The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview
by Walter White Jr, 1976
is extremely disturbing reading. I have been researching the
Illuminati and the New World Order for more than a decade now, but
when you hear this directly from the Horse's Mouth, it still stuns
you! The late Mr. Rosenthal was a very evil man with no conscience
whatsoever, and he looks at you and me as stupid animals. The most
disturbing thing is when he says that this is the JEWISH look at the
world in general, as well as its peoples', and he is just
representing "his kind". He says the Jews have fooled the Christian
Society by saying THE JEWS are God's chosen people, which they are
NOT. They are LUCIFER'S chosen people, according to him.
Why was Mr. Rosenthal giving this interview? To
earn a few extra bucks? I doubt it. He didn't need it; not in his
position. What strikes me is that ONCE AGAIN the Jewish people in
general are blamed for the New World Order, to create a hate
situation and more anti-Semitism. When the interviewer asks him if
the Globalists are Zionists, Rosenthal becomes pretty frustrated, it
seems, and only answers the question vaguely. I believe the reason
Mr. Rosenthal agreed to do this interview was because he saw another
opportunity to distract our hate from the Zionists and blame the
common Jew.
Harold Wallace Rosenthal was killed on Aug 12, 1976, at the
age of 29, one month after this recorded interview, in an alleged
sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey. Did it have
anything to with his revealing sensitive Jewish programs? Is there a
connection? Wes Penre,, June 30, 2005.
- Dear Joseph,
- Like you, I find the
Protocols irrefutable evidence of a deliberate and sustained
agenda for world control or NWO. When I discovered the text in
1997 through Ivan Frazer's Truth Campaign , I photocopied loads and
distributed them where I could to wake people up. As you have no
doubt discovered, you get a lot of flak in return.
- I was therefore pleased to discover the attached which, I
feel, puts an end to any debate as to their authenticity - right
from the horse's mouth! This particular horse was duly silenced
by assassination shortly thereafter but I am grateful to this
man for doing this one decent thing in his short life (albeit
inadvertently) on behalf of
- The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 by Charles A
Weisman published June 1992
- Serena Martin
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Interview 1976
The Hidden Tyranny
booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking
interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal, which was
conducted in 1976, by a concerned patriot, a Walter White, Jr..
Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and
involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C.,
explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems
we face today.