f you fly with the crows, you will
get shot with the crows and the CIA has an
‘Aviary’ full of crafty birds who flock together in the
field of parapsychology. They specialise in mind control
projects, social engineering, UFO deception and military psy-ops.
The funding comes from the black budget and Laurence
Rockefeller through the Human Potential Foundation, which
features notable luminaries like C.B. Scott Jones and
ufologists Leo Sprinkle, Richard ‘Starchild’ Boylan, Zecharia
Sitchin of ‘Planet X’ fame and ‘Grey’ alien abduction
experts, Bud Hopkins and the late John E. Mack, terminated
by a drunk driver in London. William Cooper, an insider who
blew the whistle on these covert operations was summarily
Those in the loop held their
esoteric conferences at the Esalen and Monroe Institutes and
past speakers include authors and exponents of psychedelic
drugs, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and Carlos Castaneda.
Huxley introduced his concepts into the novel, ‘Brave New
World’ where human clones had a daily fix of
soma. New Age
guru Andrija Puharich lectured the Air Force on telepathy
and mentored the wanted murderer, Ira Einhorn. He also
discovered spoon bender Uri Geller. The Pentagon scientist
Lt. Colonel Tom Bearden’s work on psychotronics is endorsed
by Colonel John Alexander, whose codename is ‘penguin’ and
his Soviet scalar Electromagnetics research, is parroted by
Bill Schnoebelen, both occultists.
Schnoebelen is a self-confessed
90° Mason, a former member of the Church of Satan and an
expert on Majik and Cabbala. Alexander was a recruit of
remote viewer General Albert Stubblebine III, who holds
spoon bending party’s with his ufologist wife. They instruct
the ‘super soldiers’ of the First Earth Battalion on
psychological interrogation techniques, which the neocons
are desperate to legalise, along with physical torture. The
vampire Bill Schnoebelen claims to have repented and given
up his life-long addiction to human blood. If these are the
‘good guys’ Heaven help us! George Noory of Coast to Coast
plays host to these people and his predecessor Art Bell was
exposed as a Mason by William Cooper.

Dames |
Josef Mengele pioneered the
methods for inducing multiple personalities and ‘out of
body’ experiences using insufferable pain. Ed Dames, another
remote viewer and ufologist, was often Art Bell’s guest and
admitted he was “involved in a lot of very, very deep, dark
black projects.” Michael Persinger plays the UFO sceptic,
but the Navy funds his research on mind-influencing EMF and
ELF signals and False Memory Syndrome. Dr. Eldon Byrd, a
good friend of Uri Geller, conducted Non-Lethal Weapons
experiments and was accused of child molestation. Dr. Igor
Smirnov, who worked with Alexander and the Human Potential
Foundation, briefed the CIA and FBI on a device which
implants thoughts into the mind.
The current venue for lectures is
The National Press Club where Henry Kissinger espoused the
‘war on terror,’ his codename should be ‘vulture’ as he
enjoys picking over the carrion of corpses and collecting
skulls in Cambodia and Rwanda. This forum is where Dr.
Steven Greer promotes his ‘Disclosure Project’ which is part
of the conditioning process begun by Hollywood in
preparation for a flotilla of flying saucers projected onto
the sky with holograms, bringing ‘Anunnaki’ from Sitchin’s
Twelfth Planet. The only subject they don’t discuss is the
top secret Hollow Earth. Some genuine UFO buffs believe that
is the source of the discs, which is why we are kept focused
on menacing reptilian extraterrestrials from outer space.
The labyrinth of deceit runs deep
and you have to be a very brave ‘canary’ to venture there.
It leads to MILABS, implantable microchips, paedophile
rings, ritual abuse and a multitude of missing persons. It
connects superior officers within the Army, Navy, Air Force
and Intelligence Services to Satanism. It unveils government
complicity in assassinations, terror attacks, wars and
genocide. It uncovers advanced technology suppressed by
mainstream science, man-made epidemics and harassment. It is
riddled with disinformation and lies and many of the
courageous individuals who tried to warn us were murdered,
but that should not deter us from fighting against this
evil, or diminish our faith in the omnipotent God of Love.