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Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Truth About "Diversity"
by Henry Makow, PhD, June 24, 2006

Last Updated: Saturday, June 24, 2006 07:21:30 PM

Hnery Makow, PhD
Henry Makow, PhD


e are all affected by "Diversity" but few understand its true nature.

Warning: It isn't pretty[1].

"Diversity" is a massive long-term mind control program posing as 'equal rights" designed ultimately to disinherit nations of European and Christian origin.

While it pretends to advocate for women and minorities, its real agenda is to make Whites in general, and heterosexual White males in particular, yield position and power. The object is to prepare North America and Europe for inclusion in a "world government" run by the central banking cartel based in London.

This private cartel's power is measured by the fact that virtually every major corporation, educational institution and government agency provides "diversity training" (i.e. political reeducation) to its employees. Even though studies show it has zero economic benefit, they spend eight billion dollars a year on it. Toyota alone plans to spend that much in the next ten years.

Here is an example of the shaming of Whites that takes place in these sessions. It is from the text, "Seeing Ourselves: Exploring Race Ethnicity and Culture" (1999) by Carl James. 

A participant, Greg, tells the group:


"As for my race, I am white but I never really had to think about it before. I don't feel that it ever affected the people with whom I associated or talked to. My two best friends are Black and (Canadian) Indian. I was brought up in a family that didn't believe in prejudice and I'm proud of that. If I don't like a person, it is because of their personality, not their race or heritage."

Now you'd think that Greg would pass with flying colors.

You didn't consider the hidden agenda. The author, a Diversity trainer, chastises Greg for assuming he is "the norm." Greg fails to acknowledge his "race privilege," that "invisible package of unearned assets" that is the "white colonial legacy."   Whites like Greg deny "the ways in which they socially, culturally and politically produce relations of domination." (p.44 my emphasis)

In other words, Whites naturally oppress other people. That sounds like vicious racism to me. 

Can you see what's happening? These Diversity sessions lay guilt trips on Whites, especially males, so compliant "minorities" can be given power without earning it. This is a scam. Anyone who objects to this political agenda commits career suicide. That's political persecution.

I want to be clear that I think the human race is one family and God loves all people equally. Like Greg, I believe people should be judged on their merit alone, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.

But "Diversity" is not about fairness or justice. It promotes minorities not for their own sake, but as a way to undercut the majority.


It's ironic that the central banking clique should lay this guilt trip on Whites when it is they who are responsible for imperialism past and present. It is they who grew even richer through the slave and opium trades, and they who dominate organized crime today through their nominees.

The US population is more than 75% White. The plan is for Whites to become a minority by 2050 or sooner. Whites are expected to stand by and become guests on their own house.

When Whites are a minority,  no one will champion their rights. There are two million more females than males at US universities. Have you heard of any affirmative action programs for males?

"Diversity" is practically unheard of in China, Japan, Israel, India and Latin America. These countries are allowed to keep their racial character. But because people of European origin have a sense of  material, spiritual and political privilege, they are the hardest to absorb in the New World Order. They are the targets of the Diversity program.

The central bankers use the tactic of "divide and conquer" to undermine the four pillars of our identity: race, religion, nation and family.

First, they  pretended to champion the workers to get rid of the Tsarist regime in Russia. Then they pretended to champion women and homosexuals to undermine heterosexual values and the 

family. Finally they are duping Whites to passively accept discrimination and a greatly diminished status.

They use the same dog-eared playbook. (Select one) Workers, Jews, Blacks, homosexuals, women have been oppressed for centuries. Let the bankers put their (select one) front men (or women) in power.


Understanding  Diversity helps you to understand your world. For instance, at the city library, there was a placard on every counter affirming the importance of "respectful behavior."

The signs bewildered me. I wasn't planning to "dis" the library clerk. Now I understand where this weirdness comes from. It means we must show respect for women, gays and minorities. The crippled colored lesbian deserves our respect most. On the other hand, the straight white male is the Rodney Dangerfield of Diversity.

But, you say, don't "white males" run the world? White males are becoming less important. For example, women now account for about half the enrolment in professional programs such as law, medicine and optometry. That is up from 22 percent a generation ago. Women have overtaken men in Commerce degrees.

In general, White or not, success today depends on your willingness to betray your society and advance the central banker agenda. In Communist terms, minorities and feminists are today's "useful idiots."

Similarly I wonder about the recurrent "anti bullying" propaganda. Bullying didn't require legislation when I was growing up. Again, I wonder if the hidden agenda is to create an atmosphere where White heterosexuals cannot resist domination by homosexual and other minority activists.


Malleable and conformist, the masses will usually adopt the norm. When evil people set the norm, the masses will succumb to distorted and self-destructive behavior.

The banking cartel creates money using our national credit. As a result, society has been subverted by an alien power with a satanic agenda. Our political and kultural elites consist of traitors who, for example, would allow 9-11 to take place and cover it up. We are  subjected to a constant stream of lies from these sanctimonious self serving pawns.

We live in an increasingly Orwellian society. "Diversity" doesn't mean true diversity. It is doublespeak for discriminating against the majority.  "Inclusiveness" doesn’t include celebrating European or Christian heritage.

The founding peoples of the West have a right to maintain their national character and see it flourish. Immigrants expect to integrate, while retaining their heritage. They don't expect to be used to undermine the majority.

So, let's not fall into their "divide and conquer" trap by focusing our indignation on minorities. They are manipulated as much as we. Let's focus on the central bankers and their lackeys, in politics, education, business and the media.

Related: My "How the Elite Plays God"


[1] Please read this article and think about it. Dr. Makow is always straight forward. I have never seen him try to "soften" the truth, so it will be more "acceptable" to the masses. I admire him for that. On his website there are a few comments by readers, who strongly disagree with this article, but they are not thinking outside the box, like Dr. Makow is. He is not afraid to expose things, even if they are uncomfortable. So read this article, think about it for some time, and then READ IT AGAIN. If you are at all knowledgeable on the subject of the ruling Elite, you may see how the context of this article fits into the agenda like hand in glove. Wes Penre, www.illuminati-news.com 

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