The Thames
Barrier |
he question why Britain decided
suddenly in 1965 to build the Thames barrier, when the cost of this
over the 8 year build, was one billion pounds which will be repaid
in 2030. The reason given was that climate changes, and melting
icecaps under global warming, coupled to a surge tide could flood
But the truth was very different.
Winston Churchill’s funeral in July 1965 meant a better
international climate to encourage Soviet defectors. It was rumoured
for many years in Moscow that Churchill was very pro Russia during
particularly W.W.II., even forbidding intelligence gathering on
them, and giving armament supplies much needed in Britain away to
Russia. This incredible situation was instigated by Lord Rothschild,
who also pressured on Soviet orders to get agent Guy Burgess to
marry Clarissa, Churchill’s daughter. Although this failed, it shows
the closeness of the Soviet, and Jewish underground spy rings to
Churchill and the heart of the wartime government in Britain.
Sir Anthony Blunt actually told
me that Rothschild did cover for the Cambridge traitors,
particularly Blunt for many years, and spied for long after he

and his daughter Svetlana in 1935 |
Stalin’s daughter Svetlana
defected to America in 1967. The insider rumours were that she
had no knowledge of any value, but she did have “hearsay
evidence” from discussions going back many years. This hearsay
can be of value if it cross-checks with other known facts, and
can often fill in unknown details, one of which was that she
feared for her safety after the “doctors plot”; the doctors who
were said to have murdered her father Joseph Stalin to bolster
the Jewish power block, now pushing behind the election of
Khrushchev, and again linked to Rothschild.
Behind this power broking at
major levels: a Soviet defector named Oleg Penkovsky, brought
information to the west that is still largely classified, and very
controversial. Part of this was that the Soviets had a plan to
create a flap, sending all the British government into the nuclear
bunker by the houses of parliament; then just one very small bomb,
say a 5 to 10 megaton device, dropped at the mouth of the river
Thames at high tide, and the rush of water would flood the whole
Thames basin, killing the government in their bunkers, leaving
Britain without leaders, and open to Soviet manipulation. The rest
of the country outside the Thames basin would be intact.
The replies from the British
politicians when they heard this were unrepeatable!
So we had the Thames barrier
I remember at the time being told
of a ring of Soviet nuclear armed submarines encircling Britain “on
an exercise” and then coming home on the bus, and casually looking
out of the window and thinking;
all this may be gone tomorrow!
If war did break out between the
Soviets and the West, America was determined to keep any action away
from its homeland, so kept considerable bases on British soil, in
full maintenance for any such scenario.
Dr Henry Kissinger within the
hearing of secretaries and translators, spoke of a global plan for
world change, headed and funded by the people in money supply.
Several K.G.B defectors spoke of
labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson being “Soviet Friendly”, and his
predecessor Hugh Gaitskell was murdered to get him elected.
Certainly, Gaitskell died suddenly after drinking tea at a Soviet
embassy, and an inaccurate death certificate was supplied...
There was information leakages
which can only have come from Wilson’s office; this was narrowed
down to just 3 people. Under his leadership the country was rife
with strikes, crime and hardship, so with that in mind, and I
remember this so well, the heads of the Army, navy, fire brigade,
the police and emergency services met together in the London Masonic
hall to discuss a military take over in Britain, and Lord
Mountbatten was asked to head this Junta. Remember Mountbatten had
married into the Rothschild clan, thus giving total British
dominance to Rothschild.
It was said then that the
intelligence services knew there were 13 members of parliament known
to be working for the soviets, and others on the periphery.
Wilson’s deputy Prime Minister,
Lord George Brown, under great stress broke ranks to become a
British intelligence asset; so angry was he that the then Labour
party that he loved could be subverted by Russia.
Dennis Healey did similar.