of spirit entities that haunt buildings and other sites are
blamed on that category known collectively as the “nature
spirits”, strictly speaking these are the spirits of Earth, Air,
Fire and Water, and are known as ; Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders
and Undines, Although they are not intrinsically harmful to man
, they do like to be left alone.
Mysterious fires are a common feature of haunted houses, some
are caused by the particular nature spirit, but many more are
caused by the power of the mind, and not all of these are dead
The brain is like a two way radio; it transmits and it receives.
Just as when you tune in, you fluctuate to find the right
frequency. So it is with the mind; you flow up and down the
scale until you touch upon the particular vibration.
There are certain mental tricks which assist this, which I must
not divulge here.
This process is called by experts “Parapyrogenesis” and it is a
crime usually committed by the living (for more information look
up on the net General Stubblebines Psywarriors).
Winston Churchill, a 33rd degree mason, was known to
have attended black magic type meetings and this may have been
behind his obsession with fire bombing German dormitory towns,
long after Hitler sent Rudolph Hess to Britain for peace.
The Germans had asked for peace from 1942.
On July 9 1984, after the resident cleric gave a blasphemous
speech in which he said he did not believe in god, the anger
directed psychically by the people, was tangible, and York
Minster, England, mysteriously burnt to the ground.
It is possible that the fire at the Queens residence, Windsor
Castle, had been of similar origins, as disillusionment with the
decadent behaviour of some royalty, had much publicity about
that time.
better example of what I mean happened in the mid 1970s to a
succession of people who were leaving or trying to leave a left
hand path magical group.
Ordinary people tend to join these groups for the comraderie,
the partying with its attendant drugs, sex and alcohol, not
really aware that the fervour can be whipped up and used for
some nefarious purpose, in the same way say, as a catholic mass
generates power, or to a lesser extent one of Tony Blair's “New
labour” meetings.
Only when leaving the group would they become aware that the
threat of blackmail and a ruined career, would retain them. And
there were suicides, the tragedy of the talented show business
personality and healer Stephen Ward is one example, if indeed he
did kill himself. His colleague Soviet agent
Ivanov doubts it. Ivanov, whose K.G.B. role in the Profumo
affair would be a major factor in bringing down the Tory

Fred West and Rose |
The Cliveden House parties were famous for their beautiful
women, Mandy Rice-Davies and Christine Keeler being just
two. Later the house underwent a series of tricky exorcisms, by
the top exorcist, Dom. Robert Petet-Pierre. He only told me part
of this but it was heavy stuff.
The Fred West murders were believed to a just black magical
incest and paedophile parties attended by top people, which
explains why social services and police turned a blind eye for
so long, Police records show the Address at 25 Cromwell St, was
the last known place for around 20 young people to be seen
Who protected the West’s?
Do a net search on Frank Beck’s exposure on Paedophile rings,
and the top people who attend them.