he sordid sadists have finally
shown their true colours, blood red, with the House of
Representatives approving a bill for interrogating and
trying ‘terrorists’ in secret military tribunals. Anything
short of murder is considered an acceptable level of
coercion to protect America. An ‘enemy combatant’ could be
someone who resists foreign military incursions into their
territory, or takes illegal drugs, because the proceeds fund
terror. It could be somebody who concocts a dirty bomb, or
merely sympathises with Hamas. The vague definition is all
This legislation undermines every
humanitarian law enacted to prevent abuse and safeguard
liberties. The decision rests with the President. If he
thinks removing fingernails might make a suspect disclose
vital intelligence to Homeland Security, it can be done. If
he receives an anonymous tip that you are planning an
attack, this will suffice to facilitate your detention. If
you find yourself being flown out to Diego Garcia, don’t
expect a call from your lawyer, or much sleep. Where is
Amnesty International when you need them, Habeas Corpus or
the Magna Carta?
‘Al Qaeda’ has won, because they
hated these freedoms and now they are irretrievably lost.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are not worth the
parchment they are written on. Our precious rights have been
abolished, which leaves us vulnerable to the dictates of
bloodthirsty tyrants. All of you doubters who thought
torture and executions were a “conspiracy theory” eat your
heart out, before they do, because some of these vampires
are partial to human sacrifice. If I’m starting to sound
hysterical, it’s because I am! I don’t know if I’m on the
Blue or Red list!
We have witnessed how they obtain
confessions at Abu Ghraib, unless that is just letting off
steam! With knickers on my head, a chemical lamp in my
rectum and an Alsatian’s fangs gnawing at my flesh, I would
admit to being Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s 3rd wife
and plotting to blow up the millennium dome (that would save
the demolition experts time) and should be enough evidence
to lock me up and throw the key away. We have reached this
diabolical state of affairs by stealth, through the
complaisance of the sheeple, who are going to lead us all to
the slaughter.
I could compare this latest
totalitarian development to Communism or Nazism, but that
would be too generous, this is Zionism! They
came first for the Palestinians and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a Palestinian. Then they came for the
Afghans and I didn't speak up because I wasn't Afghani. Then
they came for the Iraqi’s and I didn't speak up because I
wasn't an Iraqi. Then they came for the Lebanese and I
didn't speak up because I wasn’t Lebanese. Then they came
for me and by that time no one was left to speak up, because
they were all in FEMA camps.