Churchill planned the sinking of several ships, among them the
H.M.S Hampshire and the Lusitania, counting on American feelings
being high. Yet the U.S. authorities were in on it, but like
Pearl Harbour and 9/11 it suited their purposes to turn a blind
So Capt. William Turner was under orders to continue with the
voyage. Even though the destroyer escort was recalled, he was
told to go slow. His path was plotted by the Admiralty to put
the ship ”in direct danger”,
the words used in Admiralty documents.
Naval apologists have suggested that the captain may not have
known of the weapons on board, but the first mate not only knew,
but was issued with a side arm, so if he knew why not captain
William Turner?
Certainly statements by a New York celebrity, Mrs. E. Jacobs,
say many in the Jewish community knew that it contained weapons
and would be sunk.
The single page cargo manifest was signed by Capt. Turner, but a
supplementary cargo manifest 24 pages long was produced after
sailing time; this caused a row with the harbourmaster.
This 24 page cargo manifest was destroyed in the mass culling of
incriminating war documents pulled together from various sources
in the 1960’s. Much other incriminating documentation was
destroyed 2 years ago, on the orders of Tony Blair.
Be assured it contained a list of light to very heavy weaponry.
The ship went down in under 18 minutes from one German torpedo.
One torpedo[1]
was seen as giving long enough for the passengers
and crew to reach the lifeboats, yet we are told from the very
few survivors, that after impact, a huge explosion occurred on
board, away-
from the point of impact.
It was always the intention of the Churchill/Rothschild alliance
that the Lusitania would be a sacrifice to bring in the U.S.A.
to join the British war effort against Germany.
Underwater explorer and investigator, the highly reputable
Robert Ballard, is alleged to have told a reporter with
intelligence back-grounding, that the ship wreck he saw on the
seabed, had a small torpedo entry hole, but significant and
unconnected explosive damage which had sunk the ship.
The inference from this and other info, being a controlled
explosion on board was designed to insure the ship sunk.

Baron Nathan Rothschild
(1840-1915) |
Rothschild, whose banks loaned the British the finances for all
wars at colossal interest rates, was part of a syndicate with
J.P Morgan who was threatening to buy up the North Atlantic
shipping lines, including Britain’s White Star, so the Lusitania
would have been rendered useless anyway. And in 1903, Cunard
boss Lord Inverclyde took the threats seriously and lobbied the
Balfour administration for a £2’6 million loan to build the
Lusitania and the Mauritania. Britain agreed to pay the annual
sum of £150,000 to keep the ships available for war. This was
down to Rothschild lobbying against Germany for some
considerable time previously, while Nathan Rothschild plotted
the downfall of the Russian royal family and the revolution,
confiscating the Romanov wealth and bank accounts. Critics have
said that Rothschild representatives planned the war to bring
about their plans for profit and world government. Rothschild
would have followed the rule that
“profit is all“. The
same Hebrew root word is behind the terms for both god and
money; “shekels and Shekinah”,
which explains the worship of money.
Churchill and the Rothschild syndicate planned to push the
German authorities in every way into sinking the Lusitania. This
is known in intelligence circles slang as a “dangle”.
to The New York Times, the Lusitania was torpedoed twice.. It
all depends on the source. Wes Penre

Click on the picture to enlarge
Ships deck log
The Dangers of
Zionism- Harry Cohen
Jews versus
Zionism-Harry Cohen
pamphlets-Harry Cohen
Works of Henry
Lectures of
Rabbi Louis Jacobs
Lies in
wartime-A Ponsonby
Masonic records- L. Geller Chicago
Family of Mrs.
R. E. K. Hill. A Churchill Secretary
Jeffrey-Military Intelligence following W W 1
Occleshaw- Armour against fate,
Norman Shelley.
Military Intelligence in W .W.1
German foreign
minister - Gottlieb von Jagow
documents ( heavily sanitized )
Jane’s fighting
Imp War Musuem
Journal of
Charles Taylor
Cunard archives
Public records
synagogues alliance
Correspondence with author
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