Dr. Henry Makow |
elltale signs suggest that Freemason Ehud Olmert
is obeying his Illuminati controllers and setting Israel up for a
painful setback if not destruction. These signs include:

Ehud Olmert |
1) Israel's traitorous leaders have
deliberately inflamed and united 1.2 billion Muslims in order to
promote the "war of civilizations." Olmert's acts are designed
to further discredit Israel, just as Bush has discredited the
US. This is the reason for the obliteration of the UN
Observation Post, the use of phosphorous bombs, and the attacks
on ambulances and civilians, the latest in Qana Sunday. Israel's
barbarism seems designed to draw Syria and Iran into the war.
Morally, it taints and entraps pro-war Israelis and their
American and Jewish backers in the coming cataclysm.
2) The devastation of Lebanon simply cannot be justified in the
context of the conflict-to-date. The number of Israeli soldiers
and civilians killed by the Hezbollah since Israel left Lebanon
in July 2000 comes to about 25. Add the 10 killed or captured
Jul 12, 2006 and you have 35. That's barely six-a- year. To put
this in perspective, in 2004 there were
480 deaths due to traffic accidents.
I couldn't find a
reference to death caused by a katyusha rocket fired
into Northern Israel during this period. And remember all this
involved territory Israel didn't leave and provocations on both
sides. ("Hezbollah terrorist attacks since May 2000," Jewish
Post, Winnipeg, July 26,2006)
On Jan 29 2004, Israel released 400 Arab prisoners in exchange
for an Israeli businessman and the bodies of three soldiers.
There were other such exchanges which set a precedent for the
Hezbollah taking 2 prisoners July 12. Israel's psychotic
response is a gambit by an invisible player in a larger game.
3) Condoleezza Rice said the war was part of the "painful birth
pangs of the new Middle East." How does this birth scenario go?
Does Iran nuke Tel Aviv and Haifa? Is Israel the sacrifice
necessary to justify razing Tehran? We learn that Israel is
moving government offices from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. If
the Hezbullah can hit Tel Aviv, they can hit Jerusalem. Is this
part of a post-nuclear war scenario where Jerusalem will become
a seat of world government and no longer capital of the "Jewish"
4) Other signs that Israel is being set up for failure like the
US in Iraq: The war is un-winnable. As others have stated, there
no realistic goals. The Hezbollah are being strengthened
not diminished. Iran's
Ahmadinejad says Israel "has pushed the self-destruct
button... They cannot finish the business they have begun."
Israeli soldiers complain that Hezbollah seems to know
their actions in advance. Commanders complain they are denied
sufficient men for the task. Does this sound familiar? Reports
suggest Israel's
security infrastructure has been compromised. The army
Chief of Staff
to the hospital complaining of stomach pains and
6.) Another telltale sign: A truck
bound for Iran carrying radioactive material from Great
Britain is stopped in the Balkans. Britain is shipping this
material to Iran at a time when supposedly they are trying to
stop their nuclear program?
The Illuminist chess masters use war to destroy
all nations and cull millions of people. The Iraq and Lebanon wars
are designed to diminish US and Israel and promote the bogus "war of
How long are Israelis, Jews, and Americans going to be duped by a
"my country-right-or-wrong" mentality. Just because we call them
"terrorists" doesn't make them so. This label is a convenient excuse
to dismiss people we are subjugating. Israel and the US practice
state terrorism. Our leaders are covering up 9-11. They belong to
the 230-year-old
Order of the
Illuminati. The goal of this conspiracy is to destroy
Western civilization and usurp the role of God.
The Jewish State was set up by the Illuminati. Jews were
sacrificed to
justify its creation and will be sacrificed again to built
the "new Middle East". Possibly Jews in general again will take
the blame for the Illuminati, and be sacrificed for the New
World Order. Illuminist Mel Gibson's recent lunatic
anti-Semitic charge that "all wars are caused by Jews" was
headlined on the Drudge Report. A Jewish community center
in Seattle was attacked Friday killing one woman and critically
wounding three more.
Jews are
easily manipulated because they are taught that
people resent them for no reason and they must "defend themselves"
(i.e. lash out) or face extinction. This is a self-fulfilling