n Aug. 6, 2006,
Rupert Murdoch's main British mouthpiece, The Sunday
Times, reported that "Iran is seeking to import large
consignments of uranium from Africa." It was a similar
utterance, contained in a bogus 16-word claim by George
W. Bush in his 2003 State of the Union address that was
used, in part, to justify America's and Britain's
disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq. Now, the
same canard is being used to justify a U.S. attack on
Iran. The Sunday Times chief source for its
was an unnamed Tanzanian customs official who claimed
that Tanzanian customs intercepted in October 2005 an
air shipment of uranium from near Lubumbashi in Congo's
Katanga to Mwanza in Tanzania. The alleged uranium
shipments from Congo to Iran were said to have started
in 2002 and consisted of several alleged shipments. The
alleged source of the uranium, the Shinkolobwe mine in
Katanga, was also the source for the uranium used in the
U.S, atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The only problem
with the Sunday Times
is that the Shinkolobwe mine is no longer in operation.
"The Congo mine has been closed for decades," according
to a very knowledgeable U.S. government who has dealt
extensively with African uranium production. Congo's
government claims the ore concentrator for Shinkolobwe
has been shut down since 1961 and, therefore, cannot be
concentrated into refined yellowcake uranium.
Congo, which is just emerging from a genocidal civil war
encouraged by U.S., British, and Israeli elements using
their surrogates in Rwanda, Uganda, and eastern Congo,
is a lucrative target for the Bush administration and
its criminal accomplices. Conveniently for the neo-cons,
the story about Congolese uranium shipments to Iran is
said to have involved trans-shipment points in Sudan and
Syria and middlemen in Lebanon, all three countries
targets of the Project for the New American Century
operatives in Washington, London, and Jerusalem/Tel
Aviv. Currently, the CIA, under the regime of General
Michael Hayden, is cooking the intelligence to prove the
Congolese-Tanzanian-Sudanese-Syrian-Iranian uranium
smuggling connections. Just for good measure, the
neo-cons are suggesting that Zimbabwe, a major target of
the Bush administration, and Zambia, were also involved
in the alleged elaborate uranium smuggling scheme.
President George W. Bush is reported to have ordered
Hayden and National Intelligence Director John
Negroponte to do everything possible to prove a uranium
connection between Iran and Congo.
John Negroponte
Africa, which is
rife with false "official looking" documents, such as those
Nigerien documents laundered through the Silvio
Berlusconi-Italian Fascist-Michael Ledeen network to "prove"
that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy yellowcake uranium
from Niger, is a favorite pace for the neo-cons to cook up
phony intelligence and false flags. Some of the phony
intelligence being used to prove a Congolese-Iranian uranium
link is originating with political enemies of President
Joseph Kabila, who is the reported winner of the recent
UN-supervised presidential election. His two major
opponents, both U.S. and Israeli-backed guerrilla leaders,
are the likely sources of the bogus uranium stories. Belgian
intelligence, which has extensive sources in Kinshasa and
throughout Congo, have scoffed at the reports of the alleged
uranium sales. They have evaluated the uranium reports with
a confidence level of "not serious," according to the
Belgian magazine Trends. The Belgian magazine also reports
that an official of the American embassy in Kinshasa visited
the Shinkolobwe mine on August 9 and "found nothing
irregular." The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in
Vienna has also derided the notion of Congolese uranium
sales to Iran.
'Trends' also
discovered some proof that official Congolese Gécamines (the
Congolese state mining company) uranium sales records from
1966 to 1968 were tampered with to make it look like there
were recent sales of uranium from Katanga to Iran. The
magazine states, "The serial numbers of the uranium
shipments referred to in the exchange of letters between
Wieland GmbH [of Germany] and Saman Cheshemen [mining
company] of Iran, could possibly been taken from