Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schnoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
watch the whole FIRST HOUR [of 9] OF "INTERVIEW WITH
This is a VideoGoogle version, and the quality is
significantly inferior to that of the original 9 Set of DVDs!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
Click here
for more hot tips

* * *
[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
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Wes Penre's Blog (all articles
written by Wes) was updated on 1/30/2009:
* * *
01/29/2009 |
The Illuminati:
Who is Supriem

- Supriem David Rockefeller is seriously
suggesting he is Lucifer (The
Anti-Christ). Believe that? Well, at
least from where I sit it sounds like
Mr. Rockefeller believes his own words;
whether he is insane or not I can't
possibly know, but his "prophet" sure
acts like he is. The whole thing,
though, seems so bizarre and
disorganized that it's hard to make any
sense of it. And with Leo Zagami, the
"old Illuminati Insider", involved in
the communication it just adds to the
confusion. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, January
29, 2009 -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 29, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: The House of Rockefeller
Articles by Wes Penre]
01/28/2009 |
The Illuminati
Controlled Music Industry:
The LC: The Strange but Mostly True
Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of
the Hippie Generation
Part 13
- But as fate would have it, as December
of 2008 rolled around, the mainstream
media was suddenly awash with reports of
the unusual Morrison family connection.
On December 8, for example, the Los
Angeles Times carried a report on
Admiral George Stephen Morrison,
described therein as “a retired Navy
rear admiral and the father of the late
rock icon Jim Morrison.” According to
the Times report, “Morrison had a long
career that included serving as
operations officer aboard the aircraft
carrier Midway and commanding the fleet
during the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident,
which led to an escalation of American
involvement in Vietnam.” -
- by David McGowan, Jan 26, 2009 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, January 28, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Art & Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art]
01/27/2009 |
01/25/2009 |
01/25/2009 |
01/22/2009 |
01/22/2009 |
America's Secret Destiny:
The USA Isn’t a
Country, It’s a Corporation!
- To even begin to understand what has
happened to the Republic, we must look
backward in time to the period following
the Civil War. We must go back to the
year 1871, which was the beginning of
the decline of the Republic. When we
examine what happened during that time
in our history, we begin to piece
together this troubling, perplexing
puzzle that is “America” — only then
should we answer as to whether we are
indeed a “free” people or not. -
- by Lisa Guliani, Jan 15, 2009 -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 22,
[Permanently archived
Secret Societies:
America's Secret Destiny]
01/19/2009 |
I Remember Who I Am
A Question of Identity
- in these tormented times, everything I
relied on is collapsing – systems,
family, gains, achievements, moral
values, beliefs, etc. – and nothing is
left to hold on to. The very pillars of
society are crumbling a bit more every
day, as one truth after another are
being unveiled. And it hurts! Do I
suffer because I finally know the truth?
No, I am simply losing my illusions. I
believed in a system of justice for all,
universal health care, a protective
government, compassionate bankers, and
industries that worried about the
well-being of employees and customers. I
even had faith in a merciful God! -
- by Ghis -
(Posted here: Monday, January 19,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
The Physical Universe
vs. the Spiritual (Inner) Universe]
01/18/2009 |
The Iraq War - The Resistance:
Adam Kokesh's
Amazing Speech on the Iraq War at Ron
Paul's Rally
- Don't miss this video of his impinging
speech at Rep. Ron Paul's Rally for the
Republicans in St. Paul, Minnesota,
September 2, 2008. The most powerful
speech I've heard in a very long time,
and one of the reasons why it's so
powerful is because this young man is
100% honest. He was willing to die for
his country in Iraq, thinking he
protected the Constitution of America.
Now, when he knows he was deceived, he
is not giving up, but still working for
the same purpose - this time against the
oppressive imperialistic U.S. Government
which illegally sent him to war... -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 18, 2009 -
(Posted here: Sunday, January 18,
[Permanently archived
The Iraq War: The Resistance
| New World Order:
Freedom Fighters and Resistance
Articles by Wes Penre]
01/18/2009 |
Israel and Palestine:
Shoe Protest
- George Bush's visit to Iraq, was
interrupted by an Iraqi journalist who
stood up and threw his shoes at George
Bush, shouting; "this is for all the
dead women and children of Iraq Mr.
He was immediately overpowered and taken to the cells, viciously beaten
and promised 15 years in prison but the
protest against George Bush's
policies have taken on a life of their
own here in Britain, with piles of old
shoes being dumped at public buildings
and national monuments, schoolchildren
have joined anti-racism campaigners and
dumped large quantities outside the
Israeli embassy. -
- by T. Stokes, Jan 17, 2009 -
(Posted here: Sunday, January 18,
[Permanently archived
The George W. Bush Administration
(Genocide Inc.)
Under Scrutiny | New World Order:
Israel and Palestine
| Guest Writers: T. Stokes]
01/18/2009 |
01/17/2009 |
The 43 Who Helped
Make Bush The Worst Ever
- Dishonorable Mentions: Bush
appointees who didn't quite make the
list included a child pornography
aficionado, a patron of hookers, a
shoplifter, a mail fraudster, an
operator of an illegal horse gambling
ring, and a CIA official who took bribes
in the form of prostitutes. -
- by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam
Khanna, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster,
Ali Frick, Ryan Powers, Pat Garofalo,
Igor Volsky, Matt Duss, Brad Johnson,
and Matt Yglesias, The Progress Report,
Jan 16, 2009 -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 17,
[Permanently archived
The George W. Bush Administration
(Genocide Inc.)
Under Scrutiny]
01/17/2009 |
Controller to Suspend Tax Refunds,
Welfare Checks, Student Grants
- The state will suspend tax refunds,
welfare checks, student grants and other
payments owed to Californians starting
Feb. 1, Controller John Chiang announced
Chiang said he had no choice but to stop making some $3.7 billion
in payments in the absence of action by
the governor and lawmakers to close the
state's nearly $42-billion budget
deficit. More than half of those
payments are tax refunds. -
- by Marcus Chown, New Scientist, Jan
15, 2009 -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 17,
[Permanently archived
Banking and Paper Money: The
World Economy and the Financial Meltdown]
01/16/2009 |
01/16/2009 |
Israel and
Reality Check!
- If Hamas is guilty of Palestinian
deaths for their resistance, then
Zionists are culpable for any Israeli
dead for creating a hostile Jewish State
on another people’s land. If, after
sixty years, this ‘anti-Gentile’ enclave
requires constant conflict with it's
neighbours and foreign aid to sustain
it, then it is a failed experiment and
it’s legitimacy must be subject to
re-negotiation. Otherwise, this pitiless
and violent ’death cult’ with it's
racist ideology remains a threat to
peace and stability, and will “smite”
Iran next... -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay, Jan 13, 2009 -
(Posted here: Friday, January 16,
[Permanently archived
New World Order: Israel and Palestine |
Guest Writers:
Hazel W.M. McKinlay]
01/14/2009 |
Serving Others is
the Key to Fight the New World Order!
Seva Cafe: Love all, Serve all
- This film presents an excellent idea
how to "serve others", and it's a jump
start on that path. Our ONLY way to
progress spiritually to see a positive
future for ourselves and the rest of
mankind is to willingly "serve others"
with love and compassion in ours hearts.
You say you want to fight the New World Order? In that case, please join
me and begin to "serve others" whenever
you can and wherever you see the need!
People are often asking me what they can
do to help; that's the best and only
durable help you can give. If you do
this on a regular basis, that's all you
need to do; no weapons, no violence, no
hatred or revenge. Just "serving
others", unconditionally.
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Jan 14,
2009 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, January 14,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
Other Dimensions and
Densities |
Articles by Wes Penre]
01/12/2009 |
01/11/2009 |
01/10/2009 |
01/09/2009 |
01/08/2009 |
01/04/2009 |
01/04/2009 |
01/04/2008 |
Goals of the
Dialogue with
"Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati
I will bring this to your attention over
and over until as many as possible have read it. It
is a very important article and if you
take it to heart, it will transform you
- guaranteed! Wes]
Jan 04, 2009. One
section was missing!
- This self-acclaimed illuminati Insider
appeared on the "Above Top Secret" forum
recently, giving away information about
the Illuminati Agenda and their goals.
The reason he did that, he said, was
because time is right for us to know
some of what is going on behind the
scenes. And when he explains WHY he
needs to reveal it now, it's very
convincing. In this article I will post
the dialogue between the "Above Top
Secret Forum" members and "Hidden Hand"
in its entirety. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27,
2008 -
(Posted here: Saturday, December 27,
[Permanently archived
The Illuminati:
The Goals of
the Illuminati
Articles by Wes Penre]
01/03/2009 |
"Where is the
How to look outside the box
- The only way to see through the lies
and deceits is to study information that
appeals to you, take it to heart and see
how you feel about it. If you feel
enthusiastic or simply "know" that this
is true, most of the time it is. Then
you'll see if it survives with time.
Every time you realize something new, you will be challenged by the
existing world order. If what you just
discovered was common "knowledge", few
people would challenge you. Then, of
course, if your discovery is not
commonly known, people who cling to the
existing world order will feel
threatened and will challenge you and
try to "debunk" you by giving
counter-"evidence" taken from the
already in-programmed dogmas and belief
systems. -
- by Wes Penre, January 03, 2009 -
(Posted here: Saturday, January 03,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
The Physical Universe
vs. the Spiritual (Inner) Universe |
Articles by Wes Penre]
01/02/2009 |
How To Behave In A
Troubled World
Start "Beating the Game" and Help
Yourself Ascending
- Loving and accepting someone, for who
they are, is known as Unconditional
Love. That is something you will spend
much time working upon, when Graduating
into 4th Density Positive. It's a good
idea to get a headstart. Now, loving and
accepting someone as they are, does not
mean accepting abusive behavior. But, it
does mean loving and accepting the
person (Soul), not the Soul's behavior.
The behavior is not "who they are", the
Soul within, is who they are. -
- by Hidden Hand, October 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, January 02,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
Creating Our Own
01/02/2009 |
Taylor Interview
CKLN-FM Mind Control Series 23, Part
- "Initially, up close, my father
primarily was, at home on a daily basis,
and my mother was also programmed to
abuse and program me. My whole family
was actually involved in my programming,
including my grandparents on both sides,
aunts, uncles and my brothers. As I grew
older, by the time I was five, I was
being taken to military bases in and out
of California and officials there were
programming me, and later, doctors at
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in
California, and places where there were
NASA installations - I was also
programmed." -
- Producer/Interviewer: Wayne
Morris, CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson
Polytechnical University Toronto,
Ontario -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 01,
[Permanently archived
& Mind Control:
Survivors Speak Out]
01/01/2009 |
A dismantling of old codes and
- Every thought we're thinking, every
movement we make, everything around us
is basically energy. Therefore, thoughts
and intentions are very powerful when it
comes to forming the reality we live in.
Those who have been following my
research on this website know that there
are very dark forces trying hard to
manipulate us into negativity.
Therefore, it's extremely important
that we assign 2009 to be the year when
we wake up and start using our energy
wisely. If we choose to be victims
to those manipulators, we will get the
reality they want us to experience. But
like in any game, on any level, we can
change things around. Although the
energy we use on a collective level is
forming our collective reality,
anybody's choice how to use their energy
is important and makes a difference.
That's exactly why people have started
waking up in droves all over the planet
Wes Penre, -
- by Sonia Barrett, November 25,
2007 -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 01,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Soulutions:
The Physical Universe
vs. the Spiritual (Inner) Universe | Miscellaneous: 2012]
01/01/2009 |
Reality the Great
"Redefining the dream": Virtual
playground of the mind - Rediscovery
- This is VERY important, I would say
crucial, to understand for the next
years to come. It's not up to the few to
save the world, although I WISH it was,
because it would be so much easier. It's
our collective energies which determines
our future in this game we call "life".
Read this article slowly and carefully,
remember it and apply it to the best of
your abilities. No matter what, the next
few years will be very hard on us all,
but we can turn these difficult times
around by changing the collective
People have asked me how they can best help to improve conditions on this
planet - this IS the best way to help.
Wes Penre, -
- by Sonia Barrett, February 2001 -
(Posted here: Thursday, January 01,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Soulutions:
Creating Our Own
01/01/2009 |