Who Are
Manipulating Us On A Higher Level, And What Motivates
by Wes Penre,
Dec 08, 2007
Wes Penre |
here are a lot of questions we all have regarding
what is going on behind the scenes in this world and why.
First of all, we have to accept that we don't have answers to
them all, and that it is OK. If we are wise, we realize this
and concentrate on what we know and what we can and have to
learn right at this moment. We also need to accept that there are questions
we are not ready for - yet. It is perfectly
fine to have those questions in the back of our heads, but we
must be wise enough to understand that we just can't find the
answers as of now, and we should not give up because of this. There are
infinite levels of knowledge available, and we must take one
step at the time and listen to our 'inner voice' (intuition if
you will), to learn on a higher level. Or as someone
you believe only what you see, you will believe only what is
shown to you".
Some of the
most common questions I get are these:
"If it is true that we are manipulated by this organization
we call the "Illuminati", and that this same organization
wants to take over the world and create a slave society,
what motivates them? How can they have been so persistent
and dedicated to this cause for so many generations, when
one single person will not see the end result before he/she
dies? Why is World Domination so important for them?"
To find the
answers to these questions, we have to expand our knowledge and
our way of thinking. If we don't think outside the box, we are
never going to understand what makes these people tick. To a
normal person it is difficult to
comprehend how someone can work so hard a whole lifetime for
something so evil, and then just die without even seeing the end
result and be part of it. Look at Henry Kissinger and George H.W.
Bush for example; they are both in their eighties when I write
this and will not live too much longer. Same thing with David
Rockefeller and the many generations before them. They rarely
retire, although they have all the money in the world; it's like
an obsession. They die, still relentlessly working towards this
specific goal to dominate us all. Why are they so different
from the rest of us?
We know that
power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but
there is something more to it and we can feel it. So what is it?
Think about
it. If these people think so differently and seem so ALIENated
from the rest of us, does that make them - - -
These days,
lots of people have no problems to understand that there is a
shadow government pulling the strings, but when we take it a
step further and ask ourselves who is in charge of the shadow government,
people get very opinionated and even fight each other, calling
each other names and accuse one another for being CIA- or
MOSSAD agents working undercover. No matter what good
a researcher may have for his/her theories as of whom is behind
the New World Order, these "answers" just create even more
questions. It doesn't matter if we blame the Jews, the
Jesuits, the Zionists, the International Bankers or Satan.
Either one of these explanations leaves us with a puzzle where
the pieces don't seem to fit perfectly unless we force them into
place, which we shouldn't have to do - so something seems to be
you believe only what you see, you will
believe only what is shown to you"

The reason it
feels like something is missing is because the real source has
not been spotted by the majority of researchers! Perhaps the reason
for this is that the truth is so
overwhelming that sometimes even the most hardcore researcher
has a hard time confronting it. It is much more convenient to
blame something that is generally accepted, something people at
least believe exists.
Here is a
missing piece in the big puzzle that actually DOES fit: the
reason the Illuminati are so obsessed with power and they have
such a different mindset is that they are simply not from this planet!
For those who
have followed the postings on the Illuminati News website this
doesn't really come as a surprise, but for those to whom this
information is new, bear with me before you throw the baby out.
And for you who already know or have suspected this to be the
case, please read on anyway. Perhaps some of this will be new
for you, or at least help to further connect the dots.
Religion As A
There are
researchers out there, with whom I have corresponded, that
have come to the conclusion that the Jews are the true force
behind the New World Order and the top of the Illuminati
Pyramid. They say that the Talmud, which is Jewish, is the book
they are implementing on the rest of us. And the secret
societies, dribbling with black magic, are nothing else but
powerful occult organizations practicing the Jewish
When you
connect the dots and narrow things down, the New World Order
definitely seems to be a Jewish Conspiracy. [1] Some researchers stop
there, blaming it all on the
Jews without seeing the limitation in their own thinking. When I ask
them who they think is pulling the strings on the Jews, they
sometimes get annoyed, saying it is time for me to wake up,
because the Jews are IT. That's it!
I agree that
most of the top Illuminati are of Jewish, or quasi-Jewish origin
and they ARE following the Talmud in their quest to dominate
non-Jews and to control the world, and the Cabbala IS a big
thing in secret societies. [1]
However, many (but not all as we shall
see) Talmudic (Mosaic) Jews are humans, just like you and I,
although corrupted and brainwashed into believing that they have
a divine right to rule over the rest of us because it says so in
their religious scriptures.
But who gave
them their religion in the first place? And who created organized
religion, originally?
religion been such a wonderful tool to divide and conquer
throughout history? Without all those religious groups fighting
against each other, the Illuminati would never have been able to
get this far. People stuck in dogma are very manipulated people,
and can be extremely dangerous. It doesn't matter if it is
Jewish dogma, Christian dogma, Eastern philosophy, New Age or
what have we. They are all the same narrow-minded, potentially dangerous people.
But we have to remember that those groups, fighting each other,
have been manipulated into doing so because of their belief system,
which also was invoked by manipulation, carried on from parent
to child, generation after generation. Take their dogma away,
and they will be as 'normal' as those who are not obsessed by
This means
that people stuck in religious dogma, whether they are Jews or
whatever, are victims and not the real cause. The real
cause must stand ABOVE dogma, but use it to create wanted
effects to reach certain goals.
There are
indicators in this conspiracy that points in the direction
towards alien intervention. What ALIENS are, exactly, we are
going to discuss in the next sections.
The Hive Mentality vs. Individual Thinking
The difference
between the hardcore Illuminati controllers and you and I is
that we are capable of individual thinking, while they are
thinking collectively, something we call "hive mentality".
A collective
is based upon one belief, one set of principles
and one authority. Its emphasis is complete allegiance to
an idea or an ideal. Not only is this engendered in the
education of these people, but in their genetic code as well.
That is why they behave in the ways that they do. This is both
their strength and their weakness. They have great strength in
the Mental Environment because their minds are united. But they
are weak because they cannot think for themselves. A man or
woman of individual Knowledge would be incomprehensible to them.
is a good word, because they are collectives of different races
and nationalities. Collectives are not one race. That is why we
hear about different alien types being seen on Earth at the same
time, having the same Agenda. They are not of the same race, but
of the same Collective and are therefore working together in a
hierarchy towards the
same goal.
The First Area of
It looks like
the alien visitors on Earth are engaged in some fundamental
activities in order to gain influence here on our planet.
The first area of activity has been to put themselves in
position of power and authority wherever they can make a
difference. This has been done directly and indirectly, by
either directly obtaining a certain position or they have
carefully selected humans to be placed there to serve their
Before I
explain what I mean by 'directly' and 'indirectly', we need to
know who these aliens are. You may ask how a being who looks
totally different from us can sit in a business position or in
politics and not be revealed. After all, it is reported that
some of these aliens have reptilian form and most people have
heard about the little grey aliens as well.

[left] and Grey Alien [right]
Although I am
sure there exist alien races on other planets, I truly believe
the alien races we are talking about here, forming the Top
Illuminati, are interdimensional.
They exist on another wavelength than ours. David Icke, a famous
author, researcher and lecturer [2], described it brilliantly in one
of his books [3]. He said that different existing dimensions can be
compared to different radio frequencies. They are all there, but
you can't tune in to them all at the same time from the same
radio. You can only tune in to one radio station (frequency) at
the time. This doesn't mean that the other channels don't exist
just because you can't hear them.
Same thing
with dimensions. We live in what is widely accepted as the Third
Dimension, and the beings that are here to control us are
probably coming from a dimension close to us, like the lower
fourth. They have the ability to tune into our frequency and
take physical form here; thus all the sightings, both UFOs and
physical aliens.
because they are not basically operating on our frequency, they
don't necessarily have to take physical form either. All they
need to do is to vibrate on a slightly different frequency so we
can't see them. It is nothing strange with this - it's just
energy, which is the basic to all life. By vibrating on a
slightly different wavelength they can 'possess' humans who are
accessible to them by their desire for money and power, and use
Therefore, we
have 'shapeshifting reptilians' in governments, business,
banking, entertainment industries and religion etc. What a
shapeshifter is, is simply a possessed human. Sometimes the
reptilian host is not able to keep his frequency intact, and
therefore a 'bleed-through' occurs and the host becomes fully or
partly visible in his true form. Other times they show up here in their real
shape, and people sometimes see them and report them. By
possessing humans they can achieve their goals, which is a
take-over of humanity for their own collective purposes.
The reptilians
and their allies have this hive, collective mentality as a
fundamental part of their genetics and being. They are a warrior
race and they are here to conquer. Their hive mentality is
totally focused on survival in its most extreme form;
the Collective must survive by any means! It seems like they
think they need to control the whole Universe and beyond to
safeguard their survival. Thus the obsession with money and
power. This is probably the main characteristics within the
dimension from where they come. Perhaps they are the ones in
charge of the lower fourth dimension and now they are expanding,
like the Invader Force they are, who never stops conquering, because it
is in their nature.
They know that
humans are not like them and therefore they need to manipulate
us. They chose easy targets here on Earth long ago and persuaded
these people into thinking they are special and of a higher
class than the rest of humanity (like the example with the Jews)
and by telling them that they are to be their emissaries on Earth to
rule over the rest of us, presented as a lower cast of beings.
The reptilians
chose some key people among us thousands of years ago to be in
charge. They promised them riches and fame, infinite life (they
believe in reincarnation) and whatever they needed if they
agreed to following the Agenda. Those who agreed quickly became
possessed and 'taken over' and their bodies were 'hosted' and
used for operating purposes here on Earth. These 'chosen people'
then continued to follow the Agenda on a generational basis and
have done so since ancient times.
But this is
not all. Here is the kicker, for those who don't already know.
The human race was created 'in their image' by those whom the
old Sumerians called the Anunnaki, 'those who from heaven came'. By genetic manipulation they created us as a slave race
once upon a time, to use us as labor while exploiting the
resources of this planet. The revengeful and blood-thirsty God
described in the Old Testament is not God, but one of the
Anunnaki rulers. This story was written down at least 5-6000
years ago on the Sumerian stone tablets and it is also described
in the Veda books, both predating the Bible.
By the time of
the Deluge most of the Anunnaki seem to have left Earth with an
almost extinct humanity. Why did they leave? No one seems to
know for sure, unless this was the time when the Fourth
Dimensional Invader Force showed up! Did they run the Anunnaki
off to have Earth for themselves? This could very well be.

Anunnaki "God" and genetic engineer, who was the mastermind
behind the creation of homo sapiens, according to the Sumerian
researchers think the Anunnaki is equivalent to the Reptilians,
but to me it seems like they are two different races. It looks
like the Anunnaki was from this Universe and this Third
Dimension, while the Reptilians and the Greys are
interdimensional. This is why I think the Anunnaki were driven
away from Earth by force. Also, the old scriptures say that man
was created 'in their image', which doesn't make sense if we
were created by the Reptilians.
So what
exactly happened here is open to speculations, but I think that
at one point the Interdimensional beings took over here and they
chose the most powerful human bloodlines on Earth and put them
in charge, as described above. They possessed them and also
interbred with them to create a hybrid race, to further ensure
loyalty to their Masters.
The humans in power, who are working towards a One World
Dictatorship are thus doing so from either conviction (through
bloodline) or from having 'sold their souls to the Devil' (which
is, from what I can see, nothing else than selling ones souls to
the Old Serpent - the Reptilian race). In exchange they are
promised anything they want in this lifetime here on Earth. For
some people it is very tempting to be guaranteed a lot of money
and security, and what else you want, in exchange for covertly
betraying mankind.
these traitors, who may be bankers, politicians, actors,
musicians, businessmen or whatever, 'wake up' later in life and
realize what they have done and want to get out, only to find
they can't. Once you have 'sold your soul', you're owned by
They will not let you go back on your oath. If you try to, they
threaten to kill you or worse, and if you don't take that
seriously, they make a 'horrible example out of you'. This is the reason why
you see some musicians go on constant tours year around,
although they are old and should retire. They are simply not
allowed to as long as the top Illuminati (the Reptilians) need
them. This is also the reason why some people are working day
and night in politics and business until they die, instead of
retiring and enjoying their wealth. Sounds like a living hell to
me. You have all this money and power, but you can't enjoy it,
because you have to work around the clock to betray your fellow
man, or they kill you. Some people have evidently chosen death
before obedience at some point in life, but most just continue,
afraid of being killed.
So back to the
first area of activity. We now know why this reptilian race and
their allies want to have a One World Government; we understand
what is driving them, and why they are so different from us
humans. Their purpose is not to destroy our world (although, the
nature of their being is to conquer by any means, so if things
get destroyed on the way, it is justified), and not even to kill
us off totally; they want to keep around 500 millions of us to
use as their slaves (how gracious of them!), while the rest of the population has to go.
Six billion people are way too much to control.
This will be
achieved by creating new wars and conflicts, new civil wars,
increased famine, starvation and by creating new killer viruses
and diseases,
like they did with AIDS and EBOLA, but now only much deadlier.
The Invaders already now have a way to control the weather,
and in a near future they will let loose giant
hurricanes, create floods, earthquakes and tornados in such
magnitude that land and water will change place and millions of
people will die.
This way, they
believe, humanity will not even notice that they are being
manipulated into helping to create their own destruction, and
when time is right, the Invader Force will suggest that it is
time to ring in a World Government to bring an end to disaster. At
this point people will be so exhausted after have fought war
upon war and seen their loved ones die from disease, starvation
or 'natural' disasters that they are willing to accept almost
anything. A One World Government will look like a dream.
A World CEO, generally called the Anti-Christ, will put himself
in charge of humanity and offer global peace, an end to all starvation
and no more wars. It will be very cleverly done, but in reality,
when the World Government is established, people's liberties
will be taken away from them one by one - on a much broader
scale than is done now - until the remainder of humanity will
live in a global police state, comparable to today's China, but
with even tighter control.
The important
thing is that they keep us in constant fear and terror. This is
what they feed from. You can easily control people in fear, but
not free-thinking individuals.
So far, the
Illuminati is not in control of everything on this planet, but
they are quickly getting there. They are manipulating elections,
choosing their own candidates within all significant political
parties and they have put themselves in charge of most
influential businesses, education, entertainment and politics.
In politics, not ALL politicians are corrupt, but their
numbers are growing. The reptilians understand the hierarchy of
power, because they themselves live by it, having their own
chain of command. This hierarchy system (the
Pyramid Structure) they brought with them to implement here on
Earth, and they have done so with great success.
They are
highly organized and very focused in their endeavors, and the
idea of having cultures full of free-thinking individuals is
largely foreign to them. They do not comprehend or understand
individual freedom as we do, and they definitely won't allow it,
because it defeats their purpose. They believe that humanity is
chaotic and unruly, and they feel they are bringing order to a
situation that they cannot themselves comprehend. Individual
freedom is unknown to them, they see it as a weakness and they
can not see its value. As a
result, what they seek to establish in the world will not honor
this freedom.
The Second Area of
The second avenue of activity, which is perhaps the most
difficult to consider, is the manipulation
of religious values and impulses. The visitors understand that
humanity’s greatest abilities also represent its greatest
vulnerability. People’s longing for individual redemption
represents one of the greatest assets the human family has to
offer. But it is also our
weakness. And it is these impulses and these values that are
Several groups of the visitors have established themselves as
spiritual agents because they know how to speak in the Mental
Environment. They can communicate to people directly, and
unfortunately, because there are very few people in the world
who can discern the difference between a spiritual voice and the
visitors’ voice, the situation becomes very difficult and
Therefore, the second area of activity is to gain people’s
allegiance through their religious and spiritual motivations.
Actually, this can be done quite easily because humanity is not
yet strong or developed in the Mental Environment. It is
difficult for people to discern where these impulses are coming
from. Many people want to give themselves to anything they think
has a greater voice and a greater power. Interdimensional Beings can
project images—images of our saints, of our teachers, of
angels (all of which was created by the Anunnaki once upon a
time, so they could manipulate us. The Reptilians only
continue where the Anunnaki took off) —images that are held dear and sacred within
our world.
They have cultivated this ability through many, many centuries
of attempting to influence each other and by learning the ways
of persuasion. They consider us primitive, like cattle, and so they feel they
can exert this influence and use these methods upon you as a
right they have.
There is always an attempt to contact those individuals who are
considered sensitive, receptive and naturally given to be
cooperative. Many people are selected, but a few will be chosen
based upon these particular qualities. The Reptilians seek to
gain allegiance with these individuals, to gain their trust and
to gain their devotion, telling the recipients that the visitors
are here to uplift humanity spiritually, to give humanity new
hope, new blessings and new power—indeed promising the things
that people want so dearly but have not yet found themselves.
Here we have the New Age gurus, the cult leaders and high priest
in different organized religions.
The effort here is to pacify and to reeducate people through
spiritual persuasion. This “Pacification Program” is used
differently with different religious groups depending upon their
ideals and their temperament. It is always aimed at receptive
individuals. Here it is hoped that people will lose their sense
of discernment and will become wholly trusting of the greater
power that they feel is being given to them by the Invaders.
Once this allegiance is established, it becomes increasingly
difficult for people to discern what they know within themselves
from what is being told to them. It is a very subtle but very
pervasive form of persuasion and manipulation.
when people are leaving a religious cult, for example, it is
very hard to merge back into the old society which they left behind
when they joined the cult. While being manipulated by cult
leaders, the victims are brainwashed into creating a whole new
reality, which differs considerably from what the rest of the
population would say is 'normal'. To then coming back to this
'normality' is a very difficult transition, leaving the cult
victim pretty much alone with his/her thoughts and struggle.
Many of these people can't handle it and end up in the chair of
a psychiatrist, by whom they may be drugged down to 'ease the
pain' and some may even end up committing suicide.
The Third Area of
The third area of activity is to
establish the Invaders' presence in the world and to have people
become used to this presence. They want humanity to become
acclimated to this very great change that is occurring in our
midst—to have us become acclimated to their physical
presence and to their effect on our own Mental Environment. To
serve this purpose, they will, and are, creating establishments here, though
not in view. These establishments will be hidden, but they will
be very powerful in casting an influence on human populations
that are near them. The Invaders will take great care and time
to make sure that these establishments are effective and that
enough people are in allegiance to them. It is these people who
will guard and preserve their presence.
The Fourth Area of
Finally, we have the fourth area in which the Invader Force seeks
to establish itself, and that is through interbreeding,
something we touched on earlier. They cannot live comfortably in
our environment. They need our physical stamina. They need our
natural affinity with the world, and perhaps most of all; they
need our reproductive abilities to establish their new
Interdimensional Empire. They also want to bond with us because
they understand that this creates allegiance. This, in a way,
establishes their presence here because the offspring of such a
program will have blood relations in the world and yet will have
allegiance to the visitors.
The visitors are not here to take our reproductive abilities
away from us. They are here to establish themselves, done mainly
by interbreeding with people whom they consider having the
strongest genes and the best abilities to serve them.
They want
humanity to believe in them and to serve them, this way we will
be much easier to control. They want
humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer
anything and do anything to achieve this goal. Yet though their
persuasion is great, their numbers are small. But their
influence is growing and their program of interbreeding, which
has been underway for several generations, will eventually be
effective. There will be human beings of greater intelligence
but who do not represent the human family. Such things are
possible and horrible experiments are taking place on Earth
today on military bases and in underground facilities to create the
perfect hybrid between alien and man. There are also several
reports from people whom have had first hand experiences with
the Illuminati currently working hard on creating the perfect slave
race for the future. They will decide how our future bodies will
look like and how they will work. Intelligence is definitely
nothing they want us to have more of...
In summary:
their ultimate goal is a One World Government, a global
dictatorship where they are the kings and rulers. They will
establish themselves and leave emissaries here on Earth who
will watch over us via the World Government to make sure we stay
in line. When this is fully accomplished and "Mission is
completed", I can imagine they
will concentrate on other worlds they can conquer in a similar
What Can Be Done?
We all have great spiritual gifts that can enable
us to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now.
They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely. It is
not merely up to a great teacher or a great leader in our world
to do this. It must be cultivated by many more people now. For
the situation brings with it necessity, and if necessity can be
embraced, it brings with it great opportunity.
The alien presence in the world is growing. It is growing every
day, every year. Many more people are falling under its
persuasion, losing their ability to know, becoming confused and
distracted, believing in things that can only weaken them and
make them impotent in the face of those who would seek to use
them for their own purposes.
It will take great sobriety and objectivity in order to see
through these deceptions and these difficulties. Still, it will be
necessary for people to do this if humanity as a group is to successfully
transit into a higher density and maintain its freedom and
its self-determination.
Does this mean that there is an invasion
of our world? The answer to this is “yes,” an
invasion of the most subtle kind. If we can entertain these
thoughts and consider them seriously, we will be able to see
these things for ourselves. The evidence of this invasion is
everywhere. We can see how human ability is offset by the desire
for happiness, peace and security, how people’s vision and
ability to know are hampered by influences even within their own
So, have can
we win over such powers?
I have said it
before and I will say it again: this is a spiritual war, not a
physical war! Although the Invaders and their human army of
Yes-Sayers are deeply involved in creating and maintaining war
wherever it is possible, this is still secondary. We can't fight
them effectively on a physical level; I can't see that
happening. We must evolve spiritually, cast out our fear and
terror and raise above the surface of the engulfing ocean we are
slowly drowning in. If we can only swim a little bit higher we
WILL reach the surface and a new reality will meet us there, one
on a new and higher spiritual level.
For those who
can't comprehend this and think it is just New Age hocus-pocus,
think again. To understand how this works, you have to
understand energy. Everything in this Universe and beyond
vibrates, and it vibrates in different speed. We can only
perceive people and things that vibrate with a similar speed as
we do. There is a range which is perceivable for us, but outside
that range is the unknown and the invisible.
The reason we
vibrate with the specific speed we do is because there is
something in that range that keeps us trapped, like a moth
attracted to light. We are persuaded, fed with fear and terror
and kept imprisoned with invisible chains. However, these chains
are only there because we allow them to. Therefore, the only way
out of this trap, and the only way to break the chain is to
educate ourselves on what is going on, so we know what we are up
against. Then we need to stop being afraid. We are all immortal
souls and they can't kill us - only our bodies. We need to start
breaking loose from dogma, mind control, inherited patterns,
rules and regulations and begin to think freely and
independently again! Be brave and stand for what you think is
right. Don't be dependent on the masses for approval. Like Mark
Twain, the famous author once said: