Hayden Nomination Revives Eavesdropping Controversy
by Steve Goldstein, The Mercury News,
May 08, 2006
Last Updated:
Monday, June 05, 2006 05:15:46 AM |

Michael V. Hayden |
Air Force
Gen. Michael V. Hayden's nomination to lead the CIA is just the
spark Democrats and some Republicans desire to reignite the debate
over the warrantless domestic surveillance program.
One leading Republican, Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, is contemplating
additional hearings on the program and said he hoped to use Hayden's
nomination to pry more information about the wiretaps from a
recalcitrant White House.
As director of the National Security Agency,
Hayden was an architect of the electronic eavesdropping, which
President Bush began in late 2001 but which was disclosed only in
The program allows the NSA to monitor
communications involving a person in the United States and one
outside, provided one is a possible terrorism suspect. The White
House says the program is exempt from the 1978 Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance (FISA), which provides for the issuing of surveillance
warrants by a secret court.
Many lawmakers and legal scholars question the
legality of the program and contend the administration has done a
poor job of explaining and justifying it to the public and Congress.
In March, Sen. Russell D. Feingold, D-Wis., said
Bush broke the law and called for Congress to formally censure the
president. Specter angered some of his GOP colleagues by holding a
hearing on the issue.
Last month, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales
left open the possibility that Bush could order warrantless wiretaps
on phone calls occurring solely within the United States. This
revelation - coming after administration officials had refused to
comment on such a prospect - raised concerns of a dramatically
expanded eavesdropping program.
Asked Monday at a White House briefing if the
United States was conducting warrantless wiretaps on purely domestic
calls, national intelligence director John D. Negroponte said: "To
the best of my knowledge, absolutely not."
Feingold expressed disbelief at Negroponte's
"Both in the public hearings in the Judiciary
Committee and the intelligence committee ... we repeatedly tried to
get the administration to tell us what the program really is,"
Feingold said. "I think it's safe for me to tell you we weren't
Hayden has become the administration's most
passionate defender of the program, and thus its poster boy, for
good or ill.
He told Fox News in February that the NSA effort
was no "drift net" trolling cities with large Muslim populations,
but rather was totally "focused on al-Qaida."
In a Washington speech the spymaster said he
wanted to talk about the program, even though, he said, "people in
my line of work generally don't like to talk about what they've done
until it becomes a subject on the History Channel."
Federal Appeals Court Judge Richard A. Posner, a
frequent critic of the intelligence bureaucracy, has said that the
FISA model for authorizing wiretaps was "hopeless as a framework for
detecting terrorists."
John Negroponte |
Negroponte said Hayden "will be very, very
well-equipped" to deal with questions about the eavesdropping
"He was involved in its creation when he was
director of the NSA," Negroponte said. "He's already been both
before the public and the Congress in explaining and defending the
program as being in the interests of the United States, as it most
definitely is."
Confirmation hearings for Hayden will be
conducted by the Senate intelligence committee. Specter said he
would ask Hayden to speak to him privately to test his willingness
to appear before the Judiciary Committee and provide more detail on
NSA surveillance.
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