Voters Would Back Blair if Terrorists
Hit Election
- by George Jones for, March 26, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 29, 2004)
Secret Plans to Evacuate London
by Geoffrey Lean for, March 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 29, 2004)
Manufactured Terror/Fear = Market
- Once again America is told to be afraid. This time it's our financial
institutions that are "under threat." We'll have to watch the markets
carefully. As they fall, we wonder who will be placing put options
against what. -
-, August 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 2, 2004)
The Terror Alert Is A Lie
- The US government put the country on high alert this week, citing
"specific" and "credible" intelligence. They did not mention that the
intelligence was from before 9/11, and that their response therefore
comes more than two years too late. -
- The Insider, August 3, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 3, 2004)
US Propaganda Points to War with
- But after Iraq, will the rest of the world listen to the US cry of
banned weapons of mass destruction? And how far would the US act alone
if its cry goes unheard? -
- The Insider, September 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: September 7, 2004)
U.S. Used Drones to Probe Iran For Arms
- The Bush administration has been flying surveillance drones over Iran for
nearly a year to seek evidence of nuclear weapons programs and detect weaknesses
in air defenses, according to three U.S. officials with detailed knowledge of
the secret effort. -
- The Washington Post, Feb 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: February 13, 2005)
Scott Ritter Says US
Attack on Iran Set for June
- The ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said that George W. Bush
has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and claimed the
U.S. manipulated the results of the recent Jan. 30 elections in Iraq. -
- -
(Posted here: February 22, 2005)
Attack in California?
- Jul 23, 2005 - California's Department of Homeland Security is warning
hospitals in Los Angeles and San Diego of a possible terrorist attack.
The department says it received "uncorroborated information" in early
July that Al Qaeda has planned attacks in Los Angeles and San Diego. -
KSEE24 News, July 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 29, 2005)

Adam Gadahn
Tape Released: American al Qaeda Member Warns of Attacks
- Names Los Angeles and Melbourne as next targets -
ABC News, Sep 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 12, 2005)
Another Nuke Exercise -- Your Next 9/11?
- Catch this! Some fresh-brewed Homeland Insecurity published today on
WorldNetDaily. The Department of Defense (DOD) has scheduled its second
major, three-day exercise to combat nuclear terrorism, this time in the
Charleston, South Caroline area. -
- by Jerry Mazza, Global Research, Jan 24, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 26, 2006)
Houston PD Running Nuclear Disaster Drills As Build-Up Of Numerous Law
Enforcement Agencies Seen In Nearby Texas City
- Army Intel Capt. Eric May warns Bush cabal days away from a nuclear
strike. Texas City resident "opens up a hornet's nest" as he warns local law
enforcement about the possibility of nuclear strike. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 26, 2006)
Signposts Lead To Imminent Nuclear Attack In America: Intel Army Capt. Eric
May Issues 'Red Alert' For Next 9 Days For Texas City-Houston Area
- Capt. May claims to have broken the Illuminati and Bush Cabal's "embedded
code" in an effort to beat the neocons at their own nasty game. Capt. May
may have thwarted one attempted nuclear attack last July, but says the Bush
Cabal is coming back again for a second try. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Jan 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Jan 26, 2006)

Nexus Points Emerge For
Potential Summer Attack
- Numerous nexus points have emerged that suggest major western
governments are preparing for a summer terror attack that will come
close to but not match 9/11 in scale and will provide the
justification needed for an air strike on Iran before the midterm
elections in early November. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 07, 2006)

A Terrible Thought Occurs To Me - That There
Will Be Another 9/11
- Indeed, as the Lebanon war continues to destroy innocent lives -
most of them Lebanese - the conflict seems to be increasingly
aimless. The Israeli air force has succeeded in killing perhaps 50
Hizbollah members and 600 civilians and has destroyed bridges, milk
factories, gas stations, fuel storage depots, airport runways and
thousands of homes. But to what purpose? -
- by Robert Fisk, The Independent, Aug 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, Aug 13, 2006)

SA Dawning
Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)
- Peter DeFazio, House Homeland Security Committee
member: "I just can’t believe they’re going to deny a member of
Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the
government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack
… Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are
right." [editor's emphasis] -
- by Captain Eric H. May, Aug 06, 2007 -
(Posted here: Friday, August 10, 2007)- by Captain
Eric H. May, Aug 06, 2007 -
(Posted here: Friday, August 10, 2007)
Nuclear Alarm?
- What you're gonna hear from me dear Gianni is not
very good news unfortunately; I actually got very disturbing news in
the last few days from the USA regarding their future plans. They
have apparently stolen the main components of a nuclear missile last
week from a base 100 km from Denver and they killed 7 military in
the course of this self inflicted terrorist operation. All this has
obviously been kept secret for the moment, but why? Well, the
information comes from an insider, a friend in the military
intelligence, whom said that the main components of this stolen
nuclear missile could be easily put in a backpack for future
detonation and triggered with a small battery at any given time. -
- by Leo Zagami, Sep 18, 2007 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, September 19, 2007)