his film depicts the
aspirant from their state prior to
initiation, to crossing the abyss
(breakdown of reality when discovering
it was all a lie) to the return to
The Wizard himself represents the
Magister Templii, or Master of the
Temple (Ape of Thoth), who puts the
illusion written by the Magus into play.
Osho writes that, enlightenment is like
the musk spot on a musk deer - it is
only happy when it smells it, and it
only smells it when it stands still. But
thinking it is somewhere else, it runs
and in the running, loses the scent and
suffers. Sometimes, it finds another
musk deer, and when it does, it is happy
for a time, but it does not last, as it
grows tired in the chase eventually, and
loses sight of the other. Sooner or
later, having failed to get that smell,
it stops searching for it out of
exhaustion... and finds it!
Dorothy, playing the damsel in distress,
is infected with ego. She is a
representation of the man, the lion the
lion, the scarecrow the eagle, and the
tin man the ox in the above seal, the
four kerubim - this is not important
here, so consult the Book of Thoth for
more information in Atu XXI. Dorothy
falls ill and inadvertently awakens her
Holy Guardian Angel, the trance of
wonder comes, bringing color to world.
Her HGA [Holy Guardian
Angel, Wes Penre's comment]
then guides her along the Yellow
Brick Road, Tifareth, and the trance of
wonder comes, adding color to the world.
The good witch of the north,
representing the Holy Guardian Angel,
guides her along, and she is attacked by
the evil witch of the east (Choronzon)
who does not want her to have the silver
slippers (solid ground beneath her feet
- or skepticism) which prevents
controlling her.
Dorothy eventually comes to the goal she
was looking for, the Wizard of Oz, but
finds he was a fraud (the abyss would
occur here, the breakdown of reality
discovering it was all a lie, losing all
and gaining one's self) and he tells
them that they had what they were
looking for all along.
"The next time I go looking for my
heart's desire, I won't look any further
than my own backyard; if it's not there,
then I never really lost it to begin
In other words,
"Wherever your treasure is, there shall
be your heart also... ...the kingdom of
heaven is WITHIN you."