Katrina was the Gulf Coast’s ‘tsunami’ caused by steering a
category-4 hurricane into the path of neglected levees and dumping
vast quantities of water into a lake and river. The next hurricane
is brewing in the Atlantic to finish the job “Mother Nature”
started, but there is nothing
natural about these storms. It is the High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program used, as Bush described it, as “a
weapon of mass destruction.”
Scientists don’t deny
weather engineering has been possible for decades, but they never
admit it is in operation. A treaty was signed entitled; “Convention
on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of
environmental modification techniques approved by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1976” –
but the Globalists are not inclined to honor International Laws
which impede their Police State agenda.
After the
London bombings, Tottenham Court Road was evacuated and then
Birmingham City Centre, under fake pretexts, but this was only a
test-run and I remarked that we would see a
whole city emptied next.
‘Braced for Martial Law’ on the 5th August, I wrote;
“The neocons
want a situation which will cause public outrage and upheaval,
evacuations and quarantine, to justify Martial Law.” They got it,
sooner than I expected.
Before the storm, I read a
report in the Glasgow Herald about the jet stream changing course,
which I found ominous since it can be manipulated, but the Federal
Emergency Management Agency knew New Orleans was at risk, yet there
was no contingency plan for a pending force-5 hurricane. Inadequate
sea defenses and a lax response compounded the impact, but it is no
coincidence that FEMA’s command centre is Mount Weather.
was noted that a scenario
like, imminent nuclear war, simultaneous riots in several US cites,
a series of national disasters or massive terrorist attacks, a
depression in which tens of millions are unemployed and without
financial resources, or a major environmental catastrophe on the
scale of the Southern States, would be necessary before people would
accept an administrative takeover by the unelected FEMA, who are now
in charge.
A few years ago,
FEMA was a “conspiracy theory” but today its director, Mike Brown
and Homeland Security’s Michael Chertoff are the official government
spokesmen and other than begging for cash, George Bush who,
according to rapper Kanye West, “doesn’t care about black people” is
redundant. Senator Landrieu wants to punch him, but Bush is only
taking the rap to emphasise the need for UN intervention. Bring on
the marines.
Although researchers have
given ample warning about military rule, martial law, curfews and
evacuation to
super-stadiums, equipped with
it is still gut-wrenching to see it
materializing in the beleaguered USA. You thought Big Brother loved
you so much they built superdomes for your sporting entertainment,
before basic amenities… now you see what they really are, holding
camps for helpless victims, under armed guard.
The Illuminati always kill
several birds with one stone, and this ‘problem, reaction, solution’
is introducing a random ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy, while forcibly
disarming the refugees. It has created a breeding ground for disease
in the stagnant water swamped with rotting corpses, which will
demand compulsory vaccinations. It has caused an energy crisis and
possible economic collapse. It has traumatized a nation, which is
the first phase of mind-control and that is where the antennae come
in, linked to HAARP transmitters.
People have been dehumanized
and portrayed as “animals” in the press, so there will be no
resistance to ‘non-lethal’ microwave or electromagnetic weapons
being used against civilians, to contain a breakdown in social
order. However, this is just the beginning and unfortunately, you
can anticipate similar well-rehearsed tragedies duplicated in other
places, until a global military takeover becomes inevitable. Batten
down the hatches!
Led Zeppelin
If it keeps on rainin’,
levee’s goin’ to break,
If it keeps on rainin’, levee’s goin’ to break,
When the levee breaks I’ll have no place to stay.
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan,
Lord, mean old levee taught me to weep and moan,
Got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home,
Oh, well, oh, well, oh, well.
Don’t it make you feel bad
When you’re tryin’ to find your way home,
You don’t know which way to go?
If you’re goin’ down south
They go no work to do,
If you don’t know about chicago.
Cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
Now, cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move.
All last night sat on the levee and moaned,
All last night sat on the levee and moaned,
Thinkin’ ’bout me baby and my happy home.
Going, go’n’ to chicago,
Go’n’ to chicago,
Sorry but I can’t take you.
Going down, going down now, going down.
Led Zeppelin (IV) -