eorge Bush has confessed. The USA
is torturing
terrorist suspects in secret CIA prisons, but he is prepared
to offer a concession by granting them a military tribunal
at Guantanamo Bay, using the coerced testimony. How’s that
for a bargain? In his view, this is a reasonable request,
“to take potential mass murderers off the streets” and
within the legal framework of the Geneva Convention.
Executions are also proffered and if we consent to that, the
President might even allow it to be televised. That would
boost the ratings!
They could present it as a reality
show called, ‘I’m a Prisoner, Get Me Out of Here!’ Losers
would be hung and the winner pardoned. The UK broadcasts the
sick home movies of soldiers serving in Iraq, a military
version of ‘You’ve Been Framed’ with clips of decapitated
“Hajis” and pulverised remains proving most popular. I know
their callousness is a coping mechanism otherwise they
couldn’t do the job, which a traumatised Gulf War vet
described as “organised murder.” A draft will turn
our sons into
these monsters.
The satanic mind-controllers at
Strategic Command for whom war is a science, have converted
servicemen into brainwashed killing machines and torture is
the by-product of this. Bush, Cheney, Rove and freaks of
that ilk, are turned on by these images. It’s like a hobby
to them; a round of golf, followed by a snuff movie from Abu
Ghraib and an orgy with missing kids flown in from Nebraska!
It’s too awful to contemplate, but these are our leaders and
lawmakers, and they are bringing their torture chambers out
into the open.
Tony Blair wants to “join the
dots” between separate conflicts in the Middle East, which
will probably outline a map of ‘Greater Israel’ and
integrate them into one full-scale nuclear war. Get those
cameras rolling boys... How outrageous does it have to be
before the people shout, “cut!” The armed forces are the
mass murderers who ought to be taken off the streets of
Basra and Baghdad and I don’t want to see the dehumanised
population of Tehran turned into “crispy critters.” We must
try to prevent this insanity.
How can the Illuminati inflict
this agony on their fellow human beings? It is enough to
make the theory that ‘alien reptiles’ are calling the shots
sound credible. What is revealed by the media is the tip of
the iceberg, the rest of which is concealed below ground in
subterranean bases, the size of cities, where anything goes
and abductees are at the mercy of these psychopaths, who
have none. It truly is the domain of devils, but they are
surfacing and they don’t have tails, horns or scales, they
wear suits and sit in the Congress.