Mr. Sadikou Ayo Alao |
President Gerrdes Bank, Former Deputy General Counsel
African Development Bank, President, GERDDES AFRICA C/4001
A-Akpakpa B.P. 7083 Cotonou Benin
Ms. Estela Rodrigues de Magalhães Barbot
Economist, Vice-President, AGA, S.A. Rua de Timor,
no. 90 P-4150-728 Porto Portugal
Mr. Benjamin Bassin |
Ambassador of Finland Embassy of Finland Guang
Hua Lu 1 Beijing 10020 China
H.R.H. Prince El Hassan bin Talal |
President, The Club of Rome Majlis El
Hassan Royal Palace Amman Jordan
Mr. Jérôme Bindé |
Director, Division of Foresight, Philosophy and Human
Sciences UNESCO 7, place den Fontenoy F-75732 Paris
07 SP France
Mr. Fernando H. Cardoso |
Former President of the Republic of
Brazil Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso Rua Formosa,
367-6° andar 01049-000 Sao Paulo
SP Brazil
Mr. Juan Luis Cebrian |
Consejo Delegado del Grupo PRISA Gran Via,
32 E-28013 Madrid Spain
Mr. Derrick de Kerckhove |
Director McLuham Program University of
Toronto 39A, Queen's Park Cres. Toronto, Ontario M5S
2C3 Canada
Mr. Mauricio de Maria y Campos |
Ambassador Embassy of Mexico, 1 Hatfield Square 3rd
Floor 1101 Burnett Street Hatfield 0083
Pretoria South Africa
Mr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner |
Honorary President, The Club of Rome Ulises, 12
pr°1/a E-28043 Madrid Spain
Mr. Dale F. Eickelman |
Ralph and Richard Lazarus Professor of Anthropology
and Human Relations Dartmouth College, Department of
Anthropology 6047 Silsby Hall Hanover, NH
03755-3547 U.S.A.
Dr. Ms. Ruth Bamela Engo-Tjega |
President & Executive Director African Action
on Aids 511 Avenue of the Americas #302, NY, New York
10011-8436 USA
Mr. Isidro Faine Casas |
Director General Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de
Barcelona Av. Diagonal, 621-629 E-08028
Barcelona Spain
Mr. Arnoldo José Gabaldón |
Centro Profesional del Este, Piso 12, Avenida
Francisco de Miranda Urbanización La Carlota 1071
Caracas Venezuela
Mr. Paulo Alcantara Gomes |
Presidente do Conselho - SEBRAE Rua Santa Luziua,
685 - 9° andar-Centro Rio de Janeiro, R.J. CEP
20030-041 Brazil
Mr. Heitor Gurgulino de Souza |
Secretary-General-Elect, IAUP - International
Association of University Presidents SQS 116 Bloco B Apto.
501 Brasilia, DF CEP 70386-020 Brazil
Mr. Orhan Güvenen |
Director, INWOSEC Bilkent University IISBF,
DSEE 06533 Bilkent, Ankara Turkey
Mr. Talât S. Halman |
INWOSEC Bilkent University IISBF; DSEE 06533
Bilkent, Ankara Turkey
Mr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn |
Chairman, Internat. Centre of Policy Studies; Advisor
to the President and Prime-Minister of Ukraine CP 5, 4 ch.
Des Conches CH-1231 Conches Switzerland
Mr. Rafael Hernandez Colon |
Ex Governor of Puerto-Rico P.O.Box 902 4071 San
Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 4071 Puerto Rico
Ms. Noreena Hertz |
Associate Director of CIBAM Judge Institute of
Management Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2
1AG United Kingdom
Mr. Diego Hidalgo Schnur |
Felipe IV N° 9 E-28014
Madrid Spain
Mr. Kamal Hossain |
Chairman, Advisory Council, Transparency
International c/o International Secretariat 16-18
Empress Place London SW6 1TT U.K.
Mr. Mugur Isarescu |
Governor National Bank of Romania 25, Lipscani
Street 70421 Bucarest Romania tel
+40-1-3126232 fax +40-1-3101630
Mr. Esko Kalimo |
Former Director, Research Institute of the Finland
Social Security; Prof. for Social Welfare; Vice Chair of
FICOR Kilonkallionkuja 6 FIN-02610
Espoo Finland
Mr. Tapio O. Kanninen |
Policy Planning Unit DPA Department of Political
Affairs United Nations Plaza New York, NY
10017 U.S.A.
Mr. Sergey P. Kapitza |
Academy of Sciences, Institute for Physical
Problems ul. Kosygina, 2 117334
Moscow Russia
Mr. Laszlo Kapolyi |
System Consulting Corporation P.O. Box 709 1535
Budapest 114 Hungary
Mr. Mohamed Kassas |
Department of Botany; Faculty of Sciences American
University of Cairo Gize, 12613 Egypt
Mr. Ashok Khosla |
President Development Alternatives B-32 Tara
Cres. New Delhi 110016 India
Mr. David C. Korten |
People-Centered Development Forum 10588 NE Byron
Drive 98110-1972 Bainbridge Island,
Mr. Antoni Kuklinski |
University of Warsaw Krakowskie Przediescie
30 PL-00927 Warsaw Poland
Mr. Martin Lees |
Rector, University for Peace University for
Peace P.O. Box 138-6100 San José Costa
Mr. Patrick Liedtke |
Secretary General, The Geneva Association;
International Association for the Study of Insurance
Economics The Geneva Association 53 Route de
Malagnou CH-1208 Geneve Switzerland
Ms. Mona Makram-Ebeid |
Professor of Political Science, American University in
Cairo 4 Gezira
Street Zamalek Cairo Egypt
Mr. Mihajlo D. Mesarovic |
Cady Staley Professor, UNESCO Scientific Advisor on
Global Change Case Western University Electrical Engineering
& Computer Sciences Olin Building, Room 605 10900
Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44106 USA
Wolfgang Meyer |
Honorary President UITP International Association
of Public Transport Bachstr. 10 D-50858
Cologne Germany
Mrs. Liz Mohn |
Member of the Executive Committee Bertelsmann
Foundation Bertelsmann AG Carl-Bertelsmann-Str.
270 D-33311 Gütersloh Germany
Mr. Jesus Moneo |
109 Villas A 35 Pozuello de Alarcon E-28224
Madrid Spain
Mr. Uwe Möller |
Secretary General, The Club of Rome Steckelhörn
9 D-20457 Hamburg Germany
Mr. Kikujiro Namba |
President, Promotech Inc. Sanbancho TY Plaza
4F 24-25, Sanban-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
102-0075 Japan
Mr. Konrad Osterwalder |
Rektor ETH Zentrum, HG F 61 Rämistrasse
101 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland
Mr. Gunter Pauli |
President, ZERI Organisation 2-18-9
Komachi Kamakura 248-0006
Kanagawa Japan
Mr. Roberto Peccei |
Vice-Chancellor Research Chancellor's Office,
UCLA 2147 Murphy Hall, Box 951405 Los Angeles, CA
90095-1405 USA
Mr. José Aristodemo Pinotti |
Head of Department, Sao Paolo University Medical
School Av. Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aquiar, 255 S.P. CEP
05403-900 Sao Paulo, S.P. Brazil
Mr. Avi Primor |
Former Ambassador of Israel to Germany,
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) P.O.Box 167 46150
Herzliya Israel
Mr. Franz Josef Radermacher |
President, FAW Institut für anwendungsorientierte
Wissensverarbeitung Lise-Meitner-Str.9 D-89081
Ulm Germany
Ms. Maria Ramirez Ribes |
Author and Essayist Calle Tucupido, Qta Iris San
Roman Caracas 1061 Venezuela
Mr. Harold Robles |
Medical Knowledge Institute P.O.Box 332 NL-3233
ZG Oostvoorne The Netherlands
Ms. Roseann Runte |
President, Old Dominion University Old Dominion
University Hampton Blvd VA 23529
Norfolk U.S.A.
Mr. Wolfgang Sachs |
Wuppertal Institute Döppersberg 19 D-42103
Wuppertal Germany
Mr. Victor A. Sadovnichy |
Rector Lomonosov Moscow State
University Vorobjovy Gory 119899
Moscow Russia
Ms. Saskia Sassen |
Professor of Sociology University of
Chicago 1126 E59th Street IL 60637
Chicago USA
Mr. Mushahid Hussain Sayed |
Senator 175, Street 15,
E-7 Islamabad Pakistan
Mr. Siegfried Sellitsch |
Wiener Staedtische Insurance Group Schottenring
30 A-1010 Vienna Austria
Mr. Tasneem Ahmad Siddiqui |
Director General Sindh Katchi Abadis
Authority Maulana Din Muhammad Wafai Road, Near Arts
Council of Pakistan 74200
Karachi Pakistan
Mr. Ivo Slaus |
Ruder Boskovic Instituti Bijenicka 54, P.O.B.
1016 10001 Zagreb Croatia
Ms. Mihaela Y. Smith |
Joint Smart Partnership Dialogue Convener and Chief
Executive, Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Transfer
Ltd (CPTM) CPTM Smart Partners Hub 63 Catherine
Place London SW1E 6BD United Kingdom
Mr. Klaus Steilmann |
KSI Klaus Steilmann Institut Ückendorfer Str.
82 D-44866 Bochum -Wattenscheid Germany
Mr. Keith D. Suter |
Writer G.P.O. Box 4878 Sydney, NSW
2001 Australia
Ms. Mervat Tallawy |
Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) P.O. Box
11-8575 Riadh El-Solh
Square Beirut Lebanon
Mr. Ramon Tamames Gomez |
Professor of Economics Structure Autonomous
University of Madrid Padre Damiàn, 38, 8°B E-28036
Madrid Spain
Mr. Majid Tehranian |
Professor, School of Communication University of
Hawaii at Manoa 2560 Campus Rd. Honolulu, HI
96822 U.S.A.
Ms. Anitra Thorhaug |
Research worker at Yale University 1359 SW 22
Terrace 33145 Miami USA
Mr. Wouter van Dieren |
President, IMSA Institute for Environment and Systems
Analysis Amsterdam Ltd. IMSA Institute Van Eeghenstraat
77 NL-1071 EX Amsterdam The Netherlands
Mr. Klaus von Dohnanyi |
Heilwigstr. 5 D-20249
Hamburg Germany
Mr. Eberhard von Koerber |
Vice President, The Club of Rome Eberhard von
Koerber AG Rämistr. 18 CH-8001
Zürich Switzerland
Mr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker |
Postfach 130 165 D-53061
Bonn Germany
Mr. Raoul Weiler |
Prof. Emeritus, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied
Biological Sciences University of Leuven Prins Boudewyn
Laan 113 B-2610 Antwerpen Belgium
Mr. Thomas George Whiston |
Prof. of Environmental Regulation Department of
Environment; Technologyand Social Studies Roskilde
University, P.O. Box 260 DK-4000
Roskilde Denmark
Mr. Anders Wijkman |
European Parliament, ASP E 13 154 Rue
Wiertz B-1047 Bruxelles Belgium
Mr. Markku Wilenius |
Director, Finland Future Research Centre; Chair of
FICOR Korkeavuorenkatu 25 FIN-00130
Helsinki Finland