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Last Updated: Thursday, June 30, 2005 06:08:24 PM

June 2005  

(Most recent on top)

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News Archives

June 30

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Yesterday was the day Prophet Yahweh was going to summon UFOs in public over Las Vegas, Nevada. No current updates on the event, and Prophet Yahweh remains quiet so far. If any of you visitors hear something before I do, please e-mail me at wes@illuminati-news.com.

The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview
- I was therefore pleased to discover the attached which, I feel, puts an end to any debate as to their [The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion] authenticity - right from the horse's mouth! ... "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." The above is an exact quote of Harold Wallace Rosenthal, former top Administrative Aide to the then Senator Jacob Javits, who was since defeated in the 1980 election.  -

- from Serena Martin, June 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : Zionism]


HEMP SEED: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source in the World
- Hemp seed oil comprises 35% of the total seed weight. This oil has the lowest amount of saturated fatty acids at 8%, and the highest amount of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids at 80%, total oil volume. Flax seed oil comes in second at 72% combined total essential fatty acids. -
- by Lynn Osburn -
[Archived here: Drugs : Illegal Drugs]

The List Of Carnivore And Eschelon Keywords
- The list below contains many of the keywords the Government Spooks search YOUR email and chat for. -
- from Rense.com, June 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: Surveillance : Overall Surveillance]

ADL's New 'Hate Bill' The Death Knell For Talk Radio
- The Anti-Defamation League's new, tougher hate bill, "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR 2662, if passed, will very soon end FREE SPEECH and FREE SPEECH TALK RADIO. The ADL, through similar legislation, has already ended free speech in Canada. It wants to do the same in America. -
- by Rev. Ted Pike, June 29, 2005 -
[Archived here: Secret Societies : The B’nai B’rith (ADL)]

Fears over Microchips Developed for Remote Scans
- MICROCHIPS carrying sensitive personal information that can be scanned by sensors from a distance could be included in the proposed national identity cards, it emerged yesterday. -
- New Scotsman, June 29, 2005 -
[Archived here: Microchipping : Microchipping]

Count the Bullets: Blow Away All Arguments
- “The reason I knew that Oswald could not have done it, was because I could not have done it,” said former US Marine sniper, Craig Roberts. -
- Strike-the-root.com -
[Archived here: The New World Order : Assassinations]

June 29

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Today is the day Prophet Yahweh is going to summon UFOs in public over Las Vegas, Nevada. No current updates on the event. If any of you visitors hear something before I do, please e-mail me at wes@illuminati-news.com.

The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Updated. Today is the day when the sightings over Las Vegas, Nevada are supposed to take place]
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent (at least to the Israelites).  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Video Interview: Former IRS Agent Joe Banister
- In this special video interview taken from Alex's documentary Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed, Alex talks to Joe Banister about the unconstitutional IRS and the private, run for profit Federal Reserve. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, June 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The IRS | Video & Audio Room : New World Order]

From the Ashes of World War II
- Just as History Channel now must admit that Franklin Delano Roosevelt staged Pearl Harbor, so too had the Banking and Aristocratic Elite also directed the theatre production of Hitler, Stalin, De Gaulle, Churchill and the entire global conflict.  For any who have not woken up to the fact that all sides were controlled, email me, and I will have a civil debate about it.  World War II had already been incepted during the Treaty of Versailles. -
- by Erik Fortman, June 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Introduction to the New World Order | Guest Writers : Erik Fortman]

New World Order Books
[Archived here: E-Books : New World Order]

Blowback Productions
- Despite all the evidence, millions around the world continue to blame the Jews for 9/11. This belief is a modern-day incarnation of the infamous "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the century-old forgery that some people claimed to be the Jews' master plan to rule the world. Filmmaker Marc Levin sets out to understand why "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has been revived, and to challenge one of the most persistent, insidious conspiracy theories of all time. In the course of his explosive journey, Levin finds himself delving into the heart of hate, facing those who would traffic in bigotry, all in the name of God. -
- Blowback productions -
[Archived here: New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New World Order]

June 28

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


1 day left until Prophet Yahweh is going to summon UFOs in public over Las Vegas, Nevada, on 6/29. No current updates on the event.

The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Updated, with 1 day left to the official sightings over Las Vegas on 6/29]
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent (at least to the Israelites).  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

The Vatican's Holocaust
- A sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony. -
- by Avro Manhattan (1914-1990) -
[Archived here: Religions & Religious Wars : Catholicism]


911 For the Truth
- William Rodriguez filed a civil RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) action lawsuit against President Bush and other high level members of his administration based upon prior knowledge of 911; knowingly failing to act, prevent or warn of 911; and the ongoing obstruction of justice by covering up the truth of 911; all in violation of the laws of the United States. -
- 911forthetruth.com -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

9/11 Conspiracy Now Subject of Hollywood Theatrical Performance
- The 9/1l murder mystery, filled with conspiracy clues but no answers, is finally going Hollywood. Known for the unusual and bizarre, this time a Hollywood theatre is the scene for a serious political and social event, a two hour high tech video dramatization of September 11th called "9/11 Mysteries." -
- ArcticBeacon.com, June 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House
- You are looking at the reason for the war against Iraq. This war is being fought for Ariel Sharon and for Israel's strategic benefit! Thats what Israel does. It has its intelligence organization, Mossad, carry out false flag operations and deceives others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them. -
- Nogw.com -

[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

Cat Out of the Bag
I mean, when a mosque blows up and Americans blame Islamic terrorists, whether Sunni or Shiite, it makes no sense. Muslims never blow up their own houses of worship ... So who’s doing all these demented deeds? As if we didn’t know .... -
- by John Kaminski -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous on War on Terror : Miscellaneous on War on Terror ]

If you call yourself an American that means that you have embraced the constitution, because that is what an American is. A citizen of the United States of America is someone who has sworn an oath of allegiance to that document, to the words, to the ideals of that document. Right now we have citizens who don't even understand what that document is.
Scott Ritter - June 23, 2005, Scott Ritter Traprock Peace Center at the Woolman Hill Meeting House

America Will Soon Lose Its Constitution
The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic. -
- by Unknown -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Jesuit Order ]

GOLD: Sovereign of Sovereigns
- Some say that gold is not money; perhaps they are right, perhaps not. Money is a funny thing, an odd sort of duck, as no one seems to know for sure, just what it is - and what it isn't. Who invented the stuff; and for what reason; from whence did it come and whither does it go? Even Sir Alan when asked what it is, replied he didn't have the foggiest idea.

Is it this or is it that?
Whatever it is,
It gets pulled -
Out of a hat -
- Safehaven.com, June 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: Banking & Paper Money : Introduction to Banking and Paper Money]

U.S. Soldiers Plant Weapons on Fake Rebels
- A U.S. citizen working in Iraq sent several photographs he obtained from a soldier in Iraq to writer Mark Kraft. Apparently, they had been passed along between several sources before reaching their intended target. -
- Aljazeera.com, June 26, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War ]

June 27

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


2 days left until Prophet Yahweh is going to summon UFOs in public over Las Vegas, Nevada, on 6/29. No current updates.

US Caused More Deaths in Iraq Than Saddam, Says Anti-War Tribunal
[It's called "Liberation"]
- "With two wars and 13 years of criminal sanctions, the United States have been responsible for more deaths in Iraq than Saddam Hussein," Larry Everest, a journalist, told hundreds of anti-war activists gathered in Istanbul. -
- Channel NewsAsia Int., June 25, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

The Smoking Gun White House
- In no other time have criminals at the very highest levels of the American government been allowed to get away with such transgressions.  At no other time has evidence of guilt been so blatantly ignored and unreported by the media.  And at no other time in recent history, have the crimes of an American president been so defended, rationalized and justified. -
- by TVNewsLIES.org -

[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

The Prophet Yahweh "Study Guide"
The Black Jew Hebrew Israelite Study Guide
- Below is a very controversial study guide that the Luciferian forces hope you never find out about! It has some very valuable insights into the secrets of biblical scriptures that YAHWEH wants you to know. -
- by Prophet Yahweh, June 25, 2005 -

[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars : Miscellaneous on Religions and Religious Wars]

CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] Proposes End of U.S.
- Lou Dobbs Tonight - CNN - June 9
The Council of Foreign Relations dropped all pretense and proposed that the United States of America surrender to the ongoing invasion of the United States by Mexico. The plan to do this was crafted by Robert Pastor and Andres Rozental, half brother of Jorge Castaneda, former Foreign Minister of Mexico. "This report should remove any doubt that the Council of Foreign relations, and all those who are part of it, are mortal enemies of the people of the United States of America," said Glenn Spencer of American Patrol. -
- American Patrol Feature, June 10, 2005 -

[Archived here: The New World Order : Globalization]

Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
- Former MI5 agent David Shayler has gone on the record with his conviction that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in America and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, June 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

Hollow Dummies
- Many years ago, when the country was still a modest republic, American presidents were available to almost anyone who wanted to shoot them. Thomas Jefferson went for a walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, alone, and spoke to anyone who came up to him. John Adams used to swim naked in the Potomac. A woman reporter got him to talk to her by sitting on his clothes and refusing to budge. -
- by Bill Bonner and Eric Fry, The Daily Reckoning, June 10, 2005 -
[Archived here: The New World Order : Introduction to the New World Order]

June 26

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition
- WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also pulled to safety from underground explosion.. -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 24, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

The Arctic Beacon - The Last Frontier of Truth
- The Arctic Beacon, the last frontier of truth, is an alternative news publication and radio broadcast founded on the principles of free speech fundamentally protected by the U.S. Constitution. -
- Arcticbeacon.com -
[Archived here: New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New World Order | Links : Links]

Massive Sightings Of UFO Fleet Over Xalapa, Mexico
- The amazing incident took place at 10:30 AM causing commotion, excitement - and some alarm - among the people and officials. Just after governor Fidel Herrera Beltran finished a speech inaugurating the new units, his attention was called by his officials signaling to the sky where a strange spectacle was appearing. -
- Rense.com, June 25, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters]

Giving Chutzpah New Meaning
- What do you do when somebody wants to publish a book that says you're completely wrong? If you're Alan Dershowitz, the prominent Harvard law professor, and the book is Norman Finkelstein's Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, you write the governor of California and suggest that he intervene with the publisher--because the publisher is the University of California Press, which conceivably might be subject to the power of the governor. -
- The Nation, July 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Censorship]

'Protocols Of Zion' - A Non-Zionist Jewish Perspective
- Anyone I know who has actually read them has no doubt about them and what they represent. The Protocols, no matter who penned them, are the key to understanding the current collapse of our civilization. -
- by Joseph Weinstein, June 26, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : Zionism]

David Icke

David Icke Live at The Astral Theatre
- Be prepared to spend some of the most dramatically enlightening hours you will ever spend online... with David Icke and his unique information available for live in-vision question and answer sessions for the first time on the Web. -
- TheSpiritOfCornwall.org -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : Miscellaneous Miscellaneous]

The Atlantis-Tesla Connection
- Latest work of Dug Yurchey. ORDER THE CD-ROM NOW!
- by Doug Yurchey, June 26, 2005 -
[Archived here: Illuminati News Home Page : Advertisements]

June 25

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Updated, with 4 days left to the official sightings over Las Vegas on 6/29]
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent (at least to the Israelites).  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

The Urgent Changes Needed in Monetary and Economic Policy
- What we're doing in Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, is deliberate, conscious genocide! And spread of disease, because they want to help the genocide by spreading diseases, to get rid of the Africans. -
- Executive Intelligence Review, June 16, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Africa]

John Conner

John Conner with the "Resistance Manifesto" Faxes the Whitehouse
[Video: 3 min 49 sec]
- Conner is faxing, calling and emailing the Whitehouse to let them know that 9/11 was an inside job! -
- John Conner, "Resistance Manifesto", June 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New World Order | Video & Audio Room : New World Order]

Locations of the Records of the Atlantean Civilization and its Firestone
- Including Speculations on Where Or How They Will Be Found -
- Huttoncommentaries.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : The Sumerian Scriptures, the Hollow Earth, and Human Origins]

Former Asst. Sec. Of Treasury Under Reagan Doubts Official 9/11 Story; Claims Neo Con Agenda Is As 'Insane As Hitler And Nazi Party When They Invaded Russia In Dead Of Winter'
- A former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan stepped back into the political spotlight this week, expressing doubt about the official 9/11 story and claiming "if they lied to us about Ruby Ridge, Waco and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why should we believe them now." -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 22, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

The Day America Died
- America as a free nation died Thursday. Death came without mercy at the hands of the United States Supreme Court which ruled, in a split 5-4 decision, that a city has the right to steal an American citizen’s property without due course and turn it over to private developers. -
- by Doug Thomson, June 24, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The Police State: '1984 - Brave New World'!]

Shocking New Developments In Supreme Court vs. Homeowners Case
- News Media Blackout On 'Revving Bulldozers,' Intimidation And Harassment Of New London Residents -
- PrisonPlanet, June 24, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The Police State: '1984 - Brave New World'!]

TiVo Disrupts TV Viewers Hypnotic State
- In the article at the following link --- it is said that "It is known by measured changes in alpha states that an ASC [altered state of consciousness] occurs within 30 seconds or so of the commencement of watching television." -
- Kentroversy, June 22, 2005 -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Different Mind Control Programs]

Adolph Eichmann and You
- There is a lesson here for all of us. If we don't want to be complicit in state crimes, we need to stop being such good citizens. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, June 25, 2005 -
[Archived here: Solutions : Solutions]

June 24

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent.  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]


Benjamin Creme

Benjamin Creme, Maitreya, the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Lucifer
- In 1959, the "Ascended Masters" contacted Benjamin Creme — an obscure English painter who dabbled in the occult — Creme was told to perform a mission: the advancement of the Masters' plan for humanity. Creme was instructed to prepare the way for one Lord Maitreya — a Master and self-proclaimed christ who would soon begin to assume a human form to begin preparing humanity for the Age of Aquarius. -
- Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, 2001 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Great White Brotherhood]

America Surrounded - Do You Speak Chinese?
- To understand what his happening today, one must understand certain military tenets of warfare. These include:... -
- Craig Roberts, June 22, 2005 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order : War on China]

'The Lies of War Can No Longer be Ignored by the Press'
- Americans are now starting to learn what was in the Downing Street Memos. The memos provide confirmation for what those who opposed the war against Iraq knew from the start: the Bush administration wanted to invade Iraq even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and the White House was simply looking for enough rhetorical fig leaves to cover their naked aggression. -
- by Randolph T. Holhut, June 23, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Joseph Banister

Tax Activist Wins in Federal Court
- Joseph Banister, a Certified Public Accountant in San Jose, Calif., had been telling his clients they don't need to file federal income tax returns because the 16th Amendment, which gives Congress "power to lay and collect taxes on incomes," was never properly ratified. -
- WorldNetDaily, June 23, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The IRS]

Supreme Court Rules Cities May Seize Our Homes
[The bitter truth of the matter is that we, the people, NEVER owned our land or our homes, even when we paid them off. The Government has also previously been able to seize them whenever they find it appropriate. Wes Penre]
- A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses against their will for private development in a decision anxiously awaited in communities where economic growth often is at war with individual property rights. -
- Associated Press -
[Archived here: New World Order : The Police State: '1984 - Brave New World'!]

June 23

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
[Updated with new link to where PY posts his audio/video clips, and his connection with the "Great White Brotherhood"]
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent.  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Strange Marks After Alien Visits
- The day after a visit she often comes to me and shows me strange "needle" marks, bruises and other abnormal body aberrations. Sometimes it looks like someone has drawn blood from her. None of this she could have done to herself; I have never seen anything like it before. -
- by Wes Penre, June 23, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

Singing "Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do"
Interrogations by Alien Kidnappers

- There is obviously an agenda going on but even the most committed researcher in this matter should realise that these “experiments” have been going on for decades and even the most unintelligent of “Galactic Visitors” would have understood the anatomy of the human body by now. I am also sure that enough hybrids have been produced to inhabit many a universe. So why does it carry on? -
- by Matthew Delooze, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters]

Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
- Since the Persian Gulf War, the term "New World Order" has become well known. However, there has never really been an explanation as to what the term meant, only that it represented a new spirit of cooperation among the nations of the world in order to further the cause of peace. And peace is good, so therefore the New World Order is good and should be accepted. Not so fast. Like the old saying, you can't tell a book by its cover, there is more here than meets the eye. -
- by David Allen Rivera -
[Archived here: New World Order : Introduction to the New World Order | Links: Links]

Contract That Spawned Guantanamo Prisons Awarded to Halliburton During Cheney's Tenure as CEO
- The contract, which allocated funds for “emergency construction capabilities” at “worldwide locations,” authorized the Defense Department to award Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root any number of specific naval construction deals abroad. -
- The Raw Story -
[Archived here: New World Order : FEMA - Concentration Camps Today]

The Past is Calling
- Can anyone explain to me why "Live 8 organiser", and knight, Bob Geldolf, although he is "seen" to verbally attack the worlds powers over poverty in the 3rd world, receives massive media support. The world's media (owned by the same serpent cult as the record/music industry) bombarded us yesterday with the fact that Sir Bob seems to be some sort of saint who has "arranged" a world wide "pop concert" at the drop of a hat. -
- by Matthew Delooze -
[Archived here: Art & Mind Control : Artists Under Scrutiny]

June 22

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Sound familiar?

The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent.  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

The New Age & The Illuminati - 666
- Another book exposing the purposes and intentions of those in power is here printed for you: THE NEW AGE & THE ILLUMINATI - 666. This book has been compiled by William Josiah Sutton and was printed by the Institute of Religious Knowledge - 1983 -
- by William Josiah Sutton, 1983 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Shadow Government in General | Links : Links | E-Books : The Illuminati]

'Infertility Time Bomb' Warning
- Infertility is set to double in Europe over the next decade, a leading UK fertility expert has warned. -
- BBC, June 20, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Depopulation Program]

Stranger Than Fiction
- APFN.org. -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]

Did Muslims Act Alone on 9/11 or Not?
- Alex Jones appears [appeared] Thursday June 16th on Coast to Coast AM for a much anticipated 9/11 debate. The question, did Muslims act alone on 9/11 or not? The evidence is presented below. Click on the headers for the archive
. -
- PrisonPlanet.com -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

Vatican Assassins
- After Thirty-Eight Years of Suppression (1963 - 2001) Exposing the Murder of Knight of Columbus President John F. Kennedy, by the bloody hand of the Society of Jesus, by Order of its Jesuit General being "the Black Pope", In Command of His Most Obedient Servant, the "infallible" Pope Paul VI being "the White Pope"... -
- Vaticanassassins.org -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Jesuit Order | Links : Links]

FBI Trawls Libraries for Terrorist Readers
- A list of people who had borrowed a book about Osama bin Laden was among the information to have been demanded since the introduction of the patriot act, the legislation that has enhanced the government's powers to investigate alleged terrorist activity after the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. -
- Guardian Unlimited, June 21, 2005 -

[Archived here: New World Order : The Police State: '1984 - Brave New World'! | Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]

June 21

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


New Model 'Permits Time Travel'
- The concept of time-travel is laden with uncomfortable paradoxes
If you went back in time and met your teenage parents, you could not split them up and prevent your birth - even if you wanted to, a new quantum model has stated. -
- BBC News, June 17, 2005 -
[Archived here: Science & Technology : Science - The Illuminati Religion]

LSD: A Trip into the Future?
- This writer in NO WAY advocates the use of LSD for the general public. People cannot handle the truth, let alone a stimulus that magnifies reality. Too many people want to escape because they cannot deal with reality as it is. LSD is an intensifier of what is real. The user gets an enormous dose of REALITY. LSD is not for everyone or even most people…because many people do not want to see, hear and feel. -
- by Doug Yurchey, Feb 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: Drugs : Illegal Drugs | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Cannabis Drug on Sale in Canada
- The world's first cannabis-based drug has gone on sale in Canada, and the UK firm which developed it says it remains committed winning a UK sales licence. Sativex is a mouth spray for multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers, who can use it to alleviate pain. -
- BBC News, June 20, 2005 -
[Archived here: Drugs : Illegal Drugs]

Classic Bait And Switch Enacted As Downing Street Memos Called Possible Hoax
- The Murdoch papers release the Downing Street Memo story worldwide. Despite the fact that the British government have already admitted that the information in the documents is true (and many more which essentially say the same thing were later released), this one document was photocopied, allowing the mainstream to raise questions about its authenticity and kill the story. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, June 20, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

US War With Iran Has Already Begun
- Americans, along with the rest of the world, are starting to wake up to the uncomfortable fact that President George Bush not only lied to them about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (the ostensible excuse for the March 2003 invasion and occupation of that country by US forces), but also about the very process that led to war. -
- by Scott Ritter, Aljazeera.net, June 20, 2005 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order : War on Iran]

The Coming Showdown in Iran
- Israel will take off with three squadrons of six F-15's - fly over Iraq and hit Iran's three key facilities. The US is expected to provide satellite information, and refueling as the Israeli jets exit. -
- Sunburn_Missile.com -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order : War on Iran]

Al-Qaeda, Iran and the Next 9/11
- The propaganda from the U.S. has been growing at an increasing rate against Iran, with attempts to tie them to al-Zarqawi, Osama bin Laden, other terrorists that hide there and of course nuclear weapons. -
- Profindpages.com, June 16, 2005 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order : War on Iran]

Who Really Orchestrated the OKC Bombing?
- The OKC bombing was engineered out of Elohim City, by Strassmeir, using Mossad demolition experts.
- Oklahoma_city_bomb.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism : Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]

June 20

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


In Defense of Capitalism
- Upon further study and reflection, it became obvious that the root of all tragedy in the human drama was none other than the government itself.  The sole purpose of government is to enforce policy. -
- by Erik Fortman, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : Introduction to Politics | Guest Writers : Erik Fortman]

Boys Used for 'Human Sacrifice'
- Children are being beaten and even murdered after being labelled as witches by pastors, the report leaked to BBC Radio 4's Today programme said. -
- BBC News, June 16, 2005 -
[Archived here: Occultism : Children Sacrificed to Satan]

Some Say Missing Minority Cases Ignored
- Most of the missing adults tracked by the FBI are men. More than one-in-five of those abducted or kidnapped are black. But you might not get that impression from the news media, and some journalism watchdogs are now taking the industry to task for what they see as a disproportionate emphasis on cases in which white girls and women - overwhelmingly upper-middle class and attractive - disappear. -
- SeattlePi.com, June 15, 2005 -
[Archived here: Occultism : Pedophiles and Satanism]

Treason Is Not Patriotic
- The Patriot Act is pure treason. What don’t you understand about the meaning of treason? The entire purpose for the creation of America is based upon defeating despotism, limiting government on all levels and advancing liberty for individuals. -
- Global Gulag -
[Archived here: New World Order : Patriot Act II]

Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh Plumbs New Depth Of Perversion; Releases Gitmo T-shirt Line
- OxyContin quaffing, Bush worshipping, torture apologist Rush Limbaugh has plumbed a new low in both sickness and inacurracy. Limbaugh has been hawking a new line of caps, T-shirts and mugs that depict the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba as a holiday home. -
- PrisonPlanet, June 20, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : FEMA - Concentration Camps Today]

The Growing Case for a Resolution of Inquiry
- Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." -
- DemocracyRising.US, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

How Much Proof Needed Before the Truth Comes Out?
Now seven leaked British documents raise Iraq war questions -
- 'The Downing Street Memo—minutes of a meeting with Prime Minister Tony Blair and his advisors that said the US was "fixing" the intelligence to support the Iraq War—was not enough to get the mainstream US media or members of Congress to take the issue seriously. Now there is Downing II, III, IV, V, VI and VII!

As the evidence mounts, the failure of the media to seriously investigate the issues is baffling. Why aren't they interviewing current and former US military intelligence officials about these reports from the highest levels of British government? Isn't the media supposed to investigate and get the truth for their readers and viewers?'

ER, NO. -

- OnlineJournal, June 17, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]

Event Horizon
- Keeper of the Temple of Atlantis -
- One day on May 17, 1956, during morning recess in the 6th grade I was out on the playfield leaning against a basketball pole while most other kids were down on the other end playing softball.  I seemed to be waiting for some unknown reason.  I looked over my shoulder and fast approaching from the south and visible to the west were TWENTY metallic, concave on the bottom with a darker center, round craft.  They were silver gray and did not reflect the morning sun. -
- by Kent, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters]

June 19

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Amazing Phenomenon "Prophet Yahweh"
- There is no doubt that this man has the ability to summon SOMETHING out of thin air, but it is very questionable if it actually is what he claims. According to him it is the God Yahweh, basically a space traveler, who is making these UFOs appear on the prophet's command. The purpose is to show a decadent world who the REAL God is. The prophet says the aliens are benevolent.  -
- by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Articles by Wes Penre : 2005]

The Council of Nine
- One New Age channeling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians. This exclusive extract based on The Startgate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince looks at the sinister origins of The Nine. -
- forteantimes.com, 1999 (website is down) -

[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Council of Nine]


Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

American Gulag Coming Soon
- It was Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer, who made the "gulag archipelago" part of our language. He won the Nobel Prize for the book of that name, lived here in exile and was mentioned in the media almost every day—until he made the fateful speech at Harvard... -
- EtherZone, June 17, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : FEMA - Concentration Camps Today]

Downing Street Memo Leaked
- Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Maxine Waters, Cindy Sheehan, and others, lash out President George W. Bush, and his lies, that got the country involved in the Iraqi War. Rally was held on June 16, 2005, at Lafayette Park, in Washington, D.C. (36.4 MB) -
- MovieTheater 138 -
[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny | Video & Audio Room : Politics]

Child Sacrifices in London
- Boys from Africa are being murdered as human sacrifices in London churches... They are brought into the capital to be offered up in rituals by fundamentalist Christian sects, according to a shocking report by Scotland Yard. Followers believe that powerful spells require the deaths of "unblemished" male children. -
- ThisIsLondon (Website of the Year), June 16, 2005 -
[Archived here: Occultism : Children Sacrificed to Satan]

Selina Bishop                             Justin Helzer  

Bags of Bodies - Children of Thunder
- Murderous Glenn and Justin Helzer called their cult "Children of the Thunder".
- Crimelibrary.com -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Imagine the New Scientology World Order
- After this final purging of Scientology-defined "degraded beings," Scientology will have gained control of every aspect of your life, your country, and the world. Imagine your children and their children having to live under the Scientology dominated social, economic, and political order simply because you rationalized or were afraid and did nothing, too little, or failed to organize, work with, and support those organizations who were working for the collective security of all of us. -
- Factnet.org -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Free September 11th Fact Sheet
- Alex Jones and infowars.com are offering this free fact sheet to help get the truth out about what really happened on September 11th. To get your free copy, please email your mailing address to:... -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

Desecration Amendment to Constitution Must be Stopped
- Any Constitutional amendment against flag desecration is bad. State laws already dictate a pledge of allegiance to the flag daily in many schools. -
- by Rex Curry, Attorney at Law -
[Archived here: New World Order : The U.S. Constitution]

June 18

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Doug Yurchey is a writer, artist and inventor. He has studied ancient mysteries for 30 years and was married to a trans-channel. He has lectured at Carnegie Mellon University and California State at Northridge. For two years a background artist with the Simpsons TV Show, he now promotes his unique theories:

Who Sunk the Titanic?
- What was the real story behind the sinking of the Titanic? The book 'The Secret Terrorists' printed by Truth Triumphant Ministries and reprinted by Tree of Life Resources places blame squarely on the Roman Catholic Order known as the Jesuits. 'The greatest tragedies in the last 200 years can be traced to the Jesuits.' -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : The Jesuit Order | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

The Marijuana Conspiracy - The Real Reason Hemp is Illegal
- The truth is if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies. -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: Drugs : Alternative Drugs and Medicine | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

LSD: A Trip into the Future?
- This writer in NO WAY advocates the use of LSD for the general public. People cannot handle the truth, let alone a stimulus that magnifies reality. Too many people want to escape because they cannot deal with reality as it is. LSD is an intensifier of what is real. The user gets an enormous dose of REALITY. LSD is not for everyone or even most people…because many people do not want to see, hear and feel. -
- by Doug Yurchey, Feb 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: Drugs : Illegal Drugs | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Was JFK Killed Because of Roswell?
- Sixteen years before President Kennedy's last days, the Roswell crash introduced our military to alien technology. The existence of the grey creatures from Zeta Reticuli, with the large head and eyes, is the biggest government secret on record! Earth governments had been working with the greys for 16 years before JFK got wind of this and was about to tell the press and the people. All presidents that came after JFK are not in the loop. President Bush does not have clearance for Area 51. -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: New World Order : Assassinations | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

An Interview with Doug Yurchey
- Let me say that I used this unique opportunity in '73 to learn as much as I could. Kathy channeled the entity hundreds of times. I'm a curious person; heart of a scientist. I want to know. I found out that we all reincarnate. -
- Farshores, July 28, 2002 -
[Archived here: Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Interview with Jordan Maxwell - 'Godfather of Secret Societies'
- JORDAN MAXWELL continues as the preeminent researcher and scholar in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for more than 3 years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine; America's oldest free-thought journal since 1873. -
- by Doug Yurchey, 2004 -

[Archived here: Secret Societies : Miscellaneous | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

The Sith Have Taken over the U.S.
- He is showing us a symbolic, full-screen portrayal of the taking over of America by dark forces. Actually, America is not evil. According to Freemasonry, ‘America’ is the people and the land and the seas. But, the ‘United States’ – ah, that is something completely different. It is a Company. -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : Miscellaneous Miscellaneous | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Wireless World
- In 1905, Nikola Tesla dismantled his large transmitter on Long Island, N.Y. and in doing so also dismantled his dreams. The 20th Century should have been filled with incredible wireless wonders. Instead, the human race is going to have to wait for utopia until it is ready for Tesla tech. -
- by Doug Yurchey, June 17, 2005 -
[Archived here: Science & Technology : Scientists Against the New World Order | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

I Saw the Kecksberg UFO
- Something pierced the night’s sky over my left shoulder. Our heads turned to the left and our eyes could not help but notice a bright ball of light! Both John and I were stunned. Our mouths dropped. The object was about the size of a full moon and it trailed sparks or little bits of light. The odd thing about it was the thing did not fall straight down. -
- by Doug Yurchey, Oct 31, 2003 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Abductions & Encounters | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Secret Bases on the Moon and Mars
- THEY have kept technology from us. With the idea that the masses cannot assimilate quantum leaps of knowledge and innovation, they have suppressed things that could have greatly advanced humankind. THEY could help the masses, but THEY don't. -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens : Government Involvement and Coverups | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

Teenage Jesus
- Where was Jesus when he was a teenager? Was he doing what most young people do or was his path a little different? There are 18 unrecorded, unknown and crucial years in the development of the great man known as` Jesus Christ. Western sources are missing these important years. The following is the beginning quote of a rare documentary by Richard Bock called: THE LOST YEARS: -
- by Doug Yurchey -
[Archived here: Religions & Religious Wars : Christianity | Guest Writers : Doug Yurchey]

June 17

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Zionist Connection - An Unholy Tripartite
- Zionism supports the creation of a Jewish state in violation of the teachings of Orthodox Judaism and the Torah. Of course, there are patriotic American Jews, as well as Christians, who support and are sympathetic to the state of Israel, but not to the extent of putting such political sympathies on a level higher than their patriotism and loyalty to the United States. -
- by Ted Lang -
[Archived here: The Illuminati : Zionism]

Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State: Weapon Of Mass Enlightenment
- An overwhelming positive element that filters through to the viewer in the face of armed military style police, sound weapons and the Constitution being butchered is the fact that so many New Yorkers are fully aware of the key 9/11 issues. -
- InfoWars.com, June 8, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

June 16

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Elaine Riddick

State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized
- Riddick was one of thousands of people secretly sterilized by the state between 1929 and 1974. -
- ABC News, May 15, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Psychiatry, Eugenics, and Mental Health]

Bombshell As Six More British Documents Leaked
- Proof is in the memo: Soldiers died for a lie -
- InfoWars.com, June 14, 2005 -
[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Palast for Conyers: The OTHER 'Memos' from Downing Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
- The memo, which contains the ill-making admission that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed" to match the Iraq-crazed fantasies of our President, is sufficient basis for a hearing toward impeachment of the Chief Executive. But to that we must add the other evidence and secret memos and documents still hidden from the American public. -
- by Greg Palast -

[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Tom DeLay Corrine Brown
Tom DeLay                                 Corrine Brown

Most Corrupt Member of Congress?
- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is certainly a leading candidate. Money laundering, fraud, abuse of campaign laws, payoffs from lobbyists whose legislation he supported. DeLay’s list of crimes goes on and on. But DeLay is an amateur when it comes to the antics of Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla)... -
- Capitol Blue Hill, May 17, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : General Corruption]

NeoCon Global Government
- This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalists. But this time the UN power grabbers aren’t European liberals; they are American neo-conservatives, who plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government. -
- Ron Paul, Congressman, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Famous And [Un]Ordinary People Exposing the New World Order]


Newly-Forming Neo-Tech/Illuminati Societies
- For twenty-eight years, both religious-right fundamentalists and socialist/fascist-left statists have tried to vanish Neo-Tech from this planet. Three questions: (1) Why do they want Neo-Tech to vanish? (2) What have been the results of their assaulting Neo-Tech for three decades? (3) How can individuals nullify those authoritarian frauds to gain clean-sweep riches? -
- Nouveautechsociety.com -
[Archived here: Secret Societies : Secret Society News]

Abortionist Accused of Eating Fetuses
- A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a grisly house of horrors at his clinic – with fetuses kept in Styrofoam cups in his refrigerator and one employee accusing him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch. -
- WorldNetDaily, June 14, 2005 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : Miscellaneous Miscellaneous]

Titor's Time Machine

John Titor - Time Traveler
- who was this guy? -
- Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036. -
- johntitor.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : The Montauk Project, The Philadelphia Experiment & Time Travel]

Illuminati Card Game Predicted 9/11
- Jackson issued playing cards, three of which foretold the events of 9/11, three of which correctly predict future events just ahead of us, and two that correctly foretell the last two events that the Bible foretells will occur during the final birth pangs that will produce Antichrist! -
- Rinf.com -
[Archived here: 9/11 : 9/11]

June 15

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666
- The beast of the Apocalypse is already set up in Brussels, Belgium: It is a gigantic computer that makes its own programs. "By using three entries of six digits each, each citizen of the whole world will be given a distinct credit card number." Three entries of six digits each: 666. -
- Thirst for Justice -
[Archived here: Occultism : The Beast 666]

New Bill Could Make Bush President For Life
[No, it's no joke]
- A House bill has been introduced that would change the 22nd amendment and enable George Bush to remain President for the rest of his political life. The bill would repeal limitations on a President holding office for a maximum of two terms. -
- InfoWars.com, June 14, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The U.S. Constitution]

U.S. Constitution: Twenty-Second Amendment
- Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. -
- FindLaw for Legal Professionals -
[Archived here: New World Order : The U.S. Constitution]

HOWTO Bypass Internet Censorship
- A tutorial on how to bypass Internet Censorship using Proxies, Shells, JAP e.t.c. Different ways to beat the filtering in schools, countries or companies (blocked ports e.t.c). This is the original and so newer than the translations because I'm still working on it. -
- zensur.freerk.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : The Internet]

The Path of War Timeline
- January 26, 1998 The Project for a New American Century urges President Clinton to oust Saddam Hussein. Among the eighteen signers are Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton. (New American Century) -
- Therawstory.com -
[Archived here: The Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Children to be Labeled 'Criminal' by Age 3
- Leaked report describes plan to ID kids who might become lawbreakers -
- WorldNetDaily -
[Archived here: New World Order : The Police State: ‘1984 - Brave New World’!]

Military Draft Back on US Agenda
- THE United States would "have to face" a painful dilemma on restoring the military draft as rising casualties saw the number of volunteers dry up, a senator warned today. -
- Daily Telegraph, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The Draft]

Warren S. Jeffs
Warren S. Jeffs

Polygamist Indicted in Child-Sex Case
- Warren S. Jeffs, 49, president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was charged with one count each of sexual conduct with a minor and conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor in Colorado City from March to June 2002. -
- AzCentral.com, June 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Tempest in Texas
- Jeffs says that the government is "wicked," as are outsiders and the mainstream Mormon Church (leaders prefer its full name, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or LDS), and that all will soon be stricken from the earth by God's hand. -
- splcenter.org -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Remote Viewing Tibetan Monks See Extra Terrestrial Powers Saving the World from Destroying Itself in 2012
- Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating. -
- India Daily, Dec 26, 2004 -
[Archived here: Occultism : Remote Viewing]

June 14

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


How Pop & Rock Music is Used to Manipulate Us
- ...what people in general don't think about is that music is vibrations. What frequency the music vibrates on is directly determining what emotions and reactions you get from it. -
- by Wes Penre, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here: Art & Mind Control : The Controllers of Art | Wes Penre Articles]

The I AM Activity, Guy Ballard, and St Germain Exposed
- Were you ever an I AM Student? Do you wonder why the magic you first felt when you became an I AM Student was gradually replaced with uncertainty, confusion, fear, loneliness? You are not alone. -
- gil.com.au -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Watchman Fellowship’s 2001 Index of Cults and Religions
- Annually Watchman Fellowship publishes an index issue of the Watchman Expositor. The 1998-99 Index contains brief definitions, descriptions or cross references on over 1,200 religious organizations and beliefs. -
- Watchman.org -
[Archived here: Mind Control : Cults and Mind Control]

Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And 'Inside Job'
- A former chief economist in the Labor Department during President Bush's first term now believes the official story about the collapse of the WTC is 'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7 -
- by Greg Szymanski, June 12, 2005 -
[Archived here: 9/11 : News on 9/11]

Churches Promote the Worst Forms of Tyranny
- Let me distinguish between Christianity – i.e. what the Bible teaches – and churchianity – i.e. what happens in all too many contemporary churches. Churchianity will respond to this decision in two ways: silence and endorsement. -
- by Doug Newman, June 7, 2005 -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars : Christianity]

June 13

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


How Pop & Rock Music is Used to Manipulate Us
- ...what people in general don't think about is that music is vibrations. What frequency the music vibrates on is directly determining what emotions and reactions you get from it. -
- by Wes Penre, June 13, 2005 -
[Archived here: Art & Mind Control : The Controllers of Art | Wes Penre Articles]

Ministers Were Told of Need for Gulf War ‘Excuse’
- MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal. -
- Times online, June 12, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Ex-Mossad Chief: U.S. Presence in ME [Middle East] to Last Decades
- Ephraim Halevy, the former chief of Israel's Mossad intelligence service and the current national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, says plans have been made for a substantial U.S. military presence in the Middle East lasting decades.
- Aljazeera.com, June 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Finally Admitted - Globalists Want 'North American Community'
- Call your Senators and Congressman and tell them you want to be an American, not a "North American." Ask them how they plan to vote on CAFTA when it comes up for a vote this summer. If they waffle, you know you're talking to a sell-out.  -
- by Sandra Miller, June 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Globalism]

George Orwell

'Missing Link' Between Madness and Genius
- Genius cannot exist without mental disorder, according to a study that names George Orwell, LS Lowry and Lewis Carroll among 21 artists who suffered a form of autism. -
- Telegraph.uk, June 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : Miscellaneous Miscellaneous]

Missing Time On Airline Flt From Las Vegas To DFW
- I found this case to be really fascinating and I am looking for answers and folks who may have been on the flight from Las Vegas, Nevada to DFW on June 6, 2001. As you will read in this story below, 45 minutes of time cannot be accounted for. -
- Rense.com, June 12, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

Updates on Prophet Yahweh (Part 1)
[See previous postings this month for background]
- Let the media ignore me all they want, but YAHWEH shall bring them out of their little buildings with the force of the sightings of UFOs and spaceships that will appear in the skies over me on my signal. -
- pyah.tv, June 12, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

The Semjase Contacts
- Meier took nearly 1100 diapictures of pleiadian (pleiaren-) -ships, many of them stolen (ca. 500?): The journalist Gary Kinder wrote in his book "Lightyears" how easy it was to "borrow" Meiers original pictures. Meier had commited Semjase not to deny anybody information - and many of them was simply stolen and has never later appeared. -
Semjase.net -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

June 12

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index

Cash, Charge of Fingerprints?
- Three or four days a week, Darren Hiers gets lunch at a Sterling convenience store near the car dealership where he works. He grabs a chicken sandwich and a soda and heads to the checkout counter, where a little gadget scans his index finger and instantly deducts the money from his checking account. -
- Washington Post, June 9, 2005 -
[Archived here: Banking and Paper Money : The Cashless Society]

The Meier Contacts - The Most Important Story in All of Human History
- The Meier Contacts meet all standards for a preponderance of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. All challenges by scientists and skeptics, to duplicate or debunk the physical and prophetic evidence, have been soundly defeated. The Meier Contacts are, therefore, the most important story in all of human history. There is no other possible conclusion. -
- TheyFly.com -

[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

Professional Skeptics Group Proves UFOs Real!
- Organization expected to retract defamatory claims, facilitate $1,000,000 award to Swiss man [Billy Meier] -
- Gaiaguys.net -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Alien Theories]

Alien Thinking
- Not many scientists are prepared to take tales of alien abduction seriously, but John Mack, a Harvard professor who was killed in a road accident in north London last year, did. Ten years on from a row which nearly lost him his job, hundreds of people who claim they were abducted still revere him. -
- BBC News, June 8, 2005 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous : Alien Encounters and Observations]

Prophet Yahweh in the Marines

A Few Good Mind-Controlled Men?
- Yahweh, born Ramon Watkins, writes on his website that "it has been over a quarter century since UFOs and spaceships have been appearing to me." That would probably take us back to his career in the [Marine] corp. -
- Rigorous Intuition, May 31, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

The Power of Mind – the Electromagnetic Waves Can Create Miracle by Traversing Higher Dimensions
- Scientists are modeling the power of mind in terms of complex spatial structures in the fifth and higher dimensions. Simply put, the human mind is much more powerful than we think. The mind can generate enormous electromagnetic flux that traverses in higher dimensions and create miracles. -
- IndiaDaily.com, June 8, 2005 -
[Archived here: Technology & Science : Science - The Illuminati Religion]

American Media No Longer Accept Bush's War Lies
- A strange phenomenon is occurring in national American papers, with many editors beginning to condemn the war in Iraq, when previously many of them "accepted" it. -
- Aljazeera.com, June 7, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War : Updates on the Iraq War]

Countdown to World War III
- "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World," Pike wrote. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, Aug 15, 2004 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order : Miscellaneous on NWO Wars]

The Global Skinner Box
- In recent years, physicalistic philosophies of the mind seem to dominate both the scientific and academic communities. This paradigm equates mental states with brain states, thus reducing the concept of the "soul" or "spirit" to a metaphysical fantasy. -
- by Phillip D. Collins, Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, June 9, 2005 -
[Archived here: Technology & Science : Science - The Illuminati Religion]

June 11

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


New World Order Chieftans Openly Discuss Dismantling US Border and Bringing Us into the Pan-American Union
- The Council on Foreign Relations has published a report which articulates the plan to subvert the Constitution by dissolving our nation in favor of a continental government.  -
- Infowars.com, June 10, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Globalism]

- Tonight, an astonishing proposal to expand our borders to incorporate Mexico and Canada and simultaneously further diminish U.S. sovereignty. Have our political elites gone mad? We'll have a special report. -
- Lou Dobbs, CNN Anchor, June 9, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : Globalism]

Truth and the Occult: A Difference in Freedoms
- Freedom of the body could mean death.  Death in the cause for humanity is freedom of the spirit.  There is such a thing as martyrdom.  Choosing to turn your back on the enemy could lead to the total evisceration of your offspring, and of all People of the Earth for many eras.  By choosing (God’s most precious gift to man, choice) death to save succeeding generations, one will have gained freedom of the spirit. -
- by Erik Fortman -
[Archived here: Occultism : Occultism Explained | Guest Writers : Erik Fortman]

A Tale of Two Prophets
- Still keeping the occasional eye on "Prophet Yahweh," former Marine. After all, his period of "public summoning" is only 45 days, and I don't want to think my attention span is so shattered I'm not good for that. -
- Rigorous Intuition, June 7, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

George Adamski

George Adamski - Astral Prophet or Palomar Fraud?
Despite having died over four decades ago George Adamski still remains one of the most discussed personalities ever to have been involved in Ufology. Always a controversial figure, Adamski came to be regarded by some as a “prophet” whilst others described him as a total fraud. -
- TheWhyFiles -
[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters]

June 10

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


David Rockefeller and his personal body guard
David Rockefeller and his personal body guard

The World in the Palm of Their Hands: Bilderberg 2005 Part I
- The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg group determines many of the headlines and news developments you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment media completely black it out. With the exception of half-a-dozen high-ranking members of the press who are sworn to secrecy, few have ever heard of the exclusive and secretive group called The Bilderbergers. -
- Online Journal -
[Archived here: Secret Societies : The Bilderbergers]

The World in the Palm of Their Hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part II
- The discussions Bilderberg participants engaged in, and the consensus they reached, will influence the course of Western civilization and the future of the entire planet. This meeting took place behind closed doors in total secrecy, protected by a phalanx of armed assassins. -
- Online Journal -
[Archived here: Secret Societies : The Bilderbergers]

Amazing UFO Footage, Phoenix!
- We taped quite possibly the clearest and most amazing sequence of strange lights in the skies above Arizona on Sunday night at 10pm...  -
- Rense.com, June 8, 2005 -

[Archived here: UFOs and Aliens : Abductions and Encounters | Videos and Audio: UFOs and Aliens]

Former DEA Agent: Mexican Commandos Killing In South West US To Protect Bush Drug Cartel
- Alex Jones: "And Bush has ordered the border patrol to stand down there in the Tuscon sector because, this was official, because it was cutting in on their drug profits." Cele Castillo: "Well exactly..." -
- PrisonPlanet, June 9, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics : The Current Administration Under Scrutiny]


John Bolton

AP Probe on Bolton Finds Disturbing Links to Iraq War
- John R. Bolton flew to Europe in 2002 to confront the head of a global arms-control agency and demand he resign, then orchestrated the firing of the unwilling diplomat in a move a U.N. tribunal has since judged unlawful, according to officials involved. -
- MediaInfo.com, June 4, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : The United Nations]

When Peace is the Enemy
- Ten Deadly Enemies of Humanity in America: -
- Information Clearinghouse, June 9, 2005 -

[Archived here: New World Order : The New World Order in General]

Gregory Despres

Man With Bloodied Chain Saw Let Into the U.S.; Held for Extradition
- They're installing a national ID card to track and trace all of our movements, but meanwhile, this crazed, bloody-chain saw toting suspect was let right into the US. Infowars.com -
- Infowars.com, June 8, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order : In the Name of National and Homeland Security]

June 9

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Fascist America:
Rights Group Leader Says U.S. Has Secret Jails
- The chief of Amnesty International USA alleged Sunday that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp is part of a worldwide network of U.S. jails, some of them secret, where prisoners are mistreated and even killed. -
- CNN, June 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Americans Start to Realise Bush Does Not Represent Them
- The American people are waking up to the fact that the country is controlled by a ruling elite which does not represent them. The top US politicians and business leaders are a wealthy minority who are nothing like ordinary people and have no real interest in their concerns. -
- The Insider via Washington Post -
[Archived here: Politics]

While Late-Filers Struggle With Tax Forms Readers of New Book Realize They Owe $0
- Scores of readers of a new book entitled Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America have come to realize that the federal income tax does not apply to them. They have requested – and received – full refunds for all the money withheld from their pay-- including Social Security “contributions”. The total so far is well over $300,000.00, and is growing rapidly. -
- Losthorizions.com, May 30, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Slave Ship America
- At the age of 74, elder member of Congress John Quincy Adams received a visitor at his home in Massachusetts -- slavery abolitionist leader Lewis Tappan... -
- Slaveshipamerica.com -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Biological Experimentation - A Short History of Secret US Human Genocide
- The United Snakes Of Amerikkka has a long history of experimentation, on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military have used unknowing human populations to test various theories. -
- The Talking Drum Website -
[Archived here: New World Order]

More Exclusive Bohemian Grove Photos
- I was able to get a copy of Volume 6 of the Annals of the Bohemian Club from 1973-1987. Here are 3 pictures: -
- InfoWars.com, June 7, 2005 -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

June 8

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research

- With unlimited funding and complete superiority over every government, the organization can infiltrate any community, organization or situation with complete anonymity, maintaining their ultra top secret status. Based on confidential information collected through other government agencies, the organization is considered one of only a hand full of projects/operations/programs which have the super elite "Dharma Blue" ultra top secrecy status. -
by Anonymous -
[Archived here: The Illuminati and Science & Technology]

Blair Gives Up On His EU Dream
- Mr Blair, who will seek to shift the focus of his administration on to poverty in the Third World this week during talks with President Bush, has told his closest allies: "Africa is worth fighting for. Europe, in its present form, is not." -
Telegraph.co.uk, June 5, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Mission to Build a Simulated Brain Begins
- An effort to create the first computer simulation of the entire human brain, right down to the molecular level, was launched on Monday. -
- New Scientist, June 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Federal Income Tax - Proof of Conspiracy
- On August 8, 2003, in Memphis, despite all this, the jury acquitted Miss Kuglin of all charges. They said IRS had not proved the lady was required to pay the tax. After the verdict, frustrated prosecutor Joe Murphy asked the judge to order Miss Kuglin to pay it. The judge replied, "Sir, I don’t work for IRS." By then Murphy may have been too mentally taxed to remember that, after the verdict, there was no legal basis for the judge to issue such an order, even if he does work for IRS. -
- Etherzone.com -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Rocking the Cradle of Liberty - The Income Tax on Trial in Philly
The x-rays will be positive for chronic criminal behavior, supporting the LARGEST financial fraud to have ever occurred in history. Talk about a summer blockbuster! - by William A. Shields -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Bush Energy Bill Gives Millions to Former Enron Execs
- In fact, "one of the former executives is Thomas White, former head of Enron’s retail and energy trading in California during the energy crisis who later served as President Bush’s Secretary of the Army." See the full report here. -
- Sirotablog, June 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics and Business]

Will You Survive the Coming Financial Crash?
[.PDF file]
- The time has now arrived where things have gotten out of hand here in the USA, as far as financial matters are concerned. If one listens closely, they will hear the increasingly nervous whispers of the economists and financial experts. The USA is hopelessly bankrupt - a condition that has existed since March 1933 - and this massive debt has nowbegun to exponentiate itself. Those financial analysts who are being completely honest, all agree that the coming financial crash will make the Great Depression of 1929-1934 look tame in comparison. -
- by Kent Daniel Bentkowski -
[Archived here: Banking]

A Short-Cut on the Long Walk to Justice
- The actions of the perpetrators are unconscionable and they would be punished for crimes against humanity if there was International Law. That is the short-cut to justice. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay -
[Archived here: New World Order and Guest Writers]

June 7

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


US Forces Issue Hi-Tech ID Cards for Insurgent Suspects
- The cards allow American intelligence services to keep track of people taken into custody even if they are released because they are found to have done nothing wrong. -
Gulfnews.com, May 31, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War]

Gulf News
- This website keeps you updated on what is happening in the Gulf War -
- Gulfnews.com -
[Archived here: Iraq War and Links]

Rumsfeld Warns on China Military
- China's military buildup, particularly its positioning of hundreds of missiles facing Taiwan, is a threat to Asian security, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Saturday. -
- CNN, June 4, 2005 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order]

UK Shelves EU Treaty Vote Plans
- Downing Street has confirmed the UK has put on ice plans for a referendum next spring on the European constitution. It comes after "No" votes in France and the Netherlands which analysts said had effectively killed the treaty. -
- BBC News, June 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Bush Crime Family Links
- The following are links to information about the Bush family, the
Bush cabinet appointees and the corporations, think tanks and
foundations that are behind the GW Bush administration. -
- APFN, June 4, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

June 6

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Still Believe the New World Order Is Just A Conspiracy Theory?
- Some people say that they understand this thing with the New World Order and a One World Government, but that it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Maybe we need a New World Order, where we can live in one global state, in peace with no future wars? If there are no other countries to fight against, there will be no more wars either, right? And perhaps we will feel more united, as One Big Global Family if we erase the borders? -
[Archived here: New World Order and Wes Penre Articles]

Scientific Papers of Steven J. Smith
- Steven J. Smith is considered a rogue scientist by the government, for refusing to cooperate with them. He e-mailed me, because he "found [my] approach to UFOs and Government both refreshing and collateral to [his] own". Wes Penre. -
- electrogravitics.com -
[Archived here: Technology & Science]


Changing Planet Revealed in Atlas
- An atlas of environmental change compiled by the United Nations reveals some of the dramatic transformations that are occurring to our planet. -
- BBC News, June 4, 2005 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Global Disaster Finder Now Online
- A new website from U.S. Geological Survey allows Internet users to find recent and current earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather, fires and other disasters.
- Livescience.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Italy Minister Says Should Study Leaving Euro-Paper
Italy should consider leaving the single currency and reintroducing the lira, Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni said in a newspaper interview on Friday. -
- Reuters, June 3, 2005 -

[Archived here: New World Order]

Visa USA Contactless Payment Platform Operationally Ready
- After successful trials in several regions of the world, Visa USA says it is ready to begin its U.S. roll-out of its contactless payment platform. -
- CR80 News, March 2, 2005 -
[Archived here: Banking & Paper Money]

CR80 News
- Great Site, keeps us updated on news regarding the future cashless society and more, Wes Penre -
- CR80 News -
[Archived here: Banking & Paper Money]

Let's Put Military Recruiters In Churches!
- Iraq never attacked us. They never threatened to attack us. If they had attacked us we would have whipped them good. They never had the means to do so anyway. There were no WMDs. We got Saddam. They have had their election. And now, they are so busy fighting among themselves that they aren’t about to attack anyone. Why are we even over there? If some other country comes and invades, then I will go fight. Gladly! But, I am not going to risk my life in Iraq.-
- by Doug Newman, June 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous on War on Terrorism]

UK Sweetener Co Admits Sucralose (Splenda) Is Synthetic
- "...It is really a SYNTHETIC SWEETENER, LET'S BE HONEST HERE. However, despite its high price it is gaining popularity in marketing circles who want to be seen taking steps TO MOVE ASPARTAME OUT OF PRODUCTS." -
- by Betty Martini, May 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: Health]

Join "Prophet Yahweh's" Yahoo UFO Group and Watch All the Videos
- There is a difference between UFOs and spaceships. UFOs are usually small flying objects: glowing orbs, metallic spheres, satellite-type flying machines, etc. And, their flight patterns suggest that they are not of this world. But, spaceships are large futuristic vehicles that are clearly designed to carry passengers in like you see in the movies. -
- Prophet Yahweh -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

- Actor Tom Cruise is becoming increasingly known for his commitment to Scientology rather than his latest film. And an article faith for Scientologists is a belief in aliens from outer space.
- CultNews.com -
[Archived here: Mind Control]

June 5

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Deep Throat Cover Blown
Washington Post Still Sucks

- The [Washington] Post follows current American news industry practice of killing any story based on evidence from a confidential source if a government honcho privately denies it. A flat-out "we didn't do it" is enough to kill an investigation in its cradle. -
- by Greg Palast, June 1, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

The Death of John F. Kennedy
Why Nixon Resigned Instead of Facing Impeachment

- Nixon resigned gracefully, the media declared the incident over and Gerald Ford declared that it was time to "put the whole affair behind us and move forward". This was done because the last thing anyone wanted in Washington D.C. was an impeachment trial. Even Nixon's worst enemies dared not allow it. The reasoning was simple. Sooner or later, someone would ask the following question. -
- Unknown -
[Archived here: Politics]

"Deep Throated" Media Swallows Banker Lies
- In their exclusive clubs, central bankers and their CIA-CFR minions are toasting the gullibility of the American public and having a good laugh. While portraying Watergate as a victory for press freedom and democracy, they were again able to make a mockery out of both. -
- by Henry Makow, Ph.D, June 4, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

New 'Deep Throat' Needed for Iraq, says Nixon Rival
- The US media needs a modern-day "Deep Throat" within the administration of President George W. Bush to reveal how America was "misled" on Iraq, former presidential contender George McGovern said. -
- AFP, June 2, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

HR-1528 - Americans Forced To Spy On Each Other, Or Else
- Representative Sensenbrenner (see article below) has come up with yet another ironically named attack on our freedoms the "Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005" (H.R. 1528) This act would require you to report any of the following examples to the police or face a two year jail sentence. -
- from Guy Herron, June 2, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

HR-1528 - The New Bill, About Spying On Your Neighbor, in Summary:
- H.R. 1528, Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005, is one of the worst drug war bills that Congress has ever considered. -
- Actioncenter.Drugpolicy.Org -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside
- There was to be music by Suzi Quatro and tribute bands to Queen, The Bee Gees, The Blues Brothers, etc., etc. There were also to be fireworks and lights. I am 45 years old and have lived in Lancashire all my life but I’d never heard of the Festival of Fire & Water, or Light & Water for that matter. -
- by Matthew Delooze -
[Archived here: Art & Mind Control]

Drug Policy Alliance
- The Alliance is the nation's leading organization working to end the war on drugs. We envision new drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights and a just society in which the fears, prejudices and punitive prohibitions of today are no more. -
- Drugpolicy.org -
[Archived here: Drugs]

You've Been Drafted: Uncle Sam Wants You for the War on Drugs
- I want to thank the over 4,400 people who have sent emails to their Representatives opposing Congressman Sensenbrenner's draconian mandatory minimum sentencing bill. This bill is now garnering national attention. -
- Drugpolicy.org -
[Archived here: Drugs]

June 4

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


The Book of Enoch
[E-Book on Line]
- 1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be 2 living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come...
- Bibleufo.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous and E-Books]

"Prophet Yahweh", UFO Summoner, Seer Las Vegas NV
- A Christian Analysis of "Prophet Yahweh". My 2 cents? He is not a Prophet of God, but the summonings are real -either they may be ACTUAL alien spaceships or Government vehicles. Wes Penre -
- AlienResistance.org -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

The Bible UFO Connection
- The Ultimate Guide To UFOs And Their Occupants -
- Bibleufo.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

The Past is Calling
- Can anyone explain to me why "Live 8 organiser", and knight, Bob Geldolf, although he is "seen" to verbally attack the worlds powers over poverty in the 3rd world, receives massive media support. The world's media (owned by the same serpent cult as the record/music industry) bombarded us yesterday with the fact that Sir Bob seems to be some sort of saint who has "arranged" a world wide "pop concert" at the drop of a hat. -
- by Matthew Delooze -
[Archived here: Art & Mind Control]

In the Name of Democracy and Freedom:
US Offers to Turn on Water, Electricity, If Residents Inform On Resistance To US Occupation Forces
- US occupation forces announced on their propaganda radio beamed at local residents of ar-Ramadi that the US military would stop raiding houses and mosques, would open roads to local people and turn the electricity and drinking water supply in the city back on if local residents would cooperate by informing the American occupation troops of the locations and bases of Iraqi Resistance fighters operating in the city against the Americans. -
- LibertyForum.org, June 2, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War]

- The world we see around us is actually being created and interpreted by our brain within us. -
- by Sue -
[Archived here: Spiritual Solutions]

Memorial Day 2005: Are We Even Worthy?
- Osama bin Laden cannot take away our freedom. Neither can Saddam Hussein, who had nothing to do with 9/11. Yet our own government is doing so with our blessing.
- by Doug Newman, May 30, 2005 -
[Archived here: Wars Towards a New World Order]

Project Echelon
- This global network of wiretaps, data-sniffing and general eavesdropping systems enables the U.S. government (and probably the U.K.) to intercept digital communications. In effect this means that , amongst other activities, ECHELON is capable of recording all email messages and all telephone conversations - regardless of who is making them. -
- by Geoff Richardson, www.thewhyfiles.net -
[Archived here: Surveillance]

June 3

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index


Killing Americans With Secrecy
- The Pennsylvania Department of Health claims it has a plan to deal with a potential outbreak of H5N1, a lethal strain of the Avian influenza. But it’s a secret plan. So secret that local and county health departments don’t know what it is. Nor do physicians and hospital staffs.
- by Walter Brasch, dissident.org, May 31, 2005 -
[Archived here: Health]

Aaron C. Donahue
Aaron C. Donahue (Luciferian)

Aaron C. Donahue Debunks Latest UFO Sighting in Las Vegas by Prophet Yahweh
- Psychic viewers Aaron C. Donahue and his sister Jennifer Sharpe Sunday exposed the current and planned Las Vegas UFO call by “Prophet Yahweh” next month as a blatant hoax designed to ridicule and discredit the Luciferian movement during their May 29th Internet radio show. -
- ArriveNet, June 2, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

Vegas ABC Station Drops Invitation To Prophet Yahweh
- The photo above has been widely distributed across the web as being Prophet Yahweh, but he responded that this was not him at all, but probably someone from another religious sect. -
- Rense.com, June 1, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

Luciferian Talk Radio Goes International with Radio Aaron Internet Radio Program
- Luciferian Talk Radio has a new home and voice on the Internet. The world’s best and most renowned psychic, Aaron C. Donahue, now has a weekly Internet radio show to discuss topics too hot for normal broadcasting.
- ArriveNet, March 11, 2005 -
[Archived here: Occultism]

Foundation for the Law of Time
- Cosmic History Chronicles, Volume I: Book of the Throne The Law of Time and the Reformulation of the Human Mind -
- Lawoftime.org -
[Archived here: Spiritual Solutions]

My 2 Cents, or "What I Believe"
- If man wrote the bible; albeit as divinely inspired as he or she may have been, and man has re-written that bible countless times since it's inception, and since man is so prone to use anything in his power to better his interests, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that if we take every single word of that bible 100% literally, then we are not following "The Word of God", but in fact, "The Word of Man". -
- by Steven Skye -
[Archived here: Spiritual Solutions]

June 2

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index

Prophet Yahweh

"Prophet Yahweh's" Website Sabotaged!
- prophetyahweh.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

The "Dixieland" Encounter
- During their watch they asked a highly "sensitive" person that has the ability to call in or contact aliens to do so, They said "We want to see an Alien". So he explained that if he called down the Nortic type, that it wouldn't be as convincing as maybe a 9 ft bug. -
- Aliendave.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

Celebration in Paris Over France's 'No' to EU Constitution
- "We won!'' chanted a jubilant crowd of over 1,000 gathered at Paris' Place de la Bastille, as cars blared their horns and bands playing percussion and punk music broke into song. -
- The Star Online, May 30, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

France No to EU Constitution not Hinders Integration
- The integration of the European Union (EU) will continue despite a heavy blow dealt to it by French voters who said "no" to the EU constitution in a referendum on Sunday. The French Interior Ministry announced on Monday that 54.87 percent of French voted against the charter. However, EU integration will go on despite the "no" answer from France, one of the pillar founders of the bloc. -
- People's Daily Online, May 30, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Dutch Say 'No" to EU Constitution
- China View, June 1, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005
- 2005 was a bad year for Bilderberg and its future looks gloomy. Herculean efforts to keep their meetings secret in Rottach-Egern failed miserably. Bilderberg's grief is free world's glory-and hope for further restraining the power grabbers in the dawn of a new millennium. -
- by Daniel Estulin, May 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

Holocaust Survivor Leaving US - Sees What's Coming
- He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. -
- by Joey Picador, Justice for None.com, May 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection Part 1
- Over the years, esoteric researchers and authors have written about the legend of Atlantis to ad nauseam with well over 5,000 books now in print, therefore at the risk of producing repetitive information, I will endeavor to present a unique insight into the age old riddle of Atlantis. -
- by Greg Jenner -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection Part 2
- Men began as giants. These first giants were very highly developed, intellectually, artistically and physically: they had power over birds and animals…they misbehaved and were abolished by God, and ordinary men took their place…” -
- by Greg Jenner -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection Part 3
- Moving the human population quickly, in this day-and-age, requires transit technology in the form of Trains, Ships and Planes and according to my research Atlantis had a similar transit technology in place just prior to Phaeton’s fly-by. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude the Atlantean population had to utilize whatever transit means necessary when forced to escape the looming disaster. -
- by Greg Jenner -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Saddam Trial 'Within Two Months'
- Saddam Hussein is expected to go on trial in Iraq within two months, new President Jalal Talabani said on Tuesday. -
- Gulf News.com, May 31, 2005 -
[Archived here: Iraq War]

Interview with British MP George Galloway
- And it seems to me that too few citizens of the United States have fastened on to the fact that the protestations by your president and your government of being interested in human rights and democracy and freedom are quite negated by the very existence of Guantanamo Bay. -
- CommonDreams.org, May 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion
- At the end of the show Alex Jones asked Galloway if he thought an invasion of Iran was on the horizon. Galloway was confident that massively opposed public opinion would stop an attack from taking place, unless a staged terror attack carried out by the military industrial complex and blamed on Iran was carried out. -
- PrisonPlanet.com, June 1, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Bush Breaks Nation's Promise to Veterans
- President Bush's 2006 budget proposal included legislation that would raise veterans' premiums more than 100 percent on prescription drugs and add an annual $250 enrollment fee for veterans who want care for conditions not directly caused by military service and who generally earn more than $25,000 a year. -
- American Progress Action Fund -
[Archived here: Politics]

The rescue of Jessica Lynch

Remember Jessica Lynch, the "Darling of Iraq"?
- Just a Coincidence? Four of Jessica Lynch's Rescuers Have Died Mysteriously -
- We The People Scoop -
[Archived here: Iraq War]

The Truth About Mao
- A mass murderer, womaniser, liar and drug baron: a book by the bestselling author Jung Chang paints an horrific portrait of the erstwhile hero of the Chinese revolution -
- The Independent, May 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: Politics]

June 1

Thoughts for Today
Thought for Today Index

"Prophet Jahweh"

"Prophet Yahweh" Stands and Delivers?
- Also, before the 45 day summoning period has ended, a spaceship will descend and sit in the skies over Las Vegas on Prophet's signal. The spaceship will hover in the sky, not far from Nellis Air Force base, for almost two days. All Las Vegans will be able to see it, day and night, before it goes back up into space. -
- Rigorous Intuition and ABC13 News, May 28, 2005 -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

"Prophet Yahweh" Stands and Delivers?
[The ABC13 News Video clip]
- According to this guy there will be a lot of UFO sightings starting June 1, 2005 and for an additional 45 days. But no landings; that will come later ... -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens and Video & Audio Room]

"Prophet Yahweh" Stands and Delivers?
[More Videos]
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens and Video & Audio Room]

US Wants to be Able to Access Britons' ID Cards
- The United States wants Britain's proposed identity cards to have the same microchip and technology as the ones used on American documents. -
- The Independent, May 27, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Caseworker Faces Molestation Charges
- Man had extensive experience in child services; state unsure if background was checked. -
- by Ryan Heath, May 6, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Sex Charges Plague County
- Earlier in May, another man was accused of child molestation, a former youth pastor was accused of having a relationship with a girl in his youth group and one convicted molester was charged with failing to register with the police. -
- by Ryan Heath, May 26, 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Health, Wealth & Happiness
- Valuable natural health, mind, spirit and other information unifying the whole, rather than educating a part of the whole -
- Relfe.com -
[Archived here: Health]

The Mars Records
- Clearing sessions with a biofeedback meter where a man regained hidden memories of military service on Mars, Time travel, Killing with Remote Viewing, Mind control, and Military and Alien Abductions. -
- TheMarsRecords.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

UFO News and Articles
- UFO Info.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]


I don't subscribe to everything in each and every article posted on this website. Some articles are submitted because of research value for me and others, and although I may only agree on parts of the article, I posted it anyway for this purpose. Wes Penre, Illuminati News.



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