am confused. I wish someone could explain the following to me so it
makes sense:
A "cowboy from Texas" decides to
create a war in a foreign country (Iraq) for mysterious reasons (well,
he told us it was because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction, but that turned out to be a lie. Now he is stressing he
wants to make a democracy out of Iraq, which he accomplishes by killing
its citizens - both men, children and women - by torturing people,
censuring the Media and raping its citizens).
Lots of young men and women from the
United States volunteer and proudly go down to Iraq to fight "the good
war of liberation" or whatever the Cowboy tells them is the reason. The
rest of the people, who cannot go down there for any reason, put
stickers on their cars instead and tell us all to "support the troops".
Alright, now comes the real confusing
issue. Many Christians tell us to "support our leaders", because that is
what the Bible says we should do. Therefore, they too go down to Iraq.
Then, before they go in battle, they pray to God for victory, because we
have "God on our side". This is not typical for the Iraq war, but for
any war the United States fights.
How do those people know they have God
on their side? Just because a "cowboy from Texas" tells them what to do
and they do it? If this is the case, then this cowboy sure must be an
emissary from God. He must channel God's will on a daily basis and
forward it to the people. What an incredible guy! It's God's will to go
down and kill people in Iraq? If THAT is the case, what kind of God is
He? If this is the Christian God, I am confused. Sounds to me more
like those soldiers in their blindness are praying to the Devil.
Please tell me when all this blindness
will stop and people will sit down for just ONE second and start
thinking. PLEASE! Before we in our ignorance will help people like Bush
kill 80% of the world population and put the rest in slavery.