* * *
[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
News & Updates Archives
(From November 2004 - Present)
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North American Union Watch

'Shadow' Agency to Issue N.
American Border Passes
- The Department of Transportation, acting through a
Security and Prosperity Partnership "working group,"
is preparing in 2007 to issue North American
biometric border passes to Mexican, Canadian, and
U.S. "trusted travelers" according to documents
released to WND columnist and author Jerome R. Corsi
under a Freedom of Information Act request. -
- WorldNetDaily, Sep 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, September 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
War on Terror on U.S. Citizens

Terror Trials on Trial
- This legislation undermines every humanitarian law
enacted to prevent abuse and safeguard liberties.
The decision rests with the President. If he thinks
removing fingernails might make a suspect disclose
vital intelligence to Homeland Security, it can be
done. If he receives an anonymous tip that you are
planning an attack, this will suffice to facilitate
your detention. -
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Sep 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, September 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration
| Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Child Abuse by Government

Bush Given Authority To
Sexually Torture American Children
- Slamming the final nail in the coffin of
everything America used to stand for, the
boot-licking U.S. Senate last night gave President
Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually
mutilate American citizens and American children in
the name of the war on terror. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Sep 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, September 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

The Party
of Global Change...or Else
- Tony Blair got a standing ovation from the party
faithful of fawning sycophants before he even spoke
in his farewell speech at the Labour Party
Conference. He said nothing of substance but,
“thank-you, thank-you and thanks again” and then
went on to brag about his achievements as leader.
Self praise is no praise. -
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Sep 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, September 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Great Britain
| Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
American Blackout
- American Blackout is the kind of documentary that
only comes along every few years. It's the sort of
film that changes things -- changes how you think.
If there was any justice in this world this film
would receive the same buzz and box office that
anything that Michael Moore releases gets. Greg
Palast told me the film "blew him away" -- this from
a man who is almost always underwhelmed by
documentaries, especially ones about his field of
expertise. -
- by Zach Roberts, Sep 28, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, September 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Movie Reviews]
Voting Scam

20 Damning Facts About Voting
In The USA
- ...The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush
campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that
he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its
electoral votes to the president next year." -
- by Angry Girl of Nightweed.com, Sep 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, September 28, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: The Voting Scam]
North American Union

Disclose 'Shadow Government'
- "The Bush administration is trying to create the
infrastructure of a new regional North American
government in stealth fashion, under the radar and
out of public view," Corsi claims. "Where is
Congress, asleep at the wheel?" -
- WorldNetDaily, Sep 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, September 28, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: The
North American Union]

Confession No. 16: Former
Bishop of Guatemala Claims Jesuits Control the
Vatican and Are the Real Spiritual Controllers of
the New World Order
- Bishop Gerard Bouffard says the Jesuit General, Fr
Peter Hans Kolvenbach, gives the marching orders to
the Pope. He also backs up the accusations made by
the late Fr. Alberto Rivera about the evil Jesuit
Order. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Sep 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, September 27, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: The Jesuit Order]
North American Union

North American Students
Trained for 'Merger'
- In another example of the way the three nations of
North America are being drawn into a federation, or
"merger," students from 10 universities in the U.S.,
Mexico and Canada are participating annually in a
simulated "model Parliament." -
- by John Troup, The London Sun, Sep 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, September 26, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: The
North American Union]
New World Order and Disinformation

The Weapons to End all Wars
- The Prophecy Club presentation was a
disinformation exercise in shifting the blame for
asymmetric warfare onto big bad Commies, renegade
Japs or Islamic extremists. The United States are
playing the vulnerable victim, but anyone with an
ounce of savvy knows that all of these countries are
under the thumb of the same elite group of
International bankers. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 23, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, September 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]

Birds of a Feather
- If you fly with the crows, you will get shot with
the crows and the CIA has an ‘Aviary’ full of crafty
birds who flock together in the field of
parapsychology. They specialise in mind control
projects, social engineering, UFO deception and
military psy-ops. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, September 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
War II

The Illuminati and the Thames
- The question why Britain decided suddenly in 1965
to build the Thames barrier, when the cost of this
over the 8 year build, was one billion pounds which
will be repaid in 2030. The reason given was that
climate changes, and melting icecaps under global
warming, coupled to a surge tide could flood London.
But the truth was very different. -
- by T Stokes -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: World War II
| Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
U.S. is a Corporation

"United States of America" is
a Corporation
- John Marshall, a justice of the Supreme Court of
the United States and as such he also served in the
Circuit Courts of the United States, in a Circuit
Court of the United States decision recorded in 1
Marsh. Dec. 177, 181 clearly states in this
important decision, that "The United States of
America" is a corporation. The United States of
America was first formally created in the Articles
of Confederation. Also notice in the Articles of
Confederation that "The United States of America" is
in large and small capitals. I have always wondered
what this meant with the style of capitals and
evidently this identifies a corporation. -
- Jusbelli.com, 2003 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 24, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Business, War and Politics]
Illegal Drugs

MI6 Are the Lords of the
Global Drug Trade
- It may be a revelation to many people that the
global drug trade is controlled and run by the
intelligence agencies. In this global drug trade
British intelligence reigns supreme. As intelligence
insiders know MI5 and MI6 control many of the other
intelligence agencies in the world (CIA, MOSSAD etc)
in a vast web of intrigue and corruption that has
its global power base in the city of London, the
square mile. -
- by James Casbolt, former MI6 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 24, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Intelligence Agencies
And Other Government Spy Organizations | Illegal Drugs]
Concentration Camps in America

The FEMA Detention Camps Video
[Video: 6 min 59 sec]
- Video.Google.com -
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: FEMA
- Concentration Camps Today | Multimedia: The New World Order]
War on Terror

World Leaders, Reading the
Same Script
- Like Chavez and Izzadeen, we must speak up, loud
and clear, to those who would rather not hear that
we want a democracy, without bombs, poverty and
torture. That should be our crusade, to halt
Kissinger’s new world order, a ‘conspiracy theory’
which is becoming reality; unless you want to see
the wanton destruction in Palestine and Lebanon,
Iraq and Afghanistan, spread like wildfire across
the entire globe. Our Muslim or Christian brothers
are not the enemy, but those who say they are. -
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Sep 21, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Sep 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
9/11 Cover-Up

Experts Who Have Stated 9/11 Was A
Controlled Demolition
- Numerous experts have stated that the collapse of the
world trade centers was, or looked like, controlled
demolition: -
- StopLying.ca -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]

Calling the Emperor's Bluff
- Soros told an audience at the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, "We are working with a very
false frame when we talk about a 'war on terror,'
and yet it is universally accepted.
"Everybody now recognizes that invasion of Iraq was
a real blunder, but the war on terror is still the
frame that is accepted by Democrats and Republicans
alike," Soros claimed. "It is a false, misleading,
counterproductive, destructive frame." -
- by Dr Henry Makow, Sep 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
The WTC Was Brought Down By
Controlled Demolition. Here Is the Proof That Our
Government Is Lying Through Their Teeth:
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3]
- Google.Video -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11| Multimedia: War on Terrorism]

Who Told Giuliani the WTC Was
Going To Collapse On 9/11?
- “I went down to the scene and we set up
headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right
there with the Police Commissioner, the Fire
Commissioner, the Head of Emergency Management, and
we were operating out of there when we were
told that the World Trade Center was going to
collapse [editor's emphasis]. And it
did collapse before we could actually get out of the
building, so we were trapped in the building for 10,
15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out,
walked north, and took a lot of people with us.” -
- WhatReallyHappened.com -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]

Bush Tacitly Implies WTC
Controlled Demolition?
- During his speech Friday in which the President
argued for the gutting of the Geneva convention and
the legal classification of torture, Bush made a
strange comment about explosives and their placement
in U.S. buildings. Was this a tacit admission of
9/11 controlled demolition? -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Sep 18, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
1984 -
Brave New World
Big Brother is Shouting at You
- Big Brother is not only watching you - now he's
barking orders too. Britain's first 'talking' CCTV
cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad
behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more
responsibly. -
- Daily Mail, Sep 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Overall Surveillance]
Witch-Hunt on Truth Seekers

Reporter Palast Slips Clutches
of Homeland Security
- Forget the orange suit. Exxon Mobil Corporation,
which admits it was behind the criminal complaint
brought by Homeland Security against me and
television producer Matt Pascarella, has informed me
that the oil company will no longer push charges
that Pascarella and I threatened "critical
infrastructure." -
- by Greg Palast, Sep 14, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
New World Order

Alex Jones; Barking Up the
Wrong Tree
- While he does a great job recounting the history
of false flag operations, Alex Jones neglects to
mention that, without exception, they were fomented
and funded by money-lenders, long before the Nazi
Party seized power in 1933. Their dastardly tactics
precede the founding of Zionism in 1897 by Theodor
Herzl, were prior to Baron Rothschild establishing
the Illuminati in 1776 and even pre-date the
Khazar’s conversion to Judaism in the 7th Century
A.D. Omitting the truth is the same as lying. -
- by Hazel WM McKinlay, Sep 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Attack on Free Speech

The Art of War
- The Likud Party are after Latuff’s blood, so he
must be doing something right! Carlos Latuff is a
brilliant Brazilian cartoonist, who stands accused
of advocating another Holocaust for exposing
Israel’s crimes against Palestine in his artwork.
Any criticism of the Jewish State is deemed
“anti-Semitism” and Latuff has carved a career out
of it. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 14, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Sep 14, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

The Meaning of Hugo Chavez
- Chavez now sits more comfortably than ever atop a
fourth of the world oil supplies—equal to that of
Iraq—and he supplies a fifth of US oil needs. In
addition, he is current leader of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC. George W.
Bush would prefer his friends in Saudi Arabia rather
than Chavez set global oil prices. -
- by William Loren Katz -
(Posted here: Thursday, Sep 14, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Politics: The World]
Criminal Government

Air Force Chief: Test Weapons
on Testy U.S. Mobs
- Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave
devices should be used on American citizens in
crowd-control situations before being used on the
battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday. -
- CNN, Sept 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
War on Own Citizens]
In the
Aftermath of 9/11

Bush Administration Continues
Funding Arab States
- Just recently, the Bush administration announced
plans to sell $4.6 billion worth of arms to several
Arab states including the United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Military
equipment listed for transfer to the Muslim states
include UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter gunships, AH-64
Apache helicopters, M113A1 armored personnel
carriers, Javelin anti-tank missiles, and modernized
MA1 Abrams tanks outfitted with such things as
air-conditioning and infrared sights for commanders
and gunners.
Even more paradoxical is the fact that the Bush
administration recently offered citizens of Saudi
Arabia scholarships to study aviation in the United
States. Can you believe this? -
- by Chuck Baldwin, NewsWithViews, Sept 12, 2006
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11 |
The George W. Bush Administration]

From Ashes to Cash, Dust to
- It is the five year anniversary of September 11th
when America was shell-shocked by an atrocity,
unparalleled in its history. In the interim, the
theory that it was instigated by Osama bin Laden and
implemented by Arab hijackers has disintegrated,
like the twin towers. President Bush and his brother
Marvin, who was responsible for security at the WTC,
failed to prevent it and should have been indicted
for incompetence, but it was never meant to be
prevented. It all went according to the meticulous
plan. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sept 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11 | Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Witch-Hunt on Truth Seekers

Palast Charged with Journalism
in the First Degree
- t's true. It's weird. It's nuts. The Department
of Homeland Security, after a five-year hunt for
Osama, has finally brought charges against … Greg
Palast. I kid you not. Send your cakes with files
to the Air America wing at Guantanamo.
Though not just yet. Fatherland Security has
informed me that television producer Matt Pascarella
and I have been charged with unauthorized filming of
a "critical national security structure" in
Louisiana. -
- by Greg Palast, Sept, 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
9/11 -
Five Years After

Five Years After - A Nation Remembers
- Hard evidence, beyond ANY doubt whatsoever, that
the government is lying to you over and over again.
From the horse's mouth... -
- by Mark Flore -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11 | Multimedia: War on Terrorism]
The Disbelievers
9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Are Building Their Case
Against the Government From Ground Zero
- He watched the attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon and assumed al-Qaeda had
wreaked terrible vengeance. He listened to anchors
and military experts and assumed the facts of Sept.
11, 2001, were as stated on the screen.
It was a year before David Ray Griffin, an eminent
liberal theologian and philosopher, began his stroll
down the path of disbelief. He wondered why Bush
listened to a child's story while the nation was
attacked and how Osama bin Laden, America's Public
Enemy No. 1, escaped in the mountains of Tora Bora.
- by Michael Powell, Washington Post, Sept 08,
2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]

CBC Sunday Covers Alternative
9/11 Theories in Detail
[Video, 31 min]
- CBC Sunday covered in great detail 9/11
alternative theories. They referenced Scholars for
9/11 Truth, Loose Change, and the standard range of
'conspiracy theory' topics. The show featured
interviews with Bob McIlvaine, Dr. David Ray
Griffin, Dylan Avery, Lee Hamilton, and Jim Meigs
(Popular Mechanics). -
- by 9/11 Blogger, Sept 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11 | Multimedia: War on Terrorism]
Conspiracy Theorists Gather in N.Y.
- Striding into Washington Square Park with a
fistful of photocopied circulars and an earnest
expression, Eric Williams could have been an
environmental canvasser or a hip missionary. In
fact, he is a pastry chef — or was until last week,
when he quit his job to devote himself full time to
proving that the World Trade Center attack was
ordered not by terrorists but by officials in the
U.S. government. -
- by Ellen Barry, Los Angeles Times, Sept 10,
2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Freemasonry and the War on Iraq
Jews and Freemasons Controlled
War on Iraq, Says No 10 Adviser
- Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after
coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of
Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises
the Prime Minister has claimed. -
- by Toby Helm, Telegraph, Sept 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Updates On the Iraq War]
Assassinations of Truth Seekers

The Murder of John Costello
- John had threatened to expose the Soviet spy rings
at Oxford universities; this would rival the
Cambridge homosexual/communist rings of Burgess
Mc’Claine, Filby, Blunt etc etc. -
- by T Stokes -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Assassinations
- Real and Attempted | Guest Writers: T. Stokes]

Real Conspiracies - Past and
- Real conspiracies -- in contrast to mere theories
-- have spawned fear, murder, lies, and revolution
throughout history. Driven by greed, ambition, or
utopian visions, they reflected the darkness of
human nature. No nation or empire has been immune to
such intrigue; betrayal, murder, and "useful wars"
stain the records of ancient Israel and Judah as
well as the history of mighty empires like Assyria,
Babylon, Persia, China, Greece, and Rome.[3] The
nations of Renaissance Europe -- always competing
for dominion and commercial markets -- were torn by
the same human impulses. -
- by Berit Kjos, Sept 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Introduction to the New World Order]
Witch-Hunt on Truth Seekers
Palast, Pascarella Face
Homeland Security Charges
- Yes, the rumor’s true. Greg Palast is facing a
criminal complaint from the Department of Homeland
Security stemming from his filming the Hurricane
Katrina investigation for Link TV and Democracy Now.
The film’s producer, Matt Pascarella, is also facing
the legal wrath of Big Brother. -
- by Zack Roberts, GregPalast.com -
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here: Freedom Fighters and Resistance]

The Special Relationship
Between Bush and Blair
[Video-clip, approx. 1 minute]
- by unknown -
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Multimedia: Politics]
Media and the 9/11 Movement

Good News! Why the Media
Embraced "9-11 Truth"
- Last week TIME Magazine and The Washington Post
ran almost balanced and sympathetic stories about
"the 9-11 Truth Movement."
These publications define reality for millions of
unsuspecting Americans. Why would they legitimize a
conspiracy view that implicates their owners, the
Illuminati central bankers? Why would they
publicize discrepancies that they have been covering
up for five years? -
- by Dr. Henry Makow, Sept 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]

Tony Blair on the Invasion of
Iran, and the British National Health Service
- ony Blair has said he will give a resigning date,
after 8 ministers resigned from office in protest at
his bungling of national issues (news 6 Sept 2006).
Intelligence sources say his backers will not allow
him to resign until the invasion of Iran is under
way. -
- by T Stokes, Sept 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Sep 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
New World Order

The Pits of Humanity
- George Bush has confessed. The USA is torturing
terrorist suspects in secret CIA prisons, but he is
prepared to offer a concession by granting them a
military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, using the
coerced testimony. How’s that for a bargain? In his
view, this is a reasonable request, “to take
potential mass murderers off the streets” and within
the legal framework of the Geneva Convention.
Executions are also proffered and if we consent to
that, the President might even allow it to be
televised. That would boost the ratings! -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sept 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Sep 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Profit from 9/11

You’ve Got to be Lucky to Make
$4 Billion Killing on a 6-Month Investment of $124
- Larry Silverstein is the New York property tycoon
who purchased the entire WTC complex just 6 months
prior to the 9/11 attacks. That was the first time
in its 33-year history the complex had EVER changed
ownership. -
- ZioPedia.org -
(Posted here: Thursday, Sep 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Staged War on Terror

Unbridled Islamophobia
- On the same day as Scotland Yard’s
counter-terrorism chief Peter Clarke announced that
there are thousands of Muslims living in Britain who
are potential terrorists; riot police raided homes
in London and Manchester and arrested sixteen
suspects. They are not linked to any terror plots
but were allegedly encouraging others to engage in
fitness training at an Islamic School in East
Sussex. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, Sep 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous On War On Terrorism
| Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Neo-Nazi America (or 'Time Repeats Itself')

White House Targets Conspiracy
Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters
[Video-clip included]
- A document cited by President Bush in his recent
speech at the Capital Hilton Hotel on how to 'win
the war on terror' cites conspiracies as one of the
wellsprings of terrorism and threatens to "address"
and "diminish" the problems they are causing the
government in fulfilling their agenda. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Sept 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration
| Multimedia: The New World Order]

Olbermann’s Latest Special
Comment Targets Bush: “Have You No Sense of Decency,
[Video-clip + transcript: 2:43 min's]
- Keith [Olbermann]: "More over, Mr. Bush, you
are accomplishing in part what Osama Bin Laden and
others seek — a fearful American populace, easily
manipulated, and willing to throw away any measure
of restraint, any loyalty to our own ideals and
freedoms, for the comforting illusion of safety." -
- by Jamie Holly, Sept 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration
| Multimedia: The New World Order]
Satanic Sexual Abuse

Satanic Sexual Abuse
- You may already be familiar with the 1987
Cleveland and later Orkney child abuse scandals,
among several others, where a group of social
workers concocted or exaggerated stories in the
Scottish Orkney islands of Satanic sexual abuse, and
broke up whole families in the process. In fact
there are listed no less than 80 of these Satanic
investigations world wide, during a very narrow time
frame, and usually were instigated by extremist
Christian sects such as the Evangelicals. -
- by T Stokes -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Pedophiles and
| Guest Writers: T. Stokes]

Anti-Social Policies: Baby
Snatcher Blair
- If you are on a low income, a teenage single
parent or deprived in any way, the State wants to
raise your kids as they see fit. They intend to
detect anti-social indicators, pre-birth, and
categorise your unborn foetus as a menace.
Thereafter, your conduct will be monitored. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Great Britain |
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Truth About the London Bombings

7/7 Mind the Gap
[Video, 40:55]
- MI5 whistleblower David Shayler presents new
evidence to demand London bombings enquiry. A very
detailed and well evidenced documentary, which sets
out to challenge and ends up totally destroying the
official government account of the London bombings.
- Video.Google.co.uk, Jul 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The London Bombings Investigation
| Multimedia: War on Terrorism]
Terry Lee Is
Back Again Telling Us How To Be Free Men Not
Corporate Slaves
- Terry Lee of Spokane, Wa., has devised the
"perfect plan" or the ultimate way to opt out of the
American slave system, telling the U.S .
authorities, in essence, "thanks but no thanks I'd
prefer living a free man instead of a corporate,
indentured servant of the rich." -
- by Greg Szymanski, Sep 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Solutions in General]
War I

Who Really Sunk the Lusitania?
- he sister ship to the Titanic, the great luxury
liner the Lusitania, the worlds largest ship at the
time, was leaving New York on May 1st 1915 on its
journey to Liverpool, when it was sunk by German
submarine U-20, piloted by Kapitan Walter Schwieger.
Or was it? -
- by T Stokes -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
World War I | Guest
Writers: T. Stokes]

Today's Pig is Tomorrow's
Bacon (A Labor Day Recipe)
- Some years from now, in an economic refugee
relocation "Enterprise Zone," your kids will ask
you, "What did you do in the Class War, Daddy?"
The trick of class war is not to let the victims
know they're under attack. That's how, little by
little, the owners of the planet take away what
little we have. -
- by Greg Palast, Sep 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, Sep 04, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
New World Order News &
New World Order

First Time Released Documents
Expose Subservient Congress
- "National Security" Converts the United States
into a Monarchy -
- ational Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC)
has obtained documents revealing that to date the
Executive Branch has refused congressional requests
to be briefed on illegal black operations conducted
by the NSA, and has denied these representatives
access to relevant witnesses and documents. -
- by National Security Whistleblowers Coalition,
Sep 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
New World Order News &
Confession #13

Confession No. 13: Americans
Have Never Confronted 'The Real Enemy'
- It further should be noted that the Vatican and
Jesuit Order's intention is to destroy Israel, the
Middle East and America, instituting a One World
Government and religion... -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Jesuit Order |
The Shadow Government: Who Are They?]
REAL Politician

Former Senator Jesse Helms
Dissects the New World Order
- Excerpts from Sen Jesse Helms' speech before the
US Senate on Dec 15, 1987 warning against the New
World Order. Helms became Chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee in 1994. -
- speech by former Sen Jessse Helms, Dec 15, 1987
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Freedom Fighters and Resistance]

Tom Paine on Freemasonry
[Part I |
Part II ]
- The Entered Apprentice knows but little more of
Masonry than the use of signs and tokens, and
certain steps and words by which Masons can
recognize each other without being discovered by a
person who is not a Mason. The Fellow Craft is not
much better instructed in Masonry, than the Entered
Apprentice. It is only in the Master Mason's Lodge,
that whatever knowledge remains of the origin of
Masonry is preserved and concealed. -
- by Thomas Paine -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
World Asleep
Who Really Controls America?
[An absolutley must-see video (>5 min)]
- by George Carlin -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Shadow Government: Who Are
They? | Multimedia: The Illuminati]
Neo-Nazi America

Fascists? Look Who's Talking
- The aggressive new campaign by the administration
of President George W Bush to depict US foes in the
Middle East as "fascists" and its domestic critics
as "appeasers" owes a great deal to steadily
intensifying efforts by the right-wing press over
the past several months to draw the same comparison.
- by Jim Lobe, Asia Times, Sep 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]
Club of Rome
[from their own website]
- clubofrome.org -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Club of Rome]
and Aliens

The Science of
Extraterrestrials - 2007 the Year of Explanations
[Word file]
- The centenary of Einstein's special relativity
theory gave us in 2005 the opportunity to wonder
about beliefs in the matter of UFOs. This is now the
opportunity to present The Science of
Extraterrestrials. Well more than a book, it
proposes a new paradigm: Absolute Relativity! -
- by Eric Julien -
(Posted here: Sunday, Sep 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Abductions and Encounters]
and Illegal Taxation

Court Ruling Shakes Ground
Under IRS
- Last week, a federal appeals court in Washington
handed down an important decision relating to the
definition of income for tax purposes. What is
important about the decision is that it is the first
one in decades saying that the Constitution itself
limits what the government may tax. If upheld by the
Supreme Court, it could significantly alter tax
policy and possibly open the door to radical reform.
- by Bruce Bartlett, Townshall.com, Aug 29, 2006
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 02, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The IRS]

A tale of black magic and perversion at the top
of society and K G B blackmail
- A better example of what I mean happened in
the mid 1970s to a succession of people who were
leaving or trying to leave a left hand path magical
Ordinary people tend to join these groups for the
comraderie, the partying with its attendant drugs,
sex and alcohol, not really aware that the fervour
can be whipped up and used for some nefarious
purpose, in the same way say, as a catholic mass
generates power, or to a lesser extent one of Tony
Blair's “New labour” meetings. -
- by T Stokes, 2001 -
(Posted here: Saturday, Sep 02, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Supernatural and
Paranormal | Guest writers: T. Stokes]
Fascist State

Rumsfeld Compares Government
Critics to Those Who Appeased the Nazis
- The propaganda continues. People like me and other
researchers are getting targeted more directly by
the day. In a fascist state, an opposition to the
sitting regime is unacceptable and must be utterly
destroyed to hide the crimes of the fascists. The
U.S. regime will continue spreading propaganda
endlessly to get the population on their side
against those who criticize them (Wes Penre). -
- 'Quotes of the Day, Time, Aug 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Sep 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The George W. Bush Administration]

Homeland Security Behind Attack On 911 Investigative
Journalist Bollyn?
[Read first:
9-11 Investigative Journalist
Harassed And Beaten By Undercover Cops]
- The "undercover tactical unit" involved in
the assault and TASERing of a 9/11 investigative
journalist at his Chicago-area home was most likely
an operation ordered by the Department of Homeland
Security, according to a former high-ranking police
official. -
- by Christopher Bollyn, Aug 31, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Sep 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
JFK Assassination: New Revealing Evidence

LBJ Night
Before JFK Assassination: "Those SOB's Will Never
Embarrass Me Again"
- Outside the debate of magic bullets, multiple
shooters and grassy knoll theories - an astounding
deposition of a deliberately planned criminal
conspiracy straight from the horse's mouth. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, Aug 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, Sep 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
- Real and Attempted]