Crosby, Stills, Nash &
Young |
everything else in the world seems to be
upside down, at least we can find our
comfort in rock music, by listening
to our old heroes, who truly know what
the world is about and how to rebel
against it.
At least this is what
we are led to believe.
As I write this,
it's been ten years since I published my
first article on the Internet and at the
same time established the "Illuminati
News Website". Although it has been a
challenge and I have had wonderful, and not so wonderful, responses
over the years, there is one subject I
have brought up that has caused more
upsets and uproar than any other, and
that is the exposure of the music
industry, to which I have
dedicated a whole section. It is a
holy cow, indeed.
Of course, most
people who are blues and rock'n'roll
fans have heard about Robert Johnson and
how he sold his soul to the Devil at the
Crossroads in exchange for brilliant
musical skills. Whether this is a myth
or if it's true, I leave for you to
decide, but strange things are happening
behind the scenes in the Music Industry
and unfortunately, the rock stars most
of us have worshipped are not always
what we thought they were. Although the
Robert Johnson story could be a myth, he
is not the only one claiming to have
sold his soul to the Devil for fame and
fortune. There are quite a few admitting
to the same thing, where Bob Dylan is
one of them as we shall see later in
this article.
The Music Industry as a Propaganda
First of all, before
we start putting the pieces together, we
need to dissolve the myth that the Music
Industry has our best interests in mind.
By now, more and more people become
aware of that this world is to a major
degree controlled by a secret cabal we
call the Illuminati, a Shadow Government
if you will, who wants to create a New
World Order and a One World Government.
They have already taken over a big part
of world politics, business, education
and religious movements. This fact is
accepted by many, because the evidence
is overwhelming, so why would this
cabal, who wants total control and the
ability to take over our minds and
thinking processes, leave the film and
music industries alone?
Bob Dylan
Put yourself in these
people's shoes and you will understand
what I'm talking about. If I were them,
the music and film industries would be
two of the
first things I wanted to control. Why? Because
here you have a golden opportunity to
influence the masses and lead them in
any direction you want. All you need to
do is to create super heroes (Gods) that
people can look up to and follow.
Although Bob Dylan sings in
"Subterranean Homesick Blues" in
"Don't follow
Watch the Parking Meters"
he must have known pretty well
that although they are true, these are just empty words. By
writing those lines, his audience would
be even more attached to him and he
would really create followers. So it's a
contradiction, and some would call it
"reversed psychology".
Black Sabbath
We see a similar phenomenon when Black Sabbath is singing about how
we should fear the Devil and cry to God
for help. How come then they are not creating a Christian
fellowship, but instead it has the
opposite effect? It is because they are
actually leading the
audience into violence and darkness by
tuning down the guitars to lower
vibrations, turning up the volume to
maximum and repeating hypnotic riffs
over and over again. What stays in
people's minds is not that we should
turn to God, but that Black Sabbath is
singing about the Devil and demon
possession and it's cool. People start
getting interested in mysticism and
occultism of the darkest kind instead,
as per the plan. It's mind control, my
friends. But it's not just the audience
that is mind controlled, so are many of
the artists as well, which brings me to the real
purpose of this article - to expose who
is pulling the strings on the artists
and ultimately - us!
Military and Intelligence Connection
It's public knowledge
now, due to the "Freedom of Information
Act", that MK ULTRA mind control is the
real deal and that psychiatrists working
for the CIA used sophisticated mind
control techniques on people who had no
wish to participate[0]. This
destroyed the lives of the victims and
many of them died as a result of the
experiments. The government created
Manchurian Candidates to use in the Cold
War, but also as political assassins in
general. However, we are told that these
experiments stopped some time in the
1970s and are now just another dark
chapter in American history. Victims and
researchers are telling us different,
though. These experiments have continued
up to this day, but under other code
names and are now even more
sophisticated. The Illuminati scientists
are very knowledgeable about how the
human mind works and understand how to
manipulate it.
These mind control
techniques are what
has been used in the music industry and
are still used today in Grunge, Gangsta
Rap, Hip Hop or any new genre. Same old
techniques with new labels...
David McGowan, a
brilliant researcher, is in the process
of publishing a very detailed and
lengthy series of articles called
"Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly
True Story of Laurel Canyon and the
Birth of the Hippie Generation", and
the first twelve parts are
published here on the Illuminati News
and the rest will be published as soon
as David has finished them. It is an
amazing body of research, where he
effectively is pointing out the fact
that more often than not, the top
artists within the music and film
industries, their managers and producers have military and/or military
intelligence connections. Many are also
involved in organized crime, drug
dealing, murder, prostitution, child
pornography, snuff movies and black magic. Here are a
few examples of musicians from the
hippie era, who have family ties to
people within the
U.S. Military:
Jim Morrison of
"The Doors": His father was the
U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen
Jim was more or less brought up on
military bases and abused by his father.
Frank Zappa:
Son of Francis Zappa, a mathematician
and a chemist, working for the U.S.
defense industry[2].
Frank himself, although one of those who
was in the frontline of creating the
Hippie Movement, never made it a secret
that he had nothing but contempt for
this culture. He was also a great
supporter of the Vietnam War[3].
Frank was married to Adelaide Gail
Sloatman, who comes from a "long line of
career Naval officers, including her
father, who spent his life working on
classified nuclear weapons research for
the U.S. Navy. Gail herself had once
worked as a secretary for the Office of
Naval Research and Development (she also
once told an interviewer that she had
“heard voices all [her] life”). Many
years before their nearly simultaneous
arrival in Laurel Canyon, Gail had
attended a Naval kindergarten with “Mr.
'Mojo Risin’” himself, Jim Morrison (it
is claimed that, as children, Gail once
hit Jim over the head with a hammer).
The very same Jim Morrison had later
attended the same Alexandria, Virginia
high school as two other future Laurel
Canyon luminaries – John Phillips and
Cass Elliott."[4].
"Papa" John
Phillips of "The Mamas and the Papas":
Son of a retired Marine Corps
officer (Captain Claude Andrew
"John attended a series of elite
military prep schools in the Washington,
D.C. area, culminating in an appointment
to the prestigious U.S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis...John married Susie Adams, a
direct descendant of ‘Founding Father’
John Adams. Susie’s father, James Adams,
Jr., had been involved in what Susie
described as “cloak-and-dagger stuff
with the Air Force in Vienna,” or what
we like to call covert intelligence
operations. Susie herself would later
find employment at the Pentagon,
alongside John Phillip’s older sister,
Rosie, who dutifully reported to work at
the complex for nearly thirty years.
John’s mother, ‘Dene’ Phillips, also
worked for most of her life for the
federal government in some unspecified
Stephen Stills of
"Buffalo Springfield" and "Crosby,
Stills, Nash (and Young): Born to a
Military family[7].
Stills was educated primarily at schools
on military bases and at elite military
David Crosby of
"The Byrds" and "Crosby, Stills, Nash
(and Young)": "...the son of an
Annapolis graduate and WW II military
intelligence officer, Major Floyd
Delafield Crosby. Like others in this
story, Floyd Crosby spent much of his
post-service time traveling the world.
Those travels landed him in places like
Haiti, where he paid a visit in 1927,
when the country just happened to be,
coincidentally of course, under military
occupation by the U.S. Marines. One of
the Marines doing that occupying was a
guy that we met earlier by the name of
Captain Claude Andrew Phillips"[9]
(father of "Papa" John Phillips. Small
world, Wes Penre's comment).
"Suffice it to say
that the Crosby family tree includes a
truly dizzying array of US senators and
congressmen, state senators and
assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges,
Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary
and Civil War generals, signers of the
Declaration of Independence, and members
of the Continental Congress. It also
includes, I should hasten to add – for
those of you with a taste for such
things – more than a few high-ranking
Masons. Stephen Van Rensselaer III, for
example, reportedly served as Grand
Master of Masons for New York. And if
all that isn’t impressive enough,
according to the New England
Genealogical Society, David Van
Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct
descendant of ‘Founding Fathers’ and
Federalist Papers’ authors Alexander
Hamilton and John Jay."[10]
Jackson Browne:
"...the product of a career military
family. Browne’s father was assigned to
post-war ‘reconstruction’ work in
Germany, which very likely means that he
was in the employ of the OSS, precursor
to the CIA. As readers of my
“Understanding the F-Word” may recall,
U.S. involvement in post-war
reconstruction in Germany largely
consisted of maintaining as much of the
Nazi infrastructure as possible while
shielding war criminals from capture and
prosecution. Against that backdrop,
Jackson Browne was born in a military
hospital in Heidelberg, Germany."[11]
Gram Parsons of
"The Flying Burrito Brothers":
"...was the son of Major Cecil Ingram
“Coon Dog” Connor II, a decorated
military officer and bomber pilot who
reportedly flew over 50 combat
Jimi Hendrix of
"The Jimi Hendrix Experience":
"Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942,
in Seattle, Washington, USA, while his
father was stationed at an Army base in
Michael Jeffrey,
Jimi Hendrix' Manager: Michael
Jeffrey admitted to being an
Intelligence Agent. Information was
uncovered by Hendrix' biographers Harry
Shapiro and Caesar Glebeek in their
book, "Jimi Hendrix: Electric Gypsy;
from rock historian R. Gary Patterson in
his book, Hellbounds on Their Trail:
Tales from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Graveyard"[14];
and from John McDermott and Eddie Kramer
in their book, "Hendrix: Setting the
Record Straight"[15].
The following is a summary of their
collective findings:
* Jeffrey often boasted of "undercover
work against the Russians, or murder,
mayhem and torture in foreign
countries." Jeffrey’s father said his
son had been stationed in Egypt years
earlier and could speak Russian.
* Friends of Hendrix suspected Jeffrey
was crooked and they (the friends)
confiscated documents from his office
which indicated he was embezzling large
amounts of money from Jimi’s concert
performances. The friends gave the
documents to Hendrix, who reportedly
took legal actions to recover the
embezzled money.
* In July 1970, two months before his
death, Hendrix broke all communications
with Jeffrey. At that time, Hendrix told
film director Chuck Wein: "The next time
I go to Seattle will be in a pine
* Two days after Hendrix’s death,
Michael Jeffrey confessed to recording
engineer Alan Douglas that he was
involved in the murder. "In my opinion,"
Douglas reportedly stated, "Jeffrey
hated Hendrix".
Joni Mitchell:
"...her father [Bill Anderson] [was] an
officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
During the war years, she moved with her
parents to a number of bases in western
"Colonel" Tom
Parker, Elvis Presley's Manager:
"...at about the age of 20 [he] joined
the United States Army, despite the fact
he was not a U.S. citizen [he was Dutch
and his real name was Andreas Cornelis
(Dries) van Kuijk, Wes Penre's
comment]. Van Kuijk was stationed in
Hawaii, at a base commanded by a Captain
Tom Parker. After leaving the service,
van Kuijk adopted the name Tom Parker.[18]
All these military
connections are hardly coincidences. I strongly recommend
that you read
the whole series of articles by
David McGowan. It is stunning to learn
that all these people mentioned above
(except Col. Tom Parker) moved
approximately at the same time to Laurel
Canyon in California, without knowing
each other beforehand (at least that's
what we are supposed to believe), and
there they started the Hippie Movement
together. And here is the key: they
all had military connections!
For us who used to
believe that the Hippie Movement was a
grass root movement against the Vietnam
War and authority better think again. David shows us
without any doubt that the Hippie
Culture which started out in Laurel
Canyon, California, had shady origins to
say the least, and corruption, crime,
murder and you name it followed in its
trail and was part of the daily life of the so-called "peace
movement", which escalated into the
Charles Manson murders. Manson himself,
of course, was a central figure in the
Hippie Peace Movement and good friends
with among others Dennis Wilson of the
Beach Boys and Neil Young.
Mind Control,
Occultism, and Satanism in Rock Music
Occultism and science
go hand in hand and one wouldn't
do well without the other. There are several
excellent books written on the subject
of occultism and Satanism, among which
Fritz Springmeier's and Cisco Wheeler's,
"The Illuminati Formula Used to
Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave"[17]
is perhaps one of the better in the
genre. In this book, among other things,
they mention that the music industry
(and the Country Music Industry in
particular) is loaded with artists who
work as mind control programmers, and
many of the musicians are mind control
slaves with split personalities,
themselves victims of MK ULTRA mind
control. Mentioned are Kris
Kristofferson, Jerry Lee Lewis, Glen
Campbell, and Willie Nelson as being
programmers, working for the Illuminati.
The Country Music Industry is nothing
but a front for secret Illuminati drug
smuggling, according to Fritz
Springmeier, Cisco Wheeler, former
Illuminati mind controlled slave Cathy
O'Brien, and other victims of MK ULTRA
who have come forth to speak the truth,
fearing for their lives while doing so.
Monarch Programming [an MK ULTRA
offspring] the use of
mirrors is a basic, important tool
to make split multiple
personalities. This may sound
esoteric and unbelievable to those
who are not at all familiar with
the techniques, but after reading
Springmeier's and Wheeler's book,
the following becomes much clearer:
The "mental mirrors",
which are programmed into the
victim, create thousands of alters
(artificial personalities), which
can then be programmed in whatever
way the Illuminati programmer wants.
It's very similar to partitioning a
computer hard drive into hundreds,
(sometimes even thousands) of partitions
and fill each partition with whatever
information you want. When opening one
of the hard drive partitions, you can
access what is in there, but the
specific section of the hard drive
"doesn't know" what the other sections
contain. When the mind is split, the
handler and/or the programmer can then
make any partition in the brain the
"active" one, which means the
personality which is programmed into
that partition will be the main
personality. By using trigger words or
codes embedded into the program, the programmer/handler can then
switch between the pre-programmed
personalities of the victim and bring
forth a totally different character,
setting that one as "active".
is very useful if you for example want
to create a public person who is an
excellent entertainer with a gentle
personality as a front, someone who
appears to be a balanced family person, and then by
using trigger words he/she can change
into a cold-blooded killer, a drug
dealer, a spy or whatever you want to
use him for. No one would have suspected this
person, because whatever criminal act
he/she is programmed to do, it's
literally "out of character". And just
like the example with the hard drive,
the victim himself is often not aware of
his different personalities and often
doesn't even remember the crime he
Here are some more excerpts from
Springmeier/Wheeler's book in regards to mirrors:
"The child must learn to match
identical items very early--even
before they can speak. This is so
they will be able to build mirror
images into their mind. All the
senses are trained for building the
mirror images; for instance such as
silks and cottons can be used for
the sense of touch" Chapter 1 page
12. "The elements that make up who a
person is--i.e. personality elements
such as memories, are fractured.
These fragments have in turn often
been built up into full-blown
personalities with all the elements
of full-blown personalities. There
is no "real" person, just as if you
smash a mirror into a thousand
pieces, there is no single piece
that is the "real" original mirror
but rather simply fragments that can
in turn operate as mirrors.
However, there is still a primal
self. Early splits are led to
believe they are the core" Chapter 1
page 28. "Children are set in front
of circus mirrors that make them
taller or smaller for programming.
They are set in front of mirrors
which duplicate their image."
Chapter 4 page 64. "pg. 90 Book 3
Ozma of Oz, "Princess Langwidere's
sitting-room was paneled with great
mirrors, which reached from the
ceiling to the floor; also the
ceiling was composed of mirrors, and
the floor was of polished silver
that reflected every object upon it.
So when Langwidere sat in her easy
chair and played soft melodies upon
her mandolin, her form was mirrored
hundreds of times, in walls, and
ceilings and floor, and whichever
way..." This is the mirror
programming that has been done to so
many victims! Chapter 5 page 112.
"Mirrors, and lots of them, are
important in occult programming
because they make images. They
create so many internal images one
doesn't know which way to go "
[Chapter 10].
The following format the words in
italic are direct quotes from Lena
Pepitone's book which is entitled
Marilyn Monroe Confidential An
Intimate Personal Account, NY: Simon
& Schuster, 1979. ยท p.16-
"Floor-to-ceiling mirrors were
everywhere. Even the dining alcove
at the rear of the living room had a
table with a mirrored top. All these
mirrors didn't cheer things up." In
programming Monarch slaves, mirrors
are used a great deal. Within the
Monarch slave's mind, countless
mirror images are made. The slave
sees thousands of mirrors everywhere
in their mind. Because Marilyn was
so stripped of any personal
identity, she decorated her house as
her mind looked on the inside--full
of mirrors. Although other Monarchs
may have some desires to decorate
with mirrors, Marilyn is the most
extreme case I know of filling one's
house full of mirrors" [Chapter
With this in mind, it's
interesting to read the lyrics from the
song called "Room full of mirrors"
by Jimi Hendrix.
The lyrics go:

Jimi Hendrix
book (and movie) "The Wizard of Oz"
is used in Illuminati mind control on a
regular basis; this has been confirmed
by many mind control survivors.
Therefore it is interesting to note that
Pink Floyd's incredibly successful
album, "The Dark Side Of The Moon"[19]
from 1973 seems to be tightly connected
to "The Wizard of Oz" movie from
1939 in an interesting way, possibly to
trigger mind control survivors. Here is
a quote from Wikipedia:
"When the album is played
simultaneously with the 1939 film
The Wizard of Oz, numerous images
from the film appear to synchronise
with the music and lyrics. Band
members firmly state the phenomenon,
dubbed "Dark Side of the Rainbow" or
"Dark Side of Oz" by fans, is a

Morrison |
Jim Morrison, the
lead singer in "The Doors", who died
from a heart attack at the age of 27,
admitted to being possessed, and his
band members, interviewed after his
death, acknowledged the fact and that
they themselves noticed this, especially
when they played on stage. Jim was
convinced he was possessed by the spirit
of a dead shaman, who also was his
musical guide and from whom he got his
charisma. Whether this entity was
actually what possessed him or not is up
for debate, but there is no doubt that
Jim was possessed by something. It shows
clearly in
video clip. After Jim left The
Doors, he claimed that the shaman had
abandoned him and he was "alone with
himself", which made him very lost and
confused. He complained that his
charisma and musical drive were gone due
to that the shaman had left Jim's body.
Bob Dylan, Jewish
singer, composer and poet, is perhaps
one of our most admired artists now
living. Though he supposedly converted
to Christianity in the late 70s, he has
been dedicated to the
Jewish Mystery Religions and the occult
most of his career.
His "Christian Period" may very well
have been sincere, but he is once again
back where he started and his logo is
that of Jewish Freemasonry and Egyptian
Mystery Cults, as we can see here:

[The above items come from
Another thing about
Dylan, which I find quite interesting,
is from an interview with Ed Bradley on
"60 Minutes", around the time when Dylan
released the first volume of his book,
the trilogy: "Chronicles". I
happened to watch it on video.google,
more or less by accident (the video clip
has since then been removed). Here Dylan
suggests he made a bargain with the
Devil. This is how the story goes:
Ed Bradley, in the beginning of the
interview, asks Dylan how he could write
such incredible songs in the 60s. Dylan
replies that he really doesn't know;
that they were "magically written", and
that he can't write songs like that
anymore. He also tells Bradley that he
felt pretty early in his life that he
had a certain "destiny" that he had to
keep silent about. By the end of the
interview, about 14 minutes and 50
seconds into it, Bradley asks:
- Why do you still do it...why are you
still out here?
Dylan replies: - Well, it goes back to
that destiny thing. I made a bargain
with the...(here Dylan catches himself
and doesn't complete the sentence. He
continues): You know, a long time ago
and...I'm...holding up my end...
Bradley: - What was your bargain?
Dylan: - To get where...ah...I am now.
Bradley (smiling): - Should I ask whom
you made the bargain with?
Dylan (nervously smiling and stuttering)
- With...with...with...yeah, with the
Chief...eh...the Chief Commander...
Bradley: - Of this Earth??? (which is
the Devil)
Dylan: - Uhm...of...of this Earth and
the world we can't see (Dylan's smile
and nervous laughter is shifting back to
the melancholy sadness that has been his
only expression throughout the whole
interview up until Bradley asks about
the Devil).
One important
thing to remember, though, is that
not all artists and musicians are
mind controlled, and some don't know
anything about what is really going
on in the business. Besides that
some parts of the industry don't
make much sense, they just write it
off as oddities. In fact, you don't
need to put everybody under mind
control to accomplish your goal. As
long as the trend makers are either
controlled or "one of them" by free
will, the rest will follow. When a
new trend is created by one or a few
artists, more artists will start
creating similar kind of music, and
the snowball is rolling. The ones
who follow often do so without any
knowledge of what's going on behind
the scenes; they are just milk cows
to the Industry.
The Origins of Rock Music
Most people think
that rock music started in the 1950s
and was a new musical invention. In
fact, rock music is an ancient music
form, originating from the old
Mystery Religions:
"Since the launching of the
Beatles as an international
project via TV in 1963, "rock"
has been the most influential
recruiter to Satanism. Rock was
created, and is still
coordinated by Crowley’s
followers and by the OTO
network, in cooperation with
WICCA. It is, not so
incidentally, also the
Satanist’s biggest money-maker,
and believed to provide the
chief logistical support for
deployments and other activities
of the OTO-WICCA efforts
There is nothing spontaneous or
accidental about "rock." It is a
product of classical studies of
the ancient Phrygian terrorist
cult of Satan-Dionysos, the
model for the Roman Bacchic
cults of similar
characteristics. Crowley’s
control of the "rock industry"
has been documented by a team of
[private] investigators, who
have also noted, that in
addition to the Satanist lyrics,
Satanist messages embedded
sublimely in rock recordings are
a key feature of this subversive
The "rock rhythm" itself is
copied from the old Dionysian-Bacchic
cults. Even without the drugs
and sexual orgies which are
characteristic features of
hard-core rock affairs,
repeated, frequent, hours-long
exposure to constant repetition
of "rock rhythms" produces
lasting, drug-like effects on
the mind of the victim. Reducing
sexual practices to the level of
bestiality, is a crucial feature
of Satanism in all historical
periods studied, from Phrygian
Cybele-Dionysos cult-period

Aleister Crowley (with
the same occult symbol in the middle of
the pyramid as on Bob Dylan's logo
above) |
For those unfamiliar
with Aleister Crowley mentioned in the
quote above, he was a Freemason, a
magician, an occultist and the Grand
Master of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis),
which is an occult order, based on the
teaching of the old Egyptian and Eastern
Mystery Religions, still alive and
practiced in today's society, often by
people in high positions inside business,
politics and entertainment. Many rock
such as Jimmy Page and John Bonham
(deceased) in former Led Zeppelin,
Sting, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones,
Ozzy Osbourne, The Eagles, David Bowie
and The Doors, to name a few,
see Crowley as their mentor and
spiritual guide. Jimmy Page has one of
the largest collections of Crowley's
books in the world and even bought his
property by Lake Lochness in Scotland.
Crowley named himself "The Beast 666",
which is Satan's number.[22]
Gavin Baddeley[23],
another Crowley student,
is the head of Church of Satan in Great
Britain, and the author of the book,
"Lucifer Rising: Sin, Devil Worship, and
This is actually an excellent resource
if you really want to know what the
music industry is all about. In the book
he is interviewing artists that are
overtly and covertly satanic, many of
them also admitting to being members of
the Church of Satan, which makes
shocking reading. The book definitely
kills the myth that occultism and
Satanism in rock music is just a
gimmick; it's the real thing. The
information comes directly from the
horse's mouth.
The Destruction of Fine Art
Years ago, I
believe in the 1990s, there was a
documentary on Television about a
famous young New York "painter", who
sat in a bar with a reporter,
bragging over his art, drinking
whisky like water. Then he showed
the reporter his art gallery. Well
in there, you could see about twenty
painters creating paintings like if
it was in a factory. Ten, maybe
twenty unfinished canvases were
lined up against the wall, and the
painters walked from painting to
paining, back and forth, and added
something new to each one. Our
famous, bragging "painter
phenomenon" with the whisky glass
looked at the finished paintings and
either accepted or rejected them. Then he
put HIS signature on them, although
he never even used one brush stroke
on any of them. Later he sold a painting for around
$800,000.00. The real painters, who
had created his work, were nothing
more than slave labor and were
poorly paid.
This is the effect of the OTO-connected
Andy Warhol, who finally destroyed
fine art in the 60's with his so
called pop-art. He said in an
interview something to the effect
that "fine art is dead - this is the
art of the New Era" (referring to
his own pop-art). An act of
rebellion or an act with a purpose
to degrade art like they've done
with music? Warhol was a big puppet
for the Illuminati Elite; by
degrading the art we also degrade
the human spirit.
Picasso once said that to be able to
create a good "alternative" art form
and even abstract art, you basically
must be an excellent traditional
painter first. He was right, and if
you look at his early work, you can
see that he was mastering
traditional painting before he
changed styles into what he became
famous for. But his wise words now
seem to be forgotten.
Put in Perspective
In the
beginning of this article we talked
about Hollywood and the Music
Industry as propaganda machines,
which is exactly what they are.
Entertainment - yes, but with a
specific message. You may say that
of course there are rock groups that
are overtly Satanic and destructive,
but there are also artists that are
gentle, writing beautiful songs
about love and harmony. How can they
possibly be part of the Agenda? But
they are, often without their
knowledge. This is how it works, in
a nutshell:
The Illuminati works
with the principles of Yin and Yang.
There has to be a balance; that's why
many of them also are philanthropists to
counter the negativity they are involved
in. If all music was dark and Satanic in
its nature, most people would reject it.
There has to be music for everybody, but
they also know that where you put your
intention and your energy, that's where
you get results. And if you watch
Hollywood movies and listen to the
lyrics of your music heroes and are
knowledgeable about the occult and the
Illuminati Agenda, you will soon
discover how much occult symbolism and
covert promotion for a World Government
and a unity of all people and races into
one united world there is in the
context. There is nothing wrong with
being united, and many people embrace
it, such as the New Age Movement
(another culture created by the
Illuminati). However, they don't know
what uniting means in this case and what
the end product will be. They only know
that their heroes are singing about love
and unity and it sounds like a good
thing. The Power Elite is not stupid,
they know how the human mind works.
This is
how art, music and film are intertwined
with the New World Order Agenda:
Let's say that the Illuminati is
ready to move on to the next level
of control over the world and they
need to indoctrinate people in a new
way to have their support. Much of
the planning is political and
financial in nature and is happening
behind the scenes, but two of their
most powerful instruments are
Hollywood and the Music Industry,
because that is where they can reach
the masses. So they are deciding to
set a new trend to promote their
latest strategy.
They use mind controlled people
(musicians/actors/producers etc.)
and other greedy artists, who have
sworn obedience to the cause to set
this trend, in exchange for wealth,
drugs, groupies and/or whatever they
want, in order to be satisfied.
Those controlled artists and actors
are heavily promoted with techniques
learnt from Nazi Germany, which
developed the most extraordinary
techniques to manipulate the masses
that this world has ever seen. L.
Ron Hubbard, the founder of
Scientology, confessed to his
disciples in writing that he used
Goebbels’ Propaganda Machine to get
people into the cult (and keep them
there). The Illuminati have no
problems promoting whatever they
want, and have people respond like
they want them to.
3. The “trend-makers” set the
direction for the new trends, and
people will start worshipping those
new idols.
4. Other (often more talented)
musicians follow up on that trend
and create their own version of the
new idea. Those musicians also get
contracts with the Record Companies,
and can be ordinary people like you
and I, who have never been tampered
with in mind control programs like
MK ULTRA and Project Monarch. Those
musicians (and actors) don’t have
to be severely mind controlled to
unwittingly help out with the Agenda
of the Elite. They just jump on the
same bandwagon as the trend-makers,
and the snowball is starting to
roll. Thus, the Illuminati, who
basically invented the trend, can
sit back and watch. We, the
citizens, are doing the rest for
them. And of course, there is
a financial aspect to it as well;
whatever it takes to make an extra
buck. Thus, they also sign up
artists they know will probably only
have one hit and then they throw
them out.
Other gifted musicians and actors,
who are creating art that goes
outside the Agenda – or against it –
have little chance to get their
message out broadly, because nobody
at the top of the Industry (where
the money is) is willing to promote
them. It is the same pattern as
within politics. Only those who are
promoted by the super-wealthy Elite
stand a chance. The International
Bankers (The Illuminati) are the
ones who own the Industry. As soon
as someone outside the Agenda is
creating something new (may it be a
new type of music trend, a new label
with contrary or new fresh ideas)
which is either against their
interests or a threat in the sense
of competition, the Illuminati is
quick to buy them out. If the
Company or the persons refuse to
sell, they are threatened. We all
have seen Mafia Movies. That is
exactly how it works.
So are we supposed to stop listening
to the music we've always liked after
have read this article? It's up to each
one of us to make that decision, but for
mass mind control like this to work, the
receiver has to be ignorant of what is
going on or it won't work. I am torn
myself, because I love some of the old
music from the 60s-70s and I still
listen to it with pleasure, but without
being indoctrinated and seeing the
musicians as heroes. On the other hand,
by buying the music, I support this
criminal industry, which I don't like to
do. So that's where I stand, in all
From what we have
discussed in this article, we can
see the pattern. It is no
coincidence that so many mega rock
stars have military and Intelligence
family ties. It's within the
Military complex and the
Intelligence Agencies that mind
control takes place, and many of
those rock stars are either under
mind control or just greedy, willing
to follow any agenda to get an
abundance of money, sex and drugs.
We also see that behind it all lurk
the secret societies with their
occult knowledge. The guru for many
rock stars is Aleister Crowley, a
magician who spent his life in and
out of asylums due to the rituals he
practiced and all the drugs he took.
Also, people close to him had a
strange tendency to die before their
time. But he had great occult
knowledge and this knowledge is used
within the music/film industries as
well as high up in the Illuminati.
The reason why we
have financial meltdown, why life is so
hectic and why all these wars are going
on all over the planet is because there
is a secret powerful cabal of occult
practitioners behind the scenes creating
this chaos with a long term goal to
accomplish a One World Government where
no one is free and nothing but slave
labor to those in power. This is a goal
they have been working on for centuries
and it's a huge task to accomplish, and
they know that they would have little
chance to reach there unless they had
Hollywood and the Music Industry to use
as major propaganda machines.
On the bright side,
people are currently waking up to this
fact and start getting their voices
heard. However, we are racing against
time, because the Power Elite is quite
close to accomplishing their goals and
we need to act now if we will stand a
chance. Once they succeed, it will be
next to impossible to reverse the
End notes and References:
^ ibid.
^ ibid.
^ ibid.
^ ibid. See
[12] ^
^ ibid.
^ To read more
about the Illuminati, occultism,
secret societies and and Aleister
Crowley, see the following sections
of my website:
Secret Societies and
Occultism in relation to
entertainment, see section
The Occult Rock Music.
M.A., former Insider said:
FYI re: article on site
about music. I went to Pressley's Graceland in
1989, occultic symbols all over the place, I was
unaware of my involvement but kept thinking this
is creepy and why did people think this guy was
so great? I couldn't wait to leave.
Willie Nelson, big part of the organization I
talked to you about. I absolutely hate him. I
can't listen to him or see his face. Something
inside wants to hurt him very badly, don't know
why, have an idea...
Too bad the author doesn't mention the Eagles
song - Hotel California which is about the
church of Satan. Additionally, one of the Sting
albums covers on the back has him doing a shaman
dance. Right after I became a Christian, the
first thing I heard was to get rid of all my
occultic music - I didn't realize I had any, the
first thing to go I was told was the Beatles,
then Sting. After I smashed everything with a
hammer - I had to otherwise, I would have kept
them. I was told to clean out my "Christian"
books, when I argued about the first author, I
was told that the person was NOT a Christian,
just a fraud. I was shocked. Many people still
watch this person on tv. It is sad.
12/26/08: B said:
I just read your article
"How the CIA and Military Control the Music
Industry". First, let me thank you for doing my
homework! You're 100correct, not one single
error! But don't think it's just moder"music".
Who financed the gypsies to spread their immoral
filth all over Europe over hundreds of years?
Haven't investigated, but I bet itwas the Jews.
What kind of musical changes did they bring?
Destroyed spiritual music. How about Beethoven?
How about Handel's Messiah? What was before
Handel? Gregorian chants. Listen to the
difference. Handel gets you all excited,
Gregorian chants calm you down. Which is more
spiritual? So, music went from sedate and holy,
to exciting, then romantic, then flippant, then
loud and out of control, then to what we have
today, which is little more than a drum beat for
war and the breeding of hatred. Can you see how
immorality crept in bit by bit in that sequence?
The reactions of your other readers are exactly
like the reactions of drug addicts when told of
their addiction, is it not? What does this tell
you? Music is a powerful drug, and it probably
hits all the same centers of the brain as a drug
does. It can be used for good or evil. Of
course, now it is used for the latter, and has
even been weaponized. Incidentally, music by
very definition has two components: melody and
beat. Where's the melody in today's "music" like
(c)rap? By very definition, we cannot even call
it music.
I stopped watching TV at
16, in 1976. I moved to a mountaintop in the
middle of nowhere in the Dominican Republic 4
years ago to, among other reasons, distance
myself from what is coming in the US and the
rest of the "developed" world. When the rest of
you wonder where food will come from, I'm
farming a mountainside by hand. Doesn't pay
well, but I eat well ;) That move is when I quit
watching movies (at first not willingly so). I
also changed my musical tastes to Dominican
music (bachata), but finally quit listening to
music altogether for about 2 years, then ended
up listening to nothing but ancient chants:
Hindu, Christian and Buddhist. You may want to
try that. Good medicine to get the crap out of
your psyche/soul. I am going to read the rest of
your articles this week. I only have Internet
access once a week.
12/25/08: Derek said:
That was great.
Wes, this adds some stunning further information
to your research: dive right in!
Playlist: The Workings of Evil
Description: What is Rihannas song Umbrella
about? Is it about a device that protects us
from the rain? Is it about a young womans love
for a man? Is it about a young womans vagina;
her umbrella which opens when rain falls, when
it is wet? Building upon the spiritual concepts
revealed in The Creator, the gods, Evil, and the
Manipulation of Humanity, this documentary
elaborates further on the demonic manipulation
technology called possession. This documentary
is the third in a series of films by Lenon
This documentary, Demons in the Outfield;
Pedophilic Baseball, reveals
the use of subliminal messages in the Disney
film Angels in the
Outfield. Film maker Lenon Honor suggests that
magic, witchcraft,
sorcery, spells, chants, demons, fairies, etc.
have been represented
in virtually every major Disney film. Lenon
Honor further asserts that
many of the films produced by Disney are rooted
in the occult and are
used to program children to accept occultic
principles and ideals.
Using Angels in the Outfield as an example,
Lenon Honor establishes
the regrettable reality that the indoctrination
process employed by
Disney includes not only magic, witchcraft, and
Satanism, but also
Demons in the Outfield; Pedophilic Baseball is
the 1st in a series of
films dedicated to the analysis of the Magic of
Disney. Other films in
the series will further expose the Evil intent
prevalent in Disney
films; an intent that is global in nature and
cosmic in origin.
12/23/08: Ed said:
Hi Wes: I
got to your website, to read the above titled
article, from rense.com.
I don't know who you address your article to but
it sure isn't me. I'm 70 and have always been my
own boss, being an atheist, logical, and
enjoying common sense in an era where few
exhibit these traits. Not inherited but
developed since I was in my early 20s. As long
as there is one black sheep that means that all
sheep are not white. I'm a black sheep. Only I
influence myself, nothing touches me from
without. I'm aware that the U.S. Government is
not my government although I have to live under
it, it doesn't touch me either. My great, happy,
peaceful life is 100% my own.
I have been enjoying music since I was a kid in
Puerto Rico and enjoyed all forms of it from
classical to '80s "new wave" since that's when I
stopped listening to the radio and buying LPs.
The CDs that I enjoy are mostly compilations of
Top 40 hits. I tell you this because some of the
artists I have enjoyed are mentioned in your
article (The Doors, The Mamas and the Papas,
C.S.N.Y., Jimi Hendryx, Elvis, etc.) and you
make them sound as if they have or had some kind
of control over their listeners. Far from it. If
their songs are not enjoyable to my standards,
they don't get listened to. Whatever they spout,
outside of their music, has no interest to me.
The only person who affected me emotionally was
John Lennon until I read a book by his former
lover, May Pang, which turned me off to him
publicly, except for his popular hits. So I'm
not swayed.
We are under the control of the illuminati? Show
me how my life is affected by such. I get up and
until I go back to bed, all of my decisions are
based entirely by the way I think and the things
I like and no one convinces me against my
thinking for I'm very aware of what's right and
what's wrong and I prefer to act only on what's
right, as long as no one is affected negatively
by my actions.
You and David Icke, and I'm sure others, have a
strange way of thinking especially if you
espouse religious thinking. Perhaps you mean
that the people affected are those who are
nonthinkers, mental sheep if you will. I'm not
and I know what side of my bread it's buttered
on. Don't make waves, live a happy and
uneventful life and you can get through it
without the kind of hassles and control you say
others are suffering from, especially from
Music is music. If it's harmonious and melodic,
it's enjoyed by me. If it's discordant, I don't.
I've lived my 70 years exposed to music and it's
always just for my pure enjoyment. Nothing in
music affects me except emotionally and my
emotions are under my control. Perhaps you ought
to consider changing your lifestyle and enjoying
life instead of dealing with conspiracies, etc.,
that do not affect you unless you prefer to let
I don't believe there's any substance in the
title of your article. I do not see any
influence on music (up to mid-1980s and I don't
care about today's) by the CIA or Military. Is
hip-hop, rap, etc., really their creation? I
don't think so. There will always be those who
control and those who are controlled. And also,
those who can see both sides and remain neutral.
Such is me.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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