first time a friend of mine told me in confidence that she had alien
visitors at night, I didn't know what to believe. I mean, I knew this
person, and I was totally convinced she would never lie to me about this, or
anything else either for that matter. However, I wasn't sure who those
visitors were from the stories she told me - at least at first. My question
to myself was: Are these visitors real aliens, or is she visited by
government agents, who does experiments on her?
I came to
learn that she is visited pretty frequently, and always at night when she
is in her bed. The day after a visit she often comes to me and shows me
strange "needle" marks, bruises and other abnormal body aberrations.
Sometimes it looks like someone has drawn blood from her. None of this she
could have done to herself; I have never seen anything like it before.
Besides, there is no reason she would do it to herself either, and she is
very upset and frustrated about the whole thing.
I have
discussed the matter with her and asked her if she thinks she is visited by
government agents and that the memories of aliens are being implanted. Her
reply is a simple and sober question in return: "When did government agents start walking through
walls?" She's certainly got a point there, as she is living in an apartment
complex and her flat is not even on the ground or first floor. The gate to
the complex is always locked and you have to identify yourself before
someone lets you in. Like anybody, she locks her door when she is alone at
home, and especially at night. There is no way that anybody can break in
without her knowing it, and without leaving any traces. Also, no matter
where she stays or lives, the visitors follow her.
In the past, a visit often
started with that she was lying in her bed, and all of a sudden she was unable
to move, and a strange alien head was "floating" over her bed. It
was all silent and didn't say or communicate anything, but it scarred my
friend to the core. Then she passed out and there were no memories after that.
She told me there could be several visitors every week. The "floating head"
encounter stopped in the 1980s though, and these days she has no memories
from what is happening during the night, just those strange marks when she
wakes up, and a feeling of great unease.
One day my
friend got the idea that she should take photos of the marks, and here is
one of them. More may be added to this article later on:

This is how
these marks came about, in her own words:
"[It was on] April
26th 2005, possibly around 10pm. I watched a flash (appear) to fall
toward the ground, thought it was a meteor or a shooting star at first.
But then saw the 'glimmering' through the trees. I very quickly got
tired and fell asleep (which is what happens when 'they' come....
instant sleep, no memory). I awoke in the morning with the triangle
marks on my left arm, small bruises about an inch below them, and a very
hard to see white ring around the marks."
If you who
read this have encountered something similar, and perhaps recognize this
kind of marks, please feel free to contact me in case you want to add
information or just discuss the matter with my friend. If so, I will forward
your emails to her and I can guarantee you 100% discretion.
Please email me
at the email address listed here .
Thank you,