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[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
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12/31/2007 |
12/30/2007 |
Zionism and
German White
Book Documents of the German-Polish
- The masters who controlled the British
Prime Minister, French President, Polish
President, etc. would not tolerate a
peace being negotiated. They MUST have
this war, or their Plan for World
Dominion is waylaid for a time. We say
waylaid, because it's become clear
they've never stopped, regardless the
setbacks or holdups, and today the beat
goes on. Researchers/authors whose work
has been suppressed have confirmed the
information herein. - - German
Library of Information, New York - (Posted here:
Sunday, December 30, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: Zionism
and Judaism] |
12/29/2007 |
Zionism and
The Video:
Judea Declares War on Germany: A
Critical Look at WWII
- "Although there are still questions,
this is a staggering video which shows
beyond reasonable doubt that no Jews
were murdered in gas chambers, simply
because there weren't any. On the
contrary, the Germans took good care of
their prisoners during the war and fed
them well in the concentration camps,
let them play sports, they had swimming
pools, and they were properly dressed
for cold winter days. They were fed 1100
calories/day except during the last few
months of the war, when Germany was
under heavy bombing attacks from the
allies.. - - by International
Revisionist Video Production, 2004 - (Posted here:
Saturday, December 29, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: Zionism
and Judaism] |
12/29/2007 |
12/28/2007 |
12/28/2007 |
The Jews and
the Illuminati:
Truth: The Jewish Involvement in the New
World Order
Sometimes, especially when you come
close to the core and have peeled off
quite a few layers of the onion, you
notice that the truth becomes more and
more uncomfortable, and there are
moments when you almost want to stop
your research, or at least stop
publishing what you have discovered.
Why? Because the truth goes against (and
is many times the opposite of)
everything you have been taught and
raised believing, and if you present it,
lots of people will be very upset and
refuse to believe you, even when you
present the evidence. - - by
Wes Penre, Dec 01, 2007 - (Posted here:
Saturday, December 01, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: Zionism
and Judaism
Articles by Wes Penre] |
12/27/2007 |
12/27/2007 |
12/25/2007 |
12/24/2007 |
12/24/2007 |
12/24/2007 |
12/23/2007 |
12/21/2007 |
12/20/2007 |
12/20/2007 |
12/19/2007 |
12/19/2007 |
12/18/2007 |
12/17/2007 |
12/16/2007 |
12/16/2007 |
12/15/2007 |
12/15/2007 |
12/15/2007 |
12/14/2007 |
12/14/2007 |
12/14/2007 |
12/14/2007 |
12/13/2007 |
12/13/2007 |
A Society Under
Total Surveillance:
A Spy Machine
of DARPA's Dreams
- The Pentagon is about to embark on a
stunningly ambitious research project
designed to gather every conceivable bit
of information about a person's life,
index all the information and make it
searchable... The embryonic LifeLog
program would dump everything an
individual does into a giant database:
every e-mail sent or received, every
picture taken, every Web page surfed,
every phone call made, every TV show
watched, every magazine read. -
- by Noah Shachtman, Wired,com, May 20,
2003 - (Posted here:
Thursday, December 13, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [Surveillance:
Overall Surveillance] |
12/12/2007 |
12/12/2007 |
12/11/2007 |
12/10/2007 |
12/09/2007 |
12/09/2007 |
12/08/2007 |
12/08/2007 |
12/08/2007 |
The Illuminati:
Who Are
Manipulating Us On A Higher Level, And
What Motivates Them?
- No matter what good indications a
researcher may have for his/her theories
as of whom is behind the New World
Order, these "answers" just create even
more questions. It doesn't matter if we
blame the Jews, the Jesuits, the
Zionists, the International Bankers or
Satan. Either one of these explanations
leaves us with a puzzle where the pieces
don't seem to fit perfectly unless we
force them into place, which we
shouldn't have to do - so something
seems to be missing... - -
by Wes Penre, Dec 08, 2007 - (Posted here:
Saturday, December 08, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [UFOs &
Alien Theories | Articles on
The Physical Universe
vs. the Spiritual (Inner) Universe
Articles by Wes Penre] |
.jpg) |
12/07/2007 |
12/07/2007 |
Psychiatry -
Pseudo Science:
The Drugging
of our Children
- All of a sudden, it seems, millions of
American children are said to be
afflicted with mental illnesses. And
they’re being put on strong
medications—over periods of years—as
treatment. Isn’t it time we stopped and
looked at what the mental health
establishment is getting us to do to our
children?... As we navigate our way into
the 21st century, there is an ominous
trend that, strangely, doesn't seem to
concern people as much as it should:
Millions of children are now taking
psychotropic drugs. And they're not
doing it illegally, but by prescription.
In fact, the medical and educational
establishments are conducting a
skyrocketing campaign to get kids, and
their parents, to “just say yes” to
brain-altering pharmaceuticals, with the
drug of choice being Ritalin. - -
by Gary Null - (Posted here:
Friday, December 07, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [Psychiatry,
Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing and Mental Health
| Drugs:
Drugging Down Our Children] |
12/07/2007 |
12/06/2007 |
Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO
giants know something we don’t
- No project is more interesting at the
moment than a curious project in one of
the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard.
Bill Gates is investing millions in a
seed bank on the Barents Sea near the
Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers from
the North Pole. Svalbard is a barren
piece of rock claimed by Norway and
ceded in 1925 by international treaty - -
by F. William Engdahl, Global Research,
Dec 04, 2007 - (Posted here:
Thursday, December 06, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [Technology
& Science:
Artificial Life, Genetic Manipulation, and Cloning] |
12/06/2007 |
North American
U.S., Mexican
and Canadian Leaders Caught Lying About
the Super Highway

-The Province of Manitoba, the city of
Winnipeg as well as the Winnipeg Airport
Authority are members of the North
American SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO),
a "non-profit organization dedicated to
developing a multi-modal transportation
corridor within the continent."
Three months prior to the Province of
Manitoba Throne Speech, the leaders of
Canada, U.S. and Mexico, categorically
deny its' existence.
Our leaders are lying to us and need
to be held accountable for these
treasonous acts! - - YouTube,
Nov 20, 2007 - (Posted here:
Thursday, December 06, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [New
World Order:
North American Union | Multimedia/Videos:
The New World Order] |
12/05/2007 |
12/02/2007 |
12/02/2007 |
12/02/2007 |
12/01/2007 |
The Jews and
the Illuminati
Who Owns the
U.S. Media?
- The control of the opinion-molding
media is nearly monolithic. All of the
controlled media — television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, books, motion
pictures speak with a single voice, each
reinforcing the other. Despite the
appearance of variety, there is no real
dissent, no alternative source of facts
or ideas accessible to the great mass of
people which might allow them to form
opinions at odds with those of the media
masters. - - by Serbian Defense
League, Exposing Zionism and Anti-Goyism - (Posted here:
Saturday, December 01, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: Zionism
and Judaism |
Media Control:
Mainstream Media] |
12/01/2007 |
The Jews and
the Illuminati
Truth: The Jewish Involvement in the New
World Order -
Sometimes, especially when you come
close to the core and have peeled off
quite a few layers of the onion, you
notice that the truth becomes more and
more uncomfortable, and there are
moments when you almost want to stop
your research, or at least stop
publishing what you have discovered.
Why? Because the truth goes against (and
is many times the opposite of)
everything you have been taught and
raised believing, and if you present it,
lots of people will be very upset and
refuse to believe you, even when you
present the evidence. - - by
Wes Penre, Dec 01, 2007 - (Posted here:
Saturday, December 01, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: Zionism
and Judaism
Articles by Wes Penre] |
12/01/2007 |
12/01/2007 |
Drugs & Medicine
Marijuana Conspiracy - the Sequel
- In 2005, this writer penned ‘The Real Reason
Marijuana is Illegal’ and it became (by far) my most popular
article. Translated into Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish,
Bulgarian and even Japanese, the responses were overwhelming. Its
premise was ‘marijuana’ became illegal NOT because it was a danger
to the mind and body. No, the real reason is that Big Business wants
us to use petrochemicals and fossil fuels. They have little interest
in NATURAL solutions. THEY have suppressed the truth concerning
cannabis and purposely created the ‘menace of marijuana.’ Why? So
they remain high profiteers while destroying our environment in the
process. -
- by Doug Yurchey, May 29, 2007 -
(Posted here: Friday, June 01, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: [Drugs: Alternative Drugs & Medicine
Guest Writers:
Doug Yurchey]
12/01/2007 |