Henry Makow, PhD |
e are all affected by "Diversity" but few
understand its true nature.
Warning: It isn't pretty[1].
"Diversity" is a massive long-term mind control program posing as
'equal rights" designed ultimately to disinherit nations of European
and Christian origin.
While it pretends to advocate for women and minorities, its real
agenda is to make Whites in general, and heterosexual White males in
particular, yield position and power. The object is to prepare North
America and Europe for inclusion in a "world government" run by the
central banking cartel based in London.
This private cartel's power is measured by the fact that virtually
every major corporation, educational institution and government
agency provides "diversity training" (i.e. political reeducation) to
its employees. Even though
studies show it has zero economic benefit, they spend eight
billion dollars a year on it. Toyota alone plans to spend that
much in the next ten years.
Here is an example of the shaming of Whites that takes place in
these sessions. It is from the text, "Seeing Ourselves: Exploring
Race Ethnicity and Culture" (1999) by Carl James.
A participant, Greg, tells the group:
"As for my race, I am white but I never really
had to think about it before. I don't feel that it ever affected the
people with whom I associated or talked to. My two best friends are
Black and (Canadian) Indian. I was brought up in a family that
didn't believe in prejudice and I'm proud of that. If I don't like a
person, it is because of their personality, not their race or
Now you'd think that Greg would pass with flying colors.
You didn't consider the hidden agenda. The author, a Diversity
trainer, chastises Greg for assuming he is "the norm." Greg fails to
acknowledge his "race privilege," that "invisible package of
unearned assets" that is the "white colonial legacy." Whites like
Greg deny "the ways in which they socially, culturally and
politically produce relations of domination." (p.44 my
In other words, Whites naturally oppress other
people. That sounds like vicious racism to me.
Can you see what's happening? These Diversity
sessions lay guilt trips on Whites, especially males, so
compliant "minorities" can be given power without earning it. This
is a scam. Anyone who objects to this political agenda commits
career suicide. That's political persecution.
I want to be clear that I think the human race is one family and God
loves all people equally. Like Greg, I believe people should be
judged on their merit alone, regardless of race, gender or sexual
But "Diversity" is not about fairness or justice. It promotes
minorities not for their own sake, but as a way to undercut the
It's ironic that the central banking clique should lay this guilt
trip on Whites when it is they who are responsible
for imperialism past and present. It is they who grew even
richer through the slave and opium trades, and they who
dominate organized crime today through their nominees.
The US population is more than 75% White. The plan is for Whites to
become a minority by 2050 or sooner. Whites are expected to stand by
and become guests on their own house.
When Whites are a minority, no one will champion
their rights. There are two million more females than males
at US universities. Have you heard of any affirmative action
programs for males?
"Diversity" is practically unheard of in China,
Japan, Israel, India and Latin America. These countries are allowed
to keep their racial character. But because people of European
origin have a sense of material, spiritual and political privilege,
they are the hardest to absorb in the New World Order. They are the
targets of the Diversity program.
The central bankers use the tactic of "divide and
conquer" to undermine the four pillars of our identity: race,
religion, nation and family.
First, they pretended to champion the workers to get rid of
the Tsarist regime in Russia. Then they pretended to champion women
and homosexuals to undermine heterosexual values and the