was Jesus when he was a teenager? Was he doing what most young
people do or was his path a little different? There are 18 unrecorded,
unknown and crucial years in the development of the great man known as`
Jesus Christ. Western sources are missing these important years. The
following is the beginning quote of a rare documentary by
Richard Bock
'Two thousand years ago, the world was at a low
spiritual ebb. The days of the Biblical prophets were passed. Then one
man, Jesus of Nazareth, in three short years, changed the course of
history forever. The Biblical account of the life and teachings of
Jesus, covers the periods in his life from birth to age 12…and from age
30 to his crucifixion. This leaves 18 years, the major part of his life,
unaccounted for…'
Biblical scholars only have fragments of the Dead Sea
Scrolls and few other references pertaining to these particular ancient
times. The Dead Sea Scrolls span the lifetime of Jesus Christ, Old
Testament to New Testament, yet fails to mention this man of peace and
wisdom. The Scrolls parallel the Bible. They were discovered in the holy
land, the land of Christ. Scholars only have the Gospel which does not
tell of the 'Teenage Jesus.'
Could Jesus have traveled to India, the birthplace of
Krishna and Buddha (see
Buddhism)? The
books of India have not been destroyed like the records of the Maya.
Eastern records from prehistoric times speak of amazing flying 'vimanas'
from 'highly advanced civilizations.' Much of human history is locked
away in these early books.
'The Lost Years' is a wonderful film that unites East
and West; science and religion. Ancient references show that much of
eastern philosophy is harmonious with the teachings of Jesus Christ. The
documentary presents a theory that the records of a young Jesus was
known and survived. India knew him as St. Essa.
'Lives of saints and holy men are revered and
preserved in ancient texts and documents. In the archives of an ancient
Tibetan monastery, there are said to be records, originally written in
India, in the ancient poly-language, and later translated into Tibetan,
dealing with the life of an extraordinary saint known to the Buddhists
as St. Essa.'
'The life story of St. Essa closely resembles the
life of Jesus Christ revealing what may well be the lost years of Jesus
In the Indus River Valley, scrolls were found which
mention St. Essa. In the late 1880s, Russian travelers heard stories of
St. Essa as they visited the ancient monasteries of Tibet. The Llama
translated for the Europeans from the original, ancient poly-language.
'It is said that the scrolls are accurate records of the stories carried
to the East by merchant caravans and that the legend was written shortly
after the caravans brought word of the crucifixion of St. Essa.'
According to the written legend of St. Essa, at
thirteen years old…he was to take a wife; which was their custom at the
time. The prospect of such an idea for the young lad must have
frightened him. Instead, he ran away to see the world. The young Essa
went off to find answers to life, the universe and everything. Where did
he go? Essa traveled by sea and land until he arrived at the Indus
Valley at age 14. He studied the Vedas and the Upanishads with the
Brahman priests. He spent 6 years in Northern India studying the
scriptures. He then moved North to the Himalayas, the land of those who
follow Buddha. Essa left India in his 26th year. Later, he journeyed to
Athens, Greece and Alexandria, Egypt. Essa learned secret knowledge at
the great Library. His final teachings apparently took place inside the
Great Pyramid. At twenty-nine years of age, he 'returned to Palestine to
fulfill his destiny.'
The next quotes are translations concerning the young
man who became St. Essa:
wonderful child born in Israel'
born of his family'
of the one God'
'Eternal Spirit dwelled within this child'
St. Essa traveled to many holy cities in India. The
young man was renowned for his teachings. He could explain the Vedas. He
understood the scriptures. According to the story of St. Essa: 'People
came from near and far to hear the wisdom from this infant's lips.'
Two thousand years ago, Essa walked along the Ganges
River. In ashrams, yogi masters have taught that the enlightened Jesus
Christ lived in India for a time. Christ's 'Lost Years' could be the
story of St. Essa. The documentary shows various yogis that have
reported from earlier masters that Jesus learned eastern philosophy in
'I and my father are one'
The idea that God was not some distant being far away
in heaven, but could be as close to your heart as a father to a son.
This was a radical concept. Yogis, who master the art of meditation,
know that the miracles that Jesus performed were simply those attainable
by discipline and mind-power. Any great, enlightened master or 'avatar'
could do what was attributed to Jesus. East Indian masters praise Jesus
Christ. They consider him a great master-avatar. 'The miraculous powers
of Jesus Christ are natural to one who has reached the highest level of
yogi attainment.' We all can be one with Christ…We all can be one with
In the time of Jesus Christ,
Hinduism was in its infancy. In the time of Jesus Christ, the
teachings of Buddha were at its beginning. Could Christ, and his eastern
truths, have had such an influence on these other schools of religion?
Essa (Jesus) mastered Hinduism and Buddhism. Documents tell us that Essa
lived in India and Tibet. Holy men have reported this.
More quotes on St. Essa that appeared very
'everyone loved Essa because he lived in peace.'
'he strongly denounced
the doctrine that gives to man the power of robbing their fellow men of
their human rights. In truth…there is no difference in the Children of
[The above quote is the same as 'All men (and women)
are created equal']
'do not
worship idols, they do not hear you'
'do no
evil to anyone'
(God) has breathed into man'
'do not
listen to the scriptures where the truth has been perverted'
Four hundred years after the death of St. Essa, his
teachings spread across Tibet and India. When Essa was 30 years old, he
returned to Palestine. He preached to the poor and diseased. He went
from city to city and proclaimed the Kingdom of God. Monotheism was also
in the beginning stages.
The Brahman priests and warriors heard of this huge
sermon given by St. Essa. Governor Pilot thought St. Essa was exciting
the people against the authorities. They thought he was proclaiming
himself to be the new King of Israel. It was decided that the great man
of peace, St. Essa, would be killed. He was warned and left by night.
Later, he was arrested, imprisoned, tortured and brought to trial.
Judges told Pilot that they would not condemn an innocent man and acquit
robbers. Nevertheless, soldiers seized Essa and two robbers. They were
ordered to be nailed to crosses. Essa became an enemy to the Brahman
priests exactly as Jesus became an enemy to the highest Church
officials; the Sanhedrin who decided Christ must be killed.
'The Earth trembled and the heavens wept because of
the great crime committed in the land of Israel, for they have just
finished torturing and executing there the great, just, Essa in whom
dwelt the Soul of the Universe; who incarnated himself in a simple
mortal in order to do good to men….was ended the terrestrial life…' The
idea of earthquakes and rainstorms directly after the Crucifixion is
corroborated in the Bible. With the mention of 'Pilot' and the other
parallels to the two stories; Essa was Jesus.
Is there any evidence that disciples of Jesus lived
in India? According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, St. Thomas evangelized
the lands between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf as well as
further East to India. Called 'Doubting' Thomas, because he required
physical proof of Jesus' resurrection, he was known to spread the Gospel
in India. Records in Madras report that he entered India as a carpenter
and died as a martyr. The tomb of the disciple is in India. A mountain
was named for St. Thomas in India.
Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of the
Self-Realization Fellowship in LA (1925), was the first high
of India who taught and lived in the West. In his book, 'Autobiography
of a Yogi,' he speaks of his master's close connection to Jesus Christ.
He often expanded on the Old and New Testament. Yogananda had mentioned
the 'missing years of Jesus Christ.' He spent some years in India, he
had told his students. According to Yogananda, the three wise men that
came to see Christ's birth at Bethlehem were from India. The visit by
Jesus to India was an honor paid back for the three wise men.
'It is true that Christ lived in India during most of
the 18 unaccounted years of his life; studying with India's great
masters. That doesn't take away from his divinity and uniqueness. It
shows the unity and brotherhood of all great saints and avatars.' This
was not unlike studying ways of martial arts in Shaolin temples. Was
Jesus learning knowledge and truths that the masses were NOT ready for?
What happened to the records of Christ's lost years?
Emperor Constantine called more than 300 bishops together in 325 A.D.
This was the Council of Nicea. What to do with the holy records and the
masses? Corrections, deletions, admissions and omissions were agreed
upon. These savage, unholy men of the cloth butchered the Bible. It was
here that Jesus Christ was elevated to become the 'only begotten Son of
God.' This ideology became the Nicean Creed.
Emperor Constantine discovered that the historical
Jesus conflicted with his new philosophy. In 389 A.D.,
vast Library at Alexandria was burned. Manuscripts that might have
contradicted Constantine's Nicean Creed were destroyed. Somewhere, the
history of the teenage Jesus was deleted out of our education. Could it
have been erased because it implied the great answers to life were
learned in the East? Was
reincarnation and eastern philosophy the ways of Truth that
absolutely opposed the simple standards of Christianity? What other
things were edited out?
The Book of Enoch, for one. Ezekiel nearly got edited out for its
blasphemy. And, gods became the singular GOD.
The early disciples of Jesus believed in
REINCARNATION. Jews believed in it; Orthodox Jews still believe in it.
Early writers recorded that they first heard of reincarnation from
apostolic times. The teaching of reincarnation was not officially taken
out of the Church's Christian doctrine until 553 A.D. This second
Council of Constantinople eliminated all teachings of reincarnation and
Biblical references. There are still hints or glimpses in the Bible of
reincarnation references that the Biblical editors did not fully
When Elijah comes before Jesus, Jesus refers to
John the Baptist as Elias or Elijah. Reincarnation seems to be
accepted fact when Jesus asked: 'Whom do men say that I am?' Some
replied 'Jeremiah' or some other prophet. Jesus did not correct them.
The idea of being 'born again' means to, literally, be born again and
again and again…only then they will know the Kingdom of Heaven; after
they have experienced many lifecycles. Born-again has nothing to do with
accepting Christ as your personal savior.
'The Bible was tampered with for the usual reasons;
which is institutional religion; when they try to institutionalize
religion they also bring out the more convenient things that will
support their Church dogmas. And this is what I think they must have
done and what Yogananda indicated that they did do with the Bible…That
there were many high and deep teachings there that are not available…'
The Bible was certainly edited by evil men. Power-mad
humans, not men of God, added and subtracted from the holy records as
they saw fit. Men in power have always abused their positions and have
rewritten history in their own image. At the very end of the Bible, the
last words of Revelations…the Biblical editors placed a curse there for
Revelations 22/18: '…If any man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this
Revelations 22/19: 'If any man shall take away from
the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out
of the book of life…'
Look out if anyone tries to alter the Bible, or they
will have hell to pay! But: THEY (the Church officials) could edit and
add and subtract the ancient records, but WE could not. They cursed all
that would dare do what they have done…edit.
For those readers who think the King James is an
infallible Book written by God himself: Then, why does Jesus correct the
Old Testament idea of eye-for-an-eye by turning the other cheek? And,
why after the 10
are listed…the very next thing is more supposed Laws of Moses that came
directly from God and it says: If your Hebrew slave has worked for you
for 5 years, then he has won his freedom? Would God condone slavery? NO.
These are laws of men, not God. The real, historical records have been
censored and changed by fascists who have always been in charge. The
Bible is an incredible newspaper of real and ancient events, but it has
been brutally edited for very dark purposes. What terrible secrets is
the Vatican hiding?
The extremely psychic and religious ('Sleeping
Prophet') Edgar Cayce wrote the 'Story of Jesus.' He reported that Jesus
studied in Palestine when Luke wrote that he was 'with the teachers.'
Cayce confirms Jesus' places of study: India, Persia and Egypt. Jesus
was preparing his physical self as well as his mental self for the
coming ordeal.
The documentary continues with the eastern Kundalini
energy and the 7 chakras or the energy-centers of the body: Survival,
Reproduction, Power, Universal Love, Creativity, Awareness and
Self-Realization. 'The one law at the base of this philosophy' is
Newton's Law of Physics: For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction. In the East, this is the Law of KARMA. Is it possible
that western Science, the golden rule of Christianity and the first law
of eastern philosophy are presenting the same message? Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you…because for each reaction there is an
equal and opposite reaction. Newton's Law, the Golden Rule and Karma are
the same.
J.C.: 'Love they neighbor as thyself.'
'Thou art that.'
Buddha: 'With pure thoughts and fullness of love, I
will do toward others what I do for myself.'
The basic teachings of Christ, the Vedas and the
Buddha are all the same. Does Science also merge with Spiritualism?
'When one studies the Hindu scriptures and Buddha
teachings and sees that these sublime 'truths are in harmony with the
teachings of Jesus…it is not hard to believe that Jesus did go to India
and other lands in the East in preparation for his mission…'
Edgar Cayce wrote that Jesus and John were in
Heliopolis, Egypt. Inside the Great Pyramid, the Hall of the Initiates,
called the 'White Brotherhood,' Jesus spent 3 days and nights. There
were rituals 'releasing soul from bondage' of the material world and
death. These initiates sound like attaining the last degrees of
Freemasonry. Were white witches or the White Brotherhood originally
good? Was this a secret sect of Jedi warriors working for the truth? Did
the energy of the Great Pyramid structure add to Christ's realization of
Self? There are ancient legends of initiates in early Egypt, long before
Jesus, leaving the power-pyramid as gods.
Cayce, a strong believer in reincarnation, was asked
the significance of Jesus and Christ? He replied: 'Jesus is the man.
Christ is the soul; the power, energy of the eternal Soul. Power is in
the Christ. The pattern is Jesus.' Jesus is the name of the man, his
given name. Christ, the anointed, is the god that is in all people or
the spirit.
Why would the Church make up and teach the idea that
Christ and only Christ is God; that he HAD to die; it was God's Will
that he died; and he carried the burden of all of our sins? Could it be
because the Church murdered him? Jesus was far more of a theological or
religious threat than he ever was a threat to Rome. The Sanhedrin
priests deemed him an enemy and Christ was killed in a power-play. The
Church and State CONTROL your very thinking. They simplified the deep
teachings in the Bible, which the yogi mentioned, when they began
educating the ignorant masses.
For someone wondering if Jesus Christ wanted to die
on the cross, remember him cursing to heaven and saying: 'Father, why
hast thou forsaken me?' This is blasphemy and one of the phrases the
Biblical editors missed. If he was truly dying for the sins of the
world, he would not have questioned God and his predicament on the
Follow this logic: Believing in reincarnation is a
Christian concept. Not believing in reincarnation is unchristian.
Reincarnation is living many lives; therefore the entire concept of
Original Sin, Judgement Day and going to Heaven or Hell are erroneous
beliefs. Believing in Original Sin, Judgement Day and going to Heaven or
Hell is an unchristian philosophy.
Look at the Evil Emperor Constantine who made Christ
God. Jesus was made the savior of all your sins. The truth is we do not
NEED Jesus or the Church to save us! We do not need saving. We do need
to learn eastern philosophy. We can be like Christ and meditate; be
nonviolent; a person of peace; live good lives; recycle; learn; improve
and eventually, when the total Spectrum of Life is over, then reach a
oneness with this God-thing…and exist on a higher plane. We can all save
ourselves. We build our own Karma and create our own fate. This writer
is not saying Jesus is not God. This writer is saying WE ALL ARE GOD! We
have the potential of being gods and eventually reaching a higher plane.
Earth is the Hell. Living in the material, physical
world is tough. Earth was once a Paradise (Atlantis
= Eden) and over much time and change, now it is pure Hell. The Heaven,
might be a relative or individual thing; different for each person.
Heaven could be the next plane of existence after enlightenment. We may
only know enlightenment after living many lifetimes.

Jesus Christ lived. The Shroud of Turin contains a
radiated, negative image of a man. It is not paint; something
transferred through the cloth and created a photographic negative. The
'Lost Years' was made before the Carbon-14 testing on the Shroud.
Readers should examine my article
Shroud of Turin or Carbon-14?
C-14 is an underestimate and nowhere close to an accurate dating method.
Educators want an underestimate of a dating-device so their classic view
of traditional history can be maintained. The Turin Cloth is not a fake.
Carbon-14 is the big problem. The 'Lost Years' emphasized how RADIATION
may have caused the Shroud's image. This is another merging of science
and philosophic thought: Was the Shroud's image created by a science or
from a holy resurrection? Was the halo often seen portrayed around the
head of saints and avatars actually their aura?

Mary Magdalene
The DaVinci Code is interesting for bringing out the
concept, finally, that Jesus was a married man with a family! Christ was
not an only child. He married Mary Magdalene. He had sex. He fathered a
daughter. Jesus was a MAN and began a genetic lineage. This spawned
generations of descendants for many hundreds of years. The real family
name was later called 'Merovingian' that supposedly died out with French
kings hundreds of years ago. (The French character in Matrix 2 & 3 was
called Merovingian for this reason). The Royalty intermarry because they
falsely think they carry on this holy lineage. They are under the bogus
impression that they have the inherent right to rule. In 2000 years, the
holy family has been corrupted, totally changed and mutated into
fascism. The Royalty is not carrying on Christ's lineage nor do they act
Christian in any way. They hide the truth because, if not suppressed,
they could lose their power and control over the masses.
Concerning Christ as a married, family man…this is
fantastic news. The questions that come to mind are: Why aren't priests
allowed to marry? Why can't they be Christ-like or Christian and be
fruitful and multiply? Would we have all these pedophilia cases in the
priesthood if only they could marry? Could the Church be at fault for
always getting it wrong and outlawing sex as if it is sin? Christ might
not agree. He was a lover and not a fighter.
All of this outcry against the DaVinci Code could be
motivated by the Church being, again, so wrong! The Church also has the
power of negative press, disinformation and the ability to still smear
any truth they choose. They have a huge following of people who act like
non-thinking sheep and do not question.
Jesus was a great man. We all have that potential is
the lesson. So, don't make him an idol. I don't think he would want your
pedestal. He was a
Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, Kukukan, Buddha,
Muhammad, DaVinci, Mozart,
Luther, Tesla, Gandhi, Einstein…a great man far ahead of their time.
Was Christ a spaceman? Was he an alien from another
planet? Did he use peyote, magic mushrooms or smoke the peace pipe?
Numerous writers have speculated such concepts. The ancient American
Indian gods, mentioned in the previous paragraph, came from the stars -
taught great wisdom and knowledge - and returned to the stars. Could
Nikola Tesla have been the Second Coming? He was a new DaVinci that
brought light and technology to the world and is now long gone. There
are rumors that Tesla was an alien. He was called a 'Superman of the
Industrial Age.' Maybe he was not one of us?
The path to the truth might be through J.C. We can
all find that same truth. Possibly, Christ should be viewed as a man of
Science or paranormal science rather than a man of the cloth. Jesus is
one of my heroes, but not my savior.
[Comments or questions are welcome at
Look for other articles by Doug Yurchey on this site or place his name
in Google for all of his posted articles].