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Who Are the Global Elite?
- The following report will give you the information you need to make an educated decision about this vitally important subject... -
- by Wayne Morin Jr., Oct 24, 2005 -

* *

Junk Mail

We Buy Junk Mail - Turn Unwanted Junk Mail Into Ca$h
[This is not a scam, Wes Penre]
- We will pay you 10 cents for every complete piece of junk mail sent to you ... read more -
- by Wayne Morin Jr, Oct 24, 2005 -


the Free Encyclopedia

Attacks on London

Last Updated: Monday, February 19, 2007 06:02:29 PM

The Illuminati News Mission Statement

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[Make a donation and collect the BONUSES!]
- I have noticed that I have had to neglect some things in life that are very important to me and others, while working hour after hour on my website. Therefore I ask you, kind visitor, for a donation, so I can spend the same amount of time, and more, on research, and less time trying to manage my finances. -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 01, 2006 -

The bombings occurred on 7/7-2005. Here is some simple numerology, which adds up to the occult number 777: 7 and 7 and 2+0+0+5 = 777. Wes Penre

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Charles Clarke

ID cards 'Wouldn't Stop Attacks'
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: ID cards]
- ...the home secretary said on balance he believed ID cards would help rather than hinder the ability to deal with particular terrorist threats. -
- BBC News, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 9, 2005)

UK EU Presidency Aims for Europe-Wide Biometric ID Card
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: ID cards]
- The UK is using its Presidency of the Council of the European Union to push for the adoption of biometric ID cards and associated standards across the whole of the EU. In a proposal issued on Monday (11th July), the UK calls for the drafting of "common standards for national identity cards taking into account the achievements in relation to the EU passport and in the ICAO framework." -
- The Register, UK, July 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 14, 2005)

Email Spying 'Could Have Stopped Killers'
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More surveillance]
- Millions of personal email and mobile phone records could be stored and shared with police and intelligence officials across Europe to help thwart terrorist attacks.
The Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, will propose new measures at an emergency meeting of European Union interior ministers which will discuss the implications of Thursday's London bombings. -
- The Observer, July 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

U.K. Wants Massive EU Monitoring of E-mails, Cell Phones
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More surveillance]
- Clarke's proposal for an EU-wide agreement would stop short of intrusion into the content of e-mails, but would require the storing of revealing "traffic data" - detailing who has called, or messaged whom, with times and locations - for several years. -
- NewsMax.com, July 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 12, 2005)

How Far Will Europe Go To Stop Terror?
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More freedoms taken away from the citizens]
- After 9/11, many European voices criticized the United States for passing the Patriot Act, which they felt sacrificed too many civil liberties in the name of cracking down on terrorism. Now, one week after 7/7, European governments are wrestling with the balance between security and privacy as never before. And their efforts are giving new energy to counterterrorism cooperation. -
- Csmonitor.com, July 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 17, 2005)

Bush Sees London Bombings As Reason For Patriot Act
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More freedoms taken away from the citizens]
- President Bush yesterday invoked the terrorist attacks in London as a compelling reason for Congress to renew the USA Patriot Act and for local governments to beef up security on mass-transit systems. "As we saw in London, the terrorists are still active and they are still plotting to take innocent life," Mr. Bush told law-enforcement officers in Baltimore. "So my message to the Congress is clear: This is no time to let our guard down, and no time to roll back good laws." -
- The Washington Times, July 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)

UK Plans Global Extremists List
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More Surveillance]
- [Charles Clarke] said the database would list "unacceptable behaviour" such as radical preaching, websites and writing articles intended to foment terrorism. -
- BBC News, July 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

House Votes to Extend Patriot Act
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: Less freedoms for the citizens]
- WASHINGTON -- The House voted Thursday to extend the USA Patriot Act, the nation's main anti-terrorism tool, just hours after televisions in the Capitol beamed images of a new attack in London. -
- Chicago Sun-Times, July 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

The ID card and the ‘Mother of all Databases’
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: ID cards]
- The danger lies not in a card but in the mother of all databases that is behind a compulsory national ID card system. In the wake of the London bombings, PM John Howard has floated introducing an Australian ID card. The Liberal-National Coalition opposed the ‘‘Australia Card’‘, which former PM Bob Hawke’s Labor government tried to introduce in the 1980s while tens of thousands of people demonstrated against it. -
- by Peter Boyle -
(Posted here: July 27, 2005)

Security Cameras Back in Demand
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More Surveillance Cameras]
- After London bomb attacks, several US cities draw up plans to increase surveillance, despite potential downsides. -
Christian Science Monitor, Aug 3, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

Thousands of Armed Police Prepared to Shoot to Kill Deploy in London to "Reassure" Public
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More Police in the streets]
- Comment (by Alex Jones): Doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, knowing there are armed cops everywhere, who have been instructed to shoot to kill anyone who appears nervous or sweaty? Why would you feel nervous or sweaty? The cops love you! Travel with happiness! -
- CBC News, Aug 4, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

Hundreds More Armed Police to Join London's Terror Fight
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More police on the streets]
- As many as 400 more armed police could be patrolling London after last month's massive anti-terror operations in the capital raised fears the police were being over-stretched. -
- The Independent, Aug 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 9, 2005)

Watch for Women and Child Bombers, Says Met
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: To create fear, suspicion and new laws so they can shoot people without asking questions first]
- TERRORISTS could be preparing to use women and children as suicide bombers in further attacks on trains and other soft targets in London, internal Scotland Yard documents have warned. -
- Times Online, Aug 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 9, 2005)

Critics Raise Alarm Over 'Exclusive' New Terror Laws
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: Exclusive new terror laws]
- A cross-party coalition today warned the government that its forthcoming anti-terrorism legislation risks criminalising or excluding people who have already condemned terrorist attacks. -
- by Matthew Tempest, Guardian Limited, Aug 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 30, 2005)

Dame Eliza
Dame Eliza

MI5 Head Warns on Civil Liberties
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: Less freedoms for the citizens]
- Civil liberties may have to be "eroded" to protect Britons from terrorism, the head of security service MI5 has said. -
- BBC News, Sep 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 11, 2005)

Sir Ian Blair
Sir Ian Blair

Top Cop: 'Let's Be Bold'
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction: Public reaction to do something about it! Solution: More power to the police force]
- Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair called on officers to be "bold" and consider a range of radical changes to police pay and working practices. -
- Sky News, Sep 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 22, 2005)

Terrifying Terror Laws
[Problem: Staged terror attack. Reaction: Public demand to do something about it. Solution: New terror laws by the perpetrators to reduce freedom]
- On July 7th [2005] we had a “suicide bomber” who was due to be a dad in two months, another had just bought a Mercedes and one, rather than fasting and praying to Allah before deliverance into Paradise, ate a McDonald’s! None of the July terrorists fit the profile of extremists exacting revenge for the Iraq war. They were Pakistanis, Ethiopians and a Jamaican! -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Oct 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 13, 2005)

The London Bombings Investigation

First Bombings (July 7, 2005)

Multiple Blasts Paralyse London
- Large numbers of casualties have been reported after at least six explosions on the Underground network and a double-decker bus in London. -
- BBC News, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)

[LONDON] BREAKING: Scotland Yard Says it Got a Warning Before the Attack and Told Israel.
- Fox News has carried a report from AP saying that Scotland Yard had prior knowledge. Israeli News is reporting that "The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit." -
- PrisonPlanet.com, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)

Government Fingerprints All Over London Bombings
- The military-industrial complex has the motive in this latest atrocity. Every major western government, including the British, has been caught red-handed carrying out bombings against their own people and blaming it on external enemies. It is mainstream news in Spain that the government was involved in the 3/11 bombing. The London 7/7 bombings are nothing different. Government ghouls are now all over television spreading the fear to encourage the people to submit to the war on terror. Get our films, learn the truth and expose who is gaining power from terrorism, or our freedoms are dead. -
- InfoWars.com, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)

'Secret Organisation - al-Qaeda in Europe' Claims Responsibility For Attacks
- Comment: Santa Claus could put up a website and claim responsibility, does that make it so? -
- PrisonPlanet.com, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)

Attack on London
- The attack on London represents a brutal attempt to coral the British population behind accepting the introduction of the national ID card, renewing support for the war on terror and reinvigorating trust in a government that had the backing of less than 15 per cent of the country. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2005)

Phony 'Al-Qaeda' Responsibility Claim a Proven Hoax
- MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said. -
- PrisonPlanet, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 8, 2005)

Attack On London: Blair Plays The Terror Card
- The attack on London represents a brutal attempt to coral the British population behind accepting the introduction of the national ID card, renewing support for the war on terror and reinvigorating trust in a government that had the backing of less than 15 per cent of the country. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 8, 2005)

What's Behind the London Attacks?
- The bombing of the London Underground was a false-flag operation designed to keep the West mired in war. Don't believe otherwise. -
- by Matt Hutaff, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 9, 2005)

An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack in London
- FEAR is being used here big time. Support for the bogus "war on terror" will increase again unfortunately and these gangster killers can continue their sick insane war in Iraq and steal billions of taxpayer dollars from the multi-billion dollars of weapons sales and bogus multi-billions of dollars of contracts to rebuild Iraq. -
- by Michael Shore, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: June 9, 2005)

London is World Terror Headquarters
- Getting pulverized is the price populations of the West will periodically pay for their complacent acceptance of the central bankers' phoney war on terror. This price could escalate from isolated bombings to biological attacks and plagues to possible nuclear war. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 9, 2005)

Confusion and Contradiction: What Really Happened In London?
- The first inconsistency to emerge, and to date the most compelling, is that of advance warning and prior knowledge. The police and the government have said unequivocally that there was no advance warning or indicative intelligence and that the attacks came "out of the blue". Yet early AP and Israeli radio reports clearly stated that Scotland Yard had given warning to the Israeli Embassy in London that an attack was imminent BEFORE any explosions had taken place. -
- by Steve Watson, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 10, 2005)

DOWN WITH MURDER INC. PSYOPS - The Agenda - Perception Management - Bombs in London
- This is a good pull-together of the connected events in London and Britain from Live-8 to G-8 to the London Olympic decision to the Illuminati attacks on the city -
- DeclarePeace.org -
(Posted here: July 10, 2005)

Monbiot and Galloway on London Bombings
- We spend the hour looking at the terror attacks in London. At least 50 people are dead and hundreds wounded in the worst attack in that city since World War II. We go to London to get reaction from British antiwar MP George Galloway, author and Guardian columnist George Monbiot and journalist Stephen Grey of the Sunday Times of London. [includes rush transcript] -
- Indymedia.ie, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

When The Cops Are The Crooks
Staged bombings terrorize everyone while the real perps keep getting richer...
- The London bombings remind me of the Madrid, Istanbul, and Bali bombings. No one is ever caught. Stereotypically rabid Arabs are blamed. And innocent people everywhere suffer the consequences. -
- by John Kaminski, July 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings
- Former MI6 operative: The mainstream media ignores vital evidence of an inside job -
- Rense.com, July 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

Lest We Forget; These Were Blair's Bombs
- In all the coverage of last week's bombing of London, a basic truth is struggling to be heard. It is this: no one doubts the atrocious inhumanity of those who planted the bombs, but no one should also doubt that this has been coming since the day Tony Blair joined George Bush in their bloody invasion and occupation of Iraq. -
- by John Pilger, July 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

False Flag over London
- Yesterday we saw a classic false flag attack in London, organized by western secret services to distract attention from the deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to create the pretext for war on Iran. -
- Online Journal, July 8, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 11, 2005)

UK-Based Dissident Denies Link to Website That Carried Al-Qaida Claim
- The server in Houston has intriguing connections. Everyone's Internet was founded by brothers Robert and Roy Marsh in 1998 and by 2002 had an income of more than $30m (now about £17m). Renowned for his charitable work, Roy Marsh counts among his friends President George Bush's former sister-in-law, Sharon Bush, and the president's navy secretary. -
- The Guardian, July 9, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 12, 2005)

U.K.'s Blair Rejects Call for Probe of London Blasts
- U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair rejected a call for an inquiry into the July 7 London bomb blasts, telling lawmakers there wasn't any intelligence that could have enabled police to prevent the attacks. -
- Bloomberg.com, July 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 12, 2005)

A Warning to the World
- This is not speculation. Kermit Roosevelt admitted on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh. Do you understand, these people brag about what they do 40 years later. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

George and Tony Get their al-Qaeda Fix
- FDR calmed a nation when he said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." But the Bush and Blair slogan is, "We have nothing to sell but fear itself." -
- by Greg Palast, July 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

Judith Miller Greg Palast
Judith Miller                     Greg Palast

Mr. Rove and the Access of Evil
Tell Us Your "Source", Judy

- The only thing more evil, small-minded and treacherous than the Bush Administration's jailing Judith Miller for a crime the Bush Administration committed, is Judith Miller covering up her Bush Administration "source." -
- by Greg Palast, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

The G8 Summit Double-Cross of 2005
- "Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." - Adolf Hitler -
- by Deanna Spingola, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

Former Head of Mossad Gives Game Away?
- There was an interesting article written by the former head of the Mossad (Efraim Halevi) and published in the Jerusalem Post on the 7th July (same day of the London attacks). Now, considering that at first, for at least 2 days, the media reported that the bombs did not go off simultaneously but over a time-span of approximately 50 minutes ... how did this person know that the bombs had gone off simultaneously and that there was "sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution"?
 - LibertyForum.org, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 13, 2005)

How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps
- 1) Hire a Crisis Management firm to set up an exercise that parallels the terrorist attack you are going to carry out. Have them run the exercise at the precise locations and at the very same time as the attack... -
- Paul Joseph Watson, July 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 14, 2005)

The London Bombs, The Rogue Network And Iran
- Last week's London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. -
- by Webster G. Tarpley, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 14, 2005)

Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding
One chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Estimate of Grains of sand in the whole world:
7,500,000,000,000,000,000 -
- InfoWars.com, July 13, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 14, 2005)

Tony Blair: Evil-Doer

Tony Blair Ordered The London Bombings
- Former MI6 operative: The mainstream media ignores vital evidence of an inside job. -
- by Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany, July 11, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 15, 2005)

Fire and Bomb Resistant IDs in London
- Cockamamie. No other way to describe it. The Boston Herald tells us the “terrorists” (possible patsies) in London “were all carrying personal documents” because “they wanted their identities to be known,” according to the Times of London.
- Kurt Nimmo, July 14, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 15, 2005)

London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious
- The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this bus was diverted. The driver notes the following about CCTV maintenance. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, July 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 15, 2005)

Blair Finally Admits: Al-Qaeda Doesn't Exist
- Commenting on the possible role of Al Qaeda, Blair said, "Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working ... but this has the hallmark of that approach." -
- PrisonPlanet.com, July 15, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

Terrorist Gang 'Used Military Explosives'
- "The nature of the explosives appears to be military, which is very worrying,” said Superintendent Christophe Chaboud, the chief of the French anti-terrorist police, who was in London to help Scotland Yard. -
- Times Online, July 12, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy
- A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th. -
- What Really Happened -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

Bob Kiley, Commissioner of Transport for London
Bob Kiley, Commissioner of Transport for London

London Bombings - Web of Deceit: Peter Power, The Terror Drill, Giuliani and The CIA
- Early in his career Kiley was tapped by the CIA and quickly became Manager of Intelligence Operations and then Executive Assistant to the Director. Kiley served under Richard Helms, who was appointed CIA director after JFK was taken out. Helms was the only director to have been convicted of lying to Congress over CIA undercover activities and served time in prison. He was heavily involved in the cover up of the MK ULTRA project. As his Executive Assistant, this means Kiley was also intimately involved. -
- by Steve Watson, July 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 16, 2005)

The Reconstruction: 7/7 - What Really Happened?
- Were the four bombers being controlled or acting alone? Why did they buy return tickets if they were intending to die? Could MI5 have found out what was happening and stopped it? Was an al-Qa'ida suspect allowed to travel to the UK unwatched? The unanswered questions of the London attacks BY Cole Moreton -
- The Independent, July 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 18, 2005)

Mainstream Media Reports "Suicide Theory" Difficult to Swallow
- Here are several mainstream newspapers that are now saying what we've been saying all along: It simply doesn't add up that a group of otherwise normal and quiet individuals with families and children would blow themselves up as part of a terrorist attack. -
- Infowars.com, July 19, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 20, 2005)

Latest Evidence Closes Case on London Bombings
- "We do not have hard evidence that the men were suicide bombers. It is possible that they did not intend to die,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said. -
- by Steve Watson, Paul Watson & Alex Jones, July 20 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)

Photo of 'Bombers' has been Doctored
- At least one person has been superimposed -
- PrisonPlanet, July 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 26, 2005)

Terror on the Tube
- Before there were any suspects and the investigation had begun, Tony Blair declared, “We know these people act in the name of Islam” and the media instantly accused ‘al Qaeda.’ Coincidentally, the Archbishop of Canterbury was with Muslims in York and Charles Kennedy was meeting Muslims in Birmingham, he called the perpetrators, “monstrous and deserving international contempt.”
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, July 24, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 26, 2005)

Some Discrepancies in the Official Story of Terror Attacks in London
- Whoever synchronized bombs to go off simultaneously on three separate tubes traveling through tunnels, between platforms, must have had knowledge of the schedule or the luck of the Devil. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, July 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 27, 2005)

The de Menezes Murder:


De Menezes
De Menezes

London Police Kill Man at Subway Station
- This morning Illuminati News received an e-mail about an eye-witness to this incident. I will post this person's story before the official release. Wes Penre.
- Associated Press, July 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

Justified Murder: Don't Ever Become a Terror Suspect!
- Don't carry a backpack. Don't grow a beard. Don't wear a coat in summer. Don't live in a building where Muslims live. Do everything you can to look and act White. And when the plainclothes police, with no identifying labels, ask you to give up your body to their command - Obey! -
- Pravda.ru, July 26, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 28, 2005)

Jean Charles de Menezes

Brazilian's Family Claim Police Altered Their Story
- THE family of the Brazilian man shot dead by marksmen who mistook him for a suicide bomber revealed last night how police have changed their account of the incident. -
- Times, July 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)

Brazilian Did Not Wear Bulky Jacket
- Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian shot dead in the head, was not wearing a heavy jacket that might have concealed a bomb, and did not jump the ticket barrier when challenged by armed plainclothes police, his cousin said yesterday. -
- Mark Honigsbaum for The Guardian, July 28, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 30, 2005)

Death of a Brazilian or How to Massage the Facts to Fit the Crime
- As more information has come to light on the circumstances surrounding the assassination of the unfortunate Brazilian, it is abundantly clear that from the moment he stepped out of his apartment building in Tulse Hill to go to his job as an electrician, Menazes was a dead man. -
- William Bowles for Uruknet. info, July 30, 2005 -
(Posted here: August 1, 2005)


Mistakes Led to Tube Shooting
- ITV News has obtained secret documents and photographs that detail why police shot Jean Charles De Menezes dead on the tube. -
- ITN50, Aug 16, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 18, 2005)

Police Under Pressure Over Menezes Leak
- In the wake of a leak last night from the independent report, which revealed eyewitnesses seeing Jean Charles de Menezes being held by police in his seat before being shot in the head, attention has now turned to the initial accounts of his death. These claimed he ran from police, vaulted a ticket barrier and was shot on the floor of the carriage. -
- Matthew Tempest an Simon Jeffery, Guardian Limited, Aug 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 19, 2005)

De Menezes Shooting: All the Facts Point To a Cover Up
- The London Metropolitan Police force is desperately scrambling around trying to cover up the botch job assassination they perpetrated on Jean Charles De Menezes on the London Underground almost five weeks ago. More and more facts are being leaked every day, faster than the Police force can cover them up. -
- by Steve Watson, InfoWars.com, Aug 27, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 28, 2005)

SHOT WHILE ON COCAINE: Tests show Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes was high when gunned down Sir Ian Blair

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Official Report Damns Met Bosses for de Menezes Shooting
- The leaked Independent Police Complaints Commission report shows a catalogue of blunders and cock-ups. The dossier is so damning it appears to spell the end for Met chief Sir Ian Blair. -
- by Ian Kirby, News of the World, June 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 11, 2006)

Haroon Rashid Aswat

London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset
[Video. Here is the proof!]
- Fox News, July 30, 2005 -
(Posted here: August 2, 2005)

Haroon Aswat…FBI Agent Threatens Former USDA Federal Agent, Now Staff Reporter for The New Criminologist
- Haroon Aswat – the man British Police believe was behind the London bombings – was working for MI6, it has been confirmed by leading U.S. and French intelligence asset/agents. -
- by Christopher Berry-Dee, The New Criminologist, Sep 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 26, 2005)

Scotland Yard 'Not Interested' In Talking To 7/7 Bomb Mastermind
[Related article: London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset]
- "Searches of mobile phone records by British anti-terrorist police and secret service agents are understood to have found that he (Aswat) made numerous phone calls to the four suicide bombers. American authorities have revealed they have been hunting the man for several years. They claim he master-minded the London horror... -
- InfoWars.com, Aug 9, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 11, 2005)

John Loftus
John Loftus

John Loftus
[Related article: London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset]
- As a former Justice Department prosecutor, John Loftus once held some of the highest security clearances in the world, with special access to NATO Cosmic, CIA codeword, and Top Secret Nuclear files. As a private attorney, he works without charge to help hundreds of intelligence agents obtain lawful permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets of our times. He is the author of four history books, three of which have been made into films, two were international best sellers, and one was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. -
- john-loftus.com -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

Alex Jones in London
Alex Jones in London

Alex Jones Bullhorns Downing Street, British Parliament
- As we were filming the floral tributes and placards at Stockwell (pictured), a police officer walked behind me and gave me a less than polite firm hand on the shoulder. "Can you come with me please," he barked. -
- InfoWars.com, Aug 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 4, 2005)

Ayman al-Zawahri

Al-Qaeda 'Blames Blair for Bombs'
- Osama Bin Laden's lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri has warned London will face more attacks because of Tony Blair's foreign policy decisions. -
- BBC News, Aug 4, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

George Orwell

Orwellian Doublethink in London
- After the bombings, some Londoners try to psychologically justify living in tyranny -
- by Steve Watson & Paul Watson, Aug 5, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 5, 2005)

Hazel W.M. McKinlay reports from London

Braced for Martial Law
- Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair says foreigners can be deported to countries where they may be tortured or executed, because “the mood has changed” and human rights laws, which are now superfluous, will be amended accordingly to jail thought criminals at home. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Aug 5, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 6, 2005)

7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network
- Only conspiracy theorists would believe the government wasn't involved -
- by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Aug 7, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 9, 2005)

Turkish Press Reaction to the London Bombings
- I suspect that in the new world order that began with the policies of globalization, Al-Qaeda is rather in the service of the imperialistic goals of the West. -
- The Middle East Media Research Institute, Aug 3, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 13, 2005)

Big Mac

Bus Bomber Stopped For a Big Mac Before Killing Started
- Comment by Alex Jones, InfoWars.com: A portrait of a really hardcore Muslim fundamentalist who hates Western values, visiting McDonald's before 'blowing himself up'. That's exactly what I'd do before bombing a bus, buy a Big Mac. These guys were clearly dupes who thought they were part of a drill. When the drill went live and tubes started blowing up, Hussain obviously freaked out and started calling his friends. -
- London Independent, Aug 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: Aug 26, 2005)

Bomb Bus 'Doctor' Found Dead
- A New Zealand woman who told a tale about her role in helping victims of the London bombings has been found dead in her home in London. -
- New Zeeland Herald, Aug 20, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 1, 2005)

London Bombs: Former UK Cabinet Minister Meacher Says MI6 is Trying to Cover its Tracks
- During an interview on Fox TV this summer, the former US federal prosecutor John Loftus reported that British intelligence had used the al-Muhajiroun group in London to recruit Islamist militants with British passports for the war against the Serbs in Kosovo. Since July Scotland Yard has been interested in an alleged member of al-Muhajiroun, Haroon Rashid Aswat, who some sources have suggested could have been behind the London bombings. -
- Guardian, Sep 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Sep 14, 2005)

Britain Recruited Terrorists, Meacher Claims
- AN astonishing claim that M16 recruited Muslim extremists in Britain for terror training abroad has been made by Oldham MP and former cabinet minister Michael Meacher. -
- The Asian News, Oct 2, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 3, 2005)

The Luton CCTV Image of London Bombers

Evidence Luton CCTV Image is Fake
[Scroll down until you see:
To properly see the evidence, open our zoom-in enlargement, and click on the link]
- "Police have based their theory that the attacks were suicide bombings largely around the fact that all four suspects died in the attacks... -
- WagNews.Blogspot.com, July 23, 2005 -
(Posted here: Oct 10, 2005)


Latest Footage of London Bomber: More Evidence of a Frame Up
- ...These revelations are yet more evidence to suggest that the so called "suicide bombers" had little or no idea that they were going to die on 7/7. -
- by Steve Watson, Nov 01, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 02, 2005)

Blair defeated

Anti-Terror Measure Rejected in Britain
- The House of Commons on Wednesday soundly defeated an anti-terrorism measure championed by Prime Minister Tony Blair, dealing him one of the most significant political setbacks of his eight years in office. -
- The Washington Post, Nov 10, 2005 -
(Posted here: Nov 10, 2005)

A Narrative of the London Bombings
Intelligence failures aside, other claims are full of contradictions. If the bombers were intent on committing suicide, why did they buy return tickets to London from Luton and leave identifying items which led to the discovery of their bomb factory in Leeds? -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Dec 17, 2005 -
(Posted here: Dec 17, 2005)

London fire-fighters

The 7/7 London Bombings
[Video, 35 min 39 sec]
- The 7/7 Bombings: A Summary of the Evidence Interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses to the July 7 bombings clearly conflict with official accounts. While news clips and official statements in this outstanding Internet documentary reveal a web of intrigue, contradictions and downright lies -
- The TruthSeeker -
(Posted here: Friday, Apr 21, 2006)

Charles Shoebridge

Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
- A noted terror expert has told the BBC that Mohammed Siddique Khan, the alleged ringleader of the 7/7 London bombings, was working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the time of the attacks. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 27, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, July 14, 2006)

David Shayler

7/7 Mind the Gap
[Video, 40:55]
- MI5 whistleblower David Shayler presents new evidence to demand London bombings enquiry. A very detailed and well evidenced documentary, which sets out to challenge and ends up totally destroying the official government account of the London bombings. -
- Video.Google.co.uk, Jul 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, Sep 05, 2006)

Inside Facts About the 7/7 London Bombings
- The British and US government are stirring an atmosphere of animosity and hatred between white and Asian people in the UK, US and around the world. Whites verses Asians invents the excuse for the invasion of the Middle East. They are also looking for a minority to blame for the terrorism in the UK and US that the governments themselves are responsible for. This is known as ‘false flag’ terrorism. 'Al Qaeda' is an MI- 6, CIA organisation utilising Middle Eastern assets... -
- by James Casbolt, Feb 19, 2007 -
(Posted here: Monday, February 19, 2007)

Second Bombings (July 21, 2005)

London Attacked Again; Police Confirm 4 Blasts
- London - Explosions struck three London Underground stations and a bus at midday Thursday in a chilling but less deadly replay of the suicide bombings that killed 56 people two weeks ago. -
- Truthout.org, July 21, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)

Report of Explosions
- Comment: This seems to be little more than fear mongering on behalf of the government. They were very insulted by the fact that a large portion of the population didn't buy their official story on the London bombings and this is an attempt to scare the people into not asking questions. Or it could just be idiot copycats who made weak home-made bombs. Either way, the same people who were behind the London bombings benefit from this. -
- Sky News, July 25, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)

More Explosions in London: Psy-ops in Progress
- This immediately stalls questions about the first bombing. The mainstream media were finally beginning to highlight the fact that the government's official story did not fit together. This takes those issues off the front pages. -
- by Steve Watson, Paul Watson & Alex Jones, July 21 2005 -
(Posted here: July 21, 2005)

Scotland Yard Knew Of Second Bombing Attempt
- SCOTLAND Yard knew the Tube would be bombed yesterday after being tipped off there would be an attack this week, it emerged last night. -
- London Mirror, July 22, 2005 -
(Posted here: July 22, 2005)

The Illuminati News
Mission Statement

Articles That Are Updated Occasionally:

* *

The Bird Flu

The Avian Flu Database
- My very good friend, Wayne Morin Jr., and I decided to create a database with articles on the Avian Flu, in chronological order as the events happen. We hope this will be helpful for you in your own research. -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Oct 16, 2005 -

* *

The Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
- A Reference Database -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 -

* *

NAPA State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals running the facility are behind bars? And even more important is: how long will it take before the invisible people in top positions of the society, those who are behind all this, can be put on trial? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 -

* *

Fence around Napa State Hospital

Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
- I researched psychiatry long before I started researching the New World Order; before I even knew what the New World Order was. What came out of that research was mind-boggling. I thought that psychiatry, this so-called "science", must be the most vicious practice on Earth... -
- by Wes Penre, Apr 27, 2005 -

Biography of Wes Penre

A Spiritual Solution to the New World Order

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