the very nature of articles such as this, informants and sources
have to be protected, and as a rule their identities withheld.
But so important did the main source for this article believe
this information to be, that he was willing to risk
identification to put the information into the public domain,
and allowed me to question several other contacts.
In the early seventies I worked in London helping young
offenders with their community service; often these youngsters
would not be able to get a job for various reasons, and would on
occasion get into trouble with the police.
You may already be familiar with the
1987 Cleveland and later
Orkney child abuse scandals, among several others, where a
group of social workers concocted or exaggerated stories in the
Scottish Orkney islands of Satanic sexual abuse, and broke up
whole families in the process. In fact there are listed no less
than 80 of these Satanic investigations world wide, during a
very narrow time frame, and usually were instigated by extremist
Christian sects such as the Evangelicals.
At no time were real experts involved, e g demonologists or
satanic defectors, just social workers and religious cultists.
Even the Catholic Church had to hold the secret “Operation
Templeman”, in which to scan trainee priests to route out
disturbed sexual predators.
This teenage lad when I first met him for his community service,
had been picked up for shoplifting some food in a London
supermarket, and when the police searched him back at the police
station, he had strange bodily markings consistent with a ritual
This lad was living in a children’s home near to Hampstead
Heath, and he was small for his age and with a large appealing
mop of blonde curly hair, he would slowly loiter about on the
Heath, and when approached by gay men to purchase his services,
would give a signal to several other teenagers hiding in the
bushes who would rush out and rough up the man and take his
money, This was a popular pastime and was called in the local
children’s homes “poof bashing”.
Now this lad said that among the regulars on the Heath were some
well known personalities in politics and show business.
detective whom I discussed this case with some years ago said: “politics
is not a family oriented profession, it is more suited to a
single mans lifestyle, which is why it appeals to so many gays”.
New Labour is by and large a gay party, priority is given to gay
job seekers, children adopters and party activists.
The news that certain names are to be deemed politically
incorrect such as the term “ homosexual” and “housewife” and
that “bride and groom” are no longer to represent male and
female, and all TV advertisements are to be monitored for racism
This all the while that the Hollywood hate filled anti-German
films made during W.W.II are shown every afternoon on British T
V, predictably showing the evil Germans losing out to the
victorious “all-lies”. Surely now we should put all those racist
films into the dustbin of history.

Prescott (b. 1938) |
The spate of recent newspaper articles making fun of deputy
leader John Prescott have come from the Blairite centre and are
designed to discredit him. Downing St bodyguards are always a
good information source, and have said that a private
investigator was digging the dubious sexual past history of
those at the pinnacle of New Labour, and allegedly paid for by
John Prescott, and has said that he believes that Gordon Brown
married late in life only to make himself more credible, and
that Brown was a rival with Mandelsohn for the attentions of
Tony Blair.
If a man is open with his sexuality, I do not see a problem, but
so many of the recent changes we have seen in the law have been
anti-family and heterophobic in nature. And how many others have
married to hide up their past, and become more appealing as
family men?
The chief psychiatrist at Utah state prison and an expert on
ritual abuse, both satanic Christian and Jewish, claims that
over 40,000 mainly children each year are murdered in these
This took me back to the young lad who told me similar stories
all those years ago about boys being abused by political figures
who met on Hampstead Heath, and it is strange how the same names
come up again and again. I would agree that a persons sexuality
is their own, except where children or vulnerable adults are