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News Archives
Wednesday, August 31

Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
Cindy Sheehan
Tomgram: A
Worldview Repeated Once Too Often?
- ...Under these circumstances, it's worth taking a close look at his recent
speeches and comparing his linguistic landscape with that of Cindy Sheehan,
at the moment a stand-in for the mute (and previously somewhat hidden)
American dead from his war as well as an encroaching Iraqi catastrophe. -
- by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/The Resistance |
New World Order : Grass-Root Opposition]
Counteroffensive: Bush Launches 'Operation Cindy Sheehan'
- So far, Bush has evaded Cindy’s attempts to interrogate him on his motives
for launching this disastrous venture. In his estimate – Sheehan deserves no
meeting and no response. The president has made an executive decision that
his job description does not oblige him to divulge the real reasons for
invading Iraq. -
- Global Research, Aug 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/The Resistance |
New World Order : Grass-Root Opposition]
Is "Stormfront"
a Hoax?
- As Cindy Sheehan renews her vigil outside the Bush ranch, a group of
"White Supremacists" have shown up just in time for the mainstream media to
proclaim that the peace movement harbors racists and (shudder) anti-Semites!
The timing is just too cute to be believed, and in an age where Karl Rove
has redefined political dirty tricks to a degree that even Dick Nixon would
admire, one has good reason to be skeptical who the "White Supremacists" are
and more to the point, who they work for. -
- What Really Happened -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/The Resistance |
New World Order : Grass-Root Opposition]

William Rodriguez and Wayne Madsen
the Heels Of Death Threats Coming Out Of Washington, WTC Janitor Has Jersey
City Apartment Burglarized
- Journalist Wayne Madsen has left Washington over death threats and William
Rodriguez, 9/11 truth-seeker, had his apartment burglarized. Both fit the
description of the person supposedly targeted by the government. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Historical Evidence of
Problem Reaction Solution
- 1) The government creates or exploits a problem blaming it on others
2) The people react by asking the government for help willing to give up
their rights
3) The government offers the solution that was planned long before the
crisis -
- IndexOfTheWeb.com -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Introduction to the New World Order]
Fight the
- The potential for abuse with this bill is staggering. Under this proposed
law, if Bob has a website that talks about filesharing and downloading
illegal Mp3s, and I link to Bob’s website saying “This is great site, you
should read it!” I am liable for inducing piracy. -
- MooreWatch.com -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The New World Order in General]
Who Owns What?
- CJR's online guide to what major media companies own -
- CJR.org -
[Archived here:
Media Control : Mainstream Media]
Tuesday, August 30

Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Who Was Albert Pike?
- Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and the
architects of the New World Order. In the 19th Century Albert Pike
established a framework for bringing about the One World Order. Based on a
vision revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would
play themselves out in the 20th century, with even more of these events yet
to come. -
- ThreeWorldWars.com -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Freemasonry]
Albert Pike and
Three World Wars
- Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he
wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined
plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the
One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events
that have already taken place. -
- ThreeWorldWars.com -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Freemasonry]
Henry Kissinger
Kissinger, In His Own Words
- "Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign
policy." - Henry Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United
States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam" -
- Whale.to -
[Archived here:
Politics : Politicians in General Under
Scrutiny/Henry Kissinger]
Britain's Elite Get Pills to Survive Bird Flu
- MEMBERS of Britain’s elite have been selected as priority cases to receive
scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ expense if the country is
hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak. -
- The Sunday Times, Aug 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : AIDS and Other Man-Made Deceases]
Critics Raise Alarm Over 'Exclusive' New Terror Laws
[Problem: The Illuminati
Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction to do something about it!
Solution: Exclusive new terror laws]
- A cross-party coalition today warned the
government that its forthcoming anti-terrorism legislation risks
criminalising or excluding people who have already condemned terrorist
attacks. -
- by Matthew Tempest, Guardian Limited, Aug 26, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/Problem-Reaction-Solution]

Intelligence Whispers
- WMR has obtained further paper trails linking George H. W. Bush's longtime
mysterious Swiss German money mover (see July 24-25 article below) to a now
defunct bank operated on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, his family, and some of
his closest business associates. -
- Wayne Madsen Report, Aug 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current administration Under

Police Chief-
Lockerbie Evidence Was Faked
[We, the "Conspiracy-Theorists", have known this for years but of course
been ridiculed]
- The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher - has
testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in
convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people. -
- Marcello Mega, Scotsman, Aug 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The New World Order in General]

The 911 North Tower
Demolition Explained
- The Model for 'removing' skyscrapers is the Penzer Building in Detroit,
courtesy of Controlled Demolition, Inc. Notice the yellow enclosed area
showing some of the cutter charges that demolished ALL of the support
columns on one floor. The total weight of the unsupported structure hammered
the building to the ground after the core structure was blown to pieces: -
- by Jon Carlson, Aug 26, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : 9/11]
'What They Died
For' in Iraq is a Mystery
- "What they died for" is a complete mystery. As one grieving mother of a
son killed in Iraq said, Bush is asserting that "more people should die
because these have died," which makes no sense. -
- by Ken Lessley, Common Dreams News Center, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/Updates on the
Iraq War]
Monday, August 29

Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

The Pope urges obedience to oil imperialism
Benedict Urges Muslims to Give Up Their Oil to Christian Corporations Like
Exxon Mobil
- He said an improvement in relations with Islam "is a vital necessity on
which a large measure of our future oil needs depends." He warned that if
Islam doesn’t than it is "the darkness of a new barbarism." -
- Reuters, Aug 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Catholicism/Popes Under Scrutiny/Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI]

Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez and
the American Slug: Pat Robertson’s Call for Assassination
[An article in strong defense of Chavez]
- I tell you plainly: There is no greater, stronger, more righteous leader
on the planet than Hugo Chavez and America’s determination to depose him is
absolute proof of our moral poverty. -
- by Jack Random, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current administration Under

Joan Baez and Cindy Sheehan at Crawford, TX
One Mother's Stand - Cindy
Speaks to Roaring Crowd
- "How many more," Cindy asked, "have to die for lies? For giving those who
have too much power more power?" -
- by David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/The Resistance |
New World Order : Grass-Root Opposition]
Bush Regime
Rotten to the Core
- A storm of anti-war protests and sentiment is sweeping across the nation.
Finally, reality and truth are trumping President George W. Bush's lies.
Even the perpetual propaganda machine of the corporate media can no longer
manufacture consent for Bush's monstrously bad policies and decisions. -
- by Bill Gallagher, Peabody Award Winner -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current administration Under
Mendacity Will Shock Historians
- When historians write about our times, they'll shake their heads and
wonder how so many people could believe so many lies for so long. They might
actually write two parallel books -- one describing the cascading lies and
deceptions George W. Bush and the Republicans sold and the other telling the
truth. -
- by Bill Gallagher, Peabody Award Winner -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current administration Under

Winds of Change
- In this instance, with your back [America] against the wall, what do you
do? Obviously, in order to protect your ageing empire, you turn to your
strong point where you have a clear advantage – your military. -
- by Puru Saxena, Aug 4, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The New World Order in General]
Sunday, August 28

Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

De Menezes
Menezes Shooting: All the Facts Point To a Cover Up
- The London Metropolitan Police force is desperately scrambling around
trying to cover up the botch job assassination they perpetrated on Jean
Charles De Menezes on the London Underground almost five weeks ago. More and
more facts are being leaked every day, faster than the Police force can
cover them up. -
- by Steve Watson, InfoWars.com, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
Donald Rumsfeld
Smackdown! I
Challenge Rumsfeld to a Royal Rumble
- In a true democracy, (which we do NOT have), an underling like myself
might challenge a tribal leader, especially one not elected, like Rumsfeld,
and "call him out," force him to prove himself, especially in his chosen
field of expertise. Otherwise, what's the point of democracy? -
- by Douglas Herman, Strike-the-root.com -
[Archived here:
Politics : Politicians in General Under
Scrutiny/Donald H. Rumsfeld]
Consumers Will Foot Bill for Net Spooks
- ...would require Internet service providers to put all Internet
communications, including chat rooms, e-mails, text messages and Internet
telephony, under surveillance at the request of law-enforcement agencies who
obtain a court order. Police can already use court orders to request
Internet communication, but service providers are not required to monitor
the Internet, often leaving gaps in the data available to authorities. -
- Ottawa Citizen, Aug 26, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : The Internet]

Robert McNamara - Vietnam War Architect
Kennedy Tape Debates Nuking China To Defend India
- Senior defence aides warned president John F. Kennedy in 1963 that any
guarantee to defend India against Chinese attack would require a commitment
to use nuclear weapons. -
- SpaceWar.com, Aug 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order : War on China]

George Orwell
Unblinking Eyes May Watch School
- He [Bradley Myerson, a Manchester attorney] said it sends the wrong
message to students that school leaders don't trust them. Furthermore, he
said, it conditions students to not object when they're being watched all
the time. "It basically tells students Big Brother's watching you and you'd
better watch out," he said, referring to a character in George Orwell's
"1984." -
- by Chris Parker, Bennington Banner, Aug 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance : Overall Surveillance]
Criticizes Calif. Mental Hospital
[Related article:
Run Hospital Failing]
- Patients at a state mental hospital overdosed on illegal drugs, were
improperly restrained for hours on end and were forced to spend 12 hours in
soiled diapers, according to a scathing report issued by the U.S. Justice
Department. -
- by Kim Curtis, Associated Press, July 29, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Award Winning IMAX® Super Short From the Home of the Hubble Space Telescope
[Quick Time Video]
- With the generous support of David Keighley Productions 70MM, Inc., an
IMAX company, we have created Hubble: Galaxies Across Space & Time, a
journey across 9 billion years of cosmic history that takes a mere 2 minutes
51 seconds, short enough to be spliced into the ‘trailer space’ before a
main feature. -
- informal-sci.stsci.edu -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : Astronomy |
Video & Audio Room : Videos/Miscellaneous]
Saturday, August 27

Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides
- “I’m not meeting again with that goddamned bitch,” Bush screamed at aides
who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother
whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!” -
- by Doug Thompson, Capitol Hill Blue, Aug 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current
Administration Under Scrutiny]
Jacob Rothschild
Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline
- As has been popularized recently by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code, or
before him by the Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Stuarts of Scotland are
supposedly descended from King Arthur and Jesus Christ. These families are
of course not descended from Jesus. The idea is preposterous. But they are
related to the Holy Grail, and they are not Christians, but Kabbalists. -
- by David Livingstone, Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : Royal Genealogy – The 13th Illuminati
LaRouche Says 'Georgie Porgie And Hitler' Running Government And Leading
World Into Global Disaster
- Former Democratic nominee for President and Labor Party Presidential
candidate, Lyndon LaRouche, claims martial law is right around the corner if
Bush, Cheney and the neo-cons aren't removed from their stranglehold on
government. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 26, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under
Ports Begin New Catastrophic Terrorist Attack Drills
- U.S. ports are preparing for catastrophic terrorism in a major new program
of security drills that began last week in the San Francisco Bay area and
continues next week in Baltimore... -
- Global Security Newswire, Aug 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on
Police Brutality at
Utah Rave
- At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone
when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I
jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I
wasn't far off. -
- Marmalade, Earwaks.com, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

Psychiatric surgical tools
Run Hospital Failing
- Patients at a state mental hospital overdosed on illegal drugs, were
improperly restrained for hours on end and were forced to spend 12 hours in
soiled diapers, according to a scathing report issued by the U.S. Justice
Department. -
- by Kim Curtis, Associated Press, July 29, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
Sexual Abuse
and Mind Control at Napa State Hospital
- The Napa Sentinel, a local newspaper, has full knowledge of NSH past
and up-to-date rampant sex abuses and drug use. There was a time in the
1980's when most of all the psyche staff at NSH used marijuana and
smoked it with the clients there... -
- by Wes Penre, April 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
Pat Robertson
CIA, Military Men Agree with Pat Robertson
- While televangelist Pat Robertson has apologized for suggesting that
Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez be assassinated, a former military man and
an ex-CIA operative have stepped forward to say that his concerns about
Chavez aren't exactly unwarranted. -
- NewsMax, Aug 26, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Friday, August 26
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

John D. Rockefeller
The Witch Hunt on Alternative
- In the mid 1970's President James E. Carter signed a Rockefeller document
called the "Global 2000 Report". The basic intention with this report was to
reduce the American population to 10% the current level, and the CFR's
[Council on Foreign Relations] insider newsletter has expressed its' intents
to help that process along in the USA to about 45% current population
levels. The agenda is very much on its way through immune-whacking vaccines
they injected in us when we were children. -
- by Wes Penre, August 9, 1999 -
[Archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre : 1999]

Big Mac
Bus Bomber Stopped For a Big Mac Before Killing Started
- Comment by Alex Jones, InfoWars.com: A portrait of a really
hardcore Muslim fundamentalist who hates Western values, visiting McDonald's
before 'blowing himself up'. That's exactly what I'd do before bombing a
bus, buy a Big Mac. These guys were clearly dupes who thought they were part
of a drill. When the drill went live and tubes started blowing up, Hussain
obviously freaked out and started calling his friends. -
- London Independent, Aug 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]

David Icke
David Icke's Newsletter
- People can accept that a politician could be taking bribes for services
rendered because is lying on a human scale, if you like. But when the lie
involves elements in their own government and military conspiring with
outside forces to orchestrate the horrific attacks of September 11th it’s
all too much to absorb. -
- by David Icke, Aug 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New
World Order]
FEMA’s Plan for Mass Destruction Attacks: Of Course It’s True
- On June 19, FEMA posted a special bid notice for one of the agency’s
largest contract awards ever – offering contracting firms $300 million for a
five-year contract to simply prepare plans to create temporary housing on a
scale never before imagined, and then stand by. -
- by Christopher Ruddy, NewsMax.com, Aug 7, 2002 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : FEMA
- Concentration Camps Today]
One Nation, Under Watch
- Even though many critics believe the Patriot Act was a sucker-punch to the
Bill of Rights, Congress plans to make many of its provisions permanent. -
- Silja J.A. Talvi, Santa Fe Reporter, AlterNet, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Patriot Act II]
Charles Colson
Born Again, Again
- A new biography of Charles Colson is yet another cover-up. -
- by Max Blumenthal, July/Aug 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Why Pat
Robertson is Not Treated Like a Terrorist
- Why won't Pat Robertson be treated as a terrorist? Believe me, if you said
what he said about any of America's current leaders, you would be arrested
quickly under the Patriot Act and locked away. -
- by John Chuckman, Aug 24, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :

Economic Insanity and Political
- Globalism is the embodiment of economic insanity. There is nothing new in
this scheme to supplant reality with Elysium. Dating back before the common
era the manipulations were entrenched. From The Greatness and Decline of
Rome, Guglielmo Ferrero, Vol. II, pg. 57: -
- Batr.org -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The World Economy]

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
- How the US Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions -
- Interview with John Perkins by Ant Goodman -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The World Economy]
American Legion Declares War on Protestors -- Media Next?
- The American Legion, which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on
antiwar protestors, and the media could be next. Speaking at its national
convention in Honolulu, the group's national commander called for an end to
all “public protests” and “media events” against the war. -
- Editor & Publisher, Aug 24, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

Thomas Friedman, New York Times
The Rise of the
Democratic Police State
- Friedman's latest bark is about free speech, which his country's
constitution is said to safeguard. He wants the State Department to draw up
a blacklist of those who make "wrong" political statements. He is referring
not only to those who advocate violence, but those who believe American
actions are the root cause of the current terrorism. The latter group, which
he describes as "just one notch less despicable than the terrorists",
includes most Americans and Britons, according to the latest polls. -
- by John Pilger, T r u t h o u t | Perspective, Aug 23, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

B'nai B'rith's Logo
Real Motive Behind the "Department of Global Anti-Semitism"
- This is more “Hate Crimes” legislation, orchestrated by the international
Jewish religious, educational, and fraternal organization, B’nai B’rith, and
its Anti-Defamation League. The new “Department of Global Anti-Semitism” is
designed to make critics of Israel not only into “anti-Semites” but
ultimately into “domestic terrorists.” -
- by Rev. Ted Pike -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies :
The B’nai B’rith (ADL)]
Thursday, August 25
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Bushites Launch Propaganda Blitz Against Sheehan & the Anti-War Protesters
- Facing sagging public opinion polls and an increasingly spirited antiwar
movement, the Bush administration and its allies this week launched a broad
public relations offensive, with a presidential defense of the war --
including an acknowledgment of the conflict's mounting death toll -- and a
caravan of supportive military families carrying their message to the Bush
ranch in Texas. -
- By Nina J. Easton and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, The Boston Globe,
Aug 23, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : The Iraq War/The Resistance]

Mohammed Atta Sr. and Alomeri
Mohamed Atta Senior in U.S.
Two Weeks Before 9.11 Attack
[Background article:
"Conspiracy", Egypt Today, Sept 2004]
- ...In addition, closed circuit
closed circuit videotape
provided to the FBI as evidence of Atta Senior’s
presence appears to have been intentionally erased. -
- Daniel Hopsicker, MadCowMorningNews, Aug 23, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : 9/11]
Tot's Name to Stay on No-Fly List
- Sarah Zapolsky's 1-year-old son had better get used to being looked at as
a possible terrorist every time his family gets on a plane. That's because
experts and officials say there's no way the toddler's name will be taken
off the federal no-fly list - even after he and another tot made headlines
for being stopped as potential terror threats. -
- by Michael McAuliff, Daily News Washington Bureau -
[Archived here:
New World Order : In the Name of National and Homeland
Security Cameras Capturing Students Every Move
- North Side students weren’t alone as they hit the hallways for their first
day of school, security cameras watched the students every move. John Jay
High School is the first school in Bexar County to have anything that
hi-tech. Security cameras will soon be in every North Side high School. -
- Brandy Ralston, KENS 5 Eyewitness News, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance : Overall Surveillance]

Pete Bitar oversees demonstrations of directed-energy weapons.
His company makes blinding lasers used in Iraq.
Michael Conroy, AP
Laser Weaponry Can Have Tough Time Getting Off Shelf
- For years, the U.S. military has explored a new kind of firepower that is
instantaneous, precise and virtually inexhaustible: beams of electromagnetic
energy. "Directed-energy" pulses can be throttled up or down depending on
the situation, much like the phasers on "Star Trek" could be set to kill or
merely stun. -
- by Brian Bergstein, Associated Press, July 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Pat Robertson
Pat Robertson Calls for Assassination of Hugo Chavez
[Another Illuminati "Christian" Charlatan]
- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American
operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his
country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim
extremism." -
- USA Today, Aug 23, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
[Now read this]:
Pat Robertson's Statements Help Hugo Chavez
- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has a new best friend this morning:
television evangelist Pat Robertson. With his astonishing call for the
left-wing leader's assassination last night—"I think that we really ought to
go ahead and do it...We have the ability to take him out"—Robertson will
have surely made Chavez an even more popular anti-yanqui icon in Venezuela,
Latin America and around the world. -
- by Tim Padgett, Time Online, Aug 23, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Robertson Apologizes for Assassination Call
- After two days of criticism, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson
apologized for his controversial suggestion that the United States should
assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. -
- CNN, Aug 24, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Wednesday, August 24
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
The Battle For Your Home
- After the U.S. Supreme Court decided the Constitution allows homes to be
taken for potentially more profitable, higher tax uses, the defenders of
eminent domain abuse already have begun desperate attempts to keep the power
to take homes and businesses and turn them over to private developers. And
they are struggling to convince outraged Americans that they shouldn't care.
- by Dana Berliner, The Washington Times, Aug 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Confiscating Property]
Joan Baez
Folk Singer And Peace Activist, Joan Baez, Joins Cindy Sheehan's War Protest
In Crawford
- Iraqi War protest takes on flavor of the 1960's when folk singers and
activists united to bring the Vietnam War to an end. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
Bribery, Loan Sharking And Murder True American Foreign Policy, Says
Economic Hit Man
- In one-on-one interview, best-selling author, John Perkins, lays it on the
line about corrupt American foreign policy. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The New World Order in General]

Bikes With President Over Sheehan Grave
- Armstrong, fresh from his victory in the Tour De France, is seen here with
Mr. Bush riding across the symbolic gravesite of Casey Sheehan, deceased
Army specialist, son of the bereaved Mrs. Sheehan. -
- by Greg Palast, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/The Resistance]
The Microchip Agenda
- Would You Like a Chip To Go With That Hot Dog? -
- by Kentroversy, Aug 22, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Microchipping :

The Kentroversy Papers
- This site features commentary on today's most important events. I am not
afraid to discuss controversial matters, and that is why I am known as
Kentroversy, and these are known as the Kentroversy Papers. -
- kentroversypapers.blogspot.com -
[Archived here:
Links :
Nightmare Called 'Child Protective Services (CPS)'
- Unlicensed Bureaucrats Deny Children Their Parents-All Based on an
Anonymous Complaint -
- by Terry Wanston, Educate-Yourself.org, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Tuesday, August 23
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

SPECIAL REPORT --- U.S. Business
and Bush Family Ties to Osama bin Laden Revealed!
- One of the top U.S. contractors in Iraq was also intimately involved in
the Bin Laden global financial empire ... What is not known about Fluor is
its long standing ties to the Bin Laden family's worldwide financial
interests. WMR has recently obtained the copy of a French intelligence
report on the Saudi Investment Company Organization (SICO), an operation
controlled by the Bin Ladens. -
- by Wayne Madsen, www.waynemadsenreport.com, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

Leave my Child Alone!
- Under a little known provision of No Child Left Behind, public high
schools must hand over personal information about students -- including
minors -- to local military recruiters, or risk losing federal education
funding. The good news is that I just found some great information and a
useful online tool that makes it easy to "opt out" our children from these
lists. Opt Out events start on September 7! -
- LeaveMyChildAlone.org -
[Archived here:
New World Order :

Danger Of Staged Terror Attack at Red Alert Level
America Conservative reported that Cheney has already given the green
light for an attack on Iran in the immediate aftermath of the next terror
strike in the US, even if Iran have nothing to do with it. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson, PrisonPlanet, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]
Cheney's `Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
- The "MindWar" paper was provoked by an article by Lt. Col. John Alexander,
which appeared in the December 1980 edition of Military Review, advocating
the introduction of ESP (extra-sensory perception), "tele-pathetic behavior
modification," para-psychology, psychokinesis ("mind over matter"), remote
viewing, out of body experiences, and other New Age and occult practices
into U.S. military intelligence. Alexander's paper was titled "The New
Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock." -
- by Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, Aug 26, 2005 Issue
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order :
Miscellaneous on NWO Wars]

Rumsfeld's Ray Gun
- A non-lethal -- but potentially harmful -- crowd control weapon that heats
human skin is bound for Iraq, and possibly to a police department near you.
- by Kelly Hearn, AlterNet, Aug 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Conrad Black
Conrad Black Hollinger Fraud: David Radler Indicted
- Even his fictitious "nobility" and Bilderberger credentials may not be
able to protect notorious con man "Lord" Conrad Black ... charging him with
criminal fraud in stealing $32 million from the paper's parent company,
Hollinger International. -
- by Uri Dowbenko, Conspiracy Planet -
[Archived here:
Business :
Business, War and Politics]

Energy Beam Weapon May Lower Iraq Civilian Deaths
[Related article:
Pentagon Deploys Array of Non-Lethal Weapons]
- The ADS follows more than a decade and $50 million of research into
millimeter-wave radiation weapons. The Army plans a version for its Stryker
vehicles, and the Air Force is developing an airborne variant. One major
concern is public acceptance of the weapon. -
- by Steven Komarow, USA Today, July 24, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Freedom Of Speech, RIP
- When did the first amendment wind up under the boot of fascism? When did
"politically correct" become synonymous with censorship? When did the label
"hate crime" become our new censoring device? When did "critic" become
synonymous with "terrorist?" When did the ruling elite remove the word
"free" from "free speech?" All my life I have heard people question, "Why
did people "follow orders" in Nazi Germany?" Look in the mirror folks. Maybe
that's where the answer lies. -
- by Judy Andreas, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

Ballets & Protected Pornographers ... Some Post-Christian Realities
- He had been convicted and sentenced (in April 1989) to a 13-year prison
term for the rape of five children and the sexual torture of an elderly
woman. In view of his “good conduct” in jail (no potential victims victims
), his term was shortened. This was compounded by an amnesty granted by the
King of Belgium, which led to his being released in April 1992. Americans
may find it hard to believe what happened next – but then you do not live in
a welfare state. -
- FreeRepublic.com, May 13, 2004 -
[Archived here:
Mind Control :
Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
Monday, August 22
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Prophet Yahweh is now giving a new approximate time for the start of his
tour. Update at the end of the article (Aug 22, 2005).]
(Part 2)
- This second part of the article on Prophet Yahweh will hopefully be a
follow up on his "50 States UFO Summoning Tour" (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh) -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Napa State Manor
Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State
[Updated! Scroll down to References and Resources and click on the
link under "The Spark Gospel Ministries Webpage"]
- The Napa Sentinel, a local newspaper, has full knowledge of NSH past
and up-to-date rampant sex abuses and drug use. There was a time in the
1980's when most of all the psyche staff at NSH used marijuana and
smoked it with the clients there... -
- by Wes Penre, April 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]
TBN's Paul Crouch a
[Here is some good info on a "Christian" charlatan making big bucks on
peoples' faith. These preachers are Illuminists and many of them are
pedophiles and sex abusers.]
- Televangelist Paul Crouch, founder of the world's largest Christian
broadcasting network, has waged a fierce legal battle to prevent a former
employee from publicizing allegations that he and Crouch had a sexual
encounter eight years ago. -
- ConspiracyWorld.com -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Hucksters, Charlatans,
Fake Faith Healers, Snake Oil Salesmen and False Prophets in the Religious
World of Business
[Contributed by Wayne Morin Jr.]
- This week we visit the first couple of Pray-TV, Jan and Paul Crouch:
she the Tammy Faye Antoinette cum Barbie Doll and he the Thurston P. Howell
style TV magnate. Brother Paul dances with "the little black people… the
pygmies"... -
- Door TV -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Christianity | Video and Audio Room : Religions & Religious
Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction
- A former U.S. Marine who participated in capturing ousted Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein said the public version of his capture was fabricated. -
- 13WHAM.com, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Bedlam at
Bush's Ranch
- But in all of my years I have never seen more mindless frothing than what
I saw by these kool-aid drinking neo-con sycophants. And I’ve got video of
it all, which, in the next week, will be posted on infowars.com and
prisonplanet.com. -
- by Alex Jones, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Gets Prison for Sex with Patient
- A former nurse's aide who threatened to delay a Greystone Park Psychiatric
Hospital patient's imminent release unless he had sex with her was ordered
to serve three years in state prison, even though the judge said he believed
the sentence was too harsh. -
- Associated Press, Aug 21, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Quebecer Claims to Have Photos of Lake Monster
- Jeff Stafford, owner of the Ripplecove Inn, showed photos of what he
claimed are "Whippy" to CFCF News reporter Rob Lurie. -
- CTV.ca, Aug 20, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Unsolved Mysteries]
Gagging Workers off the Job
- Noam Chomsky likes to refer to corporations as dictatorships, and while
that might seem a little strong, your rights as an employee are few and far
between. And they just got fewer and farther. -
- by Matthew Rothschild, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The New World Order in General]
Sunday, August 21
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

The Illusion of Democracy
- A tiny cabal of international bankers chooses our "leaders". This clique,
which subtly controls every significant facet of our society is gradually
establishing an Orwellian global police state. Much of the ruling class has
been duped and think they are building a better world. -
- by Henry Makow, PH.D, Aug 20, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Introduction To the New World Order]
The Radio
Frequency IDentification (RFID) Method
can't develop spiritually and we remain stuck in the Illuminati's low
vibration prison where pain, suffer and terror are the three main
characteristics -
- by Wes Penre and Wayne Morin Jr., Aug 20, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Microchipping :
Microchipping | Wes Penre Articles
: 2005]
Cindy Sheehan
Hypocrites and Liars
- I have never said anything wishy-washy like he uses "Patriotic Rhetoric."
I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he knew he was LYING.
The Downing Street Memos dated 23 July, 2002 prove that he knew that Saddam
didn't have WMD's or any ties to Al Qaeda. -
- by Cindy Sheehan, Aug 20, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
China Discuss Defense Cooperation
- ...At the end of the meeting, Mohammadi Far presented the military emblem
of the Iranian Army to the Chinese delegation and received the military
emblem of the Chinese Army in return. -
- Mehrnews.com, Aug 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order : War on Iran/War
on China]

Pope Benedict XVI
Seeks Immunity in Texas Abuse Case
- Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the
pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to
cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court
records show. -
- BellaCiao.org, Aug 20, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Catholicism/Popes Under Scrutiny]
Lawyer: Immunity Request Won’t
Stop Pope Suit
- A U.S. lawyer said Wednesday he will press ahead with a lawsuit alleging
Pope Benedict XIV conspired to cover up the abuse of three boys by a
seminary student in Texas, despite the pontiff's request for diplomatic
immunity. -
- Reuters, Aug 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars :
Catholicism/Popes Under Scrutiny]
Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11
Indicate Depleted Uranium Used; High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile
Used at Pentagon, Not Commercial Airliner
- Two high profile radiation experts concur Pentagon strike involved use of
a missile. Also Geiger counter readings right after the attack shows high
levels of radiation 12 miles away from Pentagon crash site. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 18, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :

Scientists Mess With the Speed of Light
- Researchers in Switzerland have succeeded in breaking the cosmic speed
limit by getting light to go faster than, well, light. -
- by Ker Than, LiveScience.com, Aug 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Technology & Science : Science - The Illuminati

The Black Magick Masonic
Control of Zionism, Israel, and Current Middle East Events!
- After relating the fact that the first two world wars occurred just as
Pike's spirit had foretold, Chamish then turns to the final war, the Third
World War that was to be fought between Israel and her Arab neighbors. -
- CuttingEdge.org -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Freemasonry]
Saturday, August 20
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Colin Powell's Speech on WMD
Former Aide: Powell WMD Speech 'Lowest Point In My Life'
[In addition to reading the article, please take time to listen to and
watch the video clips. Click on Browse/Search in green under the picture of
Powell. A window will pop up. Click on "Next" and watch all three video
clips titled "Dead Wrong". Very telling!]
- A former top aide to Colin Powell says his involvement in the former
secretary of state's presentation to the United Nations on Iraq's weapons of
mass destruction was "the lowest point" in his life. -
- CNN, Aug 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics :
Politicians In
General Under Scrutiny/Colin Powell | War on Terrorism
: Weapons of Mass Destruction]

Council Listens in to Soho Crowds
- Westminster Council is piloting a scheme to install microphones on
lampposts to augment CCTV coverage with audio snooping. -
- Vnunet.com, May 4, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
Cards Could Be Used For Mass Surveillance System
- The Government is creating a system of "mass public surveillance" capable
of tracking every adult in Britain without their consent, MPs say. They
warn that people who have never committed a crime can be "electronically
monitored" without their knowledge. -
- Marie Woolf, Independent Online, Aug 18, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance | New World Order : In
the Name of National and Homeland Security]

FAA OKs Digital Angel Satellite Device
- The Federal Aviation Administration has approved Digital Angel Corp.'s new
satellite radio transceiver, the company said Thursday. -
- BizJournals.com, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]
Meijer Goes Touchless with Payments
- As a next step in the project, Meijer also said it will incorporate the
PayPass-enabled Meijer Platinum MasterCard(R) card. The card, issued by GE
Consumer Finance, combines the features and benefits of the Meijer private
label store card with the wide acceptance of a MasterCard card, and the
added functionality of PayPass contactless "tap and go" payments. -
- Progressive Grocer, Aug 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Banking and Paper Money :
The Cashless Society]
George W. Bush
- Insider Choice for NWO Promotion
- GreaterThings.com -
[Archived here:
Politics :
The Current
Administration Under Scrutiny]

Concentration Camps in U.S.
- Photos, testimonials, commentary regarding detention / concentration camps
in America run by foreign troops -- eventually to be filled with patriots
who oppose the New World Order when martial law comes?
- Greaterthings.com -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
- Concentration Camps Today]
The Secret
of Iraq
- The secret of our involvement in Iraq is no secret. This area has been
known from 600,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. as a Paleolithic era country. We
cowered in terror before the threat of Iraq's weapons of mass delusion, a la
Harry Boudini and its threat of imminent nuclear annihilation, only to find,
on inventing Iraq in a desperate attempt to stave off destruction, that its
present leader, Saddam Hussein, had been a CIA asset for the past forty
years, with his handlers numbering both Bush pere at fils, and that his
nuclear capability had been destroyed years ago by Israeli assaults using
American planes AND BOMBS, etc. -
- by Eustace Mullins, EustaceMullins.com, Dec 30, 2004 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq War]
Investigating Local Homeland Security Agents
- Up To Six Accused Of Assault, Torture -
- 5ChannelOklahoma.com, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
the Name of National and Homeland Security]
Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas
- We stand today at an unprecedented turning point in human history. In
recent years two versions of ancient history have formed. One, we shall call
‘alternative’ history, the other we shall refer to as ‘official’ history...
- New Dawn Magazine -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Atlantis & Other Ancient Civilizations]
Friday, August 19
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Saddam Hussein
Saddam Could Be Executed After
First Trial
- BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein could be executed after his first trial if
he is convicted and sentenced to death for his alleged role in a 1982 Shiite
massacre, even though he faces other charges, an official close to the
proceedings said Thursday. -
- by Bassem Mroue, Associated Press Writer, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Iraq War/Saddam on Trial]
Police Under Pressure Over Menezes Leak
- In the wake of a leak last night from the independent report, which
revealed eyewitnesses seeing Jean Charles de Menezes being held by police in
his seat before being shot in the head, attention has now turned to the
initial accounts of his death. These claimed he ran from police, vaulted a
ticket barrier and was shot on the floor of the carriage. -
- Matthew Tempest an Simon Jeffery, Guardian Limited, Aug 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The London Bombings/The London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings (July 7,
How The Globalists Create
Heart Attacks
- The recent deaths of over 100 microbiologists over the past several years,
along with the deaths of 3 NWO bankers in less than a week at the end of
July 2005 have caused many people to ask -- how does the NWO kill people and
get away with it? In every sense of the phrase -- these people are above the
law -- and the list of crimes hidden behind the veil of the 'National
Security Act of 1947' and their compartmentalized security clearances is as
staggering as it is saddening. -
- by Kentroversy, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Technology & Science :
Science - The Illuminati Religion]

Niccolò Machiavelli
Machiavelli and U.S.
Politics, Part 1: Pattern and Perception
- Using Churchill’s own words as a springboard, however, we can devise a
parallel aphorism by blending in the advice given by
Niccolò Machiavelli
in his political treatise, The Prince. In our new Machiavellian aphorism, we
may say that “the practice of politics in the United States is a lie wrapped
in hypocrisy inside a half-truth.” As we shall see, this neatly
characterizes the behavior of most U.S. politicians for the past century. -
- by Lawrence M. Ludlow, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Introduction To the New World Order]

Ariel Sharon
Out of Gaza - and Into Jerusalem
- Ariel Sharon is a master of manoeuvres, writes Lindsey Hilsum. While the
world watches the withdrawal from Gaza, he is creating and expanding
settlements in more strategic areas. -
- by Lindsey Hilsum, Aug 15m 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Israel and Palestine]

Noreen Gosch
Noreen Gosch Speaks About -
Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny
Can't Come Home'
- Years later, on February 5, 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District
Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci painstakingly recounted the sordid,
heart breaking details of Johnny Gosch's abduction and forced participation
in an elite government sponsored pedophile sex slave ring, that dehumanized
and controlled its young, hapless victims using techniques such as drugs,
murder, satanic rituals, sexual abuse, and torture, resulting in MPD
(multiple-personality disorder). -
- by Charlene Fassa, Aug 18, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Occultism :
Pedophiles and
Osama bin
Laden: Made in USA
[Note: This article was written in 1998]
- But wait. What if the training camps were falsely portrayed? What if they
had been built by the U.S. government? What if bin Laden and his associates
were in fact old CIA hands? -
- by Jared Israel, New York Times, Aug 28, 1998 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :

Justice Stephen Breyer
Eminent Domania! Another Supreme Home Scoped for Confiscation
- Public outrage over the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing governments
to seize private property and give it to another private party has spread to
a second justice whose home is now targeted for confiscation. -
- by Joe Kovacs, World Net Daily, July 29, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Confiscating Property]
Thursday, August 18
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
US Concentration
Camps - FEMA and the Rex 84 Program
- There [are] over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully
operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even
surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to
be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law
need to be implemented in the United States. -
- Above Top Secret -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
- Concentration Camps Today]
Mistakes Led to Tube
- ITV News has obtained secret documents and photographs that detail why
police shot Jean Charles De Menezes dead on the tube. -
- ITN50, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The London Bombings/The London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings (July 7,
Caught Up in 'No Fly' Confusion
- Infants have been stopped from boarding planes at airports throughout the
U.S. because their names are the same as or similar to those of possible
terrorists on the government's "no-fly list." It sounds like a joke, but
it's not funny to parents who miss flights while scrambling to have babies'
passports and other documents faxed. Ingrid Sanden's 1-year-old daughter was
stopped in Phoenix before boarding a flight home to Washington at
Thanksgiving. -
- by Leslie Miller, Associated Press, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
the Name of National and Homeland Security]

The Men Behind Hitler
- This book is humbly dedicated to the memory of countless ordinary people -
those men, women, children and babies of many races and beliefs, whose lives
were taken because they were considered less than perfect and, therefore,
unworthy to live. -
- by Bernhard Schreiber -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Nazism Today And In the Past | E-Books : Occult
of an American Gestapo
- On June 29 President Bush took the great-leap forward in transforming the
nation's intelligence services by ordering a restructuring of the FBI and
putting "a broad swath of the agency" under the direct control of the
executive. Bingo; Bush's personal secret police; an American Gestapo. -
- by Mike Whitney, Information Clearinghouse, July 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Nazism Today And In the Past]

Bush Shown Kissing Cindy in Family Pix
- [Cindy Sheehan]: "And the other thing I want him to tell me is 'just what
was the noble cause Casey died for?' Was it freedom and democracy? Bullsh--!
He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand
American imperialism in the Middle East. We're not freer here, thanks to
your Patriot Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel
out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," she said. -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Cindy's Husband Seeks Divorce
- According to the Smoking Gun, Patrick Sheehan, who has been married to
Cindy for more than 28 years, filed documents in Solano County, Calif., on
Friday to split with Cindy, citing "irreconcilable differences." -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Cindy's Victory
- Cindy Sheehan and her ever-growing band of supporters intend to stay in
those ditches outside Bush's Crawford "ranch" until he comes out to talk or
until August 31st, whichever comes first. If he does not come out by the end
of the month, she intends to follow him to Washington and camp out in front
of the White House. She and the others have been there for more than a week
now, garnering more and more attention from the national and international
press. Yes, they are tired. Yes, they are uncomfortable. Yes, they have
already won. -
- by William Rivers Pitt, TruthOut.com, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq

Complaint Filed
After Driver Crushes Crosses At Anti-War Protest Site
- Larry Northern, 59, of McLennan County, was charged Tuesday with Criminal
Mischief Over $1,500 and under $20,000 after a pickup truck tore through a
row of white crosses erected by anti-war protesters gathered near the
President’s ranch in Crawford. -
- KWTX10.com, Aug 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
It's Full Steam Ahead for EU Constitution, Even After 'No' Votes
- You may have got the impression that the European constitution was dead -
that the French had felled it, and the Dutch had pounded a stake through its
heart. If so, think again. The constitution is being implemented, clause by
clause, as if the No votes had not happened. -
- by Daniel Hannan, News Telegraph, Aug 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The European Union]
Wednesday, August 17
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
US Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and Financing the 9/11 Attacks: Have Leading
Figures in the Bush Administration Really Been Indicted?
- [Tom] Flocco claims he has received information from intelligence sources
and sources on the fringe of intelligence that suggests indictments have
been handed down to members of the Bush Administration. -
- by Steve Watson, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]
Election Fraud
Continues in the US
- In the fall of 2001, after an eight-month review of 175,000 Florida
ballots never counted in the 2000 election, an analysis by the National
Opinion Research Center confirmed that Al Gore actually won Florida and
should have been President. However, coverage of this report was only a
small blip in the corporate media as a much bigger story dominated the news
after September 11, 2001. -
- by Peter Phillips, Common Dreams News Center, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

Bush Raises Option of Using Force Against
- President Bush said he could consider using force as a last resort to
Iran to give up its nuclear program. But German Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder, one of the most prominent European opponents of the U.S.-led war
on Iraq, told an election rally on Saturday the threat of force was not
acceptable. -
- Reuters, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order : War on Iran]
Bedlam at
Bush's Ranch
- But in all of my years I have never seen more mindless frothing than what
I saw by these kool-aid drinking neo-con sycophants. And I’ve got video of
it all, which, in the next week, will be posted on infowars.com and
prisonplanet.com. -
- by Alex Jones, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Close Informant And Friend Of Former FBI Agent John O'Neill, Killed on 9/11,
Tells How FBI Higher-Ups 'Shut Him Down' Letting 9/11 Happen
- The informant’s earth shattering revelations and hard evidence, including
names, dates, locations, motives and sordid dealings of known terrorists,
may once and for end all speculation that the FBI overtly tried to thwart
O’Neill’s investigation, as well as even show authorities worked closely,
assisting known terrorists in bringing about 9/11 as well as other previous
terrorist attacks. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 16, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
The Incredible 9-11
Evidence We've All been Overlooking
- Immediately before the plane strikes it fires a missile that blows a hole
in the building's façade. This is the cause of that brief flash. The plane
then begins to disappear neatly into this hole, leaving no wing impressions.
Just before it disappears however it fires two more missiles from somewhere
near its tail. -
- by Leonard Spencer -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :

Raël along with
UFO replica
UFO Cult
- A young filmmaker says he infiltrated the UFO cult known as the Raëlians,
and he's looking to blow the lid off the secretive group with footage he
shot while undercover. -
- WorldNetDaily, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Mind Control :
The Raëlians]
America: Truck Drivers, Janitors, Exterminators etc. Training to Be Citizen
- All across America, people who have jobs working with the public are being
trained to spy on the businesses and people they serve. Imagine, you pay the
cable man or the exterminator hundreds of dollars for their service, and
while they’re in your house they are spying on you – in many cases getting a
percentage of anything seized from you. -
- InfoWars.com, Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

Inflation Mystery
- Have you ever wondered why your savings keep losing value over time? Why
is it that the cash you saved ten years ago, buys significantly less today?
- by Puru Saxena, editor & publisher of "Money Matters", Aug 15, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Banking & Paper Money :
Introduction To Banking and Paper Money]
Tuesday, August 16
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Ok.ok! For public relations' sake - a small flag then...
The Bush
Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism
- Bring 'em on! -
- by Steve Perry, July 30, 2003 -
[Archived here:
Politics :
The Current Administration Under Scrutiny | War
on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on the War on Terrorism]
Security Measures OK With Canadians
[...and so they sign their own slave contracts]
- Canadians overwhelmingly support tough security measures as terrorist
attacks abroad fuel a climate of fear at home, a new poll has found. -
- BuffaloNews, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]
Are We All Going Mad, or Are the Experts Crazy?
[This way they can sell more drugs and by their false diagnoses actually
CREATE an insane society, Wes Penre]
- PSYCHIATRIC researchers recently estimated that half of the American
population has had or will have a mental disorder at some time in their
life. A generation ago, by contrast, only a small percentage of the American
population was considered mentally ill. Are we all going mad? -
- Los Angeles Times, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Rockefeller Family Photo, 1800's
Robbing the Cradle: The Rockefellers’ Support of Planned Parenthood
- As many prolifers may already know, some of America’s richest men are
ardent supporters of Planned Parenthood and its allies. George Soros, worth
a measly $4 billion, established the Program on Reproductive Health and
Rights, which has given millions to proabort causes. -
- LifeIssues.net -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
Depopulation Programs]

Abiding Ohio Resident And Korean War Veteran Has Authorities Illegally Swarm
On His Property Just Hours After He Called President Bush A Liar On A Local
AM Radio Station
[It is called INTIMIDATION and fills the purpose of keeping people quiet,
because if they speak up they will have the Government on their property.
Sue them, Mr. Stout!]
- Although Doug Stout, 77, won't pin illegal entry on his property to his
harsh comments about Bush, but says one thing for sure "I don't smoke pot
and everybody in town knows it." After hovering over his property with a
helicopter, officers then swarmed on his land, looked at some shrubbery and
then left without any explanation. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Michael Moore
Michael Moore Owes
Career To Bush Crime Family?
- I cannot believe that NO ONE has reported the following FACT -- namely
that Michael Moore owes his entire career to a break that was coincidentally
given to him by a member of the Bush Crime Family -- Bush cousin Kevin
Rafferty. -
- by Kentroversy, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order :
The New World Order in General]

The Secret Border Wars
- Mayhem and terror in Southern states to protect government drug cartels -
- by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, Aug 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Drugs :
Illegal Drugs]
Security Cameras Multiply in Manhattan
- Six surveillance cameras could be seen peering out from a chain drug store
on Broadway. One protruded awkwardly from the awning of a fast-food
restaurant. A supersized, domed version hovered like a flying saucer outside
Columbia University. To the dismay of civil libertarians and with the
approval of law enforcement, they've been multiplying at a dizzying rate all
over Manhattan. -
- by Tom Hays, Associated Press, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]

The Asteroid Belt
Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000
- Although over 10,000 asteroids have well-determined orbits, the combined
mass of all other asteroids is not as great as that of the largest asteroid,
Ceres. That makes the total mass of the asteroid belt only about 0.001 of
the mass of the Earth. A frequently asked question is, if a major planet
exploded, where is the rest of its mass? -
- Tom van Flandern, Meta Research -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous :
Monday, August 15
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Myers: Release Of
Abu Ghraib Prison Photos Could Cause Riots
- The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warns that releasing photos and
videotapes of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison could have serious
consequences. -
- NewsNet5, Aug 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism :
Updates on the Iraq War]

Cindy Sheehan
Foes Intensify Tex. Vigil
- President Bush got his first look yesterday at the anti-war protest
growing outside his Texas ranch when, on his way to a fund-raiser, he drove
by the vigil staged by a slain soldier's mother. As Bush went to party with
fat cats who gave $2 million to the GOP, his motorcade didn't slow as it
went by Cindy Sheehan and her sign: "Why do you make time for donors and not
for me?" -
- New York Daily News, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
It Takes a Village to Smear Cindy Sheehan
- The right wing attacks on Cindy Sheehan -- desperate, pathetic, and
grasping at straws -- expose much less about their target than about the
attackers. I mean, trying to slime a grieving Gold Star mom because she is
inconveniently questioning the reasons her son was sent off to die in Iraq?
Why that would be like trashing a much-decorated war hero or outing an
undercover CIA agent… -
- by Arianna Huffingon, Aug 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq

Locate Your Child the Same Way They Locate Terrorists
- The same technology that enabled Italian police track down the whereabouts
of one of the suspects in the recent London bombings is being used by
increasing numbers of parents as a way to check the location of their
children. -
- Net4Now, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Surveillance :
Overall Surveillance]

The strangest club in the world? - Agha Abedi, Salem Bin Laden, Gyanendra
Dev with Prince Philip, Sadruddin Khan, Mortimer Bloomfield, and Prince
Johannes von Thurn und Taxis.
- Whether you look in Dutch, French, German, English, American, or
South-African newspapers, there is almost no information available about the
1001 Club, or, as it is often referred to, the '1001 Nature Trust' and
'1001: A Nature's Trust'. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : 1001 Club]
Pilgrims Society
Even today it's members consist of the wealthiest businessman and the most
influential politicians. It was erected over a century ago and meets at
least 2 or 3 times a year. Still, 99% of the world has never heard of it.
We're talking about the Pilgrims Society. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Pilgrims Society]
Going "Nucular" in Iran
- My skills in Adobe Photoshop are basic, but I could superimpose your
picture onto a bus. Imagine what experts can do? Make videos of the late
Osama bin Laden! If the people continue to be fooled, we are doomed, because
the real bombers are our rulers. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Aug 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on
Terrorism | Guest Writers : Hazel W.M.
Understatement: The Founding Fathers Hated Democracy
- It would be an understatement to say that the Founding Fathers hated
democracy. They warned against it vehemently and relentlessly. They equated
it – properly – with mob rule. -
- by Doug Newman, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The U.S. Constitution]
Sunday, August 14
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[According to PY, one of the main reasons his tour has been delayed is
because he does not have all the software he needs for his Apple computer to
be able to complete his tasks while on the road. Scroll down the article to
"Aug 14, 2005" to read the updates.]
(Part 2)
- This second part of the article on Prophet Yahweh will hopefully be a
follow up on his "50 States UFO Summoning Tour" (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh) -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Gov. UK Preps ID Card Contracts
- The Government has set out the massive IT and support infrastructure it
intends to source for the planned national identity system. The Home
Office's Identity Cards programme laid down its expected requirements in an
information notice to potential suppliers on 11 August. -
- The Register, Aug 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : In
the Name of National and Homeland Security]
Gives RFID a Licence-Free Hand
- Ofcom plans to allocate spectrum for use by RFID (radio frequency ID)
technology - and exempt it from licensing restrictions. -
- TechWorld, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Microchipping : Microchipping]
David Rockefeller
Who Has the
Elite Allied Themselves With?
- The Rockefellers and Bushes and Harrimans, and the corporations owned by
most of them, have allied themselves, in the Council of Foreign Relations
with a widely unknown group which are planning the final destruction of this
country. It is no accident that Rockefeller bought the encyclopedia
Britannica, bought into mass education in the formation of grants and trusts
and has succeeded in reversing many of the principles and beliefs of the
settlers of this country. -
- Seattle Indymedia Center, Aug 9, 2005 -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : The Shadow Government in
Meanwhile, Israel Grabs the Rest of Jerusalem
- As the world's attention is diverted by scenes of the removal of settlers
who had no right to be in Gaza in the first place, the real strategy behind
disengagement is revealed by Israel's aggressive moves to consolidate its
occupation of Jerusalem's eastern Palestinian sector. -
- International Herald Tribune, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Israel and Palestine]
Saturday, August 13
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[PY is "slightly delay" in his UFO tour... Scroll down the article to
"Aug 12, 2005" to read the updates.]
(Part 2)
- This second part of the article on Prophet Yahweh will hopefully be a
follow up on his "50 States UFO Summoning Tour" (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh) -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Turkish Press Reaction to the London Bombings
- I suspect that in the new world order that began with the policies of
globalization, Al-Qaeda is rather in the service of the imperialistic goals
of the West. -
- The Middle East Media Research Institute, Aug 3, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
Federalized State Guard, National Guard and Police Train to Dominate
American Citizens, Take Over Local Governments
- Now fighting terror means tackling people. They've taken the State Guards
and converted them into Stasi goon squads that engage in law-enforcement
activities across the country. Last year, we reported on the Alabama Defense
Force which has been setting up random checkpoints and searching women and
children in Alabama. The same system has been set up in Texas. We have their
internal field manuals. It's all about gun confiscation, mass arrests and
total control. -
- Alex Jones, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on
Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights
[Fascist America]
- The fact is that our president has mandated that every American child, age
3 through 18, is federally ordered to be evaluated for mental health issues
and to receive “enforced” treatment. Welcome to President Bush’s New Freedom
Initiative and New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Welcome to life-long
profiling and drug addictions, New Freedom-style. -
- SierraTimes.com, Aug 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Proof Positive That
Hillary Clinton is an Illuminist Witch
- '... Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal
observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely
identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have
always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black
Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning.
Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc
Marquis' [Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were
powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful.' -
- CuttingEdge.org -
[Archived here:
Politics : Politicians in General Under
Scrutiny/Hillary Clinton]

The Rest Of The 911 Flight
93 Story
- Dan Rardon of Indiana sent a CNN video exposing the White Jet presence
over the White House environs. Please congratulate Dan at gemini6670@yahoo.com
for figuring out the last piece of the 9/11 puzzle.) -
- by Jon Carlson, Aug 12, 2005 -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]
Friday, August 12
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Note the Masonic "G" for G-d, the pentagram hidden in the "A" and the
Sun-wing symbol in conjunction with the "all-seeing eye" (the circle around
the G and the immediate eye-shape outside the circle). Now you know who his
Masters are... This is from
Gallagher's own website. -Wes Penre-
FOX News Contributor Mike Gallagher Calls Concern For Constitutional Rights
Idiotic And Absurd
[Here are the puppets that are your future oppressors wanna-be's. And
they ARE Freemasons.]
- FOX News kept up its steady assault on civil liberties and those who care
about them Friday night, 8/5/05, when Hannity & Colmes hosted FOX News
Contributor Mike Gallagher as part of its debate on civil liberties vs.
security in the New York City subways. -
- News Hound : We watch FOX so you don't have to, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Media Control : Mainstream Media]
Four Star Army General Fired For Alleged Sexual Misconduct; Some Say He May
Have Been Ousted For Attempting To Thwart The Bush Administration Plans To
Strike Iran
- General Kevin P. Byrnes was relieved of his duties Tuesday, only the third
four star officer to be fired in more than 15 years. Observers speculated
there are much deeper reasons behind the firing of the high-ranking officer
said to be against the administration's escalating war policies. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Mind Control : Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) | Wars
Towards a New Word Order : War on Iran]

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
What Are They
Afraid Of?
The 9-11 Op-Ed the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Refuses to Run
[Cynthia McKinney is one of the few representatives who dare to speak out]
- 'Certainly the dozens of panelists who spoke about post-9/11
violations of civil rights and liberties, the rise of secrecy and the hidden
costs of covert operations and consolidation of intelligence, and the rise
of the neoconservative view in foreign policy and a new "Pax Americana" and
permanent warfare that ignore international law or the alternatives of
restoring justice and peace cannot be called "conspiracy theorists" because
they question the immediate response and flawed recommendations that now
guide legislation and a new security paradigm.' -
- by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New
World Order]

Food Crisis 'Runs
Across Africa'
[Where is the aid that was promised?]
- With attention on food shortages in Niger, aid agencies say a vast "hunger
belt" is stretching across Africa. -
- BBC News, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Africa]

- Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a method of
storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or
transponders... -
- Wikipedia.com -
[Archived here:
Microchipping : Microchipping]
RFID Opponent to
Publish Book
- Katherine Albrecht, a vocal opponent of RFID technologies, will publish
Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every
Move with RFID this fall. -
- RFID Journal, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Microchipping : Microchipping]
Globalists Seek To
Sanitize Internet
- This years Bilderberg Group meeting -- which was held on May 5-8, 2005 at
the Dorint Softiel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany -- is notable
for it involved a major discussion of the Internet. -
- Rense.com, Aug 11, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : The Internet]
Thursday, August 11
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Haroon Rashid Aswat
Scotland Yard 'Not Interested' In Talking To 7/7 Bomb Mastermind
[Related article:
London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset]
- "Searches of mobile phone records by British anti-terrorist police and
secret service agents are understood to have found that he (Aswat) made
numerous phone calls to the four suicide bombers. American authorities have
revealed they have been hunting the man for several years. They claim he
master-minded the London horror... -
- InfoWars.com, Aug 9, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
Authorities Getting Ready To Throw Anti-War Protestors From Bush Ranch For
[Related article:
Mother Of Fallen Soldier To Camp Out In Tent At Bush Ranch Until She Gets
Answers About What She Calls "The Illegal Iraq War"]
- Law enforcement authorities are taking steps to remove a group of about 50
peace activists camped near President Bush’s Crawford, TX, ranch, mounting
an effort to accuse the Iraqi War protestors of trespassing. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq
Families to Join Cindy Sheehan in Crawford; Gold Star and Military Families
from Across Country on Their Way to Texas
- More members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) and Military Families
Speak Out (MFSO) are traveling to Texas to join the protest outside of
President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, where he is vacationing for the
month of August. -
- U.S. Newswire, Aug 9, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq

New Zealand Billboard Causes Stir; Being Reviewed
- The Hell Pizza billboards have been erected around Auckland and
Wellington. Half of the poster is taken up with a photo of the president and
the other half has the phrase 'Hell: Too Good For Some Evil Bastards.' -
- The Raw Story -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under
Watching the Economy Crumble
- The US continues its descent into the Third World, but you would never
know it from news reports of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ July payroll
jobs release. -
- PropagandaMatrix.com, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The World Economy]

Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes
Four-Star General Sacked
- WASHINGTON (AP) -- In an extraordinary move, the Army sacked a four-star
general who was the subject of a Defense Department investigation into
alleged sexual misconduct, an official said Tuesday. -
- CNN, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Mind Control : Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
Wednesday, August 10
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
(Part 2)
- This second part of the article on Prophet Yahweh will hopefully be a
follow up on his "50 States UFO Summoning Tour" (see
Part 1
of this article for background on Prophet Yahweh. -
- by Wes Penre, Aug 10, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Flood Gates Breaking - First
"Mainstream" Article on 9/11 Questioning the Official Version
- One of Britain’s biggest newspapers, the Mail, carried a 3-page article on
9/11. Not carried on the daily mail site. Towers that fell ‘like a
controlled demolition’. Planes that vanished then mysteriously reappeared,
And crucial evidence that has been lost for ever. A new book raises bizarre
yet deeply unsettling questions about the world’s worst terror atrocity…..
- by Tony Rennell, Daily Mail, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]

Exclusive: CIA
Commander: U.S. Let bin Laden Slip Away
- During the 2004 presidential campaign, George W. Bush and John Kerry
battled about whether Osama bin Laden had escaped from Tora Bora in the
final days of the war in Afghanistan. Bush, Kerry charged, "didn't choose to
use American forces to hunt down and kill" the leader of Al Qaeda. -
- NewsWeek, Aug 15, 2005 Issue -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]

Chemtrails And Vaccines: What You Didn't Know About Vaccines And Human
Animal Husbandry
- In 1946, future pharmaceutical czar George Merck reported to the US
Secretary of War, that he'd managed to weaponise the toxin extracted from
the Brucella bacterium and to isolate it into an indestructible crystalline
form using only the DNA particles. Aerial spraying of the crystals via
chemtrails was deployed on Chinese and Korean populations during the Korean
War. Many veterans of the war later developed Multiple Sclerosis... -
- Educate-Yourself.Org, Feb 14, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Health : Health]
Programmer Says He Designed
Undetectable Vote-Rigging Software for Florida!
- 'The programmer claims that he designed and built a "vote rigging"
software program at the behest of then Florida Congressman, now U.S.
Congressman, Republican Tom Feeney of Florida's 24th Congressional District.
Clint Curtis, 46, claims that he built the software for Feeney in 2000 while
working at a software design and engineering company in Oviedo, Florida
(Feeney's home district).
Curtis, in his affidavit, says that as technical advisor and programmer at
Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI) he was present at company meetings where Feeney
was present "on at least a dozen occasions". Feeney, who had run in 1994 as
Jeb Bush's running-mate in his initial unsuccessful bid for Florida
Governor, was serving as both corporate counsel and registered lobbyist for
YEI during the period that Curtis worked at the company.'
- WillTryIt.com -
[Archived here:
Politics : Miscellaneous |
Video and Audio Room : Politics]
President Indicted
- Federal Grand Jury Digging Deep Into Bush Crimes -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under
Journalist Stands By His Story That Bush And Others Indicted But Retracts
Story About Potential Firing Of Chicago Special Prosecutor
- The journalist who first broke the story about President Bush and others
being indicted by the Chicago grand jury stands by his original account, but
says a story he released Sunday about the potential firing of Special
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was a mistake. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under

Who's Running
South Africa?
- Have you ever heard of the South
African Institute of International Affairs? They have been running South
Africa for nearly 100 years. -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Africa]
The Bush Gang - Get the
- 'Apparently, the Washington Post is trying to convince its readers that if
the Internet can somehow be brought under control, or removed entirely, al
Qaeda and all others who hate "our wealth and freedom" will simply be made
to evaporate into thin air. And let's not forget as well, without the
unmonitored and uncontrolled Internet, embarrassments such as the
non-reporting and spiking of such events and occurrences as the Downing
Street Memo, the Valerie Plame/Air Force One memo, the White House pedophile
ring, the Karl Rove mess, and the Congressman James Senselessbrenner's
ramming through of the Bill of Rights-destroying USA PATRIOT Act, would all
never have seen the light of day.' -
- by Ted Lang, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : The Internet]
Tuesday, August 9
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network
- Only conspiracy theorists would believe the government wasn't involved -
- by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
More Armed Police to Join London's Terror Fight
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction to do something about it!
Solution: More police on the streets]
- As many as 400 more armed police could be patrolling London after
last month's massive anti-terror operations in the capital raised fears the
police were being over-stretched. -
- The Independent, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/Problem-Reaction-Solution]
for Women and Child Bombers, Says Met
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction to do something about it!
Solution: Creating fear, suspicion and new laws so they can shoot people
without asking questions first]
- TERRORISTS could be preparing to use women and children as suicide bombers
in further attacks on trains and other soft targets in London, internal
Scotland Yard documents have warned. -
- Times Online, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/Problem-Reaction-Solution]
The 9-11
Passenger List Oddity
- Now, we come to most interesting stuff - the Social Security Death Index,
and thanks to Victor Thorn's idea, the September 11th Victim’s Compensation
Fund. After all, it's one thing to say that the flight lists are not on the
up and up, but it's another thing to prove it. -
- Wing TV -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]
ANTI-GOVERNMENT PHOBIA. You are mentally ill?
[Psychiatry for you again, folks! Next they want to put us in a mental
hospital and drug us down. I am NOT kidding. ]
- This study conclusively demonstrates that unfounded fear of government is
a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. -
- by Ivor E. Tower, MD, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 11, Ser 3,
pp. 4-5 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Psychiatry,
Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Norma Jean a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe
Monroe 'Was Not Suicidal'
- Transcripts of apparent conversations between actress Marilyn Monroe and
her psychiatrist have shed new light on her state of mind before she died in
1962. -
- BBC News, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Assassinations]

'Thoughts Read' Via
Brain Scan
- Scientists say they have been able to monitor people's thoughts via scans
of their brains. -
- BBC News, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Technology & Science : Science - The Illuminati

Masonic Lodge
one of their 'phallic obelisk ceremonies' -the abomination of desolation!
Remember that French & American Freemasons did the same type of occult
goddess ceremony with the 'Statue of Liberty' in New York harbor. -
- Webspawner.com -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Freemasonry]

Nagasaki Victim
Hiroshima Nebraska,
Nagasaki Florida
- The rationale behind the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 60 years
ago is driving the anticipated nuclear strike on an American city by "Muslim
terrorists." The occult international banking cartel is behind these
attacks, past and future. The purpose is to inspire fear and justify
repression, war, debt and "world government." -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on
Monday, August 8
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Halliburton Secretly Doing Business with Key Member of Iran’s Nuclear Team
- Scandal-plagued Halliburton, the oil services company once headed by
Vice President Dick [Cheney] was secretly working with one of Iran’s top
nuclear scientists on natural gas related projects and, allegedly, selling
the scientists’ oil company key components for a nuclear reactor, according
to Halliburton sources with intimate knowledge of both companies’ business
dealings. -
- by Jason Leopold for Global Research, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Business : Business, War and Politics]

The Bank for
International Settlements Calls for Global Currency
- The BIS is at the apex of the global financial system. It was birthed in
1944 when the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were set up.
Should we dare to mention that its founders were Harry Dexter White who
worked in the Treasury Department and who was a communist spy along with
John Maynard Keynes, a Fabian socialist? -
- News With Views, Aug 3, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : One World Currency]

Sexual Abuse and Mind Control at Napa State
[Updated! Listen to Wayne Morin Jr. being interviewed by Rob McConnell at
"The 'X'Zone Radio Show. Many amazing things are discussed and revealed!
Please don't miss this! Scroll down the above article until you come
to the UPDATES section and it will tell you how to go there. Wes Penre]
- by Wes Penre, April 27, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]
Americans Are Waking Up!
[.pdf file]
- InfoWars.com, Aug 8, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Solutions : Solutions]
Father, Who Lost Son at WTC, Claims Bush Administration Hiding Key Financial
Documents Leading To Culprits of 9/11
- William Doyle has become one of the main lightening rods of the 9/11 truth
movement, saying President Bush and his cronies are the biggest stumbling
block in getting at the real truth. Involved as one of the plaintiffs in a
trillion dollar 9/11 lawsuit, he wants the American people to know Bush is
hiding vital documents that could lead to the truth. -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]
Mother Of Fallen Soldier To Camp Out In Tent At Bush Ranch Until She Gets
Answers About What She Calls "The Illegal Iraq War"
- Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son last year in Baghdad, was angered by
Bush's comments last week that "the fallen soldiers died for a noble cause."
Sheehan claims this is a lie, contending the reason her son died was so
Bush's friends could profit from the war and "line their greedy pockets with
dirty oil money." Sheehan, founder of the peace group called Gold Star
Families for Peace, says she staying in a tent until she either gets
"arrested or gets Bush to answer questions." -
- by Greg Szymanski, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Iraq War/Updates on the Iraq

Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald
Bush Plans to Fire Prosecutor
- Sunday morning online editions of Newsweek and Time are reporting that the
President is planning to fire Chicago's U.S. Federal Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald and replace him with a Bush classmate/Skull and Bonesman from
- by Tom Flocco, Aug 7, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under
Strips More Freedom from Citizens than Terrorists Ever Could
- After the collapse of the twin towers, our Congress, in a patriotic fervor
(more exactly described as a mad panic), passed sweeping legislation that
did more to strip away freedom from the American people than 1,000 flying
bombs. The Patriot Act. The very name is cynical. -
- by Roger Duncan, Electro-Optic Engineer, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

The Armageddon
- At least once a year during the 1980s Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld
vanished. Cheney was working diligently on Capitol Hill, as a congressman
rising through the ranks of the Republican leadership. Rumsfeld, who had
served as Gerald Ford's Secretary of Defense, was a hard-driving business
executive in the Chicago area—where, as the head of G. D. Searle & Co., he
dedicated time and energy to the success of such commercial products as
Nutra-Sweet, Equal, and Metamucil. Yet for periods of three or four days at
a time no one in Congress knew where Cheney was, nor could anyone at Searle
locate Rumsfeld. Even their wives were in the dark; they were handed only a
mysterious Washington phone number to use in case of emergency. -
- Common Dreams News Center, March 2004 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The New World Order in General]

[Related article:
Pinay Cercle, by David Guyatt, 1999]
- Le Cercle is a secret transnational intelligence and direct action group,
that, according to all accounts, is funded by the CIA. We only know the
dates and places of a handful of Circle meetings (1), which were attended by
about a hundred persons at a time. Before the 1990's, it was called Cercle
Violet, or initially, Cercle Pinay, in both cases after its (French)
chairman. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Pinay Cercle]
Le Cercle Membership List
- One source, The Observer in April 2003, named Adenauer as a co-founder of
Le Cercle in the 1950s. Konrad Adenauer was a lawyer and a member of the
Catholic Center party, he was lord mayor of Cologne and a member of the
provincial diet of Rhine province from 1917 until 1933, when he was
dismissed by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : Pinay Cercle]
Project for Exposure of
Hidden Institutions
- The purpose of the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)
is to put together the entire spectrum of hidden organizations and secret
societies. Most of you who visit this site have probably heard of the more
well-known 'secret societies' like the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bohemian Grove, and the Skull & Bones student society. -
- Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -
[Archived here:
Secret Societies : An Overall Briefing]
Kay Griggs
Evil Lurking Within
- Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel's Wife, Talks Again About Military
Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapon Deals And Sexual Perversion
Deep Within The Highest Levels Of U.S. Military And Government -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Globalization]
Kay Griggs Entire interview (8hrs) on Military Black Ops Underground
- Rick Strawcutter interviews Kay Griggs, wife of USMC Lieutenant
Colonel George Griggs (2 hours). Learn more than you used to know
about induction, assassination, and other “leadership” tactics. -
- Cortez.gnn.tv, June 17, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Globalization |
Video & Audio Room : The Illuminati]

Drink More Diet Soda, Gain More
- Overweight Risk Soars 41% With Each Daily Can of Diet Soft Drink -
- by Daniel DeNoon, WebMD Medical News, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Health : Health]
Sunday, August 7
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
Recruiters' Tricks Revealed in Their Own Handbook
- Many people, including school staff, students, parents and activists have
expressed concern about the presence of military recruiters in our high
schools and on our college campuses. -
- from Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Draft]
Galloway Says Blair and Bush 'Have Blood on Their Hands'
- Tony Blair and George Bush have "far more blood on their hands" than the
terrorists who carried out the London tube bombings, George Galloway said
today. -
- Guardian Unlimited, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New
World Order]

McGeorge Bundy
The Myths of Hiroshima
- The hard truth is that the atomic bombings were unnecessary. A million
lives were not saved. Indeed, McGeorge Bundy, the man who first popularized
this figure, later confessed that he had pulled it out of thin air in order
to justify the bombings in a 1947 Harper's magazine essay he had
ghostwritten for Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. -
- Los Angeles Times, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order : Miscellaneous on
NWO Wars]

Oakland, Calif.,
Diocese Settles Church Abuse Suits for $56 Million
- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland has agreed to pay $56 million to
settle lawsuits filed by 56 alleged victims of priest sexual abuse, the
diocese said Friday. -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars : Catholicism |
Mind Control : Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]
Some Major
Settlements in Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse Cases
- Sexual abuse by U.S. Roman Catholic priests has cost the church more than
$1 billion. Some of the largest known payouts to victims in the past three
years: -
- AP News, Aug 6, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars : Catholicism |
Mind Control : Sexual Abuse
and/or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)]

What is a Dollar?
The question “What is a ‘dollar’?” seems trivial. Very few people, however,
can correctly define a “dollar,” even though a correct definition is vital
to their economic and political well-being. -
- The Foundation of Economic Education, Nov 1994 -
[Archived here:
Banking & Paper Money : Introduction To Banking and Paper Money]
Saturday, August 6
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

The Illuminati
- Definition in Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia Online -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : The Shadow Government in

Southwest Airlines 737 Evacuated in Bomb Scare
- A threat against a Southwest Airlines flight prompted the evacuation of
the 141 people onboard at Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas, an airline
spokeswoman said. -
- CNN, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism :
Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]
Hazel W.M. McKinlay reports from London
Braced for Martial Law
- Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair says foreigners can be deported to
countries where they may be tortured or executed, because “the mood has
changed” and human rights laws, which are now superfluous, will be amended
accordingly to jail thought criminals at home. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings |
Guest Writers : Hazel W.M. McKinlay]

Sherman Skolnick's Report
- Since 1958 he has been a court reformer. Since 1963 he has been the foundr/chairman,
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, a public interest group
researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial bribery and
political murders... -
- skolnicksreport.com -
[Archived here:
Links : Links]
Friday, August 5
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Prophet Yahweh
The Amazing
Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Prophet Yahweh is preparing his UFO summoning tour which starts on Aug 7. Update at the end of the article (Aug
5, 2005).]
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to
summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually
is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space
traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The
purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says
the aliens are benevolent (at least to the Israelites and their followers). -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters |
Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Ayman al-Zawahri
Al-Qaeda 'Blames Blair
for Bombs'
- Osama Bin Laden's lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri has warned London will face
more attacks because of Tony Blair's foreign policy decisions. -
- BBC News, Aug 4, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]

George Orwell
Doublethink in London
- After the bombings, some Londoners try to psychologically justify living
in tyranny -
- by Steve Watson & Paul Watson, Aug 5, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
Thousands of Armed Police Prepared to Shoot to Kill Deploy in London to
"Reassure" Public
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction to do something about it!
Solution: More Police in the streets]
- Comment (by Alex Jones): Doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside,
knowing there are armed cops everywhere, who have been instructed to shoot
to kill anyone who appears nervous or sweaty? Why would you feel nervous or
sweaty? The cops love you! Travel with happiness! -
- CBC News, Aug 4, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : Problem-Reaction-Solution]
Ultra, The Bush's and World-Wide Deception: Prophecy Unfolding as The World
is Enslaved
- This is a cursory but fact filled work concerning the atrocities of mind
control perpetrated by the darker elements of US Government in the last half
century to this present day. The subject is so detailed, documented and
widespread, that it would take several books to tackle this subject
exhaustively, but my hope is that this work will educate the reader and arm
them with enough fact they can easily do further study on the subject. -
- by Eric Jewell, March 1, 2003 -
[Archived here:
Mind Control : Different Mind Control Programs]

666 - The
Masonic Square and Compass/Six Pointed Star
- The 6-pointed star or Hexagram is not a Jewish symbol, but a Masonic
Symbol. It surplanted the Menorah as the most wide-spread symbol of Judaism
during the 19th century after it's incorporation by Freemasons into new
synagogue construction in Industrial Britain and then it's farflung empire,
following large scale migration from Russia. [Baigent & Leigh] -
- Freemasonrywatch.com -
[Archived here:
Occultism : Symbolism]

John Loftus
John Loftus
[Related article:
London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset]
- As a former Justice Department prosecutor, John Loftus once held some of
the highest security clearances in the world, with special access to NATO
Cosmic, CIA codeword, and Top Secret Nuclear files. As a private attorney,
he works without charge to help hundreds of intelligence agents obtain
lawful permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets of our times.
He is the author of four history books, three of which have been made into
films, two were international best sellers, and one was nominated for the
Pulitzer Prize. -
- john-loftus.com -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
O’Reilly: I Would Execute Everyone At Gitmo
[Video clip]
- The entire mess is playing into the hands of the terrorists, who now use
Guantanamo Bay as a recruiting tool. So what would Fox’s Bill O’Reilly do to
fix the problem? Kill ‘em all: O’REILLY: I don’t give them any protection. I
don’t feel sorry for them. In fact, I probably would have ordered their
execution if I had the power. -
- FOX News via PrisonPlanet, Aug 4, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : FEMA
- Concentration Camps Today | Video & Audio
Room : Videos/Miscellaneous]
Cameras Back in Demand
[Problem: The Illuminati Orchestrated the London bombings. Reaction:
Public reaction to do something about it!
Solution: More Surveillance Cameras]
- After London bomb attacks, several US cities draw up plans to increase
surveillance, despite potential downsides. -
- Christian Science Monitor, Aug 3,
2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : Problem-Reaction-Solution]

Political Storm After Riot
Police Break Up CzechTek Festival
- A techno party in a field near the Czech-German border has become a minor
political scandal after police in riot gear moved in at the weekend to break
it up. Police said they dispersed the CzechTek festival after complaints
from neighbouring landowners, but the amount of force used has been heavily
criticized. -
- Radio Prag, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Advocacy Committee for Human
Experimentation Survivors & Mind Control
- We represent the North American survivors of nonconsensual, federally
funded, human experimentation. -
- Aches-mc.org -
[Archived here:
Mind Control : Mind Control Survivors Websites]

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Hospital
Specialist: Keeping Fetuses May be Widespread
- Investigators probing the shocking discovery of hundreds of fetuses and
stillborn babies stored in a Paris hospital morgue are likely to find that
the practice is widespread in France, a top medical specialist said
Wednesday. -
- CNN, Aug 3, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Technology & Science : Science - the Illuminati

The Supreme Court
The Big Fat Republican Supreme Court Lie
- Will John Roberts’ supreme Court (1) confirmation process be a slam dunk?
Or will it be nasty, brutish and excruciatingly long, replete with lurid
exposes of his undergraduate escapades and video rental records? -
- by Doug Newman, July 30, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]
Alliance for Natural
- Although the Directive was upheld following the Court's ruling, important
gains have been made to protect the availability of food supplements through
clarification and narrowing of the Directive's scope. Prohibitions by
Regulators will now be much more difficult, and we predict that the
anticipated wide-scale bans set to come in to force on 1 August in countries
such as the UK will now not occur. -
- alliance-natural-health.org -
[Archived here:
Health : Health]
Thursday, August 4
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Anton Szandor LaVey, Founder of the Church of Satan
Radio Interview of Son of Ex Head of Church of
Satan Shed's Light on Vitamin Battle and on Masons
- Jess LeVey, son of ex Head of the Church of Satan, Anton LeVey tells his
story on the link enclosed, Jess is a saved Christian and lectures warning
people NOT to follow the satanism of his dad and why. Regardless of what you
happen to believe, please hear the guy out, he's been through hell and
survived, he deserves a listen, and even if your own belief system happens
to differ, I think you'll find yourself admiring this guy's courage in the
face of serious adversity. -
- by John Hammell, IAHF, Aug 24, 2003 -
[Archived here:
Occultism : Children Sacrificed to Satan]
Bushes Human Sacrifices at the
Kimball-Cherokee Castle
- Bushes Human Sacrifices at the Kimball-Cherokee Castle in Sedalia,
Colorado, reported by Stew Webb since Dec. 2001. Affidavit of Reverend
Christian Jess A. LaVey, the son of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of
Satan in America. -
- by Stew Webb, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Occultism : Children Sacrificed to Satan]
Alex Jones Bullhorns Downing Street, British Parliament
- As we were filming the floral tributes and placards at Stockwell
(pictured), a police officer walked behind me and gave me a less than polite
firm hand on the shoulder. "Can you come with me please," he barked. -
- InfoWars.com, Aug 2, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]

Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr.
Project for the New American Century (PNAC): Cheney's Monstrous Scheme
- The blueprint for our current foreign policy was being written back in
1992 by then-Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney. His writings set out a new
doctrine that called for U.S. power in the twentieth century, to be that of
an aggressive and unilateral approach that would secure American dominance
of world affairs by force if necessary. -
- by Mary Louise for PrisonPlanet.com -
[Archived here:
Politics : Richard B. Cheney]

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill,
- Unknown to Londoners, he had rejected Hitler's proposal to spare civilian
targets. Quite the opposite, he goaded Hitler into bombing London by hitting
Berlin and other civilian targets first. Churchill told his Air Marshall:
"Never mistreat an enemy by halves" and instructed his cabinet, "bombing of
military objectives, increasingly widely interpreted, seems our best road
home at present." He blocked the Red Cross from monitoring civilian
casualties. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : Miscellaneous]

Hiroshima Bombing
SPECIAL REPORT: Hiroshima Film Cover-up Exposed
- NEW YORK In the weeks following the atomic attacks on Japan almost 60
years ago, and then for decades afterward, the United States engaged in
airtight suppression of all film shot in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the
bombings. This included footage shot by U.S. military crews and Japanese
newsreel teams. In addition, for many years all but a handful of newspaper
photographs were seized or prohibited. -
- Editor & Publisher, Aug 3, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Censorship]

The State Of Surveillance
- Artificial noses that sniff explosives, cameras that I.D. you by your
ears, chips that analyze the halo of heat you emit. More scrutiny lies ahead
- Businessweek.com, Aug 8, 2005 Edition -
[Archived here:
Surveillance : Overall Surveillance]
Web of
Deceit: How Internet Freedom Got the Federal Ax, And Why Corporate News
Censored the Story
- The days are now numbered for surfing an uncensored, open-access Internet,
using your favorite search engine to search a bottomless cyber-sea of
information in the grandest democratic forum ever conceived by humankind. -
- Buzzflash.com, July 18, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : The Internet]
Wednesday, August 3
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Chertoff Warns of Nuclear Terror
- Issuing yet the latest warning of the threat of nuclear terrorism in the
U.S., Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said there are far worse
security problems facing the country than bombings of mass-transit systems.
- WorldNetDaily.com, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Wars Towards a New World Order : Miscellaneous on
NWO Wars]
Bush and Cheney Indicted
- A Chicago grand jury has indicted the President and Vice-President of the
United States along with multiple high officials in the Bush administration.
- TomFlocco.com, Aug 2, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : Miscellaneous]
Emails claim Guantanamo Trials Rigged
- Leaked emails from two former prosecutors claim the military commissions
set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay are rigged, fraudulent, and thin
on evidence against the accused. -
- ABC.net.au, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : FEMA
- Concentration Camps Today]

John Bolton
Bush Steps Around Senate, Names Bolton U.N. Envoy
[Couldn't have chosen a more horrible person]
- Bush's decision to appoint Bolton without a confirmation vote was
denounced by Democrats, who predicted it would undermine the diplomat's
credibility at the U.N. and create more partisan rancor on Capitol Hill. -
- Los Angeles Times, Aug 2, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : The United Nations]
The Heritage
- A. K. Chesterton once said: "The proper study of political mankind is the
study of power elites, without which nothing that happens could be
understood." He added: "These elites, preferring to work in private, are
rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has
therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ." -
- by Barbara Aho, 1999 -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : The Shadow Government in
The Rise &
Fall of the Anti-Civilization
- Earth's anticivilization is characterized by humanoids with criminal minds
controlling value-producing human beings. For 3000 years, such humanoids
survived through hidden agendas designed to usurp the wealth created by the
productive class. Those hidden criminals are responsible for all wars,
slave-master relationships, mass thefts, purposeful property destructions,
terrorisms, genocide. -
- NeoTech.com -
[Archived here:
The Illuminati : The Shadow Government in

NASA Transmission Showed
Distinct UFO
- ...This went on for roughly five minutes or so from the time I tuned in
and then suddenly, an extremely bright, solid white disc appeared in the
lower portion of the screen and shot inward, toward the earth, at terrific
speed... -
- Webmaster at Rense.com, Aug 2, 2005 -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Abductions & Encounters]
Tuesday, August 2
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *

Haroon Rashid Aswat
London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset
[Video. Here is the proof!]
- Fox News, July 30, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings |
Video and Audio Room : London Bombings]
'War on Terror' Slips Out of Bush Vocabulary
- Farewell to the "war on terror". Welcome instead to the "global struggle
against violent extremists", the new official phrase in Washington to denote
the fight against al-Qa'ida and other militant Islamic groups. -
- The Independent, July 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on

Dan Sherman - Above Black
Above Black
- Project preserve destiny - Insider account of alien contact and government
cover-up -
- AboveBlack.com -
[Archived here:
UFOs & Aliens :
Government Involvement & Coverups]

Senator Harry Reid
Minority Leader Harry Reid Takes on Bolton, Roberts -- and Bush
- Interview with Senator Reid -
- Bazzflash.com, Aug 1, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Politics : The Current Administration Under

The 10th planet - Xena
Why the Secret About
the New Planet?
[Related article:
Astronomers Detect '10th Planet']
- It is already known that the body was discovered in 2003 by the
designation 2003 ULB313. Why is it now stated it was spotted in "January",
inferring that the discovery occurs in 2005? Even more interestingly, why
was the discovery kept secret? -
- Rense.com. July 31, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous :

Bob Geldolf
Live 8 Scam: Geldof Shills for Global Corporations
- The Live 8 concerts organized in the eight major industrial countries (as
well as in South Africa), however, were not intended to raise money for the
World's poorest countries. In fact quite the opposite. -
- by Michael Chossudovisky -
[Archived here:
Rock & Roll & Mind Control :
Artists Under Scrutiny]
Monday, August 1
You Will Find
July's News & Updates under NEWS ARCHIVES
Read All About the London Bombings Here
* * * *
Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today
* *
Death of a
Brazilian or How to Massage the Facts to Fit the Crime
- As more information has come to light on the circumstances surrounding the
assassination of the unfortunate Brazilian, it is abundantly clear that from
the moment he stepped out of his apartment building in Tulse Hill to go to
his job as an electrician, Menazes was a dead man. -
- William Bowles for Uruknet. info, July 30, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Attack on London : The War on Terrorism/London/The
London Bombings Investigation/First Bombings]
If Joe Was
- If Joe Vialls was right, then we are on the brink of World War III,
specifically because of Zionist neocon crazies willing to bet everything
they have — and everything you have, as well — that they can bludgeon the
whole world into submission with their money, their weapons, and their
hypocritically sanctimonious and psychologically flawed dogma. -
- by John Kaminski, July 29, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : New World Order in General]

FBI Confiscates Personal
Property Of Former U.S. Army Corporal Who Blew Whistle On 1976 Government
funded "Perfect Terrorist Plan" To Topple Twin Towers
- A former U.S. Army corporal who blew the whistle on a 1976 government
funded study to topple the Twin Towers using jetliners, Arab terrorists and
box cutters on July 6 had four FBI agents threaten to "tear his apartment
apart" if he didn't turn over his legally obtained Department of Defense ID
card. -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 31, 2005 -
[Archived here:
9/11 : 9/11]
Forced Out of Uzbekistan by China and Russia
- China and Russia are forcing the USA out of Central Asia. Today Uzbekistan
ordered US personnel to leave within 6 months. Reports in the Western mass
media this morning do not mention the Chinese connection or acknowledge that
this historic event is a major strategic victory for China and Russia. -
- BBC News via The Insider, July 31, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : New World Order in General]
Implant Chip to
Identify the Dead
- Whether through natural disaster or man-made, the killing of large numbers
of people presents a great challenge to the emergency services, who have to
identify the victims as quickly as possible.
- BBC News, July 28, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Microchipping : Microchipping]

Kay Griggs
Conspiracy: Govt Criminal Elite Plot Global Coup
- "Whistleblower Kay Griggs said other names she learned from her husband's
arrogant ramblings besides Wolfowitz, involved in what she called a 'Zionist
global takeover,' included Donald Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney,
Henry Kissinger and Andy Fine, among others. -
- by Greg Szymanski, July 25, 2005 -
[Archived here:
New World Order : Globalization]
Col. James Churchward
The Lost Continent of Mu
- Churchward claimed that he had discovered the existence of a long lost
continent called Mu from his reading of ancient texts. It had been home to
an advanced civilization, located in what is now the Pacific Ocean. It was
almost completely sunk 60,000 years ago, with the Hawaiian Islands and
Easter Island being virtually the sole traces left of it. -
Cult Archeology -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : Atlantis & Other Ancient
- The rise and fall of the Lemurian civilization cannot be accurately
documented, though many have gone in quest of this mythological continent.
Lost civilizations have been known to rise and fall - or just appear and
disappear without explanation. As with Atlantis one can only speculate as to
what happened, based on archaeological evidence, legends, theories pieced
together by researchers, and for some, metaphysical channelings. -
- Crystalinks.com -
[Archived here:
Miscellaneous : Atlantis & Other Ancient
Religious Scholars to Translate Old Texts
- Ancient quasi-biblical texts written by Jews, Christians and pagans are to
be translated for the first time by scholars of divinity. The tales date
from between 300BC and AD600. They include stories about biblical
characters, wise sayings, poetry and prophecies. -
- News Telegraph, July 31, 2005 -
[Archived here:
Religions & Religious Wars : Miscellaneous
on Religions & Religious Wars]
I don't subscribe to
everything in each and every article posted on this website. Some
articles are submitted because of research value for me and others, and
although I may only agree on parts of the article, I posted it anyway
for this purpose. Wes Penre, Illuminati News.