* * *
Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
AN EX-VAMPIRE" for ONLY 99¢!!!
click here and follow the link under "Order/Contact
Info" to find out more!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
* * *
[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
News & Updates Archives
(From November 2004 - Present)
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Vote For Illuminati News

at Conspiracy Top Sites
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Stationary |
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01/29/2008 |
01/28/2008 |
01/28/2008 |
01/26/2008 |
01/26/2008 |
01/26/2008 |
01/25/2008 |
01/24/2008 |
01/21/2008 |
01/21/2008 |
01/21/2008 |
01/19/2008 |
UFOs & Aliens:
UFO - The
Secret NASA Transmissions. The Smoking
- On March 11, 2000, in front of an
assembled audience of UFO appear to
indicate the existence of, not one, but
two types of unknown extraterrestrial
life forms. Labeled "Phenomena One" and
"Phenomena Two" by a man who spent
several years recording and logging
thousands of hours of NASA space shuttle
transmissions, this "historic" footage
and the story that lay behind its
discovery can now be revealed. - -
by Russell Callaghan, Video.Google, June 14, 2007 - (Posted here:
Saturday, Jan 19, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Multimedia/Video:
UFOs & Aliens] |
01/19/2008 |
01/19/2008 |
An Overview
of the Ancient Egyptian Cult
- In order to conduct the cult of the
gods, the Egyptians constructed
religious facilities that remain some of
the most elaborate structures ever
built. These temples were called by the
ancient Egyptians, hwt-ntr, meaning "the
house of the god". These temples
actually usually served several gods,
and in order to sustain these cult
activities, considerable resources, such
as extensive networks of land, livestock
and personnel were required. These
necessary resources that were required
to support the activities of a temple
were referred to as r-pr, meaning
"temple estate". - - by Jefferson
Monet - (Posted here:
Saturday, Jan 19, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Secret Societies:
Freemasonry] |
01/19/2008 |
01/17/2008 |
01/15/2008 |
Italian Says
9-11 Solved
It’s common knowledge, he reveals,
CIA, MOSSAD behind terror attacks
- Former Italian President Francesco
Cossiga, who revealed the existence of
Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s
oldest and most widely read newspaper
that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run
by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was
common knowledge among global
intelligence agencies. - -
American Free Press, Issue #52, Dec 24,
2007 - (Posted here:
Tuesday, Jan 15, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [War on Terrorism:
News on 9/11] |
01/12/2008 |
01/12/2008 |
01/08/2008 |
01/06/2008 |
01/04/2008 |
01/03/2008 |
01/01/2008 |
"No Religion
Higher Than Truth" -
One evening, Mr. Leadbeater, on our
return to his room after our swim, told
me that one of the boys had a remarkable
aura. I asked which one, and he said it
was the boy named Krishnamurti. I was
surprised, for I already knew the boys,
as they had been coming to me and to
Subrahmanyam in the evenings to help in
connection with their school home work,
and it was evident that Krishnamurti was
not one of the bright students. Then Mr.
Leadbeater told me that Krishnamurti
would become a great spiritual teacher
and a great speaker. I asked, "How
great? As great as Mrs. Besant?" He
replied, "Much greater." And shortly
after that he said that Krishnamurti
would be the vehicle for the Lord
Maitreya, the coming Teacher, who had
inspired Jesus. - - by
Ernest Wood, 1964 - (Posted here:
Tuesday, Jan 01, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Secret Societies:
The Theosophical Society] |
01/01/2008 |