A Nazi in the (Pocket) is Worth Four in the Bush (Family)
[Part 1]
by William Bowles, Information Clearinghouse,
May 07, 2003
Last Updated:
Friday, June 23, 2006 05:23:32 AM |
[Part 1] [Part 2]
What is interesting about the history of the Bush
family are the connections; Avril Harriman, Allen Dulles, the Rockefellers
(the start of the oil connection), James Baker III, Gulf Oil, Pennzoil,
Osama bin Laden…on and on it goes.
A lapse of memory?

Prescott Bush, The Nazi
American Banker |
t’s as well to remember
that the Web never forgets, at least the US pres should take note of
this fact and be careful of his utterances and how they can come
back to haunt him. In fact four generations of Bush family history
and too many skeletons in too many closets to count are to be found
on the Web.
And given all the ‘pullpit pounding’ (more of
which below) by ol’ Duyba and his minions, over the dubious moral
character of Saddam and his cronies, much of which has underpinned
the justification for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it’s as
well to compare the two sets of rogues. Not surprisingly, there’s
little to choose between the two except that, in the case of the
Bush gang, they have a ‘pedigree’ in perfidy which extends back
almost a century and four generations that makes Saddam look
positively angelic by comparison.
Prescott Bush – setting a family example
In a previous piece ( http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3243.htm)
a quote I used mentioned Prescott Bush the present pres’s granpa (http://www.americanpolitics.com/20030210Koop.html)
so I decided to do a little researching to see what other dirty
little secrets the Bush family have hidden in the dark recesses of
the WWW and lo and behold, there’s a load of stuff out there (7,630
links to be precise, according to good ol’ google just on granpa
Prescott Bush).

Geronimo |
It’s 1918 and, well you know students, they’re
always up to innocent pranks. It seems Grandpa Bush set his grandson
some fine family precedents starting with digging up Geronimo’s
"In 1918,
Prescott Bush and two companions crept into the cemetery
near Fort Sill and pried open the grave of Geronimo.
The head was
taken out, spiffed up and forwarded to New Haven, where it
was given pride of place for goofy rituals that have been
attended by generations of Bushes and a veritable army of
powerful types."
The Apache nation (what was left of it anyway)
was not amused. Okay, we’ll forgive granpa Bush his ‘juvenile
pranks’ but it seems that this set the scene for the rest of his
miserable life until his death in 1972 from carcinoma of the lung.

Zyklon B |