Bush's New Orleans Rebuilding Scam
Wayne Madsen, Sep 16, 2005
(Posted here by Wes Penre, Sep 18, 2005)
Bush announces plan to help big business to "recover"
from Hurricane
Katrina. Speaking in a Karl Rove-staged photo op from New Orleans
last night, President Bush announced a series of measures that will
ensure tax breaks for big business, a permanent Diaspora for the
city's poor, and the future gentrification of poor and middle class
sections of the flooded city. The Bush speech was full of corporate
contrivances that dodge the type of assistance that is actually
needed for the displaced population of the New Orleans metropolitan
Bush recently named CIA Leakgate suspect Karl Rove as his point man
for the rebuilding efforts on the Gulf Coast. The Bush speech
reflected both Rove's emphasis on spin and a lack of interest in the
plight of the poor. Although Bush accepted responsibility for the
"problem" of his administration's poor response effort, he quickly
diverted his priorities to workers' recovery accounts (something
that sounds suspiciously like medical savings accounts); a "Gulf
Opportunity Zone" offering big tax breaks to corporations in
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; and a homestead lottery scheme
to build homes on federal lands. Bush did not address the immediate and long-term focused concerns
for the people of the Gulf Coast. For example, FEMA continues to
block needed assistance to the homeless residents of the region.
Bush failed to provide incentives for people to return to their
homes. He also failed to insist on incentives for minority-owned
businesses to participate in rebuilding efforts. Yesterday, Rev.
Jesse Jackson told a Washington, DC press conference that there are
300 trucks in Memphis loaded with ice, water, and food with an
additional 1000 trucks standing by at warehouses across the country.
These trucks have not been granted permission by FEMA to move out to
the Gulf Coast, where some poor towns, particularly in Mississippi,
have not yet seen either FEMA or the Red Cross. 1800 children are
still separated from their parents and Bush said nothing to assure
parents and their children that they will soon be reunited.
What many members of the Congressional Black Caucus and African
American national leadership have called for in relief and
reconstruction efforts were not addressed by Bush.
There were no proposals by Bush for
* an "adopt-a-family" tax credit
* a one-time FEMA help grant for orphaned and homeless children
* a bankruptcy relief provision, provide temporary housing at all
available federal government assets (including many closed military
bases in the Gulf Coast region)
* the setting of a 50 percent residency target for all contracts
* setting a 40 percent minority vendor target for all reconstruction
* a moratorium on all contracts until civil rights provisions are
restored (Davis Bacon minimum wage requirements, minority contract
set asides)
* permit the admittance of minority community-based counselors in
evacuation facilities nationwide
* Justice Department assistance in individual cases of arrested and
detained individuals, ensure evacuees can vote in state and local
elections (including February 2006 election)
* ensure home owners have the right of first refusal to reclaim
* freeze all foreclosures against property in affected area for a
minimum of 12 months
* legal protections against predatory lenders
* prohibition of collections and deficiency judgments on real and
personal property
* prohibition on negative credit reporting or omission of negative
events from credit scores
* voluntary waiver of late fees or interest on loans for a period of
at least three months
* establish a diverse commission to monitor the equitable
distribution of relief resources by FEMA, the Red Cross, and Salvation Army
* develop an action plan to secure wetlands in coastal areas of the
* stop the rollback and waivers of environmental laws
* and develop a comprehensive strategy to address the poverty crisis
in America.
Many Gulf Coast residents see a lot of promises from Bush's plan
with no guarantees he will follow through. Already, House and Senate
conservative Republicans are carping about the Federal price tag for
the reconstruction. These include Sen. John McCain, who is already
politicking for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination on the backs of
the people of the Gulf Coast who lost everything. McCain has no
problem spending billions of dollars on a failed war in Iraq -- a
ploy by McCain to further ingratiate himself to the neo-cons in the
Republican Party.
Bush asks America to trust him to plan the recovery of the Gulf
Coast when he couldn't even plan to use the potty before addressing
the United Nations on its 60th anniversary. The fool embarrassed
America before 160 assembled world leaders. A Reuters photographer
snapped this unforgettable presidential bloated bladder moment.