Last Updated:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 06:12:48 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 |
From Ashes to Cash, Dust to Dollars
by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sept 11, 2006
Last Updated:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 06:12:48 PM |
is the five year anniversary of September 11th when America was
shell-shocked by an atrocity, unparalleled in its history. In
the interim, the theory that it was instigated by Osama bin
Laden and implemented by Arab hijackers has disintegrated, like
the twin towers. President Bush and his brother Marvin, who was
responsible for security at the WTC, failed to prevent it and
should have been indicted for incompetence, but it was never
meant to be prevented. It all went according to the meticulous
During the memorial service, the
inexplicable collapse of the forty-seven story Salomon Brothers
building, which defied the laws of physics, was not mentioned.
That has gone down the memory hole. Larry
Silverstein announced it had been “pulled” in a controlled
demolition and this fact alone proves that the events of that
day were premeditated. Larry, who leased the North and South
towers seven weeks earlier, laughed all the way to the bank with
his $five billion insurance pay-out.
Coincidentally, he was also given the right to rebuild the
structures, should they be destroyed. They were, in a
spectacular fashion with everything, including people, reduced
to ash in the pyroclastic flow. The debris was shipped off to a
landfill site before any forensic examination and the dead are
interred in that dump, to this day. First responders are
experiencing an epidemic of cancer from the toxic dust cloud,
but the authorities deny this and the indisputable evidence,
indicative of an inside job.
The BBC reported that conspiracy theorists believe “there were
no planes and it was carried out by the CIA and Israel to start
a war of attrition” There was certainly no airplane shown at the
Pentagon and only a crater in Pennsylvania where Flight 93 was
said to have crashed. The media plucked at the heart strings
with personal stories of tragedy and heroism, interspersed with
anti-Islam propaganda, but they did not query why NORAD never
responded or why certain VIP’s were given prior warning.
As with the assassination of President Kennedy and Princess
Diana’s “accident” the official lie is no longer tenable, with
the original facts proving to be false. The truth is being
drip-fed in the press over a prolonged period, amidst endless
speculation, as a distraction. The newspapers have admitted
Diana was murdered by MI6, but there will be no arrests and the
prime witnesses have already been eliminated. She has been
airbrushed from history, like building #7; there will be no
remembrance of them.
At some later stage, the dispensable front-men of the ‘Joint
Stock Company’ may be held accountable for the crimes of 9-11,
but those who extorted $trillions from the Pentagon’s budget to
fund operations and profited from insider trading, will not be
unmasked. The real culprits, who are gaining most from the
subsequent ‘War on Terror’ both financially and politically,
will remain in the shadows letting their lap-dogs take the rap.
This is the lesson which should be learned from September 11th.

Source: Correspondence
with author
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