Paine (1737-1809) |
is always understood that Freemasons have a secret which they
carefully conceal; but from everything that can be collected from
their own accounts of Masonry, their real secret is no other than
their origin, which but few of them understand; and those who do,
envelop it in mystery.
The Society of Masons are distinguished into
three classes or degrees. 1st. The Entered Apprentice. 2d. The
Fellow Craft. 3d. The Master Mason.
The Entered Apprentice knows but little more of
Masonry than the use of signs and tokens, and certain steps and
words by which Masons can recognize each other without being
discovered by a person who is not a Mason. The Fellow Craft is not
much better instructed in Masonry, than the Entered Apprentice. It
is only in the Master Mason's Lodge, that whatever knowledge remains
of the origin of Masonry is preserved and concealed.
In 1730, Samuel Pritchard, member of a
constituted lodge in England, published a treatise entitled "Masonry
Dissected"; and made oath before the Lord Mayor of London that it
was a true copy. "Samuel Pritchard maketh oath that the copy
hereunto annexed is a true and genuine copy of every particular." In
his work he has given the catechism or examination, in question and
answer, of the Apprentices, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason.
There was no difficulty in doing this, as it is mere form.
In his introduction he says, "the original
institution of Masonry consisted in the foundation of the liberal
arts and sciences, but more especially in geometry, for at the
building of the tower of Babel, the art and mystery of Masonry was
first introduced, and from thence handed down by Euclid, a worthy
and excellent mathematician of the Egyptians; and he communicated it
to Hiram, the Master Mason concerned in building Solomon's Temple in
Besides the absurdity of deriving Masonry from
the building of Babel, where, according to the story, the confusion
of languages prevented the builders understanding each other, and
consequently of communicating any knowledge they had, there is a
glaring contradiction in point of chronology in the account he
Solomon's Temple was built and dedicated 1,004
years before the Christian era; and Euclid, as may be seen in the
tables of chronology, lived 277 years before the same era. It was
therefore impossible that Euclid could communicate anything to
Hiram, since Euclid did not live till seven hundred years after the
time of Hiram.
In 1783, Captain George Smith, inspector of the
Royal Artillery Academy at Woolwich, in England, and Provincial
Grand Master of Masonry for the County of Kent, published a treatise
entitled, "The Use and Abuse of Freemasonry."
In his chapter of the antiquity of Masonry, he
makes it to be coeval with creation, "when," says he, "the sovereign
architect raised on Masonic principles the beauteous globe, and
commanded the master science, geometry, to lay the planetary world,
and to regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system in just,
unerring proportion, rolling round the central sun.
"But," continues he, "I am not at liberty
publicly to undraw the curtain, and openly to descant on this head;
it is sacred, and ever will remain so; those who are honored with
the trust will not reveal it, and those who are ignorant of it
cannot betray it."
By this last part of the phrase, Smith means the
two inferior classes, the Fellow Craft and the Entered Apprentice,
for he says in the next page of his work, "It is not every one that
is barely initiated into Freemasonry that is intrusted with all the
mysteries thereto belonging; they are not attainable as things of
course, nor by every capacity."
The learned, but unfortunate Doctor Dodd, Grand
Chaplain of Masonry, in his oration at the dedication of Freemason's
Hall, London, traces Masonry through a variety of stages. "Masons,"
says he, "are well informed from their own private and interior
records that the building of Solomon's Temple is an important era,
from whence they derive many mysteries of their art.
"Now," says he, "be it remembered that this great
event took place above one thousand years before the Christian era,
and consequently more than a century before Homer, the first of the
Grecian poets, wrote; and about five centuries before Pythagoras
brought from the East his sublime system of truly Masonic
instruction to illuminate our western world. But, remote as this
period is, we date not from thence the commencement of our art. For
though it might owe to the wise and glorious King of Israel some of
its many mystic forms and hieroglyphic ceremonies, yet certainly the
art itself is coeval with man, the great subject of it.
"We trace," continues he, "its footsteps in the
most distant, the most remote ages and nations of the world. We find
it among the first and most celebrated civilizers of the East. We
deduce it regularly from the first astronomers on the plains of
Chaldea, to the wise and mystic kings and priests of Egypt, the
sages of Greece, and the philosophers of Rome."