June 01 - June 30
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Blair's New World

Blair Laid Bare: The
Article That May Get You Arrested
- Despite the cost of the ID card system - estimated by the
Government as being about £5.8bn and by the London School of
Economics as being between £10bn and £19bn - few think that it
will attack the problems of terrorism and ID theft.
George Churchill-Coleman described it to me as an absolute waste
of time. "You and I will carry them
because we are upright citizens. But a terrorist isn't going to
carry [his own]. He will be carrying yours." -
- The Independence, June 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Great Britain]
Corruption Within
the U.S "Naturalization and Immigration Services"

Terrorists Are Using Our
Immigration System - With Help From the Inside
- "...Nearly 20% of the complaints against agents of the US
Citizenship and Immigration Services allege criminal activities.
"Alleged crimes include bribery, harboring illegal aliens, money
laundering, structuring, sale of documents, marriage fraud,
extortion, undue foreign influence, and making false statements,
among other things. Also included among these complaints are
national security cases; for example, allegations of USCIS
employees providing material support to known terrorists or
being influenced by foreign intelligence services." -
- by Douglas J. Hagmann, Northeast Intelligence Network, June
29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The New World Order in General]
The 2006
Bilderberg Meeting

Canadian Military Police
Kidnap, Detain, Torture Bilderberg Investigators
- Three Canadian citizens who visited the Brookestreet Hotel in
Ottawa to observe members of the Bilderberg Group earlier this
month were kidnapped, detained without charge and suffered the
ordeal of a marathon interrogation session and psychological
torture - including threats to "cut off the arms" of one of the
victims. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 30, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers]
The Fascist State
Ohio High School Teacher
Was House Ransacked And Attempts Made On His Life For Compiling
Sensitive 9/11 Information
- Tom Mustric, who was suspended from teaching for seven days
for 9/11 statements contrary to the administration, turns out to
be targeted by authorities for other 9/11 related information he
has uncovered. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 28, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

No Bravery
- James Blunt is a singer and songwriter from the north Norfolk
cost in England. He is 28 years old and is now gaining
international recognition for his music. He's got a very
sensitive and emotional voice, which grabs the listener
immediately. He scooped two Brit awards for best pop act and
best British male. Here you have the opportunity to listen to
his very powerful song, "No Bravery" for free online, as
background music to a video about the devastating Iraq war and
Bush's genocide program. -
- by James Blunt (Introduction by Wes Penre) -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 29, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Iraq War/Resistance |
Video & Audio Room (Multimedia)]
Pedophilia in

Stop Republican
- This article focuses only on pedophilia within the Republican
Party, which is unfortunate if we want to get the whole picture
of what is going on. This phenomenon is not isolated to one
party. Of course, if we start investigating the Democrats, we
will find similar statistics there. Although the article is
one-sided, I am still publishing it as-is, because the
information is pretty shocking and horrifying... Wes Penre
- by Rick Santorum, Armchairsubversive.com -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 28, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Pedophiles and
The LA 9/11

Worldwide Media Covers LA 9/11 Conference
- A famous radio programmer, Alex Jones, said that there many
people believed that this was ‘an inside job.’ The author of the
book, “9/11-fabricated Terror- Made in USA”, Webster Tartpley
claimed that September 11 was a state-supported terror prepared
by unscrupulous CIA agents, who wanted to start a war among
civilizations. Tartpley asserted that the Washington
administration used terror as a pretext to turn the US into a
“police state”. -
- from InfoWars.com, June 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 28, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Israel and

Israel is The Mother of
Terrorism in The Middle East
- The state of Israel was established by Zionist terror
organizations such as Irgun (or Etzel), Hagana, and Stern, who
used to plant bombs in crowded Palestinian markets, cafes,
shops, and buses. What was called Israeli military intelligence
then had carried out a bombing campaign in Egypt in 1954, and
had hijacked a Syrian civilian airliner in the same year in
order to obtain hostages to trade for captured Zionist spies. -
- by Dr. Elias Akleh, June 26, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 27, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Israel and Palestine]
Legal & Justice

Hold Federal Judges
Accountable to the Constitution - Support the "Judicial Conduct
- Back in 1996, Justice Antonin Scalia penned the following
words in a scathing dissent from a case: "What secret knowledge,
one must wonder, is breathed into lawyers when they become
Justices of this [Supreme] Court, that enables them to discern
that a practice which the text of the Constitution does not
clearly proscribe, and which our people have regarded as
constitutional for 200 years, is in fact unconstitutional? . . .
Day by day, case by case, [the Court] is busy designing a
Constitution for a country I do not recognize." -
- by William Greene, President RightMarch.com -
(Posted here: Monday, June 27, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Legal System]
9/11 "Inside Job
Conference" Covered in Mainstream Media

9/11 Conspiracy
Theorists Gather At LA Conference
- (InfoWars.com): "Thanks to everyone who has helped to
get the word out, the mainstream is being forced more and more
to cover the majority, based-in-fact conviction that 9/11 was an
inside job." -
- by Jill Serjeant, Reuters, June 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 26, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
Sunday Confession

Confession No.10: Billy
Graham firmly Under Vatican And Jesuit Control? Vatican and
Jesuit Vendetta for England Never-Ending; Should Serve as
Example Of What Is Really Happening in America
- Researchers come forward with information that Dr. Graham was
a 33rd Degree Freemason. Recent Guardian article says EU is a
Catholic plot to impose Vatican sovereignty over Britain. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Jesuit Order |
The Shadow Government: Who Are They?]

The Awful Truth About
Billy Graham
- Repeatedly, I have been warned that if I dare to expose Billy
Graham and his gigantic organization, the powers that be will
utterly destroy Texe Marrs and Living Truth Ministries. -
- by Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Nazi Salute

The Nazi Salute’s Origin
in the USA
- he modern pledge of allegiance is a cover-up. The
hand-over-the-heart hides a horrid history. It hides the
original gesture, which was very different. The hand covers up
what real Americans know in their hearts is a bizarre ritual
that glorifies big government. -
- RexCurry.net -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 25, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past]
Resistance Against
the New World

Slats Grobnik Rallies
America Around "Credo For Peace" As He Devises Plan To Defeat
The New World Order
- Fresh out of a Denver gulag, Slats wants everyone in America
to repeat his 'Credo' at 1:03 pm central time on Monday, as
starters to rid America of the enemy within. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 24, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 24, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
The New World

The Truth About
- "Diversity" is a massive long-term mind control program posing
as 'equal rights" designed ultimately to disinherit nations of
European and Christian origin. -
- by Dr Henry Makow, June 24, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 24, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bush Family

A Nazi in the (Pocket)
is Worth Four in the Bush (Family)
[Part 1]
- It’s as well to remember that the Web never forgets, at least
the US pres should take note of this fact and be careful of his
utterances and how they can come back to haunt him. In fact four
generations of Bush family history and too many skeletons in too
many closets to count are to be found on the Web. -
- by William Bowles, Information Clearinghouse, May 07, 2003
(Posted here: Friday, June 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bush Dynasty]

Frauds-R-Us - The Bush
Family Saga
[Part 2]
- The other really important question to ask is how can one
family which has so many skeletons in the family closet, get
away with such dirty dealings and over such a long period of
time without being called to task? -
- by William Bowles, Information Clearinghouse, May 12, 2003
(Posted here: Friday, June 23, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bush Dynasty]
The North American

Canada, the United
States, and Mexico... a Possible Merger
- f someone would have told me last year that some of our
leaders in our government and those of the powerful elite in
this country were plotting to merge Canada, the United States,
and Mexico, I would have brushed it aside as a conspiracy
theory. Yes, it seems wild, however as we face the huge illegal
immigration issue, many conservatives are now starting to put
the pieces together. -
- by Felicia Benamon, The Conservative Voice, June 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 22, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
The Bilderberg
Meeting 2006

read for your own safety!
Big Surprises at Bilderberg
- Bilderberg expects interest rates to rise and many Americans
to lose their homes in the months ahead. Meanwhile, they hope
they can pressure President Bush to refrain from an all-out
invasion of Iran while maintaining oil prices at their current
record-high levels of about $70 a barrel. -
- by James P. Tucker Jr, American Free Press, June 19, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 22, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers]
The Assassination
of Princess Diana

Revealed: Diana
Inquiry's Tantalising New Questions
- Astonishing claims by new witnesses are being examined by
British detectives investigating Diana's death. They seem
incredible. But if true, they could rock the Royal Family to its
foundations. -
- by Sue Reid, Daily Mail, June 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
- Real and Attempted]

The Surveillance State
- President Bush has inaugurated the largest surveillance state
in human history, ordering the NSA to wiretap millions of
Americans’ telephone calls and e-mails abroad (according to the
New York Times) and collecting the telephone records of as many
as 200 million Americans (according to USA Today). Moreover, the
FBI acknowledged searching the personal effects of more than
3,500 Americans without a court search warrant (according to the
Associated Press) using a procedure called a “National Security
Letter” under the Patriot Act. -
- by Thomas R. Eddlem, New American, June 26, 2006 Issue -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Overall Surveillance]
The North American

The American Union is
Already Here
- Author Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom of Information Act request
yesterday asking for full disclosure of the activities of an
office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and
Canada that apparently could lead to a North American union,
despite having no authorization from Congress. -
- Associated Press, June 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 21, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
The Destruction of
Global Freight Train
Rolling Through America Wants To Run Over All Freedom-Loving
- There is no stopping the diabolical dirty dealings of the New
World Order Agenda, Including Vatican Support Of Nazis Offering
Solid Evidence Of Its Involvement In A Similar Takeover Of
America. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 20, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past]
U.S. Politics

Frontline: The battle
Between Vice President Cheney and CIA to Control the 'Dark Side'
- Tuesday's episode of the PBS public affairs series Frontline
will probe the battle between Vice President Dick Cheney and the
CIA to control the 'dark side,' according to a press release for
the show. -
- Raw Story, June 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 20, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Richard B. Cheney]
Citizens Under

Government Orders Spy
- The government has hired defense subcontractor Lockheed Martin
to design and develop an enormous blimp that will be used to spy
on Americans, according to the Athens News. Government agencies
such as the NSA are anticipating that as early as 2009 the blimp
will be operational and begin supporting new ways of monitoring
everything that happens in the country. -
- from Free Market News Network, June 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 19, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Overall Surveillance]
Slavery Under the
New World Order

Bankers Extended WWI By
Three Years
- According to Eustace Mullins, Edith Cavell had stumbled upon
some damaging information. On April 15, 1915, The Nursing Mirror
in London published her letter revealing that the Allied
"Belgian Relief Commission" (charged with feeding Belgium) was
in fact channeling thousands of tons of supplies to Germany. -
- by Henry Makow, PhD, June 17, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
World War I]
Secret Societies

Highly Recommended
Secret Society Database
- oël van der Reijden is a magnificent researcher. He has been
documenting and followed up on all significant secret societies
known and unknown to common people. He has successfully managed
to connect different Elite members of the Illuminati to
different secret societies and posted all his revelations on his
website: Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions. -
- by Wes Penre, June 18, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre
Secret Society News]
Electric Shock
Treatments Used in School As A Punishment

N.Y. Report Denounces
Shock Use at School
Says students are living in fear
[This is incredible. What a horrific crime! Wes Penre]
- "There's no education in what's happening here," said Ken
Mollins , a lawyer representing the Nicholson family, which is
suing New York for $10 million. ``The head of this institution
calls this therapy. I think this is more like a domestic torture
chamber." -
- by Scott Allen, The Boston Globe, June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing and Mental Health | Education]
New Terrorist

New “al-Qaeda in Iraq”
Boogieman: Abu al-Masri
- According to Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, “If you had to pick
somebody” as the probable new boogieman, it would be Abu al-Masri.
Caldwell did not bother to tell us who would do the picking but
this is of course a no-brainer—the picking was accomplished in
the PSYOP unit at the Pentagon. -
- by Kurt Nimmo, 'Another Day in the Empire', June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Updates On the Iraq War]
Sunday Confession
Confession No.9: Will
America Rise Up Against Jesuits, Vatican And New World Order
- As the question lingers will Americans sit back and allow the
'powers that be' to refer to them as 'useless eaters' or will
they rely on past history to uncover and remove the real
culprits behind the destruction of America. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 18, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 18, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Jesuit Order |
The Shadow Government: Who Are They?]

Pentagon Sued for
Surveillance Info
- WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union filed a
lawsuit in federal court Wednesday demanding more information
about a Defense Department database that collected information
on antiwar groups and U.S. citizens. -
- by Lolita C, Baldor, AP, June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Overall Surveillance]
Great Divide Between
Congress And People Indicates The Coming Of A Second American
- Letter from U.S. Senator from Colorado shows how the law of
the land and the will of the people are being ignored. Boulder
citizens rally around talk radio show to voice opinions on the
'taking back of America' from the criminals in Washington. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 16, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
History of

The Lightbringers
- his film by Jüri Lina tells about what kind of light and how
the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how
it affects us. ... An exciting excursion to some of the most
powerful Masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe. -
- by Jüri Lina, Apr 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Freemasonry | Video & Audio
Room: Secret Societies]

Rival U.S. Labs in Arms
Race to Build Safer Nuclear Bomb
- Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico are
locked in an intense competition with rivals at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory in the Bay Area to design the
nation's first new nuclear bomb in two decades. -
- by Ralph Vartabedian, LA Times, June 13, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 16, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Science - The Illuminati Religion]
The Legal System

Who Is the Judge When
Governments Commit Crimes?
- When a city, or
country, appoints sentries, and they turn their guns against the
city, who is proper judge of this group of men?
presupposes an earlier question: ‘Once the city becomes aware of the
treachery, what is the next step?’ -
- by Anthony Hargis, June 15, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 15, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Anthony Hargis | The Legal System]
The North American

Bush Administration
Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway
- Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is
advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four
football-fields-wide, through the heart of the U.S. along
Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the
Canadian border north of Duluth, Minn. -
- by Jerome Corsi, Human Events, June 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 15, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
U.S. - Nazi
Cooperation Files Released!

The CIA’s Top Nazi
Employees: Gestapo Boss worked in D.C.!
- Some 27,000 pages of Central Intelligence Agency records
regarding operational relationships between the CIA and former
Nazis following World War II were disclosed yesterday at the
National Archives. -
- from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy, Volume 2006,
Issue No. 67 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 14, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Nazism Today And In the Past
Intelligence Agencies
And Other Government Spy Organizations]
Mind Over Matter

'Mind Over Matter' No
Longer Science Fiction
- Sitting stone still under a skull cap
fitted with a couple dozen electrodes, American scientist Peter
Brunner stares at a laptop computer. Without so much as moving a
nostril hair, he suddenly begins to compose a message — letter
by letter — on a giant screen overhead. -
- Physorg.com, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 14, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Mind Over Matter]
Freedom Fighters

North Carolina Supreme
Court Justice Candidate Claims 'The Beast' Has Infiltrated Every
Level Of Society
- Rachel Lea Hunter is one of the most endangered species in
America: Someone who will make an honest judge. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 12, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
The Bilderberg
Meeting 2006

Full List of Bilderberg
Attendees 2006
- Alex Jones travelled to Canada this weekend to document the
Conference of the secretive Bilderberg group. Contacts within
group and at the Brookstreet hotel leaked an exclusive full list
of Bilderberg attendees to us. Click below for images of the
attendees list. -
- Infowars.com, June 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers]

G8 'Failing to Meet Aid Pledges'
[How predictable! See the "Related Articles" list
within this article. Money is NEVER the issue; the issue
is NWO policy, dictated in Bilderberg Meetings, G8
meetings, and CFR Committees etc., Wes Penre]
- "The danger is that this will mask a failure to
increase the underlying volume of real aid in line with
their Gleneagles commitments, allowing the G8 to take
their foot off the accelerator." -
- by David Loyn, BBC News, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 13, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:

A Warning to Africa: The
New U.S. Imperial Grand Strategy
- Commenting in late 2002 in Foreign Policy, John Lewis Gaddis,
professor of military and naval history at Yale, stated that the
goal of the impending war on Iraq was one of inflicting an
"Agincourt on the banks of the Euphrates." This would be a
demonstration of power so great that, as in Henry V's famous
fifteenth-century victory in France, the geopolitical landscape
would be changed for decades to come. -
- by John Bellamy Foster, GlobalResearch.ca, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Bush Is Selling
Out America

President Quietly
Creating 'NAFTA Plus'
- Without announcing his intentions to do so, President Bush has
decided to support the creation of a North American Union
through a process of governmental regulations, never having to
bring the issue before the American people for a clear
referendum or vote. -
- by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events, May 24, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
Global Integration
- heir plan has been globally to integrate regional economic
arrangements and then advocate their management by a World
Socialist Government. Currently there is an effort to integrate
the U.S., Canada and Mexico, and that is why American
politicians have no real desire to control our borders despite
their posturing to the contrary. -
- by Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD, NewsWithViews, May 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
North American Union]
The 9/11 Fiasco

FBI Says, “No Hard
Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”
- On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI
Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most
Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in
connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb,
Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why
there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page,
Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin
Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence
connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” -
- Indy Media, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 12, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
News on 9/11]
The Death of

Propaganda Found in
Zarqawi's Lair
- Now, tell me this.... How could two 500 Pound bombs land on
Zarqawi's Concrete Hideout, and completely destroy the building
-- are you guys looking at the photos?...why does nothing seems
"burnt" in the immediate area? How could the skin on the corpses
remain so intact without melting like a grilled cheese
Now they say Zarqawi was actually alive when the Iraqi military
got there! -- but just had enough strength to mumble, and make
an effort to jump off the stretcher and run away on his wooden
leg... -
- Rense.com, June 10, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Updates On the Iraq War]
The de Menezes
Shooting Coverup

Official Report Damns Met Bosses for de Menezes Shooting
- The leaked Independent Police Complaints Commission report
shows a catalogue of blunders and cock-ups. The dossier is so
damning it appears to spell the end for Met chief Sir Ian Blair.
- by Ian Kirby, News of the World, June 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Attack on London - First Bombings (July 7,
Sunday Confession
Confession No. 8: Crafty
And Duplicitous Jesuits Are Master Deceivers With The Goal To
Destroy America
- Crafty And Duplicitous Jesuits Are Master Deceivers With The
Goal To Destroy America -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 11, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 11, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Jesuit Order |
The Shadow Government: Who Are They?]
The Tax Fraud

1040 Checkmate?
- On May 12, 2006 in Peoria, Illinois, the attorney for the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ) begged the court to dismiss all
charges against IRS victim Robert Lawrence in federal District
The motion for dismissal came on the heels of a surprise tactic
by Lawrence’s defense attorney Oscar Stilley.
The tactic threatened exposure of IRS’s on-going efforts to
defraud the public. The move put DOJ attorneys in a state of
panic that left them with only one alternative: beg for
dismissal, with prejudice. -
- We The People, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The IRS]
The Bilderbergers
in Canadian Media

Kanata Hotel Hosts
High-Level Power Group
- A serene setting in Ottawa's west-end Kanata suburb has been
transformed into a four-day festival of black suits, black
limousines, burly security guards and a bevy of conspiracy
theories. -
- CBC News, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers]

Bilderberg Mafia Comes
Under Scrutiny Of Canadian Media
- The Canadian media has already blitzed its American
counterparts by producing a rash of reports about the secretive
Bilderberg Group meeting in Ottawa as the conference enters its
second day. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 10, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers]
The Bilderbergers
and Fascist Canada
[Reporter] Alex Jones
Detained on Orders of Bilderberg Group
- Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration
on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of
interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in
anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers | The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!
| Suppression of Free Speech | Freedom Fighters and Resistance]

Filmmaker Held at Airport
- Canadian authorities detained an American activist filmmaker
at the Ottawa airport late Wednesday night, confiscating his
passport, camera equipment and most of his belongings. -
- by Laura Payton, Ottawa Citizen, June 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Bilderbergers | The Global Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!
| Suppression of Free Speech | Freedom Fighters and Resistance]
The Occupation of

Unreported: The Zarqawi Invitation
- If you prefer your fairy tales unsoiled by facts, read no
further. If you want the uncomfortable truth, begin with this:
A phone call to Baghdad to Saddam's Palace on the night of April
21, 2003. It was Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on a
secure line from Washington to General Jay Garner.
The General had arrives in Baghdad just hours before to take
charge of the newly occupied nation. The message from Rumsfeld
was not a heartwarming welcome. Rummy told Garner, Don't
unpack, Jack -- you're fired. -
- by Greg Palast, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Updates On the Iraq War]
The New World

When The Illuminati Says
Look Down, Look Up To Saturn For Radiation Shower That May Kill
- The Cassini Project is not fiction, as NASA has spacecraft
orbiting the gaseous planet loaded with 72 pounds of plutonium
ready to rock the heavens, rearrange the solar system and
destroy planet Earth. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 09, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 09, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The New World Order in General]
Vatican and Nazism
According to Researcher
Jared Israel, Vatican And Hitler Worked Together
- Although the Vatican openly claims Nazism was the antithesis
of the Catholic Church, strong evidence claims it was nothing
but double talk. Most Italians are wise to the Vatican's lying
ways, saying La vita e' una fregatura. But sadly most Americans
remain in the dark due to infiltrated media. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 07, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism

Suspect in Bomb Plot Was
Canadian Soldier
- More details were emerging Wednesday about an alleged bomb
plot in Ontario and about one of the suspects and his alleged
plan to behead Prime Minister Stephen Harper. -
- by Keith Regan, E-Commerce Times, June 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous On War On Terrorism]
Reggae Legend Dies
at 64

Reggae Legend Desmond
Dekker Dies
- "Desmond Dekker & the Aces' hit song "Israelites" was one of
my favorite songs when I was a kid. I remember when it was just
released and I heard it for the first time. It knocked me out."
Wes Penre, Illuminati News -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 08, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous]
Potential Future
Terror Attacks

Nexus Points Emerge For
Potential Summer Attack
- Numerous nexus points have emerged that suggest major western
governments are preparing for a summer terror attack that will
come close to but not match 9/11 in scale and will provide the
justification needed for an air strike on Iran before the
midterm elections in early November. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, June 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Potential Future Terror Attacks]
National ID Card

Is Big Brother Belgian?
- Belgium is the first European country with a nation-wide
electronic ID card. -
- by 'Iatromante', Dec 19, 2005 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
National ID to Buy and Sell]
The Da Vinci Code

Silencing the Da Vinci
- Christian groups want The Da Vinci Code banned. A pliant
Censor Board of India insists on a disclaimer at the beginning
and end saying the film is “a work of pure fiction and has no
correspondence to historical facts of the Christian religion.” -
- by Kalavai Venkat, India-Forum, May 29, 2006 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, June 07, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Terrorism in Great

Terrorising British
- On June 2nd 2006, with a four day no-fly zone enforced within
a five mile radius over the East End, 250 anti-terror police
raided a suburban home at Forest Gate in the dead of night and
shot a man without warning, as he came downstairs. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, June 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Zionism vs.

The Difference Between
Judaism and Zionism
- For over 60 years I have fought Zionism, as did my father
before me, and I am therefore quite familiar with it. For those
who have been in this fight for only the last ten or twenty
years, what I have to say may be surprising or even shocking. -
- by G. Neuburger -
(Posted here: Tuesday, June 06, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Zionism (The core of the Illuminati)
| Judaism]
The North American

The North American Union
- Back in 2004, I published The Real Matrix in seven parts (read
them here). I had little idea how the process outlined there
would accelerate in 2005 and 2006. Indeed, even those still
“plugged in” ought to be wondering why the U.S. Senate just gave
thumbs-up (62 yeas vs. 26 nays) to an immigration bill that most
of the public does not want and would clearly be destructive of
this country’s long-term best interests—educationally,
culturally, and economically. -
- by Steven Yates, PhD, NewsWithViews, June 05, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The North American Union]

Hayden Nomination
Revives Eavesdropping Controversy
- Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden's nomination to lead the CIA
is just the spark Democrats and some Republicans desire to
reignite the debate over the warrantless domestic surveillance
program. -
- by Steve Goldstein, The Mercury News, May 08, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
the Name of National and Homeland Security | Overall Surveillance]
Movie Review

The Da Vinci Sham: New
Opiate for the Masses
- The Da Vinci Code has proven to be a most interesting creation
of Illuminati propaganda. With its inevitable arrival on the big
screen, the global elite have launched the latest assault in the
war against our minds—a nice safe religious conspiracy story, to
distract us from the mother of all conspiracies, which they so
desperately want to keep hidden. But in addition to serving as a
distraction, it also pushes their agenda, by injecting specific
imagery and ideas into the collective. -
- by Unda, May 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Monday, June 05, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Movie Reviews]
Sunday Confession

Confession No. 7:
Researcher from Philippines Provides A Look At Satanic
Worshipping In Vatican And Castle Of Darkness In Belgium
- "While Mass is being said in the Sistine Chapel and tourists
are being shown the works of Michelangelo, deep within the
bowels of the Vatican sits a large, circular room with 13
separate chambers, each leading to a distinct catacomb.
When a mummified body is placed in front of each doorway, a
young child is then brutally sacrificed with a long, golden
knife during what is said to be a secret induction ceremony for
new members of the Illuminati, better known as the New World
Order". -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 04, 2006 -
(Posted here: Sunday, June 04, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Jesuit Order |
The Shadow Government: Who Are They?]
The New World

Hidden Book By Samuel
Morse Written In 1835 Gives Important Clues About Real Culprits
Behind The New World Order
- A look at history quickly warns The Vatican's role in the NWO
must be considered just as they were in 1835 when the liberties
of America were being threatened. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 01, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Introduction to the New World Order]
America's Secret

Did the Founding
Fathers Betray the American People?
- What I now have to suggest may be very upsetting for some
people, who hang on to the Constitution as the last resort for
claiming their Freedoms and God Given Rights. How come people
like President George W. Bush can get away with cutting the
Constitution to pieces, like he seems to be doing? Or...is he
really? Could it actually be that he IS making decisions that
are backed up by the Constitution and the Bill of RIghts? Are we
all wrong in our accusations against Bush in these matters? I
would say, yes! Bush is not doing anything wrong! -
- by Wes Penre, June 03, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre
Freemasonry | The Freemasonic
Origins of America]
Drugging Down Our

Would You Give Your
Child Cocaine?
- hile unfunded individuals and grass-roots groups are screaming
at the top of their lungs about psychiatrists drugging our
children based on made-up diseases, drug companies run hourly
television ads to spread the false message of chemical
imbalances. -
- by John Carey, June 02, 2006 -
(Posted here: Saturday, June 03, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing and Mental Health | Drugging Down Our Children]
The Patriot Act

Gagged Librarians Break
Silence on Patriot Act
- Connecticut librarians spoke about their fight to stop the FBI
from gaining access to patrons' library records at a news
conference yesterday organized by the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU), and in a subsequent interview with RAW STORY. -
- by Larissa Alexandrovna, May 31, 2006 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 02, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Patriot Act II]
Today's Heroes

Rep. Martin D. Schneider & Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Bans Forced
Human RFID Chipping
- Civil libertarians cheered yesterday upon news that Wisconsin
Governor Jim Doyle signed a law making it a crime to require an
individual to be implanted with a microchip. -
- by Liz McIntire & Katherine Albrecht, NewsWithViews, Jun
e01, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method |
The Degradation of

The Clownification of
- "We've turned into this nation of overfed clowns, riding
around in clown cars, eating clown food, watching clown shows.
We've become a nation of cringing, craven fuckups." -
- by Stephen P. Pizzo, News for Real, May 25, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
Mainstream Reporters Who Dare To Speak Out]
War on Iran

Spiegel Interview With
Iran's President Ahmadinejad
- In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust, the future of the state of
Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran's
nuclear dispute with the West. -
- Spiegel, May 30, 2006 -
(Posted here: Thursday, June 01, 2006)
[Permanently archived here:
War on Iran]
* * *