The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
(Part 2)
[Updated Sep 30, 2005]
- Here is Prophet Yahweh's UFO summoning schedule... (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh. -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 -
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
[Updated Sep 25, 2005]
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? And I don't mean ONLY the staff at the
hospital, but also the invisible hand behind such suppressive institutions.-
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 -
Refresh here during the day.
New postings
* * * * * * * *
Criticized for Cruise Ship Deal
- The hasty appeal yielded one of the most controversial contracts of the
Hurricane Katrina relief operation, a $236 million agreement with Carnival
Cruise Lines for three ships that now bob more than half empty in the
Mississippi River and Mobile Bay. -
- by Jonathan Weisman, The Washington Post, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade
Disasters : Hurricane Katrina]
The Red Cross is an Illuminati KnightsTemplar
front organization
The Illuminati Controlled Red
- Here are several articles on the Red Cross and what they do with disaster
money..... Not pretty: The American Red Cross or the International Red
Cross, like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank, is an
Illuminati-controlled front organization whose true purpose is completely
opposite from their stated purpose. -
- Information compiled by an Illuminati News visitor - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade
Disasters :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
| The Illuminati : The Knights Templar]
Secret Societies and Their Influence
on Today's Politics
Ticketed for Sitting on a Playground Bench with No Kids
- It's an only in New York story. A woman was given a ticket for
sitting on a park bench because she doesn't have children. The Rivington
Playground on Manhattan's East Side has a small sign at the entrance that
says adults are prohibited unless they are accompanied by a child.
Forty-seven-year-old Sandra Catena says she didn't see the sign when she sat
down to wait for an arts festival to start. Two New York City police
officers asked her if she was with a child. When she said no,
they gave her a ticket that could bring a one thousand
dollar fine and 90 days in jail. -
-, Sep 27, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New
IRS Action Alert
- On this site is a full and complete explanation of this new regulation,
samples of how and where to submit your comments. If you don't think your
voice counts on this, you're wrong. -
- by Devvy Kidd, News With Views, Sep 23, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : The IRS]
Illuminati and the Bohemian Club
Cremation of Care Ritual
Bohemian Grove Employee Blows the Whistle on Inside Events
- Yesterday Alex Jones was joined on air by a guest who worked inside
Bohemian Grove and got up close and personal with the macabre rituals of the
elite and their homosexual tendencies. These new revelations have been heard
nowhere else. -
- by Steve Watson & Alex Jones, Sep 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies : The Bohemian Club and
the Hell Fire Club]
Bush's Depression: Been There, Reported That
- Depressed and demoralized White House staffers say working at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue is “life in a hellhole” as they try to deal with a
sullen, moody President whose temper tantrums drive staffers crying from the
room and bring the business of running the country to a halt. -
- by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, Sep 28, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under
Bush Family Values
Photo Album
- For more than a half century, members of the Bush family have been setting
policy and making decisions for all Americans. Let's look at the family that
has had such an impact on the lives of human beings worldwide. -
- Here in Reality Website - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : The Bush Dynasty]
Bill Bennett: "[Y]ou Could Abort Every Black Baby in this Country, and Your
Crime Rate Would Go Down"
- I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could --
if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this
country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible,
ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would
go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are,
I think, tricky. -
-, Sep 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Anti-Semitism |
Video & Audio Room | Miscellaneous]
Conyers Calls
on Network to Suspend Bill Bennett's Radio Program
- We ask that you immediately suspend this radio program. We also ask to
meet with the executives of your network to understand how you could have
permitted an individual with such views to broadcast such a program on your
network, and learn what you intend to do to respond to this problem. We are
planning to convey our views to your commercial sponsors as well and hereby
request a list of all sponsors of the show within the last year. -
-, Sep 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Anti-Semitism]
Blair in Secret Saudi Mission
- Tony Blair and John Reid, the defence secretary, have been holding secret
talks with Saudi Arabia in pursuit of a huge arms deal worth up to £40bn,
according to diplomatic sources. -
- by David Leigh and Ewen MacAskill, Guardian Unlimited, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : Politicians in General Under Scrutiny/Tony
Apology to Heckler Walter Wolfgang Turns Out to be a Nasty Lie Again Walter
Wolfgang Turns Out to be a Nasty Lie Again
- The Labour Party Spin Machine spun out of control again yesterday as an 82
year old man was pushed to the ground at the back of the hall and had his
bag of sweets taken away by the Labour Party conference stewards. Once the 2
thugs had easily twisted his fingers and kicked him whilst he lay helpless
on the ground, they shared the bounty of the paper bag of mixed
confectionary and then dragged him ruthlessly by his feet down the
conference hall steps, out the front door finally leaving him bruised,
bleeding and nearly unconscious in a side alley. -
- The Spoof, Sep 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : Great Britain]
Suffers Fourth Defeat at Hands of Rank and File
- The 82-year-old activist bundled from the Labour Party conference for
heckling Jack Straw over Iraq was welcomed back by embarrassed party leaders
today and promptly accused them of hiring heavies "to stifle debate". -
- Times Online, Sep 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : Great Britain]
Weather &
Environmental Control
Is the U.S. Creating Cloud Cover?
- "It's called 'Project Cloverleaf' and it is the primary reason the U.S.
has not signed the Kyoto accord, because we already launched a program to
try to counteract the CO2 problem and the methane problem," Stevens said.
"And that is through distribution of aerosol." -
- The Idaho State Journal, March 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science : Weather and
Environmental Control]
Societies Worse Off 'When They Have God on Their Side'
- According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only
unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social
problems. The study counters the view of believers that religion is
necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.
- by Ruth Gledhill, The Times, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars : Introduction
to Religion and Religious Wars]
New Flu Vaccine is Loaded With Mercury
- GlaxoSmithKline's new flu vaccine Fluarix was approved Wednesday for sale
in the USA this fall under an accelerated FDA approval process. Another flu
vaccine manufacturer, Chiron, moved closer to getting their license back; it
was suspended when their flu vaccine was found to be contaminated with
bacteria. -
- by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Aug 31, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Depopulation Programs]
Viewpoint: The Case for Global Integration
- As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, Richard N Haass,
president of the US think-tank, the Council on Foreign Relations,
assesses the limitations of US power and argues for deeper
international collaboration. -
- BBC News, Sep 23, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Globalization]
How Stupid Can You Be, Arresting Cindy Sheehan While the Whole World
is Watching?
- Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to
be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya?
Is this payback for Cindy's Camp Casey in Crawford? -
- by Bev Conover, Online Journal, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism
: The Iraq War/The Resistance]
Brother and the New World Order
Charles Clarke
ID Cards Will Control Big Brother State, Says Clarke
- This is like saying, you've already had both arms amputed [sic]
so why not remove the legs? The truth is that the government
told us that the ID card would make our information more secure.
Blair said this would protect, not infringe our liberties. And how
did they propose paying for it? By selling the information of 44
million British citizens to private companies. How secure is that? -
- ABC News, Sep 28, 2005 via - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : In the Name of National and Homeland
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky -
Controlled Asset Of The New World Order
- Since 9-11, he has steadfastly refused to discuss the evidence of
government complicity and prior knowledge. Furthermore, he claims
that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Committee,
and Trilateral Commission are "nothing organizations." When
critiquing poverty, he never mentions the Federal Reserve and their
role in manipulating the cycle of debt. -
- by Daniel L. Abrahamson, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : The New World Order in General]
Henry Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide
- Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald
Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in
those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and
famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as
national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in
the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the
plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as
were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture. -
- by Joseph Brewda, The Schiller Institute, Dec 8, 1995 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Depopulation Programs]
Total Emergency Alert! Hate Bill
Could Be Approved Any Minute!!
- On Sept 14, the Orwellian federal “anti-hate” bill, AMDT.2662 (The
Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005), was
passed by the House of Representatives. It will establish a “hate
crimes” bureaucracy in America, just like Canada’s, ending free
speech. -
- by Rev. Ted Pike, National Prayer Network, Apr 26, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Censorship]
Martial Law
Coming: The Final Solution and Martial Law - The Deadly Link
- One of the purposes of my journey to Germany was to uncover the
dark link between "The Final Solution" that was drawn up during the
(Lake) Wansee Conference of 1942 outside Berlin, attended by Nazi SS
Obergruppenfuhrer REINHARD HEYDRICH and Reichfuhrer, Gestapo head
Heinrich HIMMLER and others, and the modern version of the NWO
Holocaust that will be triggered in America under coming martial
law. -
- by Pam Schuffert, - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : Martial Law and Gun Control]
- Blair could also have advised the country that police can shoot
innocent people in the head seven times in full public view and it’s
perfectly legal. The government can send troops to invade sovereign
nations, based on lies, without international repercussions. Anyone
who opposes it might die in the woods, or up a hill, like Robin
Cook. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 28, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics : Politicians in General Under Scrutiny/Tony
| Guest Writers : Hazel W.M.
- The Merovingian Bloodline
Bush, Kerry & Hefner: Odd Cousins
- The two presidential contenders also share a widely known common
relative, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, who is the ninth cousin of
both men (the number nine is a coincidence). Twice removed from Mr.
Bush, Hefner is a slightly closer relation to Kerry, only once
removed. -
- CBS News, March 4, 2004 - [Permanently archived here:
The Illuminati : Royal Genealogy – The 13th
Illuminati Bloodline]
VIEWS ON RELIGION: "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty
to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation.
It will preserve and
defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards
Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as
the basis of national life."
-Adolf Hitler,
My New World Order, Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin,
February 1, 1933
The Interview
With God
- Beautiful photo and thought provoking -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Video & Audio Room :
Hurricane Watch
Bush and Friends Made Billions from Hurricane Katrina Contracts
[Is anybody surprised?]
- Katrina relief contracts come under investigation. Billions of
dollars of reconstruction contracts awarded in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina are being investigated amid concerns of cronyism
and abuse. -
- The Insider, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina
Greenspan Worried about Deficit
- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told France's Finance
Minister Thierry Breton the United States has "lost control" of its
budget deficit, the French minister said Saturday. -
- CNN Money, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking &
Paper Money :
What is Happening In the World of Banking?]
Technology &
The Hand of
- The difference between nature and the ‘hand of man’ is in the timing,
location and response, or lack of it. Our ‘saviours’ - government officials,
are quick to fly over the aftermath to view their handiwork, George Bush
visited the Gulf Coast three times and they are even quicker at mobilizing
troops, but slow in their humanitarian response, except to demand charitable
donations. Bill Clinton and Daddy Bush are on the job! -
- by Hazel W. M. McKinlay, Sep 27, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science :
Weather and Environmental
Control |
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M.
The Illegal
Occupation of Iraq
Sheehan Arrested During Antiwar Protest
- Cindy Sheehan, whose protest camp outside President Bush's vacation home
in Texas became a focal point of the antiwar movement this summer, was
arrested today outside the White House at the head of a civil disobedience
campaign intended to dramatize the opposition to the war in Iraq. -
- Los Angeles Times, Sep 26, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
War Pornography
[WARNING! There are links here that lead to extremely disturbing
- US soldiers trade grisly photos of dead and mutilated Iraqis for
access to amateur porn. The press is strangely silent. -
- East Bay Express, Sep 21, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
The New World
Confessions of a Hit Man
- John Perkins' book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" explains American
foreign policy better than any of the academic tomes you might read on the
subject. -
- by Charley Reese, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Introduction to the New World Order]
Israel and
Pushing Palestinians Out of Jerusalem -UN
- Israel is striving to reduce the number of Palestinians living in
Jerusalem while increasing its Jewish population to undermine claims on East
Jerusalem as the capital of an eventual Palestinian state, a U.N. human
rights investigator has said. -
-, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Israel and Palestine]
The Virus Cancer Program
The Birthplace Of AIDS And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic
- Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an
unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely scenario
strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV and KS are more
likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or accidental "introduction"
of new viruses into gay men"-and not from two viruses suddenly appearing
"out of Africa." -
- by Alan Cantwell, MD, Sep 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
AIDS and Other Man-Made Diseases]
Paul Crouch and TBN Exposed
- On the evening of November 29th, Emmy-winning investigative reporter
Richard Ray, of Fox Television Dallas (KDFW-TV) presented a searing expose
on Brother Paul Crouch and his buddies at TBN. It's yet another chapter in a
tawdry tale of gay sex, hush money and a cover-up that was first broken
nationally by reporter Bill Lobdell at The Los Angeles Times. This is a
story that may well rock the Trinity Broadcasting empire to it's core. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Video & Audio Room :
Religions and Religious Wars | Religions
and Religious Wars : Christianity]
Tuesday, September
Hurricane Watch
Armed and Dangerous - Flipper the Firing Dolphin Let Loose by Katrina
- It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane
Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and
pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico. -
- by Mark Townsend, Guardian Unlimited, Sep 25, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina
Former FEMA Director Michael Brown
I just heard on CBS News (5 o'clock
news Pacific time, on Sept 26) that the fired FEMA Director Michael Brown
has been REHIRED by the Bush Administration as a FEMA consultant!!! The
"funny" thing about this was the news reporter on CBS News, who started off
something like this: You may find this hard to believe, but the former
FEMA director Michael Brown has been rehired as a consultant for FEMA.
However, the corruption is astonishing!More will be posted on this
subject... Wes Penre.
The Iraq War
Cindy Sheehan
Two Georges
- As we stand here on the grounds of a monument that is dedicated to the
Father of our Country, George Washington, we are reminded that he was well
known for the apocryphal stories of never being able to tell a lie. I find
it ironic that there is another man here named George who stays in this town
between vacations and seems to never be able to tell the truth. -
- by Cindy Sheehan, Sep 26, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
The U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights
United States Guilty of State Terrorism
- This article is contrary to the popular superstition that the United
States was founded upon the basis of liberty and freedom. The United States
was founded upon, by, and continuing state terrorism. -
- by Laurence Savage,, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The U.S. Constitution]
Galloway Phenomenon
- His words stormed through the church not as irrational rage, but as
principled, sincere anger. What a contrast – both as to style and substance
– this man’s presentations are to the wimpy babble of American politicians
who function as if on Valium overdoses. -
- by Butler Shaffer, University School of Law - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
Politicians Who Dare to Speak Out/George Galloway]
S.O.S. Planet
- Imagine how it might be with benign usage of this technology [weather
control]. Warm sunshine would bathe humanity in its healthy rays, producing
an abundance and plenty for everyone. Clean EM energy could make living
comfortable and convenient, reducing the need for labour. How pleasant life
would be, idyllic and carefree… and with flying cars! -
- by Hazel W. M. McKinlay, Sep 26, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science :
Weather and Environmental
Control |
Guest Writers: Hazel W.M.
Translating the
- Welcome. We is commenting the Conspiracy, the Illuminati, the Enlightened
one. We guard our truth with our lives. This Basilicus we found on the Web
of Holy Mother. So we go translate. Translate to normal. Normal human
beings. We not Shamans, we is Court, the One Almighty, a Glorious day. While
Divine inspired prayer is Rewarded, we beat out the popish. Beat them out of
Europe, they had their time. More will be revealed while reading. Original
secret agenda will be added for more finding out. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
The Illuminati :
The Shadow Government in
Fingerprint ID Scheme in School
- Pupils' fingerprints will be used to register and measure attendance at a
primary school in Wiltshire. -
- BBC News, Sep 26, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
Bush Has
Always Been Drinking
- Is Bush drinking again? Or has he always been drinking? On the flip is a
transcript of a commercial break captured on satellite feed from Bush and
Laura on the Larry King show in 2004, just before Bush was re-elected. Read
it. Then watch it. -
- Daily Kos, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny |
Video & Audio Room | Politics]
Group Lists 13 'Most Corrupt' in Congress
- A watchdog group, naming what it calls "the 13 most corrupt members of
Congress," is calling for ethics investigations of some of the most
prominent leaders on Capitol Hill in a report to be released Monday. -
- Citizens for Ethics, Sep 25, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
General Corruption]
The Nazi Bush Regime
- For those that have always immaturely and naively offered, "It can't
happen here," are you now onboard? Can you finally see that the United
States of America is no more? -
- by Ted Lang, Sep 25, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
Pat Robertson
One of Pat Robertson's
Latest Frauds
- In April, 1997 two pilots who worked for Operation Blessing charged that
planes linked to Robertson and his ministry flew mostly to haul equipment
for ADC's private diamond operation. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Pat Robertson's
Katrina Cash
- Dozens of media outlets, including the New York Times, CNN and the
Associated Press, duly reprinted FEMA's list, unwittingly acting as agents
soliciting cash for Robertson. "How in the heck did that happen?" Richard
Walden, president of the disaster-relief group Operation USA, asked of
Operation Blessing's inclusion on FEMA's list. "That gives Pat Robertson
millions of extra dollars." -
- The Nation, Sep 7, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Christianity |
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
MEDIA ACCOUNTABILITY: Top 10 ignored stories
- What we need in this country — along with a disaster relief agency — is a
Media Accountability Day. One precious day out of the entire year when
everyone in the news media stops reporting on what’s wrong with everyone
else and devotes a complete 24-hour news cycle to looking at our own
failures. How’s that for a great idea? -
-, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Media Control :
Mainstream Media]
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
Hurricane Watch
Rita Lashes Gulf Coast
- Hurricane Rita has left a trail of destruction after pounding the US Gulf
Coast with driving wind and rains. -
- BBC News, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Rita]
'Oil Storm' Sisters -
Katrina And Rita
- I'm not going to HAARP on about the reality of weather manipulation by our
government. Nor am I endeavoring to convince diehard skeptics that weather
"weaponization" is a reality. It's my contention however that weather
warfare is in full swing. Weather weapons are being selectively used by the
"usual suspects" to advance their global takeover and enslavement plan-- the
creation of a OWO [One World Order] fascist dictatorship. -
- by Charlene Fassa, Sep 25, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/Hurricane Rita]
US Northern Command and Hurricane Rita
- There are indications that the Bush Administration is preparing to enact
far-reaching emergency procedures in response to Hurricane Rita, which could
potentially lead the country into a situation of Martial Law. -
- by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Canada, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Rita]
Science - The
Illuminati Religion
Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality
- New legislation not designed to foster pleasant or productive weather, but
planned as tool of weaponized weather control, already well tested and in
use since 1976. Amateur and hostile weather-makers alike likely to lose
their technology to the military. -
- by Mary-Sue Haliburton, Open Source Energy Network, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science :
Weather and Environmental
The Illegal
Occupation of Iraq
Soldier's Chilling Testimony Fuels Demonstrations Against Iraq War
- A former American soldier who served in Iraq and filed for conscientious
objector status has given an extraordinary insight into the war's
dehumanising effects an insight that helps explain why the British and
American public has turned sharply against the occupation. -
- The Independent UK, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
Thousands Protest Iraq war, Globalization
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 100,000 protesters flooded Washington on
Saturday to stage dual demonstrations against the U.S.-led war in Iraq and
economic globalization, before coming together to demand President George W.
Bush bring troops home. -
- Reuters, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
The American
Police State
Militarization of the US Homeland: The More You Ask, The More You Shall
- Given the fact that the Bush administration is a criminal organization, it
is naïve and ignorant to expect it to behave in a humanitarian fashion. For
any reason. Ever. On the other hand, it is predictable that they would seize
every opportunity, and take advantage of every moment of chaos,
vulnerability and inattention, to sink its poisonous fangs deeper into the
carcass of American democracy. -
- by Larry Chin, Global Research, Canada, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Disgrace of American
Judiciary: Corrupt Prosecutors
- The longest trial in human history are the Nuernberg Trials of Military
War Criminals in WW-II . Erronously the trials have been directed by
MILITARY PROSECUTORS: Lucius CLAY and Telford TAYLOR. Surprisingly enough
these trials have never been reviewed, except superficialy and sinisterly by
ANONYMOUS Magistrates and Lawyers on the Payroll of the UNITED NATIONS and
the ATTEMPT of the Permanant Mission of the Russian Federation
- - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Nazism Today And In the Past]
Vegans File Lawsuit over Surveillance at Ham Store
- That day, two vegans — vegetarians who eat only plants and plant products
— were wrapping up an animal cruelty protest with a handful of other vegans
when they noticed a man in a CVS pharmacy parking lot taking pictures of
them... -
- by Jill Young-Miller,, Sep 23, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
The Fraudulent Basis of
Modern Kulture
- There should be a POISON symbol over the doors of our universities,
cinemas and art galleries. There should be a similar warning on our TV,
music and videos. In the 1920's, leaders of the Communist International
decided that Western society was too strong to conquer. It was necessary to
first weaken it by subverting its cultural institutions--family, education,
religion, art, mass media and government. -
- by Henry Makow, Sep 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Attack on Culture]
Nibiru and the
Subterranean Connection
- Over the years I have acquired a few volumes of data in the form of
newspaper reports, magazine articles and old books indicating for me the
best evidence to date so here is a small list in chronological order, where
applicable, to document my thesis. I’ve inserted [brackets] and CAPITALS to
emphasize my argument. -
- Darkstar, UK - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
The Sumerian Scriptures, the Hollow Earth, and
Human Origins]
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
Hurricane Watch
New Orleans Levee Breachs Again As 20 Killed in Texas Exodus
- Flood water breached a levee again in the southern US city of New Orleans,
Louisiana, on Fridayas some 20 evacuees were killed in a bus fire during the
massive exodus in Texas ahead of Hurricane Rita's landfall.
- China View, Sep 23, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Rita]
The War on Iraq
Pattern of Abuse
- A decorated Army officer reveals new allegations of detainee mistreatment
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did the military ignore his charges? -
- Time Online, Sep 23, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
The War in Iraq Was Based On a Lie - and Policing Basra Is an Illusion
- What a shambles. What chaos. And how quickly it all seems to be getting
worse. Looking at those pictures of a Basra jail, pulverised by the British
Army, it seems hard to believe that it was only six months ago that the very
same British Army took me to see a jail in the very same city. -
- by Boris Johnson, Telegraph UK, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Technology &
The Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
Scalar Wars -
The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
- I guess the first thing to try to comprehend is that a "new" kind of
electromagnetic (EM) wave has been discovered in the empty vacuum of space
which, when engineered, can be an inexhaustible supply of energy in great
magnitude at any place in the universe. -
- by Bill Morgan - [Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science :
Weather and Environmental
Yasser Arafat
Trail of 'Targeted Killings,' Repeated Threats Stir Suspicions of Israeli
Hand in Arafat's Death
- With recent media reports suggesting that Palestinian President Yasser
Arafat's death may have been the result of foul play, and with theories
speculating that the late leader may have been poisoned or infected with the
HIV virus, the question of who is behind the assassination has also been
raised. -
- by Trish Schuh, Global Research, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Israel and Palestine]
The Inevitable
War with Iran
- If Washington wants a war with Iran, there'll be a war with Iran. That's
the great lesson of the Iraq war; once the decision is made, there's no
turning back. -
- by Mike Whitney,, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order :
War on Iran]
Retrospective (Reposted articles)
The Global Chess Game
- Global Chess is the game where a few Elite players, the so called
Illuminati or Moriah are setting the rules, being the ones who move the rest
of the players on the chess board. You and I and most of the global
population are the Pawns. -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 10, 2004 - [Permanently archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre :
Theosophical Society logo
and the Secret Societies
- The occult aspect of the Third Reich is something that has been quite
suppressed in the media and in history books, so that’s the reason I feel
the urge to bring it up: -
- by Wes Penre, Feb 11, 1999 - [Permanently archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre :
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
Hurricane Watch
Hurricane Rita
Orbit Rita
- What these generated control fields do is increase or decrease all of the
binding forces of Nature, with their vortex radiated actions, the most
stable, natural form of the Control Electomagnetic field is the binding
energy in the nuclei of all atomic elements, the so-called strong nuclear
force. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Rita]
FEMA Employees
Lynched for Looting in New Orleans
- The badly mangled bodies of three FEMA workers were discovered two days
ago, hanging from a tree inside the courtyard of a French Quarter apartment.
The bodies, found by U.S. Military Police units engaged in searching for
survivors, bore crudely written placards that read, “FEMA THIEF-DIE,”
- by Joel Carlin – FKK September 17, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The Iraq War
Public Pressure
Mounts for Bush to Curtail Iraq War After Katrina Disaster
- President George W. Bush says he can wage war in Iraq and still pay most
of the huge bill for rebuilding the hurricane-lashed Gulf Coast. Most
Americans don't agree with him. And for the first time, Bush is facing a
serious revolt in his own party over how to pay for hurricane relief. -
- by Beth Gorham,, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Police Fortify Numbers for War Protests
- D.C. police have canceled days off and are planning to deploy several
hundred officers during an antiwar demonstration next weekend that will
include a march near the White House, but officials said they expect no
trouble. -
- The Washington Post, Sep 18, 2005 - [War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
Bush's Booze
- Faced with the biggest crisis of his political life, President Bush has
hit the bottle again, The National Enquirer can reveal. -
- by Jennifer Luce & Don Gentile, The National Enquirer, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
James Earle Carter
Carter Says Gore Won 2000 Election
- Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter delivered a shocker at an American
University panel in Washington Monday: RAW STORY has learned he told the
crowd he was certain Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election. -
- The Raw Story, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
Dead baby on the street - no one cares
Total Dehumanization in China
- Every once in a while though a story like the one below leaks out and
reveals what is behind the Globalist smokescreen: A China that is a Prison
Nation, a China that is the model for their New World Order, A China that
will be the prototype for our own country if we citizens are not
ever-vigilant. -
-, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Big Brother
ID Cards
'Threaten Civil Liberty'
- The government's plan to introduce identity cards poses a "fundamental"
threat to civil liberties, Liberal Democrats have heard. -
- BBC News, Sep 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
The Thule Society logos
The Thule Society &
the NWO
- We have mentioned one world-wide secret society, the Brotherhood Of Death
Society, whose symbol is the skull with two crossed bones. The German
Brotherhood of Death Society is the Thule Society. Adolf Hitler joined this
society in 1919, becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart.
- -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
The Thule Society]
Deepak Chopra
Do-It-Yourself Kit for
- The essence of a worldview is that it convinces you about reality.
Two people with different worldviews can see the same fact and yet give
totally divergent interpretations of it, because no fact or event is
perceived by itself. -
- by Deepak Chopra, Sep 1, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Spiritual Solutions
Articles by Others: Index]
Katrina Emergency
Declared in Bulk of U.S.
- Bush Has Declared Katrina-Related Emergencies in 40 States, District of
Columbia -
- Associated Press, Sep 15, 2005 via ABC News - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
'Get Off The Fucking Freeway': The Sinking State Loots its Own Survivors
- This first-hand account gives you an intimate look at the complete failure
of the system to provide for the victims of hurricane Katrina. Racism,
ignorance, disinformation, and hostility faces them everywhere as they
attempt to evacuate the city. At one point the local sheriff’s department
steals their rations at gun-point. It is also a story that needs to be
heard, of community and of local heroes that helped wherever they could. -
- MetaMute, Sep 17, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Sex Offenders Scattered After
- When citizens of entire cities were evacuated in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina that meant everyone, including prisoners and registered
sex offenders. -
- Monica Novotny, MSNBC, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The War on Iraq
SAS weapons
Bombers - The Most Outrageous Iraq War Story Since Abu Ghraib
- The two commandoes -- alternately identified as members of Britian's
notorious SAS or a newer offshoot, the SRR -- were driving around a
demonstration in Basra when their suspicious behavior attracted the
attention of Basra police. -
-, Sep 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Special Terrorists
- Disguised as Musab al-Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, when its not even
Halloween, the suspects turned out to be British elite special forces. Their
arsenal included machine guns, anti-tank missiles, explosives and a remote
control detonator, not the regular kit of SAS as reported by the BBC, but
the weapons of terrorists! Sheikh Hassan said, “We believe these soldiers
were planning an attack on a market or other civilian targets and thanks be
to god they were stopped and countless lives were saved.” Amen! -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War |
Guest Writers : Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Whistleblowers' Stomach-Curdling Story: Halliburton Serves Contaminated
Water to Troops
- Outrage overflowed on Capitol Hill this summer when members of Congress
learned that Halliburton's dining halls in Iraq had repeatedly served
spoiled food to unsuspecting troops. "This happened quite a bit," testified
Rory Mayberry, a former food manager with Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. -
-, Sep 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
EU Moves
to Log Internet, Phone Communication
- The European Commission has adopted proposals to log details of all
telephone, Internet, and e-mail traffic, to combat terrorism and serious
crime. -
- ABC News, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
The Internet |
Surveillance : Overall Surveillance]
Sir Ian Blair
Cop: 'Let's Be Bold'
[Problem: TheIlluminati OrchestratedtheLondon bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction todo something about it!
Solution: More power to the police force]
- Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair called on officers
to be "bold" and consider a range of radical changes to police pay and
working practices. -
- Sky News, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :Attack
on London/Problem-Reaction-Solution]
New World Order
FEMA - The Secret
- FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive
Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication
in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed. Executive Order Number 12148
created the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is to interface with
the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An
"emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its
budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for
the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of
government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic. -
- by Harry V. Martin for FreeAmerica, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order : FEMA
- Concentration Camps Today]
Historical Facts: The Following 15 Points Are Based Upon Factual Historical
- 1st: In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law. He ordered that the states
(people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North
or be recognized as an enemy of the nation. This
martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today - what it means
is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be
done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States
of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Introduction to the New World Order]
Indiana Freemasons and
DeMolay Introduce CHIP Program
- The Indiana Freemasons' CHIP is the most comprehensive child
identification program currently available to our communities. CHIP helps
concerned parents to promote the safety of their children by providing a
fast, simple packet of information to help authorities identify and recover
lost, missing or exploited kids. -
- Indiana Freemasons Website - [Permanently archived here:
Tony & Cherie Blair
Blair Revelations Reiterate Elite Occult Obsession
- The Blairs stood outside a brick pyramid on the hotel's grounds and bowed
toward each point of the compass while chanting to each of the four winds.
The Pyramid and the compass are of course both ancient elite symbols that
have been adopted by secret societies such as the Freemasons in more recent
times. -
- by Steve Watson for, Sep 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
Tony Blair]
L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of the
Church of Scientology
Tax-Exempt Money Purchased Street Drugs from Drug Dealer
- In a shocking video-taped confession by Scientology
staff member Mike McClaughry, law enforcement officials have learned that
the Church of Scientology purchased street drugs from a drug dealer in order
to frame a California Health Department official for illegal possession of
narcotics. -
-, Sep 16, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Mind Control :
Cults and Mind Control/Church of Scientology]
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
If It
Keeps On Raining, Levee's Going To Break
The Loss of New Orleans Wasn't Just a Tragedy. It Was a Plan.
- The evacuation plans were inadequate and then bungled. The rescue was
slow, confused, often nonexistent. Yet the most striking fact of the New
Orleans catastrophe has received less notice than it deserves: The plan for
New Orleans in case of a hit from a very powerful hurricane was to lose the
city. In other words, if a severe hurricane struck,
the city's flooding and abandonment was not what would happen if the plan
failed. It was the plan. -
- by Jonathan Rauch - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
EXCLUSIVE: Up in Flames!
- HUNDREDS of tons of British food aid shipped to America for starving
Hurricane Katrina survivors is to be burned. US red tape is stopping it from
reaching hungry evacuees. Instead tons of the badly needed Nato ration
packs, the same as those eaten by British troops in Iraq, has been condemned
as unfit for human consumption. -
- from Ryan Parry, US Correspondent in New York via, Sep 19,
2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The Mexico City Earthquake 1985
Hurricane Katrina - A Shock
to the System
- When their government turned its back on them, survivors of the 1985
Mexico City earthquake were galvanized into political action. Katrina
survivors may take a similar lesson from today's disaster. -
- AlterNet, Sep 19, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Katrina Exposes Government
for What It Is
- Hurricane Katrina should finally disabuse people of the idea that
government exists to take care of them, especially the most vulnerable. That
self-serving promise was never credible. Do we need more evidence that it
was a fraud? With guardians like these, who needs enemies? -
- by Sheldon Richman, The Future of Freedom Foundation, Sep 14, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The War on Iraq
British Special
Forces Caught Pretending to be Iraqi 'Insurgents'
- The Iraqi police were patrolling the area looking for suspected
"terrorists" or "insurgents", and they noticed that the men were acting
suspiciously. Suddenly, without warning, the suspicious men started shooting
at people, but the new Iraqi security forces managed to capture some of them
before they could escape. Obviously, if these men had not been caught, the
mass media would now be reporting the incident as just another attempt by
evil "terrorists" to create civil war in Iraq. -
- The Insider, Sep 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Tony and Cherie Blair
Witchcraft and Nail Clippings: the Weird World of Cherie Blair?
- One reader
also noted that in today's UK Daily Express that
Cherie Bliar [sic] "casts a circle" before every meeting she has and Tony Blair
carries a grey velvet pouch stuffed with a piece of parchment and red ribbon
next to his breast at all times. Wonderful Christians, this pair. And this
is from a mainstream newspaper, not a National Enquirer type of comic rag.
Alex Jones -
- by Cahal Milmo, The Independent, Sep 21, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
Politics :
Tony Blair]
Diebold Insider Speaks!
- In exclusive stunning admissions to The BRAD BLOG some 11 months after the
2004 Presidential Election, a "Diebold Insider" is now finally speaking out
for the first time about the alarming security flaws within Diebold, Inc's
electronic voting systems, software and machinery. The source is
acknowledging that the company's "upper management" -- as well as "top
government officials" -- were keenly aware of the "undocumented backdoor" in
Diebold's main "GEM Central Tabulator" software well prior to the 2004
election. -
-, Sep 15, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Voting Scam]
Stock Market
The Visible Hand of Uncle Sam
- This report examines information indicating that the U.S. government has
surreptitiously intervened in the American stock market. Important findings
include the following: -
- by John Embry and Andrew Hepburn, Aug 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking & Paper Money :
What is Happening In the World of Banking?]
Moon Landings
The Faked Apollo Landings
- This article has been written to prove, once and for all, that we are not
being told the truth about the NASA film footage of the Apollo missions. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
is George W. Bush Above the Law?
- George W. Bush was the man at the helm when each of the following
occurred. For that reason alone he is fully accountable to the people of the
United States for a clear and rational explanation of the role of his
administration in each of the outrages below: -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
Hurricane Katrina
Historic Changes Possible in Military's Role in Domestic Emergencies
[Problem created by the Illuminati: A
disaster. Reaction from the public: Do something to prevent
catastrophes like these. Solution: More ultimate powers to
the Government/Military]
- President Bush's push to give the military a bigger role in
responding to major disasters like Hurricane Katrina could lead to a
loosening of legal limits on the use of federal troops on U.S. soil. -
- USA Today, Sep 17, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/Problem-Reaction-Solution]
Police Took Their Weapons But
Let Them Stay in Their Homes
[Quick-Time Video]
- Police ordered to disarm New Orleans, even the wealthy neighborhoods, not
directly affected by the hurricane. People defending their mansions against
burglars and thieves were disarmed by police and handcuffed! -
- ABC News -
[Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster
| New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’
| Video & Audio Room : Natural & Manmade
Dr. Perlmutter - turned away
while helping survivors
'I Could Have Saved Her Life But Was Denied Permission'
- Refugees from New Orleans died after private doctors were ordered to stop
giving treatment because they were not covered by United States government
medical liability insurance, according to two American surgeons. -
- Telegraph, UK, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Threatened With Eviction at Gunpoint, the Big Easy Holdouts Are Now Hailed
as Heroes
- In a remarkable U-turn, the authorities - who had previously reviled,
goaded and even threatened force against the few hundred remaining
"holdouts" - are hailing them as examples of the indomitable spirit needed
to rebuild the "Big Easy". -
- by Toby Harnden, Telegraph, UK, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Congressman Ron Paul
The Coming Category 5
Financial Hurricane
- We face a coming financial crisis. Our current account deficit is more
than $600 billion annually. Our foreign debt is more than $3 trillion.
Foreigners now own over $1.4 trillion of our Treasury and mortgage debt. We
must borrow $3 billion from foreigners every business day to maintain our
extravagant spending. -
- by [Rep] Ron Paul, via, Sep 15, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking & Paper Money :
What is Happening In the World of Banking?]
Refresh frequently by clicking here.
New updates may be posted throughout the day and evening.
Hurricane Katrina
Frank Rich, New York Times
Message: I
Care About the Black Folks
- ONCE Toto parts the curtain, the Wizard of Oz can never be the wizard
again. He is forever Professor Marvel, blowhard and snake-oil salesman.
Hurricane Katrina, which is likely to endure in the American psyche as long
as L. Frank Baum's mythic tornado, has similarly unmasked George W. Bush. -
- by Frank Rich, New York Times, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Potential Future Wars
Zalmay Khalilzad
US Ambassador To Iraq Predicts US Will Go Into Syria
- Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, the US Ambassador to Iraq, made the off the record
prediction that the US will go into Syria to combat insurgents that have
been using the country as a staging ground for terrorist activity in Iraq. -
- Huffington Post, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order :
War on Syria]
Great Depression 1929-1932 Headlines; Interest Only Mortgages
- I have attached the 1929 through 1932 headlines from the papers during the
great depression, the similarities to the events going on today are
astonishing. Interest only loans were very popular during the twenties, they
disappeared during the great depression, only to reappear in the past five
years or so. -
- by Kevin DeMeritt,, Sep 15, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking and Paper Money :
What is Happening In the World of Banking?]
Secret Societies
Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove
- A timeline, membership list and more. Great info! Wes Penre -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
The Bohemian Club
and the Hell Fire Club]
Multinational Chairman's Group
- Let me start out by saying there's almost nothing known about this group.
I stumbled across it at (1), where it was referred to as the
Multinational Chairman's Committee. Didn't really pay attention to it at
that time. Some months later, I found a group that was referred to as the
Multinational Chairman's Group. Information about this group came from 2
articles, one from the Daily Mail (2), the other from the Guardian (3). -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Multinational Chairman's Group]
Pilgrim Society
- Even today it's members consist of the wealthiest businessman and the most
influential politicians. It was erected over a century ago and meets at
least 2 or 3 times a year. Still, 99% of the world has never heard of it. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Pilgrims Society]
The Sun Valley Lodge
Membership List]
- The Sun Valley lodge was built by Averell Harriman in the 1930's. Since
that time it has regularly served as a meeting place for the rich and
powerful. In the early 1980's, New York investment banker Herbert Allen was
looking for a location where he could organise annual meetings for his main
client base, which consisted of Hollywood and media tycoons. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
The Sun Valley Lodge]
Jason Group
Membership List]
- The JASONs are a select group of world class scientists who conduct
studies for different parts of the U.S. government. The group is referred to
as the 'JASON Defense Advisory Group', or simply the 'JASON Group'. Today
their headquarters are located at the JASON Program Office at the MITRE
Corporation, a not-for-profit federally funded research and development
company. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Jason Group]
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USSP)
- Persons involved in a particular USAP are ordered to deny such a
program exists. It's not allowed to react with a "no comment", because that
way someone immediately suspects something is being hidden and might be
motivated to look further into it. Officers not 'accessed' for a USAP, even
superior ones, are to be given the same response. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USSP)]
Relished ‘First Blooding’ in Iraq, Claims No 10 Diary
- DOWNING Street was embarrassed last night after a frank account of the
tantrums and cynicism of Tony Blair’s inner circle were published in the
diaries of a former No 10 aide.
The prime minister’s office censored parts of the diaries, the first memoirs
from a No 10 spin doctor. -
- by David Cracknell, The Sunday Times, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Blair Attacks BBC for 'Anti-US Bias'
- Tony Blair has denounced the BBC's coverage of Hurricane Katrina as 'full
of hatred of America' and 'gloating' at the country's plight, it was
reported yesterday. -
- Guardian Unlimited, Sep 18, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Dark UFO Website
[New Link Exchange]
[Permanently archived here:
Links :
Links/Link Banners]
- Within this book, written by an anonymous author and sponsored by a
private investor, is a genuine secret, a 'Key' that has been kept hidden for
centuries! This 'Key' unlocks the greatest treasure known to history. -
- Maranatha Website - [Permanently archived here:
Links :
Links/Link Banners]
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
New Orleans Rebuilding Scam
- Bush failed to provide incentives for people to return to their homes. He
also failed to insist on incentives for minority-owned businesses to
participate in rebuilding efforts. -
- by Wayne Madsen, Sep 16, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
- Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private
security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the
streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been
"deputized" by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold
Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo
identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the
Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use
lethal force. -
-, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
A God With Whom I Am Not Familiar
- You blessed your chimichanga in the name of Jesus Christ, and then
proceeded to spend the better part of your meal – and mine, since I was too
near your table to avoid hearing every word – morally scolding the people of
that devastated city, heaping scorn on them for not heeding the warnings to
leave before disaster struck. Then you attacked them... -
- by Tim Wise, - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Reflections on Whiteness and the Cult of 'Progress'
- Having grown accustomed to hostile e-mails in response to my
internet-based essays, I was utterly unsurprised then by the missive I
received, shortly after the piece went up on my website a few weeks ago. -
- by Tim Wise, - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Anti-Defamation League Logo
The ADL Assault on Free
Speech and Libertarian Internet Culture
- "We all know and appreciate that the Internet has transformed the ways in
which we communicate, educate, inform and entertain. But there is a dark
side to the Internet," Mr. Wolf testified. "Terrorists, anti-Semites,
racists, homophobes and other haters have logged on and are online. ...
Unfortunately, the Internet has become the new frontier in spreading hate."
- by Dick Eastman,, Sep 16, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
The B’nai B’rith (ADL)]
A Debate on the
Invasion of Iraq in 2003
- Journalist Christopher Hitchens takes on MP George Galloway in a ferocious
encounter over the rights and wrongs of the Iraq War. Hitchens thinks
deposing Saddam Hussein was a noble act. Galloway retorts that an illegal
occupation will only create more Jihadist terrorism. -
- BBC, Sep 17, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War |
Video & Audio Room : War on Iraq]
Why Jewish Bankers Love
- Jewish bankers love anti-Semites because they transform a legitimate
political and economic grievance into a racial one that easily can be
dismissed as "hatred." -
- by Henry Makow, Sep 17, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Paper Money :
Introduction To Banking and Paper Money]
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
Reporters - BUSH STAGING Rescue Missions!!!
[Video in German
- ZDF News reported that the president's visit was a completely staged
event. Their crew witnessed how the open air food distribution point Bush
visited in front of the cameras was torn down immediately after the
president and the herd of 'news people' had left and that others which were
allegedly being set up were abandoned at the same time. -
- Politics International, Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The Great New
Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal Levee Was Breached on Purpose
- There were numerous incidents that occurred during and immediately after
Katrina struck that point to the "unthinkable". It now appears that a
sophisticated plan was implemented that utilized the "cover of a hurricane"
to first destroy and than take over the City of New Orleans? -
- Bella Ciao, Sep 14, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Michael Moore
Moore TRUE New Orleans - NO Gov. Aid Report
- Our group has visited many outlying towns and villages in Mississippi and
Louisiana, places the Red Cross and FEMA haven't visited in over a week.
Often our volunteers are the first relief any of these people have seen.
They have no food, water or electricity. People die every day. There are no
TV cameras recording this. They have started to report the spin and PR put
out by the White House, the happy news that often isn't true ("Everyone gets
2,000 dollars!"). -
- from Michael Moore, Sep 16, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
"FEMA Re-Blue List"
- Such "offenders" are essentially deemed RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER,
as my CIA and military insiders told me personally. "Oh, ALL OF US in the
CIA know ALL ABOUT the concentration camps in America and their purpose! We
ORDER' UNDER MARTIAL LAW!" (Source-Michael Maholy, 20 years Naval
Intelligence/CIA under BUSH SR) -
-, Sep 15, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
- Concentration Camps Today]
Successes of President George Bush
- I'm getting sick and tired of my fellow Democrats saying that the
presidency of George W. Bush is a failure. With the string of successes he's
had, nothing could be further from the truth. Let me list a few: -
-, July 14, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
Michael Aquino
Satanic Connections to the U.S. Military
- Mr. Aquino performed black magic ceremonies (protected by the US
constitution first amendment) at Wewelsburg castle in Germany where Heinrich
Himmler held rituals for his cult. Aquino later, was under investigation in
Nebraska over a government related group that was kidnapping children. He
was never convicted of anything. -
- by PH, Sep 16, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Occultism :
Pedophiles and
Temple of Set Website
- While the Temple of Set as an organization was formally incorporated in
1975 CE, its magical and philosophical roots are prehistoric, originating in
mankind’s first apprehension that there is “something different” about the
human race - a sense of self-consciousness that places humanity apart from
and above all other known forms of life. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Temple of Set]
Church of Satan Website
- From the early 1950’s, Anton LaVey explored some of these ideas,
eventually gaining a reputation as a powerful black magician and San
Francisco character. Others who felt aligned with his philosophy gravitated
to him, gathering in his notorious Victorian “Black House.” In accordance
with LaVey’s explorations of demonic geometry, they took to wearing an
odd-shaped black and red medallion adorned with a bat-winged demon and
formed a group called the Order of the Trapezoid, which later evolved into
the governing body of the Church of Satan. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Church of Satan]
Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
(Part 2)
- Prophet Yahweh is packing and getting ready for the tour, he says. This is
not the first delay, so let's see if it is for real this time (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh. -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 - [Permanently Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
9-11 Four Years
- The only thing 9/11 has given us is the final stages of a complete police
state: the "Patriot" Act, Homeland Security, airline gate keepers who were
allowed to feel women up for cheap thrills until enough of them said no,
cameras on every street corner and a Congress that is so disconnected with
the American people, it borders on criminal the way they have continued to
destroy our God given rights. -
- by Devvy Kidd,, Sep 12, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Criminal Complaint in the Chicago Federal Grand Jury(ies)
- As a German lawyer with 15 years of consulting experience in large U.S.
litigations, I have repeatedly come across a purported secret control group
that appears to manipulate such large court processes, in the state and
federal courts. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Two Held in Patient Killing at State Hospital in San Bernardino
- The death at Patton comes after a scathing report by the U.S. Department
of Justice that said there were "widespread and systematic deficiencies" at
another of the facilities,
Napa State Hospital,
including suicide and inadequate medical care. -
-, Sep 8, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
Dutch to Open Electronic Files on Children
- Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, all citizens will be tracked from cradle to grave
in a single database — including health, education, family and police
records — the health ministry said Tuesday. -
- Yahoo News, Sep 13, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Advanced Type IV
Extraterrestrial Aliens Travel Through Bending Space and Time – Not With
[This is not science fiction anymore. The possibility of doing this is
seriously discussed in
Michio Kaku's excellent book, "Parallel
Worlds". Kaku is a world famous astronomer and an expert in quantum
physics. Recommended reading indeed! Wes Penre]
- The very advanced type IV alien civilization in the Hyperspace travel our
physical Universe and other Universes from the hyperspace all the time.
While type II, III alien civilizations and I use UFOs to travel, the type IV
civilization are super advanced. They do not need to travel with UFOs. -
- IndiaDaily, Sep 15, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Other Dimensions and Parallel Universes]
Entrance to a parallel world
Astronomers Find the Gate Into Parallel Worlds
- No matter how many extra dimensions there are, the fact that they exist is
deduced from the strange behavior of the dark matter. -
- Pravda, Sep 14, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Other Dimensions and Parallel Universes]
Friday, September
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
FEMA, La. Outsource Katrina Body Count to Firm Implicated in Body-Dumping
- Kenyon is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International (SCI), a
scandal-ridden Texas-based company operated by a friend of the Bush family.
Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and
desecrating corpses. -
- by Miriam Raftery, - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The Disaster Agency (FEMA)
- Jimmy Carter had established the agency as a catchall for natural-disaster
relief and civil defense planning. But under Reagan, FEMA immediately went
off the deep end, eyeing peaceful demonstrators as potential bomb-throwing
terrorists. -
- from The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time by Jonathan Vankin and
John Whalen via - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
- Concentration Camps Today]
George Galloway and Christopher Hitchens
What's Left? Galloway Versus Hitchens; Progressives Versus Ourselves
- Galloway: "Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be
right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their
lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of
lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of
lies." -
- by Greg Palast, Sep 14, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New
World Order]
Letter From a Hurricane Katrina
- This is pretty much what happened to us as far as I can remember it. Some
of it is probably off because we lost track of time and days and nights
blended. I'm still feeling very angry and sad. Watching the news outrages
me. I see "Dr. Phil" opining on why people didn't evacuate New Orleans. He
says they didn't believe there would be a hurricane or they didn't want to
leave, etc. Well there was no way to leave. We had no way out. -
- by Peter Berkowitz, Staff Attorney, Sep 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
The Cross of Lorraine - The Merovingian Symbol
(Compare the Exxon logo with the double cross)
The Merovingian
Signature of the Hurricanes
- “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can
alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use
of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there
that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other
nations... It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our
efforts.“ -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster
| New World Order: Weather and Environmental
Seismic Slip Event Underway in Pacific Northwest
- The event is called episodic tremor and slip (ETS). It involves a slow
movement of the Juan de Fuca and North America tectonic plates along the
Cascadia margin of southern British Columbia. -
- by Robert Roy Britt,, Sep 13, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Potential Disasters]
Central U.S. Warned of Larger Earthquakes to Come
- A moderate earthquake that rattled parts of Arkansas and Tennessee
Thursday should serve as a wake-up call to the central United States about
the potential for much stronger events, experts said. -
- by Robert Roy Britt,, Sep 13, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Potential Disasters]
The Fat
Lady Sings and Nobody Hears
- Even if governments confess to weather modification, our ‘enemies’ will
face the blame; Russia, the Yakuza or aliens from space, but it was not
Vladimir Putin or Darth Vader who blew the levees and sent troops before aid
to New Orleans. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 14, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Guest Writers :
Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
Thursday, September
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
Skull & Bones
- The Bush-China Connection
- One of 'Yale in China's' most important students was Mao Zedong. "During
World War II, 'Yale in China' was a primary instrument used by the U.S.
Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the
Maoists into power. 'Yale in China' was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden,
the husband of Bush's cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones. -
- by Unknown - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Bush's and the Skull & Bones]
Wei Jingsheng
Leading Chinese Dissident Warns: China Planning Nuclear War
- One of China’s most famous democracy advocates says that America has not
paid enough attention to the threat of nuclear war with China. Wei Jingsheng,
who spent 18 years in confinement in China, spoke at a forum on Chinese
leader Hu Jintao at the National Press Club, sketching a disturbing picture
of a powerful nation on the march to war. -
- by Gary Feuerberg, Epoch Times Washington DC, Sep 11, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order :
War on China]
Samuel Prescott Bush, Prescott Bush
George HW Bush and George W Bush
A Government of
- Is this situation merely the result of incompetent leadership, or is there
a more sinister flaw in the Bush presidency? Is there a hidden history of
the Bushes that a timid US mass media has generally failed to notify to the
American people, and the wider world? Here we present some of the evidence
that we believe every American, British and Australian voter should be aware
of. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Politics :
The Bush Dynasty / The Current Administration
Under Scrutiny]
New Orleans SWAT Team Thugs Wear Flaming Skulls
- A picture postcard of the new Amerika, where flaming skull festooned SWAT
Team thugs go house to house dragging out old ladies and seizing legally
held firearms. It's the perfect government response to a human catastrophe,
send trained killers in to intimidate the desperate refugees! I am from the
government and I am here to help, now where are those guns? -
- Associated Press Photo, Sep 13, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Bush Lied When Asked About Brown's Resignation
- President George W. Bush lied outright to reporters in Mississippi Monday
when he claimed he did not know embattled Federal Emergency Management
Agency director Mike Brown resigned. -
- by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, Sep 13, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
Bush Puts "Duct Tape" Idiot in Charge of FEMA
- Guess who Bush just appointed as the acting head of FEMA? Yes, you guessed
it. The idiot who caused the "duct tape" scare two years ago. Yes, David
Paulison, a top official in Homeland Security, has just been appointed by
Bush as the acting new head of FEMA. -
-, Sep 12, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina/The Hurricane Katrina Disaster]
London Bombs: Former UK Cabinet Minister Meacher Says MI6 is Trying to Cover
its Tracks
- During an interview on Fox TV this summer, the former US federal
prosecutor John Loftus reported that British intelligence had used the al-Muhajiroun
group in London to recruit Islamist militants with British passports for the
war against the Serbs in Kosovo. Since July Scotland Yard has been
interested in an alleged member of al-Muhajiroun, Haroon Rashid Aswat, who
some sources have suggested could have been behind the London bombings. -
- Guardian, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Attack on London/The London Bombings
Expert Slams Wave
Threat Inertia
- A scientist has attacked the inaction over a threat from a dangerous
volcano in the Canary Islands which could send a tidal wave crashing against
the US. -
- BBC News, Aug 10, 2004 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Potential Disasters]
Peak Oil, Pandemic, and 78 Dead Scientists
- A commemorative essay dedicated to the victims of 9/11 and countless
millions of others sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order -
- Michael Nield, - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Assassinations - Real and Attempted]
English Masonic Knights Templar
The Web of Hiram
[The part of Freemasonry revealed to the public]
- This website began when Dr Robert Lomas of the University's School of
Management, decided to create an electronic database of the Masonic material
held in many of the University's Special Collections as part of his on-going
research into the cultural origin of scientific ideas. -
- University of Bradford - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Michael Jackson
Paranormal Pop King or Just a Wacko?
- Michael reportedly wants to build an airport for aliens. According to
Michael Luckman, director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial
Research and author of "Alien Rock," Jackson
would like to set up the landing strip in the Nevada desert.
"Michael wants to welcome extra-terrestrials to earth to film the landing,"
Luckman said in his book. According to Luckman, Jackson also has claimed to
be from another planet himself. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters]
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
FEMA Director Brown Resigns
- Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown resigned Monday
after coming under fire over his qualifications and for what critics call a
bungled response to Hurricane Katrina. -
- CNN, Sep 12, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
Wider Powers for U.S. Forces in Disasters Are Under Review
[Problem created by the Illuminati: A disaster.
Reaction from the public: Do something to prevent catastrophes like
these. Solution: More ultimate powers to the Government]
- A senior White House official said Saturday that in the wake of the
hurricane that demolished part of the nation's Gulf Coast, the Bush
administration was studying whether to expand the president's powers to
deploy the U.S. military in natural disasters. -
- Los Angeles Times, Sep 11, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
Katrina Censorship & Cover-Up
- Below are one paragraph excerpts of important Hurricane Katrina news
stories in the mainstream media which show clear censorship and suggest a
major cover-up. Links are provided to the full stories on the original media
websites. -
-, Sep 11, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
Katrina Medical Help Held Up by Red Tape
- Volunteer physicians are pouring in to care for the sick, but red tape is
keeping hundreds of others from caring for Hurricane Katrina survivors while
health problems rise. -
- CNN, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
U.S. Agency Blocks Photos of New Orleans Dead
- The U.S. government agency leading the rescue efforts after Hurricane
Katrina said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take photographs
of the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans area. -
- Reuters, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck Called
Hurricane Survivors in New Orleans "Scumbags," Said He "Hates" 9-11 Families
[Nice guy]
- Also, after acknowledging that nobody "in their right mind is going to say
this out loud," Beck attacked victims of the disaster in general and the
families of victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying: "I
didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims." -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Natural and Manmade Disasters :
Hurricane Katrina]
John Roberts
Roberts Questioned on Implantable Chip During Hearings
- During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W.
Bush's nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by
Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory
implantable microchip to track American citizens. -
-, Sep 12, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Microchipping :
Microchipping |
Audio &
Video Room : Politics]
Truth Is Negative? - Since When?
- The point is that we do not have limitless time to expose what is
happening and every day that passes more and more children are suffering.
Tell them we have to go more slowly and gently because we don't want to
upset people. -
- by David Icke - [Permanently archived here:
Solutions :
Monday, September
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
Dallas Meeting Plans N.O.
Rebuilding - Without Poor Blacks
- Dallas meeting plans reconstruction of New Orleans without poor African
Americans. According to well-informed New Orleans sources, New Orleans'
wealthiest families, including those who are direct descendants of the
French who settled New Orleans (not the Acadians [Cajuns] who were poor
refugees from British tyranny in Nova Scotia) are meeting in Dallas today
with Bush administration officials, New Orleans city officials, wealthy
Texas oilmen, and bankers to plan for the reconstruction of New Orleans. -
- by Wayne Madsen, Sep 11, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
EXCLUSIVE!!! FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions in False Claims to Help Bush Win
Fla. Votes in '04
- Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, approved payments in excess of $31 million in taxpayer money to
thousands of Florida residents who were unaffected by Hurricane Frances and
three other hurricanes last year in an effort to help President Bush win a
majority of votes in that state during his reelection campaign, according to
published reports. -
- Jason Leopold, Sep 9, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Doctors forced to play God
We Had to Kill Our Patients
- Doctors working in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans killed critically ill
patients rather than leaving them to die in agony as they evacuated
hospitals, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. -
- by Caroline Graham and JO Knowsley, Mail on Sunday, Sep 11, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
German Plane With Katrina Aid Turned Back
- A German military plane carrying 15 tons of military rations for survivors
of Hurricane Katrina was sent back by U.S. authorities, officials said
Saturday. The plane was turned away Thursday because it did not have the
required authorization, a German government spokesman said. -
- Claudia Kemmer, Associated Press, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Firms with Bush Ties Snag Katrina Deals
- Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA
are clinching some of the administration’s first disaster relief and
reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. -
-, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Former Malaysian PM calls Britain 'State Terrorist'
- Malaysia's former leader, Mahathir Mohamad, launched the scathing attack
on both countries for invading Iraq, blaming them for thousands of Iraqi
civilian deaths. -
- Guardian, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
The First
Degree of Freemasonry
- Only 5% of 32nd and higher degree freemasons are invited into the
Illuminati. Many "Christians freemasons" would contend that freemasonry is
not a religion. The plan of freemasonry is that the majority of freemasons
do not even know it is a religion. The plan of freemasonry is to deceive the
majority of freemasons from the truth that Lucifer, or Satan, is the god of
freemasonry. -
- The Federal Observer - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Sunday, September
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
Things We Now Know Four Years After 9/11
- In a few days, it will be four years since the awful events symbolized by
the date "9/11." Time for our annual list of what we've learned from that
tragedy and what followed from it. - Democratic Underground, Aug 30, 2005
- [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Eight Big Lies About Katrina
- In the past week, Bush administration officials and conservative
commentators have repeatedly used the national media to spread
misinformation about the federal government's widely criticized response to
the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. -
-, Sep 9, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Locals Believe Levees Were Intentionally Blown
- Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order
to save sections of the city deemed to be more important? The locals
certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely
picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring
the issue into the open. -
- by Steve Watson, Sep 9, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The Houston Astrodome
New Orleans
Tragedy: The 17th Street Levee Was Bombed
- Evacuee: "They blew the levee to save the city..." Saying a barge broke
the levee. She is from St. Bernard Parish. "More expensive places were saved
at the expense of the neighborhoods that aren’t as valuable... Rebuilding
Bourbon Street matters more to the government... that’s what mattered to
Governor Blanco..." -
- Report From the Houston Astrodome, Sep 9, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Michael Brown (Reuters)
Embattled FEMA Chief Removed From Hurricane Relief Efforts
- Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, was removed today from a direct role in running the relief and
recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Michael Chertoff,
secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, announced. -
- Los Angeles Times, Sep 9, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
FEMA Nixes
Grassroots Radio Station for Hurricane Evacuees
- Although the effort was trumpeted in the media as an example of grassroots
ingenuity in the face of disaster, local officials with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency have nixed an attempt by Houston activists to
set up a low-power radio station at the Astrodome that would have broadcast
Hurricane Katrina relief information for evacuees. -
- by Sarah Ferguson,, Sep 8, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Prince Norodum Sihanouk and John F. Kennedy
Former Green Beret Comes Clean About Mafia-Like Hit On Military Officer Who
Knew Too Much About Kennedy Assassination
- Called 'Dangerous Dan' by his military buddies does an about face from
being a Green Beret and military hitman to now fighting for Christ as a born
again Christian. Once he found the Lord, the former Special Forces Lt. Col.
says he no longer fears the assassins who have tried in the past to kill him
for going public in a tell-all book. -
- Greg Szymanski, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Assassinations - Real and Attempted]
2003: First Public Airing of
"Conspiracy of Silence"
[Please read this and download the 55 minutes
video! This is 100% PROOF that the giant pedophile ring goes ALL THE
WAY up to the White House, and that mind controlled sex slaves are very
common around our highest level politicians, including Presidents. This
documentary was supposed to be aired by the Discovery Channel, but was
banned. This gives credit to ridiculed former sex slaves like
Cathy O'Brien and others, who
in books have revealed this cancer to a world who doesn't listen! Wes
- - [Permanently archived here:
Mind Control :
Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
(and here is
The Franklin Scandal Tried in Civil Court
- U.S. government mind control programs, like MK-Ultra and Monarch, directed
against helpless victims--human guinea pigs--have been virtually ignored by
the Big Media Cartel. On Feb. 27, 1999, however, U.S. District Court Judge
Warren Urbom found former Franklin S&L manager Lawrence E. King guilty of
numerous crimes committed against mind control victim Paul A. Bonacci. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Mind Control :
Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien
Trance-Formation of America
[Please read their books if you haven't already. I can't imagine any
information more telling than this what is going on at the top level of our
society. Wes Penre]
- TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a
victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and
recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project
Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment
into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White
House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness
account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent
figures in U.S. politics. -
- Trance-Formation of America Website - [Permanently archived here:
Mind Control :
Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
Dame Eliza
MI5 Head Warns on Civil
[Problem: TheIlluminati OrchestratedtheLondon bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction todo something about it!
Solution: Less freedoms for the citizens]
- Civil liberties may have to be "eroded" to protect Britons from
terrorism, the head of security service MI5 has said. -
- BBC News, Sep 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The London Bombings/Problem-Reaction-Solution]
Saturday, September
Read All About Hurricane
Katrina here:
Scroll down to the headline "Natural and Manmade
Disasters/Hurricane Katrina"
FEMA's Blocking Relief
Efforts - An Amazing List
- FEMA: "First Responders Urged Not To Respond"
- That last one is real -- not satire but straight from FEMA's website. -
-, Sep 8, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
I Just Got Back From
a FEMA Detainment Camp
- Jesse Jackson was right when he said "refugees" was not the appropriate
word for the poor souls dislocated due to Katrina. But he was wrong about
why it is not appropriate. It's not appropriate because they are detainees,
not refugees. -
-, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Mass Murder by Drowning--the Unexplained Crack in Several Feet of Concrete
- Dr. Shea Penland of the Pontchartrain Institute was surprised because the
break was "along a section that was just upgraded. It did not have an
earthen levee, it had a vertical concrete wall several feet thick." -
- Cytations, Sep 8, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
A Single
Moment of Truth
- Imagine all the people who might still be alive had the corporate media
not betrayed them! -
-, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Treaty Gives CIA Powers Over Irish Citizens
- US INVESTIGATORS, including CIA agents, will be allowed interrogate Irish
citizens on Irish soil in total secrecy, under an agreement signed between
Ireland and the US last week. -
- by Dan Buckley, Irish Examiner, Jul 21, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies :
Intelligence Agencies
And Other Government Spy Organizations]
U.S. Patriot Act Extended Into Europe
- The Irish Government has landed in hot water after the public realized
that under cover of the London bombings, Irish Justice Minister Michael
McDowell, last week signed up to a de facto extension of the U.S. Patriot
Act into Ireland. -
- WagNews, Jul 22, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
the Name of National and Homeland Security]
- Geetha Angara - Dead Scientist
List of Dead Scientists
- Why is being a scientist such a dangerous job? -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Technology & Science :
Science - The Illuminati Religion]
More Parents Going High-Tech to Track Kids
[This is the whole idea. Ignorant citizens do the job for the Government
by spying on each other to relieve the Government, so they can instead
concentrate on creating global disasters and committing genocide]
- In this case, it isn't Big Brother who's watching - it's Big Mother (or
Father). Increasingly, parents are using high-tech methods to track
everything from where their children are and how far they are driving to
what they buy, what they eat and whether they've shown up for class. -
- NewsMax, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
We Have
Been Abandoned By Our Own Country
- "Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area,
and bureaucracy has to stand trial before Congress now. " You have to
watch this video to understand, how little regard our government has for the
welfare of its own citizens. -
- Information Clearing House - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
| Video & Audio Room : Natural and Manmade
Helicopter rescue team
Unrelated to the below article
Storm Survivors Told to 'Expose Themselves'
- "At one point, there were a load of girls on the roof of the hotel saying
'Can you help us?' and the policemen said 'Show us what you've got' and made
signs for them to lift their T-shirts," he told the Liverpool Evening Echo.
"When the girls refused, they said `Fine' and motored off down the road in
their boat." -
- Yahoo News, UK & Ireland, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Hurricane Katrina: Who Benefits?
- Overthrow of the American Republic -
- by Sherman H. Skolnick, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Offers of Aid Immediate, But U.S. Approval Delayed for Days
- "FEMA? That was a lost case," said Mirit Hemy, an executive with the
Netherlands-based New Skies Satellite who made the phone calls. "We got zero
help, and we lost one week trying to get hold of them." -
- by Elizabeth Williamson, Washington Post, Sep 7, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
George HW Bush and Bill Clinton
The Clinton-Bush Hurricane Fund Public Relations Scam
- Clinton wants a federal whitewash commission for New Orleans. "As with the
9/11 commission charged with looking at the events leading up to and after
the September 11, 2001 attacks, Clinton suggested a bipartisan Katrina
commission be formed. -
- Jack Blood's Clinton-Bush Hurricane Scam Forum, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Would-Be Bush Assassin Indicted
- A federal grand jury in Washington Wednesday indicted a citizen of the
Eastern European nation of Georgia for attempting to assassinate President
Bush by lobbing a hand grenade in the vicinity of the president during a
rally in the capital in May. -
- from Terry Frieden, CNN American Bureau, Sep 7, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Assassinations - Real and Attempted]
Napa fence
NAPA State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Napa Sally Port
Sexual Abuse
and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
[Updated] - The Napa Sentinel, a local newspaper, has full knowledge of NSH past
and up-to-date rampant sex abuses and drug use. There was a time in the
1980's when most of all the psyche staff at NSH used marijuana and
smoked it with the clients there... - - by Wes Penre, April 27, 2005 - [Permanently Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Students Kept Under Surveillance at School - Some Parents Angry Over Radio
- Angry parents, saying their children's privacy rights are being violated,
have asked the board of the tiny Brittan School District to rescind a
requirement that all students wear badges that monitor their whereabouts on
campus using radio signals. -
- Greg Lucas for San Francisco Chronicle, Feb 10, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Overall Surveillance]
People vs The Banks
- VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA: Hearings are set for September 12 and 13 at
the Supreme Court in Vancouver. The statement of claim alleges among other
things, creation of money out of nothing, fraudulent
misrepresentation, money laundering, fraud, charging of criminal interest
rates and breach of contract. -
- PRWEB, Aug 25, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking & Paper
Money : What is Happening In the World of Banking?]
Banking System
- You go to a bank to borrow 'money'. Or you think you do. In fact, the
'money' is merely figures typed into your computer account. It does not
exist, except as figures in a computer program. The banks are allowed to
'lend' at least ten times what they have on deposit - but this 'deposit',
too, is only figures on a screen. There is no 'money', it's all an illusion.
- by David Icke, Sep 8, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Banking & Paper
Money : Introduction to Banking & Paper Money]
Complete Timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: Key Events Related to Issues
Raised in Downing Street Memo
- After the First Gulf War, the British Defense Ministry's Defense
Intelligence Staff creates a secret intelligence office known as Operation
Rockingham. The purpose of the top secret cell is to collect intelligence
that can be used by the US and British to support the case for maintaining
UN sanctions on Iraq. -
- Center for Cooperative Research - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
U.S. Patent 4,686,685: Method And Apparatus for Altering a Region in
the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere
- A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which
normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron
cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle
density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation
is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a
field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered... -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Government Patents
: Government Patents (to control us) |
New World Order
: Weather and Environmental Control]
- During the biggest humanitarian disaster in the history of the United
States, it should have been all hands on deck for the relief effort,
bureaucracy should have gone with the 140mph wind, but hands were tied…
literally. The government sent in the ‘men who stare at goats’ from Fort
Bragg, not to rescue survivors, but to stare at them, dying! -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 7, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
Guest Writers : Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Cheney Called in as Bush Says He Will Lead His Own Inquiry Into Katrina
[It is amazing to see the arrogance of the President when interviewed on
TV regarding the investigation. This administration probably contains the
worst bunch of criminals America has ever seen.]
- Mr Bush also declared that he was sending Vice-president Dick Cheney to
the ravaged Gulf coast region to assess recovery operations, and remove "any
bureaucratic obstacles that may be preventing us from achieving our goals".
- Julian Borger, The Guardian, Sep 7, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The Smirk of a
- "They can go into Iraq and do this and do that," Martha Madden, former
secretary of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, said
Thursday, "but they can't drop some food on Canal Street in New Orleans,
Louisiana, right now? It's just mind-boggling." The policies are matters of
priorities. And the priorities of the Bush White House are clear. For
killing in Iraq, they spare no expense. For protecting and sustaining life,
the cupboards go bare. The problem is not incompetence. It's inhumanity,
cruelty and greed. -
- by Norman Solomon, Counterpunch, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Paul Craig Roberts
Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury on New Orleans: "Americans Are
Being Brainwashed"
- "If terrorists had achieved this result, it would rank as the greatest
terrorist success in history." and went on to spell out how the disaster was
left to happen. He succeeded these comments on Monday by laying out the
facts again and asserting that the Federal government has been criminally
negligent and should be held up to accountability. -
- by Steve Watson & Alex Jones,, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
FEMA Deliberately Sabotaging Hurricane Relief Efforts
- Numerous credible sources have come forward with examples of how the
Federal Emergency Management Agency is deliberately sabotaging Hurricane
Katrina relief efforts in New Orleans. This represents a ruthless attempt on
the part of FEMA to impose a federal takeover of the area for their own
benefit amid a tragedy that has already claimed anything up to 10,000 lives.
- by Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
World Orleans: Microcosm for the "New America"
- Imagine an America where everyone is displaced. It's survival of the
fittest as all law and order has broken down. Martial law has been declared
with 24 hr curfews, Posse Comitatus has been overturned and there are troops
on the streets shooting anyone who disobeys their orders. -
- Steve Watson,, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The Red Cross is an Illuminati Knights Templar
front organization
Red Cross Frauds, Katrina & Other Disaster Scams
[The Red Cross is controlled by the Knights Templar]
- Is the Red Cross another Illuminati "charity" front group? The Red Cross
has a well documented history of fraud. Another catastrophe is always
another chance to cheat the good hearted citizens of the USA. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
| The Illuminati : The Knights Templar]
A Colossal
Failure of Leadership
- Saving people and maintaining order are the first order of government in
any disaster. In New Orleans, neither has been achieved. -
- Newsweek, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories
- Reading the news after the Katrina Hurricane and the lack-of-response
disaster, a pattern began to emerge. -
-, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New
- Accompanying her husband, former President George H.W.Bush, on a tour of
hurricane relief centers in Houston, Barbara Bush said today, referring to
the poor who had lost everything back home and evacuated, "This is working
very well for them." -
-, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Hurricane Katrina
Harnessing Weather
- Is major weather control really possible? Is weather manipulation a means
of conducting war? If not, why in 1977 did the United States, the
then-Soviet Union and dozens of other countries believe it was a good idea
to enact a UN treaty banning weather manipulation as a means of conducting
war? -
- by Mike Blair, American Free Press, Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Weather and Environmental
NO2ID: Charles Clarke, ‘ID Cards Are About Controlling Society’
- '... the Home Secretary claimed that we already live in 'Big Brother
society' and that it is his job to control it, branding civil liberties
concerns "ridiculous" and independent costings of the scheme “absurd”. This,
despite the fact that the Home Office response to the LSE [costings] report
has be shown to contain fabricated figures.' -
-, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
New Article by Wes Penre: Hurricane
Katrina: One Thing to Remember!
- Some people who are aware of the New World Order and the
Globalization movement may wonder why the Media is turning against the
Government, who basically controls them? Aren't they supposed to be on the
Government's side? -
- by Wes Penre, Sep 6, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Bill Clinton
Clinton: Government 'Failed' People
[See "Hurricane Katrina: One Thing to
Remember", by Wes Penre. This is what I am talking about: the
destruction of America]
- Former President Bill Clinton on Monday said the government "failed"
the thousands of people who lived in coastal communities devastated by
Hurricane Katrina, and said a federal investigation was warranted in due
time. -
- CNN, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Bush Faked
Levee Repair for Photo Op Yesterday
- it became apparent that yesterday we witnessed a hastily prepared stage
set for a Presidential photo opportunity; and the desperately needed
resources we saw were this morning reduced to a single, lonely piece of
equipment. -
- Statement by LA Senator Mary Landrieu, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
"When the Levee Breaks" - Led Zeppelin
When the Levee Breaks ... FEMA Takes Over
- The Illuminati always kill several birds with one stone, and this
‘problem, reaction, solution’ is introducing a random ‘shoot-to-kill’
policy, while forcibly disarming the refugees. It has created a breeding
ground for disease in the stagnant water swamped with rotting corpses, which
will demand compulsory vaccinations. It has caused an energy crisis and
possible economic collapse. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Sep 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
Guest Writers : Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
Bush and New Orleans' Governor
Staged New Orleans Photo Ops
- Three tons of food ready for delivery by air to refugees in St. Bernard
Parish and on Algiers Point sat on the Crescent City Connection bridge
Friday afternoon as air traffic was halted because of President Bush’s visit
to New Orleans, officials said. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Met by Despair, Not Violence
- Their mission [Special Response Team from the Louisiana Army National
Guard], simply, is to turn New Orleans into a police state [my
emphasis] — to "regain the city," 1st Sgt. John Jewell said. -
- by Scott Gold, Los Angeles Times, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
A Black Man is
"Looting" and a White Couple is "Finding" Supplies in the Wake of Hurricane
- The Associated Press has
separately captioned two photos of looters in the wake of Katrina. The photo
of a black man refers to his "looting," and the photo of a white pair refers
to their "finding." I would like to know why this happened. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
How the NeoCons Stole Freedom
- How the NeoCons murdered New Orleans: Another in the continuing series. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Project Blue Beam
- The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown of all
archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up with artificially created
earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly,
new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all
fundamental religious doctrines. -
- by Serge Monast via Educate, originally published 1994 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The UFO-Darwin Theory:
We Are the Minority!
[From an Illuminati News Website visitor]
- I am sharing this idea b/c as a human being I know it is my duty.
First, I have never been abducted nor have I seen a UFO. But I have seen and
heard enough to believe. I am not a scientist, nor am I a scholar, but I do
- by K.M.V., Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
UFOs and Aliens :
Alien Theories]
Resident: Our Government is Killing the People of New Orleans
- By witholding supplies, they are ensuring more deaths, and I hold them
complicit. Please bring this matter to the attention of the people of the
United States. They need to know that New Orleans is deliberatly being
denied food and water. -
- via, Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
FEMA Cut Emergency Lines in La Parish Community!
- "Let me give you just three quick examples. We had Wal-Mart deliver three
trucks of water, trailer trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said
we didn´t need them. This was a week ago. FEMA--we had 1,000 gallons of
diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard
said, "Come get the fuel right away." When we got there with our trucks,
they got a word. "FEMA says don´t give you the fuel."
Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency
communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee,
goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and
says, "No one is getting near these lines." Sheriff Harry Lee said that if
America--American government would have responded like Wal-Mart has
responded, we wouldn´t be in this crisis." -
-, Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Just Returned from NO, LA
- Shortly after this talk, I received a text message that my cousin was
approached by Guardsmen. He assumed they had come to get them out. Instead,
a gun was put in his face and he was told to stay put or.. "We will shoot
and shoot to kill!" -
- by Greg West, Katrina survivor, Sep 4, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Magicians Cause UFO Sightings?
- The purpose of this article is
to examine the suggestion that the current wave of UFO activity that began
in 1947 with Kenneth Arnolds sighting over the Cascade Mountains was
deliberately caused by a series of magickal workings carried out by
occultists. -
-, Jul 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
UFOs and Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Occultism : More on Occultism]
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA - As terrible as it is to live in a nation where the press in known to
be controlled by the government, at least one has the advantage of knowing
the bias is present, and to adjust for it. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
Media Control :
Mainstream Media]
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
- The "old boy network" of socializing, talking shop, and tapping each other
for favors outside the halls of government made it inevitable that the CIA
and Corporate America would become allies, thus the systematic infiltration
and takeover of the media. -
- by Mary Louise via - [Permanently archived here:
Media Control :
Mainstream Media]
Things We Now Know Four Years After 9/11
- In a few days, it will be four years since the awful events symbolized by
the date "9/11." Time for our annual list of what we've learned from that
tragedy and what followed from it. - Democratic Underground, Aug 30, 2005
- [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism :
to Identify Misinformation
[This is a funny one. The Government tells you what is a conspiracy
theory and what is not]
- Does the story claim that vast, powerful, evil forces are secretly
manipulating events? If so, this fits the profile of a conspiracy theory.
Conspiracy theories are rarely true, even though they have great appeal and
are often widely believed. In reality, events usually have much less
exciting explanations. The U.S. military or intelligence community is a
favorite villain in many conspiracy theories.
- U.S. Government - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
The Globalists
Defend Themselves]
New Orleans: The Strategy
for World Government
- Three of the worst catastrophes in American history have taken place
during George W. Bush's watch. Is this a coincidence? They are Sept. 11, the
Iraq War and the devastation of New Orleans. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Hurricane Katrina
Weather Wars Website
- Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can
alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use
of electromagnetic waves. -
- by Scott Stevens, Weather - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Weather and Environmental
The Tsunami That Was
- These are both very Russian sounding names. It has been established that
the former Soviet Union (fSU) developed and boasted of weather modification
technology during the 1960's and 70's with deployment against the United
States coming in 1976 with the audible arrival of the woodpecker grid. These
weather operations continue to this day. -
- by Scott Stevens, Weather, Aug 30, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Weather and Environmental
Control |
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Open Letter to Michael Moore
- Mr. Moore, why at this juncture of suffering in my hometown of New
Orleans, do you choose to use it to further your agenda? -
- by Luis Fernandez de la Reguera, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Was Katrina
A 'Man-Made Storm' For Profits?
- Just about every human being is totally unaware that technology exists
NOW, whereby weather can be used as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Please see
all the links below which will explain this NEW SCALAR TECHNOLOGY, whose
principles were developed by Nikolai Tesla. -
- by Michael Shore,, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The FDA Exposed: An
Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower
- This interview contains jaw-dropping insights about the corruption and
crimes that take place every day inside the Food and Drug Administration.
This is no outside critic, either: these are the words from a top FDA
employee who has worked at the agency for two decades. -
- News Target, Aug 30, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Drugs :
Legal Drugs,
the AMA, FDA and the WHO]
World Wide Depression
Feared as United States Losses Nears 2 Trillion US Dollars, Global Oil
Markets in Chaos and US Military Leaders Prepare to Seal Borders
- As American oil reserves have fallen by over 17% since 1990, according to
their Department of Energy statistics, the loss of Louisiana’s reserves,
which total about one quarter of the United States total reserves (22%),
coupled with the devastation wrecked upon the Gulf of Mexico production
facilities, have resulted in such catastrophic shortfalls that the Strategic
Reserves of both the European Union and Japan are having to be drawn upon,
and as we can read from these reports: -
-, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
World Economy]
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
[Updated with a new reference]
can't develop spiritually and we remain stuck in the Illuminati's low
vibration prison where pain, suffer and terror are the three main
characteristics -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Microchipping :
Microchipping |
Wes Penre Articles
: 2005]
Weapons - A Present Reality
- In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of
national security policy with both domestic and international applications.
Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at
various levels. -
-, Oct 8, 2004 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Weather and Environmental
Control |
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans
"No One Can Say They Didn't See It Coming"
- In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the
three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New
Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war. -
-, Aug 30, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Michael Moore
Vacation is
Over (An Open Letter to President Bush)
- Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina
and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. Where
on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do you need
help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot. Man, was that
a drag. -
- by Michael Moore, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
President Bush
Lying SOB!!!
- Bush diverted levee-building funds to Iraq war, tax cuts for his rich
Bush, this morning: "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the
Experts: "Ummmm... we've been warning about that for years, asshat." -
- by Unknown - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (Left)
Angry New Orleans Mayor Says Feds Don't Have A Clue
- Ray Nagin went on WWL Radio Thursday
night to say the feds "don't have a clue what's going on." He added, "Excuse
my French -- everybody in America -- but I am pissed." -
- Local 6 News via, Sep 2, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Exclusive Audio: Ray Nagin, Mayor of
New Orleans, Lashes Out!
- This is a MUST LISTEN! The
Mayor is the ONLY politician who has the guts to speak up against the
corrupt Government. This interview is heartbreaking and ends in tears!The audio clip at is just an excerpt. Please go
to and click on "Watch free videos Browse/Search" and
search for "Mayor fed up with slow response" from Sep 2. The full video is
12 min 09 sec long. Please watch it all before it disappears from the CNN
Wes Penre -
- Local 6 News, Sep 2, 2005 -
[Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina
| Audio & Video Room : Natural and Manmade
Bush Strafes
New Orleans - Where Is Our Huey Long?
- The National Public Radio news anchor was so excited I thought she'd piss
on herself: the President of the United had flown his plane down to 1700
feet to get a better look at the flood damage! And there was a photo of our
Commander-in-Chief taken looking out the window. He looked very serious and
concerned. That was yesterday. Today he played golf. No kidding. -
- by Greg Palast, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
US 'Slow
Response' to Hurricane Katrina Was Deliberate
- While TV news presenters keeps asking why the government tool so long to
save the victims of Hurricane Katrina, evidence is beginning to emerge that
US officials may have delberately prevented attempts to rescue thousands of
people in affected cities. -
- The Insider, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The Unraveling of Bush's America
- Take a step back for a minute, then take a deep breath, because what we
are seeing now is the beginning of the end of America's darkest hour; the
end of the Bush Administration. Bush will never survive this disaster;
the tectonic political-plates have shifted too dramatically; the failure too
colossal. -
- by Mike Whitney,, Sep 2, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
(Part 2)
- The "UFO Summoning Tour" has been postponed until Sep 15, due to
"Hurricane Katrina" (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh. -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 - [Permanently Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
NAPA State Hospital - An American Nightmare
(A Media Information Database)
- There is no longer anyone who can say that the terrible conditions at the
hospital do not exist - the proof is here! The only question is: how long
will it take before the hospital is closed down and all the insane criminals
running the facility are behind bars? -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr, Sep 3, 2005 - [Permanently Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
The Shadow Government
- It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government
is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or,
within states, according to state constitutions. -
-, 1994 - [Permanently archived here:
The Illuminati: The Shadow Government in
Freemasons in
- Freemasons have always been in the forefront of the scientific community;
from the founding of the British Royal Society to today's NASA programme in
the United States.
The following is a short and incomplete list 1 of Brethren who have
contributed to the exploration of outer space. -
- Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon - [Permanently archived here:
Secret Societies: Freemasonry]
Waiting for
a Leader
- George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life yesterday,
especially given the level of national distress and the need for words of
consolation and wisdom. In what seems to be a ritual in this administration,
the president appeared a day later than he was needed. -
- New York Times, Sep 1, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Weather and Environmental
Control |
Miscellaneous :
Natural and Manmade Disasters/Hurricane Katrina]
Bush Gives New
Reason for Iraq War
[With oil prices rising sky-high due to Hurricane Katrina, Bush can
safely reveal ONE of the many REAL reasons for the Iraq war, and lots of
people will support him and his criminal war, hoping this will stop gas/oil prices
from increasing here at home.
Wes Penre]
- [Bush] says US must prevent oil fields from falling into hands of
terrorists -
- Jennifer Loven, Associated Press, Sep 1, 2005 - [Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/Updates on the
Iraq War]
Division 4 Team Names
Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in JFK Jr. Assassination
- “I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but I’m aware
there is an operational grand jury and indictments regarding the White
House, so now is the time. I‘m tired of knowing all the details and
perpetrators of the murder of an innocent and good man without seeing
justice..." -
-, Aug 31, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order:
Nikola Tesla
This HAARP Is Not
From Heaven
The Government Can Control Weather
- Lots of people know that Nicola Tesla patented weather influencing
machinery before 1910, and explained how it could be used to control weather
thousands of miles away. Not only can the technology be used to guide
moisture laden air to drought stricken locations, but it can keep moisture
away from droughts as well. -
- - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Weather and Environmental
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
can't develop spiritually and we remain stuck in the Illuminati's low
vibration prison where pain, suffer and terror are the three main
characteristics -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Microchipping :
Microchipping |
Wes Penre Articles
: 2005]
Napa State Manor
Sexual Abuse
and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
[Updated] - The Napa Sentinel, a local newspaper, has full knowledge of NSH past
and up-to-date rampant sex abuses and drug use. There was a time in the
1980's when most of all the psyche staff at NSH used marijuana and
smoked it with the clients there... - - by Wes Penre, April 27, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health |
Wes Penre Articles
: 2005]
Dead Scientists And
Microbiologists - Master List
- In the 1980's over two dozen science graduates and experts working for
Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, most
appearing to be suicides., The MOD denied these scientists had been involved
in classified Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way
connected. Judge for yourself... -
- Compiled by Mark J. Harper, Feb 5, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: Assassinations]
ACLU Reveals FBI Labeled Peace, Affirmative Action Group 'Terrorist'
- The American Civil Liberties Union today
released an FBI document that designates a Michigan-based peace group and an
affirmative action advocacy group as potentially "involved in terrorist
activities," RAW STORY has learned. The ACLU release follows. -
- The Raw Story - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order: The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Here's the Funny
- George W. Bush coughed up his latest rationale for continuing the Iraq war
- I think this is the fourth or fifth one of these to this point - by saying
that because so many American soldiers have been killed, we have to keep
sending American soldiers to get killed as a means of honoring the American
soldiers who have been killed. Big talk from a guy who spends more time on
vacation than a French aristocrat. -
- by William Rivers Pitt, T r u t h o u t, Aug 30, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Politics: The Current Administration Under
Pat Robertson
A Christian Fascist Lies
- The American Voice, Aug 24, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars
: Christianity]
War is a Racket
- by Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler -
- "War is a Racket" is a gem of an idiosyncratic but thought provoking book
that was written 70 yeas ago -- and is suddenly back in fashion because it
describes the Cheney/Rumsfeld clique without ever having known them. People
of their type don't change. The war profiteers are always amongst us. It's a
racket that doesn't seem to go away. -
-, Aug 30, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order
: Miscellaneous on NWO Wars]
Scalar Weather Wars: Hurricane Katarina and the Rape of New Orleans
- This taped presentation, which was made in 1985, is included for
historical reference purposes only. Since then, the technology has been
developed into more rigorous longitudinal EM wave interferometry, which is
the exact nature of those earlier weather engineering weapons. The
foundations of scalar electro-magnetics are well explained in this
presentation. -
- by Stefan Grossman, Aug 29, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
New World Order
: Weather and Environmental Control]
Bomb Bus 'Doctor' Found Dead
- A New Zealand woman who told a tale about her role in helping victims of
the London bombings has been found dead in her home in London. -
- New Zeeland Herald, Aug 20, 2005 - [Permanently archived here:
War on Terrorism
: Attack on London/The London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings (July 7,
I don't subscribe to
everything in each and every article posted on this website. Some
articles are submitted because of research value for me and others, and
although I may only agree on parts of the article, I posted it anyway
for this purpose.Wes Penre, Illuminati News.