Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
AN EX-VAMPIRE" for ONLY 99¢!!!
click here and follow the link under "Order/Contact
Info" to find out more!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
Click here
for more hot tips

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[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
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12/30/2008 |
5:12 AM |
Holographic Universe - Beyond Matter
[Revisited and Updated]

- This is very interesting! Science is now revealing what some of us 'knew'
instinctively already - that
the physical Universe is an illusion and only
electrical signals in the back of our brains. This
means that we have NO IDEA of what is existing
outside of our mind - we can't see it, only
electrical impulses. When we look at a mountain, we
perceive it as on object outside of us, when it in
fact in INSIDE of us.
With this is mind, a chilling question comes to mind: If this is
true, which it seems to be, WHO OR WHAT IS
- by Wes Penre, May 05, 2007 -
(Posted here: Saturday, May 05, 2007)
[Permanently archived
here: Spiritual Solutions:
by Wes Penre |
Multimedia: Spirituality
Articles by Wes Penre]
12/28/2008 |
5:32 PM |
12/28/2008 |
9:24 AM |
Global Systemic
Crisis – New Tipping-Point in March
2009: 'When the World Becomes Aware That
This Crisis is Worse Than the 1930s
Public announcement GEAB N°30
- Finally, among the various
consequences of the crisis for dozens of
millions of people in the US, Canada,
UK, Japan, Netherlands and Denmark in
particular (3), there is the fact that,
from the end of the year 2008 onward,
news about major losses on the part of
the organizations in charge of managing
the financial assets supposed to finance
pensions will multiply. The OECD
anticipates that pension funds will lose
4,000 billion USD in 2008 only... -
- GEAB N°30. Dec 16, 2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, December 28,
[Permanently archived
Banking & Paper Money: The
World Economy and the Financial Meltdown]
12/27/2008 |
3:46 PM |
12/27/2008 |
12:35 PM |
Goals of the
Dialogue with
"Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati
- This self-acclaimed illuminati Insider
appeared on the "Above Top Secret" forum
recently, giving away information about
the Illuminati Agenda and their goals.
The reason he did that, he said, was
because time is right for us to know
some of what is going on behind the
scenes. And when he explains WHY he
needs to reveal it now, it's very
convincing. In this article I will post
the dialogue between the "Above Top
Secret Forum" members and "Hidden Hand"
in its entirety. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27,
2008 -
(Posted here: Saturday, December 27,
[Permanently archived
The Illuminati:
The Goals of
the Illuminati
Articles by Wes Penre]
12/27/2008 |
10:43 AM |
12/26/2008 |
10:10 PM |
Occultism and
Mind Control:
Some of the
Symbolism in the Film "Wizard of Oz"
- Dorothy, playing the damsel in
distress, is infected with ego. She is a
representation of the man, the lion the
lion, the scarecrow the eagle, and the
tin man the ox in the above seal, the
four kerubim - this is not important
here, so consult the Book of Thoth for
more information in Atu XXI. Dorothy
falls ill and inadvertently awakens her
Holy Guardian Angel, the trance of
wonder comes, bringing color to world.
Her HGA [Holy Guardian Angel, Wes
Penre's comment] then guides her along
the Yellow Brick Road, Tifareth, and the
trance of wonder comes, adding color to
the world. -
- by Russell Harms, December 25, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, December 26,
[Permanently archived
Occultism Explained
| Government Mind Control:
Mind Control on Children]
12/26/2008 |
8:44 PM |
12/23/2008 |
10:28 PM |
The Illuminati:
Adam Weishaupt
A Biography of the Founder of the
Bavarian Illuminati
- “Its members, pledged to obedience to
their superiors, were divided into three
main classes; the first including
novices, minervals and lesser illuminati
the second consisting,” like the
Freemasons, of “ordinary, Scottish and
Scottish Knights, and the third, or
mystery class, comprising two grades of
priest and regent, and of magus and
king,” or Illuminatus Rex. This
hierarchy, incidentally, is identical to
the table of organization of the Sufis
of Islam, which has some historians
wondering if Adam's friend Kolmer was a
closet Sufi. The Illuminati were a
closemouthed bunch..." -
- by Joseph Trainor, May 11, 2002 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, December 23,
[Permanently archived
The Illuminati: The Bavarian Illuminati]
12/22/2008 |
5:05 AM |
12/21/2008 |
12:36 PM |
Art and Mind
How the CIA and
Military Control the
Music Industry
- First of all, before we start putting
the pieces together, we need to dissolve
the myth that the Music Industry has our
best interests in mind. By now, more and
more people become aware of that this
world is to a major degree controlled by
a secret cabal we call the Illuminati, a
Shadow Government if you will, who wants
to create a New World Order and a One
World Government. They have already
taken over a big part of world politics,
business, education and religious
movements. This fact is accepted by
many, because the evidence is
overwhelming, so why would this cabal,
who wants total control and the ability
to take over our minds and thinking
processes, leave the film and music
industries alone? -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 21,
2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, December 21,
[Permanently archived
Art & Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art |
Articles by Wes Penre]
.jpg) |
12/20/2008 |
10:12 AM |
12/19/2008 |
8:17 PM |
Criminal Big
The Wholesale
Sedation of America’s Youth
- In the winter of 2000, the Journal of
the American Medical Association
published the results of a study
indicating that 200,000 two- to
four-year-olds had been prescribed
Ritalin for an “attention disorder” from
1991 to 1995. Judging by the response,
the image of hundreds of thousands of
mothers grinding up stimulants to put
into the sippy cups of their
preschoolers was apparently not a pretty
one. Most national magazines and
newspapers covered the story; some even
expressed dismay or outrage at this
exacerbation of what already seemed like
a juggernaut of hyper-medicalizing
childhood. The public reaction, however,
was tame; the medical community, after a
moment’s pause, continued unfazed.
Today, the total toddler count is well
past one million, and influential
psychiatrists have insisted that mental
health prescriptions are appropriate for
children as young as twelve months. For
the pharmaceutical companies, this is
progress. -
- Skeptical Inquirer Magazine,
November-December 2008 Issue -
(Posted here: Friday, December 19,
[Permanently archived
here: [Drugs:
Drugging Down Our Children]
12/19/2008 |
7:25 PM |
12/19/2008 |
5:37 PM |
The Illuminati:
Richard Wurmbrand
(1909-2001) Defined "The Spiritual War"
- There is a large number of Jews that
gave up the teachings of the Torah and
embraced the teachings of the Babylonian
Talmud and of the Kabala, which
perverted their spirit and acts. They
want to dominate the whole world. They
pretend to be the only ones the chosen
of God, explained Richard Wurmbrand.
They believe that their belonging to the
Jewish people is sacred. Because the
Messiah they were waiting for did not
come, they arrived at the theory that
the Jews themselves, in their totality,
represent the Messiah. Therefore, they
refuse to consider their sins, and they
prohibit to be criticized or accused of
whatever, be it the most justified
criticism or accusation, turning the
accusation against the accuser, as
anti-Semitism, with much propaganda and
turmoil in the whole world. -
- by Cornelius B, December 18, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, December 19,
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: The Shadow Government: Who Are
12/18/2008 |
6:14 AM |
12/17/2008 |
6:43 AM |
The New World
A New World Order
How the New World Order is Planned
and the Current Status
- Based upon Documents, Laws, Video
Clips, Speeches, Papers & Publications,
Historical Trends, Quotes, and other
readily available Data...This is what is
happening or is planned. Save this
table, print it out or do whatever you
want to do with it. Follow the news and
mark off this list as you go along.
Hopefully, people will wake up and be
able to stop this insanity before the
list is complete! -
- 1984USA,com -
(Posted here: Wednesday, December 17,
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Introduction to the New World Order]
12/16/2008 |
5:52 AM |
The New World
Democracy and
Accountability are an Illusion
- "Aren’t you afraid?” That is a
question I’ve been asked hundreds of
times over the past two years as I
researched, wrote, and published my
latest book, Dispersing the Fog: Inside
the Secret World of Ottawa and the RCMP...The
question has been asked of me by curious
politicians, bureaucrats, police
officers, a judge and an ex-judge, my
friends and acquaintances, and members
of my own family...The very fact that it
is asked suggests that Canadians are not
entirely comfortable in their own
country. We think we live in a safe,
open society, but at the same time so
many Canadians seem to believe that it
is dangerous to ask questions or raise
issues that might strike at the heart of
something darker going on within the
country. -
- by Paul Palango,, Dec 04,
2008 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, December 16,
[Permanently archived
here: [Politics:
Canada | Introduction
to Politics]
12/15/2008 |
4:47 AM |
12/14/2008 |
11:20 AM |
Derinkuyu, the
Mysterious Underground City of Turkey
- In 1963, an inhabitant of Derinkuyu
(in the region of Cappadocia, central
Anatolia, Turkey), knocking down a wall
of his house cave, discovered amazed
that behind it was a mysterious room
that he had never seen, and this led him
room to another and another and another
to it ... By chance he had discovered
the underground city of Derinkuyu, whose
first level could be excavated by the
Hittites around 1400 BC. -
- from El Rincon del Misterio, Dec 11,
2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, December 14, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Miscellaneous:
Unsolved Mysteries] |
12/14/2008 |
10:47 AM |
12/13/2008 |
6:55 PM |
12/12/2008 |
6:58 PM |
12/11/2008 |
5:28 AM |
12/09/2008 |
7:21 PM |
12/08/2008 |
6:48 AM |
12/06/2008 |
10:11 AM |
12/02/2008 |
5:29 AM |
World Economy:
Icelanders Protest
Economic Meltdown
- Thousands of Icelanders marked the
90th anniversary of their nation's
sovereignty with angry protest Monday,
and several hundred stormed the central
bank to demand the ouster of bankers
they blame for the country's spectacular
economic meltdown...After the rally,
hundreds of protesters stormed the
headquarters of Sedlabanki, Iceland's
central bank, demanding the sacking of
its chief, David Oddsson. -
- by Valur Gunnarsson, Associated Press,
Dec 01, 2008 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, December 02, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Grass-Root Opposition and Civil
| Banking:
The World
Economy and the Financial Meltdown] |
12/01/2008 |
4:49 AM |
The Harmony Of
- The collapse of the financial system
has reinvigorated Gordon Brown. Just a
few months ago, he was rapidly becoming
a lame duck, hardly able to stay awake.
Suddenly, he has been pushed forward as
the Global Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Getting drunk on the financial sorrow of
millions, he has been throwing up the
solutions to the crisis...But Brown’s
solutions will take us to hell if we
allow them to continue. At the very time
that in the real economy we face the
spectre of deflation, the policies Brown
is pushing will soon unleash a greater
spectre - hyperinflation on a global
basis, in the style of the Weimar
Republic. -
- by Mike Robinson, UK Column, Nov 27,
2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, December 01, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Politics:
Great Britain
| Banking:
The World
Economy and the Financial Meltdown] |
12/01/2008 |
4:05 AM |
The World is
Waiting Just For … What?
- On September 11, 2001, the normally
flat line of the boxes began to peak,
warning of an event of terrible
proportions a full 4 hours before the
first plane hit the World Trade Center!
Could the collective human mind have
“known” what was going to happen?…I am a
skeptic. I don’t believe in fortune
tellers or psychics. I certainly doubted
that I could forsee the future. But, as
I did the research for this article, I
discovered that I was wrong. Everyone
can see into the future and we do it all
the time. -
- by Dan Eden,, Nov 30,
2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, December 01, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Articles on Spirituality:
The Physical Universe
vs. the Spiritual (Inner) Universe] |