating a system of "mass public surveillance"
capable of tracking every adult in Britain without their consent, MPs
say. They warn that people who have never committed a crime can be
"electronically monitored" without their knowledge. -
- Marie Woolf, Independent Online, Aug 18, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 20, 2005)

OKs Digital Angel Satellite Device
- The Federal Aviation Administration has approved Digital Angel Corp.'s
new satellite radio transceiver, the company said Thursday. -
- BizJournals.com, Aug 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 20, 2005)
Security Cameras Capturing Students Every Move
- North Side students weren’t alone as they hit the hallways for their first
day of school, security cameras watched the students every move. John Jay
High School is the first school in Bexar County to have anything that
hi-tech. Security cameras will soon be in every North Side high School. -
- Brandy Ralston, KENS 5 Eyewitness News, Aug 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 25, 2005)

George Orwell
Unblinking Eyes May Watch School
- He [Bradley Myerson, a Manchester attorney] said it sends the wrong
message to students that school leaders don't trust them. Furthermore, he
said, it conditions students to not object when they're being watched all
the time. "It basically tells students Big Brother's watching you and you'd
better watch out," he said, referring to a character in George Orwell's
"1984." -
- by Chris Parker, Bennington Banner, Aug 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 28, 2005)
Do Surveillance Cameras Make the City Safer? CON: They Push Crime Elsewhere
and Spy on the Rest of Us
- Rather than being lulled into accepting this new intrusion, now is the
time to speak up. This is not the future we want for San Francisco. -
- Nicole A. Ozer, San Francisco Chronicle, Aug 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 1, 2005)

Students Kept Under Surveillance at School - Some Parents Angry Over
Radio Device
- Angry parents, saying their children's privacy rights are being
violated, have asked the board of the tiny Brittan School District to
rescind a requirement that all students wear badges that monitor their
whereabouts on campus using radio signals. -
- Greg Lucas for San Francisco Chronicle, Feb 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 9, 2005)
More Parents Going High-Tech to Track Kids
[This is the whole idea. Ignorant citizens do the job for the Government
by spying on each other to relieve the Government, so they can instead
concentrate on creating global disasters and committing genocide]
- In this case, it isn't Big Brother who's watching - it's Big Mother (or
Father). Increasingly, parents are using high-tech methods to track
everything from where their children are and how far they are driving to
what they buy, what they eat and whether they've shown up for class. -
- NewsMax, Sep 5, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 10, 2005)

EU Moves to Log Internet, Phone Communication
- The European Commission has adopted proposals to log details of all
telephone, Internet, and e-mail traffic, to combat terrorism and serious
crime. -
- ABC News, Sep 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)
ID Cards
'Threaten Civil Liberty'
- The government's plan to introduce identity cards poses a
"fundamental" threat to civil liberties, Liberal Democrats have heard. -
- BBC News, Sep 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 23, 2005)

Vegans File Lawsuit over Surveillance at Ham Store
- That day, two vegans — vegetarians who eat only plants and plant
products — were wrapping up an animal cruelty protest with a handful of
other vegans when they noticed a man in a CVS pharmacy parking lot
taking pictures of them... -
- by Jill Young-Miller, AJC.com, Sep 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 25, 2005)

Fingerprint Reader
Fingerprint ID Scheme in School
- Pupils' fingerprints will be used to register and measure attendance
at a primary school in Wiltshire. -
- BBC News, Sep 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 26, 2005)

Government and Computer Manufacturers Caught Installing Hard-wired
Keystroke Loggers Into All New Laptop Computers!
- Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via
your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your
knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the
internet! Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From
DHS, refused. -
- The Hal Turner Show, Oct 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 06, 2005)
Domestic Defense
- Could proposed new intelligence-gathering powers for the Pentagon
lead to spying on U.S. citizens? The question is being asked as the
White House considers new roles for the military inside America's
borders. -
- By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, Oct 05, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 07, 2005)

Only NSA
Can listen, So That's OK
- Giant US software manufacturer Lotus has been lowering the profile
of information about how they have installed an NSA-only trapdoor
into e-mail and conference systems used by many European
governments, including the German Ministry of Defence, the French
Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Education in
Latvia. -
- by Duncan Campbell, Heise.de, Jan 6, 1999 -
(Posted here: Oct 12, 2005)
Corporations, Government to Track Your Every Move
- "Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track
his every movement? There's actual discussion about that. You will
rule on that – mark my words – before your tenure is over." -
- WorldNetDaily, Oct 06, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 14, 2005)
Tagged From Day One
- Called the "Hugs and Kisses" infant protection system,
manufactured by VeriChip, this tracking technology involves a tiny
RFID (radio-frequency identification) radio transmitter that is
placed on the baby's ankle. With a wireless system in place
throughout the area, "Hugs" polls the baby's monitor every seven
seconds to determine the exact location of the infant in relation to
an electronic floor plan that is observed by hospital staff. -
- Wireless Healthcare Website -
(Posted here: Oct 14, 2005)
List of Printers Which Do or Don't Print Tracking Dots
- Remember that a "no" simply means that we couldn't see yellow dots; it
does not prove that there is no forensic watermarking present. (For
example, the HP Color LaserJET 8500 series does not include any yellow
tracking dots that we can see, but it may still include some kind of
forensic marking, since the majority of earlier CLJ models did.) -
- Electronic Frontier Foundation, Oct 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 03, 2005)
The FBI's Secret Scrutiny
- The FBI now issues more than 30,000 national security letters a year,
according to government sources, a hundredfold increase over historic norms.
The letters -- one of which can be used to sweep up the records of many
people -- are extending the bureau's reach as never before into the
telephone calls, correspondence and financial lives of ordinary Americans. -
- by Barton Gellman, The Washington Post, Nov 06, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 05, 2005)

The Freemasonic CHIP
[CHIP - What an interesting choice
of name. They have us getting used to the word CHIP, like in
"micro-chipping". In this case it is the same principle; the kids
are registered by their fingerprints and their DNA.]
- The Child Identification Program (CHIP)
addresses the alarming fact that over 1,000,000 children are
reported missing in the United States each year. While most are
found, many are not, and the abduction of children is both
under-reported and rapidly increasing in our society. -
- The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children -
(Posted here: Nov 08, 2005)

Feds' Net-Wiretap Order Set to Kick In
- According to a final order issued by the Federal Communications
Commission in late September, all broadband Internet service providers
and many Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, companies will have 18
months--until spring 2007--to ensure their systems have backdoors that
allow police to eavesdrop on their customers' communications for
investigative purposes. -
- C|Net News, Nov 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 14, 2005)
Total Surveillance
- Imagine a future in which your every belonging is marked with a unique
number identifiable with the swipe of a scanner; where your refrigerator
keeps track of its contents; where the location of your car is always
pinpoint-able; and where signal-emitting microchips storing personal
information are implanted beneath your skin or embedded in your inner
organs. -
- MotherJones.com, Dec 06, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 11, 2005)

The Agency That Could Be Big Brother
- DEEP in a remote, fog-layered hollow near Sugar Grove, W.Va.,
hidden by fortress-like mountains, sits the country's largest
eavesdropping bug. Located in a "radio quiet" zone, the
station's large parabolic dishes secretly and silently sweep in
millions of private telephone calls and e-mail messages an hour. -
- New York Times, Dec 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Jan 01, 2006)

Prescott Satellite To Spy On Your Home
- John Prescott has told tax inspectors to use satellites to snoop on
householders' attempts to improve their homes. -
- The Independent, Jan 01, 2006 -
(Posted here: Dec 03, 2006)

Cameras at Major British Airport Snap Your Picture
- All this beta testing that we see unfolding in our airports
and now our subway stations is simply the pretext for it hitting
the streets. Your national security level color code on your ID
card will denote which services you will be entitled to, and if
you're not a well behaved boot-licker you won't be entitled to
any. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Jan 04, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 05, 2006)

New Stasi Style UK Anti-Terror Campaign Encourages Reporting Your
- The latest anti-terror advertising campaign by the London Metropolitan
Police encourages the residents of London to actively spy on and report
anybody, including their own neighbours, should they suspect them to be
behaving in a suspicious way. -
- by Steve Watson, Jan 04, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 06, 2006)

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity
- The Panopticon is defined as a prison so constructed that the
inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being
seen. This is an accurate description of the accelerating movement by
western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass
surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations
firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big Brother. -
- by Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, Jan 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 12, 2006)
Control Grid: The Prison Without Bars
- All over the United States, Canada and Britain, surveillance camera
systems are being installed on street corners, in public bathrooms, in
residential neighborhoods, and even in parks and forests. We are asked
to trust the government underlings who control them that they are
working for our best interests as said underlings are caught using the
cameras to spy on naked women in their homes. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Jan 18, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 20, 2006)
A Watched America Is Not A Free America
- With the tank filled, I retrieved the receipt and climbed back into
the Jeep but before I could start the engine a bank of high speed
computers operated by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
at 3801 Fairfax Drive in Arlington, Virginia, 300 miles away, already
knew I had purchased 17.3 gallons of unleaded regular at $2.29.9 a
gallon in a small community in the Blue Ridge Mountain... -
- by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, Jan 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 28, 2006)
the Minions Marionettes
- Elements of this technology have already been used to a
similar end in our nation, albeit by a private entity. It was
found that the Acme Auto rental car company was using GPS
technology to monitor its customers and then charged them a $150
penalty every time they drove at least eighty miles-per-hour for
more than two minutes. -
- by Selwyn Duke, NewsWithViews.com, Feb 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 11, 2006)

Houston Police Chief Wants Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes
[But it's just because they want us all to feel safer, right?]
- The Associated Press reports,// "HOUSTON Houston's police chief is
suggesting putting surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown
streets and even private homes." // "Chief Harold Hurtt today said it's
another way of combatting crime amid a shortage of officers. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Feb 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 17, 2006)

Every Move They Make, Mum's Watching
- People tracking is no longer just the stuff of covert military
operations or spy movies. Putting mobile phones and GPS together is an
ideal technological marriage, says an expert in the technology,
Associate Professor Andrew Dempster of the University of NSW. //
Globally, we're on the verge of a boom in over-the-counter locator
devices, he says of the first child-tracker to hit the Australian
market. -
- The Sydney Morning Herald, Feb 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 17, 2006)
Traffic Surveillance Cameras To Monitor Personal Behavior
- Not satisfied with over 4 million CCTV cameras already spying on
British citizens, the government is now floating proposals to turn the
country's 14,000 speed cameras on drivers to monitor their personal
habits. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, March 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 08, 2006)

GOP Using
Echelon Software to Spy on Americans; NSA Bribing Media
- U.S. intelligence sources within the Special Operations Group
(SOG) are reporting that National Security Agency (NSA)
computers have been downloading financial and personal files of
all American citizens as a result of upgrades to the Echelon
satellite network and software program which is part of the
Prosecutor’s Management Information System (PROMIS). -
- by Tom Flocco, March 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: March 12, 2006)

Majority Of Americans Oppose Surveillance State
- A new survey conducted by Computer World shows a clear majority of
American citizens are opposed to government surveillance of their
activities. These figures contradict claims that roughly half of
Americans support domestic government wiretaps. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Apr 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Apr 28, 2006)

Big Brother Was
Listening In A Long Time Ago
- We really do hate to keep having to repeat ourselves and with the NSA
story it's a total bore. This time I am going to put it in large capital
letters to try and get the point across. THE NSA HAS BEEN RECORDING
- by Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet.com, May 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, May 13, 2006)

NSA Whistleblower To Expose More
Unlawful Activity ‘People…Are Going To Be Shocked’
- CongressDaily reports that former NSA staffer Russell Tice will
testify to the Senate Armed Services Committee next week that not only
do employees at the agency believe the activities they are being asked
to perform are unlawful, but that what has been disclosed so far is only
the tip of the iceberg. Tice will tell Congress that former NSA head
Gen. Michael Hayden, Bush’s nominee to be the next CIA director, oversaw
more illegal activity that has yet to be disclosed: -
- ThinkProgress.org, May 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, May 13, 2006)

Hayden Nomination Revives
Eavesdropping Controversy
- Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden's nomination to lead the CIA is just
the spark Democrats and some Republicans desire to reignite the debate
over the warrantless domestic surveillance program. -
- by Steve Goldstein, The Mercury News, May 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 05, 2006)

Pentagon Sued for Surveillance
- WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in
federal court Wednesday demanding more information about a Defense
Department database that collected information on antiwar groups and
U.S. citizens. -
- by Lolita C, Baldor, AP, June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 16, 2006)

Government Orders Spy Blimp
- The government has hired defense subcontractor Lockheed Martin to
design and develop an enormous blimp that will be used to spy on
Americans, according to the Athens News. Government agencies such as the
NSA are anticipating that as early as 2009 the blimp will be operational
and begin supporting new ways of monitoring everything that happens in
the country. -
- from Free Market News Network, June 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 19, 2006)

The Surveillance State Unveiled
- President Bush has inaugurated the largest surveillance state in human
history, ordering the NSA to wiretap millions of Americans’ telephone
calls and e-mails abroad (according to the New York Times) and
collecting the telephone records of as many as 200 million Americans
(according to USA Today). Moreover, the FBI acknowledged searching the
personal effects of more than 3,500 Americans without a court search
warrant (according to the Associated Press) using a procedure called a
“National Security Letter” under the Patriot Act. -
- by Thomas R. Eddlem, New American, June 26, 2006 Issue -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 21, 2006)

RFID Tag, for the Kiddies
- One thing is for sure: The amusement parks and the beaches, etc., will
be a paradise for pedophiles and other creeps. With the kids running
free, all they have to do is to cut off the wristband and kidnap the
child. The parents think the kid is sitting still somewhere safe. -
- by Travis Hudson, Gizmodo.com, July 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, July 09, 2006)
Big Brother is Shouting at You
- Big Brother is not only watching you - now he's barking orders too.
Britain's first 'talking' CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating
bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly. -
- Daily Mail, Sep 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
The Emergence of
a Global Infrastructure for Mass Registration and Surveillance
- Myth #1: We are merely being asked to
sacrifice some of our privacy and convenience for greater security -
- Calltodecision.com -
(Posted here: Tuesday, November 21, 2006)

Satellite Surveillance and Human
- The satellites are not
available to law enforcement agencies. Instead they protect illegal
operators (like drug traders and corporate criminals) who in fact spy on
law enforcers, lobbyists etc. They also facilitate remote,
non-consensual human experimentation by the US military, the CIA and so
on. In fact when asked who was centrally responsible - the military,
defence contractors, the agencies, the media, or the mafia - one senior
AFP executive replied: "Well, they all have access don't they". -
- by Paul Baird -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 27, 2007)
Masons Behind Britain's Network Of Spy Cameras
- Britains high level masonic controllers are
behind virtually every spy camera system in the UK. From the suppliers
of this sinister "1984" regime of control and monitoring we are seeing
the build up of a society that is having to tolerate huge numbers of spy
cameras making vast profits for the suppliers (masons), operators
(masons) and controllers (masons). -
- Stop Injustice Now, July 04, 2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, July 05, 2007)

Analysis: New Law
Gives Government Six Months to Turn Internet and Phone Systems into
Permanent Spying Architecture - UPDATED
- A new law expanding the government's spying powers
gives the Bush Administration a six-month window to install possibly
permanent back doors in the nation's communication networks. The
legislation was passed hurriedly by Congress over the weekend and
signed into law Sunday by President Bush. -
- by Ryan Singel, Wired Blog Network, Aug 06, 2007 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, August 08, 2007)

Bush Wants
Microchipped Society
- The Bush administration tells us the main reason
for warrantless wiretapping and searches is, warrantless searches
and spying are necessary in order to keep us safe from the
terrorist. They imply if we don’t have anything to hide it should
not matter if they conduct warrantless searches and that no mater
what political party happens to be in power, now or in the future,
that this newly granted authority will not be misused. -
- RINF.com -
(Posted here: Tuesday, August 14, 2007)

Government Says
Secrecy May Protect Wiretapping Program from Constitutional Scrutiny
- The Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping
program has a built-in feature the Justice Department believes may
shield it from ever being challenged as unconstitutional: secrecy.
The administration has acknowledged it intercepted some U.S.
telephone conversations without warrants as it hunted for
terrorists. Whose calls? The government isn't saying. And since only
those who were spied on have grounds to sue, it's almost impossible
to mount a successful legal challenge. -
- by Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press, Aug 13, 2007 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, August 14, 2007)

Your Privacy Is Someone
Else's Profit
- On the 24th of October, presidential candidate
Barack Obama, D-Ill., added his name to the list of senators, led by
Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who oppose immunity for telecoms who have
participated in domestic spying. As this debate heats up in the
Senate and in the papers, Americans are confronted with an
unsettling reality: Private companies have more control over our
personal information than we do. -
- by Onnesha Roychoudhuri, AlterNet, Oct. 29,
2007 -
(Posted here: Monday, October 29, 2007)

Whistleblowing and IT Ethics
- Why does this matter? Most of us can
say, "I have nothing to hide so why should I care?" and we'd be, in
principle, correct. But the problem is the government easily could
get it wrong. What's more, they are collecting data on everyone and,
once they have the data, whose to say what future purposes might
crop up to justify putting it to use? That is one slippery slope my
friend. -
- by Mark Gibbs, Network World, Sep 11, 2007 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Apr 23, 2008)

E-mail Snooping Outrages Swedes
- Swedes may cherish openness and
transparency, but not enough to accept a new law giving the
government the right to snoop on all e-mails and phone calls
crossing the country’s borders.
Outrage over the statute has led to 2 million protests — filed by e-mail.
The online petition drive comes as other European Union countries
consider granting authorities unprecedented spying powers over their
own citizens amid fears of a mounting terror threat. -
PRESS, JULY 01, 2008 -
(Posted here: Thursday, July 03, 2008)

Shocking Menace of Satellite
Surveillance (Part I)
- Unknown to most of the world,
satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats. This
should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort
poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik,
launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can
monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors
or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the
highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy).
There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just
three satellites to blanket the world with detection
capacity...Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite
technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality
at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia! -
BY JOHN FLEMING, Pravda.ru, Sept 08,
2008 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, September 10, 2008)