Open Letter to
Michael Moore
Luis Fernandez de la Reguera, Sep 3, 2005
(Posted here by Wes Penre, Sep 4, 2005)
Moore, why at this juncture of suffering in my hometown of New
Orleans, do you choose to use it to further your agenda?, yes, you have
one and are no better than President Bush, (whom I do not support) In
fact, you are pimping deaths to further your agenda as did Bush after
911, why are you not bothering to mention that the political leadership
in New Orleans knew that this tragedy was a probability for YEARS and
chose to ignore it?
The budget cuts of Bush have nothing to do with this.
Inept leadership in Louisiana is to blame, as with your film F-911 (in
which you omit Israel from the discussion, completely) you select your
targets to fit a dismal liberal elitism that has pushed our country to
the Right. You are as much of the problem as you ignore facts to feed
your bias. i.e. Oliver Stone's JFK. America saw your film and re-elected
Bush, You failed, try the truth, it might set you free.